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Biofuge Pico

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Biofuge Instructions for Use

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How to use this manual
Use this manual to get acquainted with your centrifuge
and its accessories.
The manual helps you to avoid inappropriate handling. Overleaf you will find a graphic
Make sure to keep it always close to the centrifuge. representation of the control panel
A manual that is not kept handy cannot provide with a survey of the most important
protection against improper handling and thus a- functions
gainst damage to persons and objects.

The manual comprises chapters on

Safety regulations
Instrument description
Please fold out
• Rotor program and accessories
• Transportation and hook-up

• Use of the centrifuge

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• Maintenance and care

• Troubleshooting

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• Technical data

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• Index
speed quick run
rotor turns

open lid



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"set" keys

back panel:
socket for mains connection
mains switch
The control panel of the "Set" keys: stepwise increase/decrease of preset
values, accelerated change when pres-
Biofuge pico sed permanently
Display Short pressing of any of the "set" keys: switch from
Speed current to preset value
Resting state: preselected speed
During run: current speed; rotating light: rotor turns
End: "End"

Running/resting: error codes (if present) Error codes (troubleshooting see chapter
Resting/end: preselected run time (in minutes; in E-0: motor blockage (transport protection removed?)
"hold" mode, "hd") E-8: excess voltage
During run: remaining run time or (with quick start) E-10: internal error
run time passed E-11: internal error
br: power turned off during run or power failure

Lid open: "OP"
Lid: lid turned loose or opened during run;

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Keys drive overheated

OP: with lid closed: safety circuit triggered (drive
Start: normal start

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Stop: manual stop

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Open lid: open lid Warnings can span several display panels
(possible only with mains switch ON)
Quick run: short-term acceleration as long as key is
pressed, with indication of run time pas-

Contents Operation .................................................. 17

Transport and installation....................................... 17
Mains connection ................................................... 17
For your safety........................................... 3 Opening the lid ....................................................... 18
Proper use................................................................ 3
Emergency lid release ........................................... 18
Improper use ............................................................ 3
Inserting the rotor ................................................... 20
Centrifuging hazardous materials ............................ 3
Permissible rotor temperature............................ 21
Handling ................................................................... 4
Lifetime of the rotor ............................................ 21
Conformity to current standards............................... 5

Removing the rotor................................................. 22
Safety instructions in this manual ............................ 5
Loading the rotor .................................................... 22
The Biofuge pico ........................................ 7 Maximum loading ............................................... 22
Safety systems......................................................... 7 Filling the centrifuge tubes ................................. 23
Properties................................................................. 8 Aerosol-tight application......................................... 24
„Quick run“ operation ............................................... 8 Checking for aerosol tightness............................... 25
Pieces delivered....................................................... 9 Placing the tubes in the rotor ................................. 26

Selecting the speed................................................ 27
Accessories .............................................. 11

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Selecting the run time ............................................ 27
Rotor program ........................................................ 12

Preselected run time .......................................... 27

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Adapters for rotor order no. 7500 3328 ................. 13
Continuous operation ......................................... 28

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Before use................................................. 15 Starting the centrifuge ............................................ 28
Where to install the centrifuge ............................... 15 Changing the settings during the run ..................... 28
Mains connection ................................................... 15 Stopping the centrifuge .......................................... 28
Removing the transport protection......................... 15 Stopping with preset time ................................... 28
Stopping with continuous operation ................... 28
Short-time centrifugation ........................................ 29
RCF value .............................................................. 29


Maintenance and care .............................. 31

Maintenance to be performed by the customer ..... 31
Cleaning.............................................................. 31
Disinfection ......................................................... 32
Decontamination................................................. 34
Autoclaving ......................................................... 35
Check whether autoclaving is permitted! ........... 35
The Service of KENDRO........................................ 36

Warranty conditions ............................................... 36
Troubleshooting ....................................... 37
Problems you can handle yourself......................... 37
In case you must call the Service........................... 42
Technical data........................................... 44
Component parts and performance ....................... 44

The "Easycontrol" user interface............................ 47

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Electrical connections / fuses................................. 49

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Index .......................................................... 51

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Autoclaving protocol................................ 57
Speed / RCF diagrams.............................. 58

For your safety

For your safety Proper use

The centrifuge is designed to separate liquid-
Heraeus centrifuges are manufactured according to
suspended materials having different densities and
current technical standards and regulations. Nonethe-
particle size, respectively. The maximum sample den-
less, centrifuges may pose dangers if
sity is 1.2 g/cm3 at maximum speed.
• they are not used as designed
Improper use
• they are operated by untrained personnel
During a run, a safety zone of 30 cm around the centri-
• their design is improperly changed

fuge must be maintained where neither persons nor
• the safety instructions are not heeded hazardous materials may be stationed.
The centrifuge may cause harm to you or other per-
Therefore anybody concerned with operation and
sons and may damage material goods if you do not re-
maintenance of the centrifuge must read and fol-
spect the following safety measures:
low the safety instructions.
Centrifuging hazardous materials
In addition, the pertinent regulations for prevention of

accidents must be strictly followed. • The centrifuge is neither made inert, nor is it explo-

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sion-proof. Therefore never use the centrifuge in an
This manual is an integral part of the centri-

explosion-prone environment.

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fuge assembly and must be kept close at
• Explosive or flammable substances must not be

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hand at all times.
centrifuged. The same holds for substances prone
to react briskly with each other.

