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Subject Content Knowledge Requirements (Abridged)

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NSW Education Standards Authority

Subject Content Knowledge

Requirements (Abridged)
Discipline Study Requirements for Admission to NSW Graduate
Entry Programs

Primary programs
For admission to a NSW graduate entry primary program your bachelor degree should contain
at least one year of full-time equivalent studies (i.e. normally 8 units) relevant to one or more
learning areas of the primary school curriculum.

Appropriate postgraduate studies may also be considered in satisfying the necessary 8 units of
discipline study requirement. In addition, some graduate entry primary programs may include
electives units that can be used to top up any shortfall.

Secondary programs
For admission to NSW graduate entry secondary teaching programs, your undergraduate
studies must align with the area or areas you intend to teach (e.g. first teaching area of
Mathematics; or first teaching area of English and second or additional teaching area of
Modern History).
Your bachelor degree should contain at least one major study relevant to the first teaching
area as described by the NSW curriculum and consistent with the Subject Content Knowledge
requirements. Requirements for a second or additional teaching area are a minor study
relevant to that area. Not all teaching areas can be undertaken as a minor.

Appropriate postgraduate studies may also be considered in satisfying the required number of
discipline units. In addition, some graduate entry secondary programs may include elective
units that can be used to top up any shortfall in the required number of discipline units.

First teaching area - Major

In your undergraduate degree you are required to have successfully undertaken the equivalent
of three-quarters of a year (0.75 Equivalent Full Time Study Load – EFTSL) of discipline study,
usually comprising sequential discipline study taken over three years. In most programs, this
equates to six units, with no more than two units at first year level and no fewer than two units
at third year level.

Additional teaching area/s - Minor

If you wish to be qualified to teach a second or subsequent secondary teaching subject (for

NESA Subject Content Knowledge Requirements (Abridged), updated July 2018 Page 1 of 9
flexibility of employment) you are required to have successfully undertaken the equivalent of a
half a year (0.5 EFTSL) of discipline study, usually comprising sequential discipline study taken
over two years. In most programs, this equates to four units, with no more than two units at first
year level. Note that not all teaching areas can be undertaken as a minor.

Assessment of discipline study for admission

Providers of NESA-approved graduate entry initial teacher education programs are responsible
for assessing an applicant’s eligibility for admission based on the NESA Subject Content
Knowledge requirements described below.

Requirements for Primary Teaching

Key Learning Area Minimum discipline study for admission can include

English English with a strong core component of study of English literature,

communications, creative writing, language studies (English), linguistics,
literature studies, media studies (i.e. the theoretical study of media or
where the product is a literary text).

Mathematics Pure or applied mathematics, statistics (one unit only may be counted
provided it was studied as a stand-alone unit), other studies of
mathematics that are relevant to the central concepts, modes of enquiry
and structure of the content/discipline(s). Engineering units may be
considered upon review of unit statements for appropriate mathematical

Science and technology Agriculture, architecture (2 units only may be counted), biology, bio-
technology, chemistry, computing studies, design - interior, industrial,
graphic, fashion, product, landscape (2 units only may be counted),
engineering (chemical, mechanical, civil, electrical, environmental),
design and technology, food technology, geology, Earth and
environmental science, materials science, medicine, nursing, biomedical
science, physics, psychology or similar fields which include processes of
inquiry, design and production.

Human society and its Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander studies, Aboriginal languages,
environment anthropology, archaeology, Asian or Pacific studies, economics,
business studies, cultural studies, sociology, geography, environmental
studies, government & citizenship, history, languages, legal studies,
political science, studies of religion.

Creative arts Dance including practical experience in choreography and performance

in various dance styles appropriate for primary education, drama
including experiential involvement in making and performing drama,
music including performing (singing, playing and moving), listening and
organising sound (composing) within a range of repertoire, visual arts
including art making and art history/theory, fine arts.

Personal development, Physical education studies, family studies, health studies, health
health and physical promotion, human movement studies, nutrition education, sports
education science.

NESA Subject Content Knowledge Requirements (Abridged), updated July 2018 Page 2 of 9
Requirements for Secondary Teaching Areas

Subject Minimum discipline study for first Minimum discipline study for a
area teaching area (major) minor teaching area/s

English A major in English with at least three units A minor in English including at least two
of a strong core of textual studies including units of a strong core of textual studies
literature. Other units may include studies including literature. Other units may
include studies in communications,
in communications, creative writing,
creative writing, linguistics, media studies,
linguistics, media studies, film studies, or film studies, drama/performance arts
drama/performance arts studies. studies.