For your safety

• Do not centrifuge toxic or radioactive substances or • Changes in mechanical or electrical components

pathogenic microorganisms unless you have taken may be carried out only by persons authorized to
proper precautions. this effect by KENDRO Laboratory Products.
Such precautions can e.g. consist of biological • You may use the centrifuge only with a properly lo-
seals. aded rotor. You must not overload the rotor.
• Should toxins or pathogenic substances enter the • If the rotor or the lid shows visible traces of corro-
centrifuge or its parts, you must carry out the proper sion or wear, you must stop using it.
procedures for disinfection (see "Maintenance and • Strictly follow the rules and regulations for cleaning

care – Disinfection"). and disinfection.
• Strongly corrosive substances that may cause dam-
age to materials and impair the mechanical strength
of the rotor may be centrifuged only inside
protective vessels.

• Never use the centrifuge unless the rotor is properly

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• Never manually open the lid if the rotor still turns.

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• Use only original parts for the centrifuge. The only
exception are common glass or plastic centrifuge
tubes if these are approved for the rotor speed and
RCF values of your rotor, respectively.
• Never use the centrifuge with the lid open.
• Never use the centrifuge if the paneling has been
partially or totally removed.

For your safety

Conformity to current standards Safety instructions in this manual

Heraeus centrifuges are manufactured and tested This symbol denotes potential hazards to
according to the following standards and regulations: persons.

This symbol denotes potential damage to

for all voltages:
the centrifuge or parts in its immediate sur-
• IEC 1010-1 / EN 61010-1 roundings.

• IEC 1010-2 / EN 61010-2-020
− Pollution degree 2
General hints are marked with this symbol.
− Overvoltage category II
for 120 V only:
In addition, you are asked to adhere to the pertinent
• CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 1010.1-92
regulations, in Germany

• CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 1010.2.020-94

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• Regulations for prevention of accidents BGV A2

• Regulations for prevention of accidents VBG 5

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• Regulations for prevention of accidents VBG 7z

For your safety

for your notes

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The Biofuge pico

The Biofuge pico Safety systems

The Biofuge pico is equipped with a number of safety
The figure below shows the Biofuge pico with the lid
opened and the rotor put in place.
• Connection rotor – motor
• Body and rotor chamber made from impact-
resistant plastic
• Lid with hinge and control window

• Lid lock mechanism
You can open the lid only when the power is turned
on and the rotor has come to a halt. You can start
the centrifuge only if the lid is properly locked.
• Warning if lid is manually opened during a run (sa-
fety circuit actuated)

If the lid is manually opened during a run, or if the

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temperature of the drive exceeds a critical value, a

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corresponding message appears in the dis-

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play("Lid" and "OP", respectively).
• Emergency lid release (only in case of emergency)
In order to permit you to remove samples even after
a power failure, the centrifuge is equipped with an
emergency lid release. (see chapter "Operation").
Do not tamper with the safety systems!

The Biofuge pico

Properties „Quick run“ operation

The Biofuge pico is a benchtop centrifuge for use in the As long as the "quick run" key ( ) is pressed, the ro-
biochemical and medical laboratory. tor is accelerated with maximum power, potentially up
The preset speed is reached in seconds. You can also to the maximum speed (overriding any preset speed
spin samples for only a few seconds using the "quick value).
run" key ( ) if this is required for the task in question.
The extremely long-lived, maintenance-free induction
motor provides quiet and vibration-free operation even

at high speeds.
The user-friendly "Easycontrol" control panel permits
easy operation. With the centrifuge turned on and the
lid closed, the preset speed and run time are displayed
before the run. During operation, the control panel
shows the actual values; upon briefly pressing any one

of the "set" keys or the preset values for speed

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and run time are displayed instead. After the run, the

"speed" panel displays "End".

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If you press the or keys repeatedly, you increase

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the corresponding preset value stepwise. If you press
and hold down the chosen key, the respective value
increases continuously, at first slowly and, after a few
seconds, at an accelerated pace.
You can change the preset values during operation.

The Biofuge pico

Pieces delivered
The Biofuge pico is delivered complete with:
• a special cap nut for fixing the rotor
• 10-mm tubular socket wrench for fastening the
cap nut
• fixed-angle rotor 24 x 1,5 / 2 ml 7500 3328

• cable for mains connection cap nut tubular socket
order no. wrench
• this Manual
70056208 order no.
2036 0072

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The Biofuge pico

for your notes

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The Biofuge pico is delivered complete with a fixed-
angle rotor with 24 holes for placing microliter tubes
with a volume of 1.5 or 2.0 ml.
In addition you may order three sets of adapters con-
taining 24 reduction sleeves each. With these adapters
you can centrifuge all commercially available microliter

tubes with a volume between 0.2 and 0.6 ml as well as
0.2-ml PCR reaction vessels.

A further option is a PCR-Strip rotor.

Please consult our sales documentation for a complete

collection of accessories including technical data, order

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numbers and special low-cost package offers.

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Rotor program
Rotor designation Microliter rotor PCR-rotor
24 x 2 ml PP

order no. 7500 3328 7500 3327

places / volume 24 x 1,5 / 2 ml 4 x PCR-Strip

maximum permissible load [ g ] 24 x 4 4x4 ( 32 x 0,5 )
maximum speed nmax [ min ] 13 000 13 000

minimum speed nmin [ min-1 ] 2 000 2 000

maximum RCF value at nmax 16 060 12 846 ( 11 524* )

maximum radius [ cm ] 8,5 6,8 ( 6,1* )

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minimum radius [ cm ] 5,9 6,1 ( 4,7* )

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angle [°] 40 45

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acceleration / deceleration time [ s ] 15 / 12 15 / 12

aerosol-tight yes (reduced filling) yes (reduced filling)

permissible temperature range -4 °C to +40 °C -4 °C to +40 °C

autoclavable (number of cycles) 121°C, (10 cycles) 121°C, (10 cycles)

* The values relate to vessel places 4 and 5 in the PCR-Rotor


Adapters for rotor order no. 7500 3328

Adapter Dimensions Capacity Number per Color Order No.
(∅ x H) Set

reduction sleeve PCR 6,2 x 20 mm 0,2 ml 24 gray 7600 3750

reduction sleeve 8 x 43,5 mm 0,5/0,6 ml 24 turquoise 7600 3758

reduction sleeve 6 x 46 mm 0,25/0,4 ml 24 red 7600 3759

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for your notes

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Before use

Before use Mains connection

Make sure that voltage and frequency correspond to
Where to install the centrifuge the specifications on the instrument label.
The centrifuge must be operated in a place meeting Turn the mains switch on the back panel off (press
the following criteria: "0"); only then connect the centrifuge with the mains
• A safety zone of 30 cm around the centrifuge must supply using the power cord supplied with the instru-
be maintained. Hazardous materials must not be ment.
kept within this zone during centrifugation.

• The substructure must be stable and resonance-
free. A good support is provided by a plane labora-
tory bench or a large laboratory carriage with cast-
ers that may be locked.
• To ensure sufficient air circulation, a minimum dis-
tance from the wall of 10 cm at the back and of

15 cm on each side must be kept. Removing the transport protection

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• The centrifuge must be protected from heat and di- Turn the instrument on. The display panel shows for

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rect sunshine. about 12 s the routine internal software check se-
quence. Open the lid by pressing the "open lid" key

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• The location should be well ventilated. and remove the transport protection for the rotor.
Check that the rotor moves freely by lightly turning it,
and make sure the rotor is tightly screwed on.
The Biofuge pico is now ready for use.

Before use

for your notes

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Transport and installation type plate with voltage
and frequency
Damage to the centrifuge by jolts
or jerky placement!
mains switch
Transport the centrifuge only in the
upright position using the special

box provided with the instrument socket for mains
and secure it properly. Place the
centrifuge carefully.
For a couple of seconds the following reading appears
in the control panel:
Before using the centrifuge, make sure that
This tells you that the in-

the transport protection has been removed!
strument carries out an in-

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ternal check of its software.

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Mains connection (see table on page 42).

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Make sure that your mains voltage and frequency
match the specifications on the instrument. Turn off the After this check the display changes. The values now
mains switch on the back panel (push down the "0" shown in the display panel are the ones last used.
mark), then connect the instrument to the mains sup- The following figure gives an example of possible read-
ply. ings. A detailed description of possible settings is given
Turn on the mains switch at the back of the centrifuge. below.


In this example, the pre- Emergency lid release

set speed is 5,000 rpm
In case of a power failure you cannot open the lid nor-
and the preset run time
mally using the "open lid" key. To permit unloading
is 10 min.
even in this case, the centrifuge is equipped with a
mechanical lid unlocking system. However, you may
Opening the lid use this system only in case of emergency.
For normal electrical unlocking, connect the centrifuge
to the mains supply, turn the mains switch on and push

the "open lid" key . Rotor can spin at high speed!
Touching it may cause severe inju-
Always wait for several minutes until
the rotor has come to a complete
stop. Without power the brake does

not function, and braking takes

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much longer than normal!

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Should it be necessary to open the lid manually, pro-
ceed as follows using an appropriate tool:
1. Make sure the rotor stands still. (control window).
2. Unplug the mains plug.
3. Push a 7-cm end of thin wire, e.g. a bent-up paper
clip or another suitable tool, through the hole on the


upper right of the front panel (see figure). Push the

lock bolt back until the lid unlocks audibly. Remove
the auxiliary tool and open the lid.
4. In case the rotor still turns, close lid immediately
and wait until it has come to a complete stop.
lid release
Never brake the rotor using your
hands or tools!

5. As soon as the rotor stands still, remove your sam-
ples and close the lid.

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Inserting the rotor Proceed as follows:

1. Open the lid and make sure that the rotor chamber
Improper or improperly combined and the rotor are clean. Remove eventual dust, for-
accessories may cause severe dam- eign material or sample residues. The thread and
age to the centrifuge! the O-Ring on the motor shaft must be in perfect
2. Turn the rotor so that the notch for engaging the
Rotors which are allowed for use in a Biofuge pico cen- drive shaft points downward.

trifuge are detailed in the chapter "Accessories", and 3. Place the rotor on top of the drive shaft so that the
only these rotors are to be used in this centrifuge. notch of the rotor is located precisely above the re-
To insert the rotor you will need the cap nut and the taining pin.
socket wrench delivered with the centrifuge (see the 4. Push the rotor gently down until the thread is com-
chapter “The Biofuge pico – Pieces delivered”). pletely laid bare (see figure).

Possible damage to drive and rotor!