Mathematics A major in pure or applied mathematics A minor in pure or applied mathematics

that must include algebra and calculus. that must include algebra and calculus.
One unit only of statistics may be counted One unit only of statistics may be counted
provided it is studied as a stand-alone provided it is studied as a stand-alone
unit. unit.
Engineering units may be considered Engineering units may be considered
upon review of unit statements for upon review of unit statements for
appropriate mathematical content. appropriate mathematical content.

Mathematics A minor in mathematics (including algebra N/A

Physics and calculus and no more than one unit of
statistics) and a minor in physics.

Engineering units may be considered upon

review of unit statements for appropriate
mathematical or physics content.

Investigating A major in science including two units in N/A

Science general, interdisciplinary or applied science
and one unit in each of chemistry, physics,
earth & environmental science, and

Engineering units may be considered upon

review of unit statements for appropriate
science content.

Biology A major in science including four units in N/A

biology including at least two units at 200
level or above.

Chemistry A major in science including four units in N/A

chemistry including at least two units at
200 level or above.

Engineering units may be considered upon

review of unit statements for appropriate

NESA Subject Content Knowledge Requirements (Abridged), updated July 2018 Page 3 of 9
chemistry content.

Earth & A major in science including three units in N/A

Environmental earth & environmental science, including at
Science least two units at 200 level or above, and
one unit in biology.

Physics A major in science including at least four N/A

units in physics including at least two units
at 200 level or above.

Engineering units may be considered upon

review of unit statements for appropriate
physics content.

Aboriginal A major in Aboriginal studies, drawn from A minor in Aboriginal studies drawn from
Studies areas such as Aboriginal Peoples’ areas such as Aboriginal Peoples’
relationship to Country; contact, relationship to Country; contact,
colonization and Aboriginal and Torres colonization and Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander histories and cultures; Strait Islander histories and cultures;
government policies affecting Aboriginal government policies affecting Aboriginal
Peoples including Segregation, Peoples including Segregation,
Assimilation and Aboriginal Self- Assimilation and Aboriginal Self-
Determination; the Land Rights Determination; the Land Rights
movement and the recognition of native movement and the recognition of native
title; Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander title; Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
literature and oral expression; Aboriginal literature and oral expression; Aboriginal
languages and cultures. languages and cultures.

Ancient A major in history drawn from areas such A minor in history in areas such as
History as ancient history, archaeology and ancient history, archaeology and
historiography. One unit in medieval or historiography. One unit in medieval or
modern history must be included.
modern history must be included.

Business A major in business related studies, A minor in business related studies,

Studies including at least one unit of finance or including at least one unit of finance or
accounting and one unit of business accounting and one unit of business
management, with the remaining units
management, with the remaining studies
drawn from: business law (Australian/
drawn from: business law (Australian/ English), economics, human resource
English), economics, human resource management, industrial relations,
management, industrial relations, marketing, finance, accounting and
marketing, finance, accounting and business management.
business management.

Economics A major in economics. A minor in economics.

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Geography A major in geography that includes units in A minor in geography that includes units
both physical and human geography. Units in both physical and human geography.
in earth & environmental science may be Units in earth & environmental science
may be considered upon review of units
considered upon review of units for
for appropriate discipline knowledge.
appropriate discipline knowledge.

Legal Studies A major in law or legal studies including A minor in law or legal studies including
the Australian legal system. the Australian legal system.

Modern A major in history drawn from areas such A minor in history drawn from areas such
History as Australian history, contact and as Australian history, contact and
Aboriginal history, early modern history, Aboriginal history, early modern history,
historiography and modern history. One historiography and modern history. One
unit in ancient or medieval history must be unit in ancient or medieval history must be
included. included.

Society and A major in social sciences including at A minor in social sciences including at
Culture least one unit of sociology and the least one unit of sociology and the
remaining units drawn from areas such as remaining units drawn from areas such
as Aboriginal studies, anthropology,
Aboriginal studies, anthropology,
archaeology, Asian or Pacific studies,
archaeology, Asian or Pacific studies, civics, cultural studies, government,
civics, cultural studies, government, history, philosophy, politics, psychology,
history, philosophy, politics, psychology, religion studies, social communication
religion studies, social communication and and sociology.