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You may insert the rotor only if the

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temperature of the drive, the rotor

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and the cap nut is between 10 °C
and 30 °C.


5. If you have placed the rotor correctly, you can Permissible rotor temperature
screw on the cap nut easily and secure it with the
tubular socket wrench delivered with the instrument. The rotors are only to be used
6. Place the rotor cap onto the rotor. within the temperature range from -
4oC to +40oC. Pre-cooling in the
Do not push the rotor down using freezer is not permitted
force. If you cannot screw on the
cap nut, you must carefully lift off
Lifetime of the rotor

the rotor and insert it again.
There is no limitation on the service life of the high per-
formance rotors. However please observe the following
Regularly check the proper positioning of due to safety reasons:
the rotor and retighten the cap nut as nee-
Rotors and accessories made of

plastic should not be exposed to

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direct sunlight and UV rays!

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If the rotor shows signs of discolor-
ation, deformation or wear, or is out

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of balance it must be exchanged
straight away!


Removing the rotor Loading the rotor

To remove the rotor, you must follow the steps de- Maximum loading
scribed above in reverse order.
With the hermetic lid, you may in case of contamination Overloading may cause the rotor to
separate the rotor from the drive without opening the explode! Exploding parts may se-
lid! In this case you can open rotor upon removal from verely damage the centrifuge!
the centrifuge using e.g. a safety work bench before
decontaminating it.

The Biofuge pico can reach high rotational speeds im-
Danger of irreparable motor damage! plying enormous centrifugal force. The rotors are de-
signed in a way warranting sufficient residual strength
Never tilt the rotor. Always grab it in even at the highest permissible speed.
the middle and pull out perpendicu-
larly. However, this safety system presupposes that the
maximum permissible load of the rotor is not ex-


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1. Open the lid of the centrifuge. If you wish to centrifuge samples that together with the

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2. Screw the cap nut open by turning it counterclock- adapters exceed the maximum permissible load, you

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wise using the socket wrench delivered with the in- must either reduce the sample volume or calculate the
strument. Remove the cap nut. permissible speed nperm according to the following for-
3. Grab the rotor in the middle and pull gently upwards mula:
off the drive shaft. Be careful not to jam it.
maximum permissible load
n =n ∗
perm max actual load


Filling the centrifuge tubes Please note that plastic sample vessels only
have a limited service life - particularly when
Check carefully whether your sam- used at maximum rpm or temperature - and
ple vessels are permissible for the must be replaced as necessary!
respective g value and reduce the
speed if necessary.

The smaller the unbalance of the centrifuge, the better
the separation since separated zones are no longer
perturbed by vibration. It is therefore important to bal-
ance the centrifuge tubes as well as possible.
To minimize unbalance you should fill the tubes as
evenly as possible. You can achieve this by eye. How-

ever, you must nonetheless ensure that opposite tubes

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are filled to the same level.

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Aerosol-tight application Attention :

Please check that your sample containers are suitable
for the centrifugal application desired.
not with open container lids!
(16060 x g ; temperature in uncooled devices approx.
10 K above room temperature)
The following steps have to be carried out:
Please observe the permissible filling volumes!

• Lubricate the seals before inserting them (lubricant
order no. 75003500) Nominal volume: Permissible volume:
• Insert the seal (C profile) in the groove at the side 2.0 ml - 1.5 ml
of the body of the rotor. 1.5 ml - 1.0 ml
• Insert the O-ring into the inner groove on the others - 2
/3 nominal volume
screw-on top.

The sealing elements are to be checked regularly for

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damage to the shape and surface!

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Exchange faulty parts immediately.

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Spare sealing rings 75003268


Checking for aerosol tightness • Check the paper strip under UV light (preferentially
in a darkened room):
Check the aerosol tightness of your If there is no detectable fluorescence, the test is
rotor whenever appropriate. considered passed.
• Finally rinse rotor, rotor lid and lid seal in running
water and allow to dry.
To carry out the test, proceed as follows:
• Carefully clean and degrease the rotor chamber

wall, then attach an adhesive white paper strip
(about 4 x 2 cm) so that liquid leaking out of the ro-
tor may precipitate on it.
• Fill all places of the respective rotor with water ac-
cording to the following Table. Insert the rotor into
the centrifuge and fasten it.

• Carefully place the amount of test liquid (0.5 % so-

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dium fluorescein in water) specified in the column

“leakage test” into the lower part of the rotor within

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a virtual circle comprising the vessel bores (not the

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bores themselves) using a pipette or syringe.
• Place the rotor lid on top and screw it on.
ATTENTION: Make sure that there is no spilled
test liquid on the rotor (clean if necessary)!
• Carry out a test run for 10 minutes at maximum ro-
tor speed and 23 °C ambient temperature.


Placing the tubes in the rotor Improper loading can in the worst
The rotor must be loaded symmetrically. When loading case lead to damage to rotor and
the rotor only partially, you must ensure that opposite centrifuge. Unbalance not only
bores always receive tubes of equal weight (when cen- causes a noisy run, but rapidly
trifuging a single sample, place a centrifuge tube e.g. damages the motor suspension.
filled with water). The following figure gives examples
for proper loading.

improperly loaded rotors

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When you have loaded the tubes, fasten the rotor lid

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by screwing the cap nut centrally on it.

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Close the lid of the centrifuge by firmly pressing it
down. There must be a clicking sound, and the lid must
be locked so that it cannot be opened manually.

properly loaded rotors


Selecting the speed Selecting the run time

The centrifuge can be set to a minimum of 2000 min You can select a run time between 1 and 99 min or
and to a maximum of 13 000 min-1. The built-in micro- continuous operation.
processor prevents higher or lower speed settings. Be-
tween these extremes, you can select the speed in Preselected run time
steps of 100 rpm using the following procedure: To predetermine the run time, proceed as follows:
1. Press one of the "set" keys (for an increase) or 1. Press one of the "set" keys (for an increase) or
(for a decrease) in the "speed" section of the (for a decrease) in the "time" section of the con-

control panel (see also the foldout page in the co- trol panel (see also the foldout page in the cover).
ver). By pressing the selected key
By pressing the selected key briefly, you increase or de-
briefly, you increase or de- crease the preset run time in
crease the speed in steps of steps of 1 min. This option is
100 rpm. This option is sup- supposed to be used for small

posed to be used for small changes and fine tuning.

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changes and fine tuning. 2. If you keep the key pressed, the display changes at

first slowly and after a few seconds at an acceler-

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2. If you keep the key pressed, the display changes at
first slowly and after a few seconds at an acceler- ated pace.

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ated pace. 3. Release the key as soon as you have reached the
3. Release the key as soon as you have reached the desired value, and fine tune if necessary by repeat-
desired value, and fine tune if necessary by repeat- edly pressing one of the keys. The minute display
edly pressing one of the keys. The digit after the flashes for a number of seconds, then changes to
decimal point flashes for a number of seconds, then permanent. The run time is now stored.
changes to permanent display. The speed is now


Continuous operation Changing the settings during the run

To operate the Biofuge pico in the continuous mode, You can change the settings during a run. The respec-
you must press the key until the display changes to tive altered setting flashes for a couple of seconds.
„hd“ (for "hold"). Once the display changes to the continuous mode, the
With this setting, the centrifuge keeps running until new settings become operative.
stopped manually.
Stopping the centrifuge
Please note that the lifetime of plastic tubes Stopping with preset time

in particular is limited. Extended use may
damage them. Normally the run time has been preselected, and all
you have to do is wait until the centrifuge terminates
Starting the centrifuge the run automatically. As soon as the speed is down to
zero, the display reads "End". By pressing the "open lid
Once the rotor is in place, the mains switch turned on
" key , you can now open the lid and remove your
and the lid closed, you can start the centrifuge.
Press the "start" key in the control panel. The centri-

You can stop the centrifuge at any time by pressing the
fuge accelerates to the preselected value. Simultane-

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"stop“ key .
ously, the run time display starts going backward from

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the preset time, giving the remaining run time in min- Stopping with continuous operation

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utes. After reaching the last minute, the display
If you have chosen continuous operation, you must
switches to seconds remaining. During the run, the ro-
stop the centrifuge manually. Press the "stop" key in
tating light in the "speed" panel signals that the centri-
the control panel. The centrifuge starts braking at once
fuge is running. During the run you cannot open the lid.
and stops within a few seconds. The display reads
"End", the electrical lid unlocking mechanism is avail-
able. You can now open the lid by pressing the "open
lid" key and remove your samples.


Short-time centrifugation RCF value

For short-term operation, the Biofuge pico is equipped The relative centrifugal force (RCF) is usually given in
with a "quick run" function. multiples of the earth gravity g. It is a dimensionless
Short-term centrifugation is started by pressing the number that allows one to compare the efficiency of
"quick run" key continuously; it stops as soon as the separation or sedimentation of diverse instruments,
key is released. since it is independent of the instrument used. The only
values entered in the equation are radius and speed of
In this mode the centrifuge accelerates with full power
up to the maximum speed of 13,000 rpm unless you

release the "quick run" key The preset speed is ig-  n 
RCF = 1118
. ∗  ∗r
nored.  1000 
r = radius of centrifugation in cm
The centrifuge accelerates to the n = speed in rpm
maximum speed of 13000 min-1.

Check carefully whether you have to At a speed of 13000 min-1, the cen-

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maintain a specific speed for your trifuge achieves a maximum per-


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formance of 16060 g!

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Check carefully whether your tubes
During acceleration the time is counted forward in sec- are designed for this centrifugal
onds. After 60 seconds the display changes to the min- force, and reduce the speed if nec-
ute mode. essary.


The figure for the maximum RCF value is based on the

maximum radius of the tube.
Please note that this value becomes lower
depending on the tubes and adapters used.
You may take this into account when calculating the
RCF value for your application.
The figure on the last page of this manual gives a

graphic representation of the relation between speed
and RCF.
Apart from the maximum RCF value RCFmax (lower li-
ne) this graph also shows the minimum RCF value
RCFmin, calculated for the meniscus of the sample (up-
per line).

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Maintenance and care

Maintenance and care Cleaning

Maintenance to be performed by the Pull mains plug before cleaning the

customer instrument!
For the protection of persons, environment and mate-
rial you are obliged to clean the centrifuge regularly Clean the casing, the rotor chamber, the rotor and the
and to disinfect it if necessary. accessories regularly and in case of need. This is indi-
cated both for reasons of hygiene and to prevent cor-

Unsuitable cleaning agents or disin- rosion due to contamination sticking to the instrument
fection procedures may damage the and its accessories.
centrifuge and its accessories! Clean them with mild agents of pH values ranging from
6 to 8.
If you intend to use cleaning agents
or disinfection procedures not rec- For other cleaning agents please consult KENDRO!
ommended by the manufacturer,

you have to make sure by consult- Immediately after cleaning, dry the aluminum parts or

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ing the manufacturer, that the pro- put them into a warm-air dryer at a temperature not ex-

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cedure foreseen does not cause any ceeding 50°C.