Studies of A major in the study of religion including A minor in the study of religion including
Religion comparative religions and culture. comparative religions and culture.

Agriculture A major in agriculture in an area such as A minor in agriculture in an area such as

agricultural science, agricultural agricultural science, agricultural
technology, horticulture, agronomy, technology, horticulture, agronomy,
primary industries and rural science. primary industries and rural science.

The major must include studies of plants The minor must include studies of plants
and animals, animal care, agricultural and animals, animal care, agricultural
enterprises, chemical safety. enterprises, chemical safety.

Design and A major in areas such as architecture, N/A

Technology agriculture, computing studies,
engineering, fashion design, graphic
design, industrial design, interior design,
landscape design, multimedia, product
design and system design.

The major must include two units of

practical application in designing and
hands on producing in two or more of the

NESA Subject Content Knowledge Requirements (Abridged), updated July 2018 Page 5 of 9
following technology related areas:
agriculture, food technologies, digital
technologies, engineering systems,
material technologies (electronics,
graphics, metal, multimedia, polymers,
timber, textiles) including evidence of the
use of tools, equipment and techniques to
a high level in the production of working
solutions to design challenges.

Engineering A major in engineering in areas such as A minor in engineering in areas such as

Studies civil engineering, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, mechanical engineering,
(Stage 6) electrical engineering, mechatronic electrical engineering, mechatronic
engineering or relevant discipline including engineering or relevant discipline including
studies of the application of engineering studies of the application of engineering
principles and methods, management and principles and methods, management and
problem-solving in engineering contexts, problem-solving in engineering contexts,
responsibilities of engineers in society and responsibilities of engineers in society and
design thinking and problem based design thinking and problem based
thinking as used in the engineering thinking as used in the engineering
profession. profession.

Food A major in food in areas such as dietetics, A minor in food in areas such as dietician,
Technology nutrition, food technology, food science or nutritionist, food technology, food science
other relevant studies. The major must or other relevant studies. The minor must
include studies of the Australian food include studies of the Australian food
industry, food manufacture, food product industry, food manufacture, food product
development and nutrition. development and nutrition.

Industrial A major in areas such as industrial design, N/A

Technology industrial technology, technics or
mechanical, civil, electrical, software
engineering. The major must include
studies in areas such as timber, metals,
polymers, composites, electronics,
technical drawing and engineering using
resistant materials.**

Industrial A major in engineering technology studies A minor in engineering technology studies

Technology or relevant discipline including studies of or relevant discipline including studies of
Engineering technology, engineering, project based technology, engineering, project based
learning and CAD/CAM. learning and CAD/CAM.

NESA Subject Content Knowledge Requirements (Abridged), updated July 2018 Page 6 of 9
Industrial A major in graphics and multimedia or A minor in graphics and multimedia or
Technology equivalent discipline including studies of equivalent discipline including studies of
Graphics and technical illustration, industrial design, technical illustration, industrial design,
graphic design or multimedia design graphic design or multimedia design
including computer-aided design (CAD). including computer-aided design (CAD).

Information A major in computing or computing A minor in computing or computing

Processes and technology including at least two units that technology including at least two units that
Technology develop skills in information and develop skills in information and
communications technologies and communications technologies and
information systems, e.g. database design information systems, e.g. database design
including relational databases and including relational databases and
communication systems/networking, communication systems/networking,
coding and systems management, and coding and systems management, and
skills in designing and producing digital skills in designing and producing digital
products including non-visual programming products including non-visual programming
languages. languages.

Marine A major in science, marine studies, A minor in science, marine studies,

Studies biology, earth & environmental science or biology, earth & environmental science or
discipline relevant to project based discipline relevant to project based
learning in Marine Studies and learning in Marine Studies and
Aquaculture Technology. Aquaculture Technology.

[Project based learning must be a [Project based learning must be a

component of the pedagogical study component of the pedagogical study
associated with this teaching area. associated with this teaching area.

Teachers must ensure that they have the Teachers must ensure that they have the
required first aid, permits, licences or required first aid, permits, licences or
certifications for any project based activity.] certifications for any project based activity.]