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damages to the instrument!

Maintenance and care

During cleaning liquids and espe- If a centrifuge tube containing infectious material leaks
cially organic solvents should not during a run, you have to disinfect the centrifuge im-
come into contact with the drive mediately.
shaft and the ball bearing.
Organic solvents may decompose Infectious material could enter the centri-
the lubricant of the motor bearing. fuge if spills or tube breakage occur.

The drive shaft may block.
Danger of infection may occur upon con-
tact! Take appropriate protective meas-
ures for personnel!
Mind the permissible filling volumes and
loading limits for the tubes!
In case of contamination the operator has

to make sure, that no further persons are

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Contaminated parts have to be decon-
taminated immediately.

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If required further protective measures
have to be initiated.

Maintenance and care

Rotor and rotor chamber must be treated with a neu- • You may disinfect the rotor and the accessories as
tral, universal disinfectant. Best suited for this purpose described in the following section. Be sure to follow
are disinfectant sprays, ensuring that all rotor and ac- the pertinent safety procedures for handling infec-
cessory surfaces are covered evenly. tious material.
1. Pull mains plug.
• Please use 70% ethanol for disinfection. 2. Unscrew the rotor chuck.
3. Grab the rotor with both hands and pull it perpen-
Please note the safety measures dicularly off the drive shaft.

and handling hints when applying 4. Remove the centrifuge tubes and adapters, and dis-
these substances! infect them or dispose of them as necessary.
5. Treat the rotor and the rotor lid according to the in-
For other disinfectants please consult KENDRO structions given for the disinfectant (soaking in liq-
Services! uid or spraying). You must strictly observe the
specified action times!

6. Turn the rotor head down and drain off the disinfec-

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tant. Thereafter thoroughly rinse rotor and lid with

%# "

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7. Dispose of the disinfectant according to valid regu-
8. Aluminum rotors have to be treated with anticorro-
sive protective oil subsequently.

Maintenance and care

Disinfection with bleaching lye Decontamination

For general radioactive decontamination, use a solu-
These agents contain highly aggres- tion of equal parts of 70% ethanol, 10% SDS and wa-
sive hypochlorites and must not be ter. Follow this with ethanol rinses, then de-ionized wa-
used with aluminum rotors! ter rinses, and dry with a soft absorbent cloth.
Dispose of all washing solutions in appro-
priate radioactive waste containers!

The following precautionary measures are to be taken
for extensive protection of the 7500 3327 and 7500
3328 rotors:
1. Avoid high temperatures!
The bleaching solution and the rotor should not be
warmer than ca. 25 °C.
2. Do not let the bleaching solution act longer than ab-

solutely necessary!

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3. After disinfection, rinse the rotor thoroughly with dis-

%# "
tilled water and allow to dry.

#$ !
Maintenance and care

Check whether autoclaving is permitted!
Never exceed the maximum permis-
sible values for autoclaving tem-
You may autoclave the rotor and the adapters at perature and autoclaving time.
121 °C.
Maximum permissible autoclaving cycle: Should the rotor show signs of
20 min at 121 °C. wear, you must stop using it!

For safety reasons, the 7500 3327 and
7500 3328 rotors must only be subjected
to a maximum of 10 autoclavings!
The rotor must be cleaned and rinsed with distilled wa-
ter before being autoclaved. Remove the rotor lid, the

centrifuge tubes and the adapters. Place plastic rotors

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on an even surface to avoid deformation.

%# "
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Chemical additives to the steam are not

Maintenance and care

The Service of KENDRO Warranty conditions

Kendro Laboratory Products recommends annual ser- The warranty period starts with the day of delivery.
vicing of the centrifuge and the accessories by the au- Within the warranty period the centrifuge is repaired or
thorized service or skilled personnel. The service pro- replaced free of cost if there are demonstrable faults in
vided by KENDRO comprises checking: materials or workmanship.
• the electrical installation Conditions for a warranty are that:
• the suitability of the location • the centrifuge is used according to the instructions
of use

• the lid lock mechanism and the safety circuit
• the rotor • installation, additions, adjustments, changes or re-
pairs are carried out exclusively by personnel au-
• the rotor fastening and the drive shaft thorized for this by KENDRO
Defective parts are exchanged. Besides, the service • the required maintenance and care procedures are
personnel cleans the rotor chamber. carried out regularly.

KENDRO offers inspection and service contracts cov-

& ""
ering these benefits. Inspection costs are charged as

flat-rate contracts.

%# "
Necessary repairs are carried out free of cost during

#$ !
the warranty period, and against payment after expira-
tion of the warranty.


Problems you can handle yourself
If problems other than those described in the following tables arise, you must consult your nearest
authorized service.

Error Behavior of the centrifuge Possible cause(s) and measures to be taken

Displays remain The motor stops. Mains failure or not connected
dark The rotor stops without braking. 1. Is the mains switch turned on?
The lid cannot be opened. 2. Check the mains connection.
3. If the mains connection is OK, call your nearest Service.

Displays fail The motor stops suddenly. Brief interruption of mains supply
briefly The rotor stops without braking. 1. Check whether the plug is plugged in properly.

The display reads "br", see br. 2. Wait for 75 seconds.

& ""
3. Restart the centrifuge

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Error Behavior of the centrifuge Possible cause(s) and measures to be taken

Lid cannot be Pressing the "open lid" key has A) Lid not correctly engaged or lid warped.
opened no effect 1. Check whether the mains supply is OK and the instrument is
switched on (displays lit).
2. Press the lid down on the right-hand front end and actuate
the "open lid" key once again.
3. In case these measures have not the desired effect, you may
open the lid with the emergency lid release. (see page 18).

B) Heat monitoring relays in the lid unlocking magnets ha-
ve been actuated.

Press the key again after waiting for about 1 min.

- Centrifuge is exceptionally noisy. 1. Stop the centrifuge by pressing the "stop" key , in case of

emergency pull mains plug.

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2. Wait until the centrifuge stands still.

3. Check whether the rotor is properly loaded

%# "
4. Check whether a broken vessel, damage to the rotor or mo-

#$ !
tor malfunction was responsible for the noise.
5. If you cannot locate and solve the problem, call Service.

br Instruments stops without brak- There was a short mains failure, or the instrument was switched
ing. off during the run.
Wait for about 75 seconds; the instrument is then again ready for


Error Behavior of the centrifuge Possible cause(s) and measures to be taken

E-0 Motor does not start Motor or rotor blocked.

1. Switch the instrument off and on again with the mains switch.
2. Open the lid.
3. Check whether the transport protection has been removed.
If you cannot solve the problem, call nearest Service.

E-8 Overvoltage or over-current at Mains voltage outside tolerance. Brake resistance defective.
the U/F converter
Switch the instrument off and on again. If the problem persists,
call Service.

E-10 Wrong check sum in the NV- Switch the instrument off and on again. If the problem persists,
RAM call Service.

E-11 Error in data transfer from NV- Switch the instrument off and on again. If the problem persists,

& ""
RAM call Service.

%# "
#$ !

Error Behavior of the centrifuge Possible cause(s) and measures to be taken

Message "Lid" Motor stops. A) The lid was manually opened during the run.
appears in the Rotor comes to a stop without 1. Press the lid shut. The instrument comes to a stop without
display braking. braking.
2. If you want to continue the centrifugation, you must switch
the instrument off and on again. The message "br" is dis-
played and the centrifuge brakes (see br).

B) The excess temperature safety circuit of the motor has
been actuated
1. Pull mains plug.
2. Control ventilation slots underneath the instrument and clean
if necessary.
3. After 20 min you can start the instrument again.
4. If the safety circuit is again actuated, call Service.

& ""
Display "OP“ Start impossible A) The lid is not properly closed

appears al-

%# "
Press the lid forcefully down on the right-hand front part.
though lid is

#$ !
closed B) The excess temperature safety circuit of the motor has
been actuated
1. Pull mains plug.
2. Control ventilation slots underneath the instrument and clean
if necessary.
3. After 20 min you can start the instrument again.
4. If the safety circuit is again actuated, call Service.

#$ !
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In case you must call the Service

Should you require our Service, please tell us the order Software number 047 8_
no. and serial number of the instrument. You find the Software version _01
pertinent information at the back of the instrument near NV-RAM number 104 1_
the socket for the mains plug.
NV-RAM-version _01
Moreover it is helpful for our service technician to know
the valid software version. You can determine the soft- The values shown above are just examples. Your read-
ware version as follows: ings may be different. In the example shown here the

1. Switch the instrument off. values mean the following:
2. Switch the instrument on. • Software 0478 version 01
The display reads 888 88 for a couple of seconds. • NV-Ram 1041 version 01
Subsequently, the display may read e.g. the follow-
ing readings for 2 seconds each:

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for your notes

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Technical data

Technical data
Component parts and performance

Part / function Description

Body Sheet steel with fitted plastic chassis

Keys and display panel Keys and display panel covered with easy care protective foil

Operation "Easycontrol" system

Rotor chamber Dimensions (diameter x height): 188 mm x 63 mm

Rotor chamber Up to 48 ml of spilled liquids are retained in the rotor chamber and cannot
enter the instrument.

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Lid lock Automatic locking when the lid is pressed shut

%# "
Lid opening Electromagnetic release via the "open lid" key when connected to mains

#$ !
Emergency lid release Lid release in case of power failure: emergency opening with auxiliary tool.

Technical data

Function / parameter Value

environmental conditions - indoor use

- max. elevation 2000 m above sea level
- max. relative humidity 80 % up to 31 °C; linearly decreasing down to
50 % relative humidity at 40 °C.

Permissible temperature of the environment +2 °C to +40 °C

Maximum speed nmax 13 000 min-1

Maximum RCF value at nmax 16 060

Minimum speed nmin 2 000 min-1

Maximum kinetic energy 1,65 kNm

& ""
Permissible temperature of the rotor -4 °C to +40 °C

%# "
#$ !
Maximum sample temperature after 30 min room temperature + 15 K
run time

Noise 56 dB (A) at maximum speed

Dimensions (H x W x D) 206 mm x 233 mm x 335 mm

Weight without rotor 9,8 kg

Technical data

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Technical data

The "Easycontrol" user interface

Function Performance

Start Start key ( )

Stop Stop key ( )

Short-term start and stop, respectively „Quick run“ key ( ): short-term run when pressed permanently; stop
when released

Mode of operation display Turning rotor is signalled by rotating light (LED display) in the speed pa-

End of run The speed display reads "end"

Cycle counter Number of cycles is displayed upon pressing the two keys below the

speed display.