Software A major in computing or computing A minor in computing or computing

Design and technology including at least two units that technology including at least two units that
Development develop skills in the design and develop skills in the design and
development of software for example development of software for example
programming in a computer-based programming in a computer-based
language and system analysis, design, language and system analysis, design,
development and testing. development and testing.

Textiles and A major in textile or equivalent discipline A minor in textile or equivalent discipline
Design including textile technology and fashion including textile technology and fashion
design and also including studies of design and also including studies of
design, properties and performance of design, properties and performance of
textiles and the Australian textile industry. textiles and the Australian textile industry.

NESA Subject Content Knowledge Requirements (Abridged), updated July 2018 Page 7 of 9
Personal A major in personal development and/or N/A
Development health studies (with a socio-cultural
Health & perspective) and/or physical education
Education WITH

at least three units of study in health

education including mental health, sexual
health, relationships, drug education, child
protection education, gender studies and
risk taking behaviour


at least three units of study in physical

education including contemporary
physical activities, dance, gymnastics,
games and sport. Vocationally oriented
courses, coaching certificates,
umpiring/refereeing accreditation in sports
and physical activities are not recognised
as equivalent.

Languages A major in a language including study of A minor in a language including study of

the spoken and written language. Units the spoken and written language. Units
counted towards the major must be above counted towards the minor must be above
an introductory level of study. an introductory level of study.
Where the language is an Aboriginal Where the language is an Aboriginal
language there will be specific cultural language there will be specific cultural
requirements. requirements.
Native speakers of a language must hold Native speakers of a language must hold
an undergraduate degree and may obtain an undergraduate degree and may obtain
verification from an Australian university verification from an Australian university
indicating that their level of competency in indicating that their level of competency in
reading, writing, speaking, listening and reading, writing, speaking, listening and
culture is equivalent to the completion of culture is equivalent to the completion of
a major in that language. a major in that language.

Dance A major in dance including all of the A minor in dance including all of the
following: history and analysis of dance; following: history and analysis of dance;
performance with a technique base in performance, with a technique base in
modern/contemporary dance and/or ballet; modern/ contemporary dance and/or
applied anatomy and kinesiology; and ballet; applied anatomy and kinesiology;
composition/choreography. and composition/ choreography.

Dance studies must be developed as a Dance studies must be developed as a

discrete discipline. Vocationally oriented discrete discipline. Vocationally oriented
courses are not recognised as equivalent. courses are not recognised as equivalent.

NESA Subject Content Knowledge Requirements (Abridged), updated July 2018 Page 8 of 9
Drama A major in drama including all of the A minor in drama including all of the
following: performance, production, theory, following: performance, production, theory,
and preferably Australian drama. Drama and preferably Australian drama. Drama
studies must be developed as a discrete studies must be developed as a discrete
discipline. Vocationally oriented courses discipline. Vocationally oriented courses
are not recognised as equivalent. are not recognised as equivalent.

Music A major in music including all of the N/A

following: musicological study (music
history and analysis) in a range of musical
styles; periods and genres with a strong
component of contemporary and western
art music; compositional techniques; music
performance studies (a minimum of four
units) and preferably Australian music.

The study of music and music practice

must be developed as a discrete discipline.
Vocationally oriented courses are not
recognised as equivalent.

Visual Arts A major in visual arts including all of the N/A

following: practical studies in 2 dimensional
art forms such as drawing, printmaking,
photography, visual design, graphics and
multimedia; practical studies in 3
dimensional are forms such as ceramics,
sculpture, installation and site specific
works and/or 4 dimensional art forms such
as animation, filmmaking, web-based art,
game design, time-based works, graphics
and multimedia; and art theory/history (a
minimum of one year), and studio art
making practice (a minimum of one year).

The study of visual arts must be developed

as a discrete discipline. Vocationally
oriented courses are not recognised as

Source: NESA Supplementary Documentation: Subject Content Knowledge Requirements (July 2018).

Additional notes
** Additional study may be undertaken in Industrial technology automotives - at least two units of
automotive studies; Industrial technology building and construction - at least two units of study in
building and construction; Industrial technology electronics - at least two units of study in electronics;
or Industrial technology multimedia - at least two units of study in multimedia.

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