& ""
Digital parameter display • speed

%# "
• run time

#$ !
-1 -1 -1
Speed selection adjustable in steps of 100 min in the range of 2000 min to 13000 min

Run time selection adjustable in minutes from 1 min to 99 min; „hd“-mode: continuous opera-

Time display in „quick run“ mode between 1 s and 60 s in seconds, over 1 min in minutes

Technical data

Function Performance

Parameter memory • speed

• time

Function Performance

Diagnostic messages • lid not properly closed: display „OP“
• general malfunction
(ERROR Codes, see page 37)

Testing standards
230V instruments
Manufactured and tested in accordance with EN 61 010-1, EN 61 010-2-020
EN 61326 (+ EN 61000-3-2/A14:2000-6)

EN 55011 B

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120 / 100V instruments

%# "
Manufactured and tested in accordance with IEC 61010-1:1990 + amendment 1:1992 + amendment 2:1995
IEC 61010-2-020:1993 + amendment 1:1996

#$ !
CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 1010-1.92
CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 1010-1.B97 amendment 2

Technical data

Electrical connections / fuses

Order no. Voltage Frequency Nominal current Power consumption Fuses inside instrument *

7500 3235 230 V 50/60 Hz 1,1 A 150 W 2 x 2 A slow-blow

(5 x 20 mm)

7500 3236 110/120 V 60 Hz 2A 150 W 2 x 4 A slow-blow

(6.3 x 32 mm)

* The fuse may be replaced only by authorized servicing personnel!

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Technical data

for your notes

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during run 28
cleaning 31
A conditions of warranty 36
acceleration 8 necessary measures 32
accessories continuous operation 28
cap nut 9 control panel
readings 8

rotor 11
tubular socket wrench 9 corrosive substances
aerosol tightness protective vessels for 4
check 25 cycle counter 46
aluminum rotor: 33
autoclaving 35
autoclaving cycle D
permissible maximum 35


& ""
symbol for potential 5

C dangerous chemicals 3

%# "
decontamination 32

#$ !
cap nut disinfectant 33
for fixing rotor 9 disinfection 4
centrifuge tubes procedure 33
types 11 disinfection with bleaching lye 34
volume range 11 display
centrifuging cycles during run 28
display 46 displays
changing settings brief failure 37
not lit 37


E fuses 47

EC Guidelines 5
electrical connections 47
emergency lid release 7
emergency release hazardous substances 3
lid 7 hazards
error messages symbols used for 5
„br“ 38 hints

„E-0“ 39 symbol for 5
„E-10“ 39
„E-11“ 39
„E-8“ 39 I
„lid 40
„OP“ with lid closed 40 icons
for denoting dangers and potential damage 5

infectious material

& ""
precautions in case of tube breakage 32
Instructions for use

%# "
fine tuning delivered with instrument 9

#$ !
run time 27 items delivered 9
speed setting 27
first steps 15
fixed-angle rotor 11 K
test solution for aerosol tightness 25 key
formula "quick run" 8
maximum permissible load 22 "set" 8
frequency 15 keys


general operation 8 O
opening the lid 18
L operation
continuous 28
lid preselected run time 27
blockage 38 short-time 29
lid lock mechanism 7 organic solvents
lid open during run not allowed for cleaning 32

warning 7 original parts
lid opening 18 mandatory use 4
lid release overloading
emergency 7 dangers implied 22


& ""
mains connection 15 partial loading
fuses 47

of rotor 26

%# "
mains switch 17 pathogenic microorganisms

#$ !
maintenance 31 protection against 4
manual lid release 18 permissible speed 22
manual stop 28 power on 17
maximum permissible load power supply 15
formula for 22 problems
maximum sample density 3 handling of 37
mechanical lid release 18 protective vessels
for corrosive substances 4


quick run function 29 safety instructions 3, 4
quick run key 8 safety measures 3
safety standards 5
safety systems
R built-in 7
safety zone 3
radius of centrifugation 30 cm around centrifuge 15

for calculation of RCF value 29 sample density
RCF value 29 maximum 3
readings service contracts 36
of control panel during run 8 set keys 8
relative centrifugal force 29 setting
rotor run time 27
cap nut for fixing 9 short-time operation 29

loading 26 socket wrench 9

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sodium fluorescein

partial loading 26
test solution for aerosol tightness 25

removal 22

%# "
rotor cap 21 software check
internal 17

#$ !
rotor insertion
temperature 20 software version
run time determination 41
continuous operation 28 speed
fine tuning 27 fine tuning 27
range 27 permissible 22
setting 27 speed of centrifugation
RZB-Wert 12 for calculation of RCF value 29
speed setting 27


stopping 28 volume range 11

substructure 15
for hazards and dangers 5 U
unbalance 23
temperature of the environment V

permissible 44
temperature range for rotor voltage 15
permissible 44
protection against 4
precautions for 17
tube warning

breakage with infectious material 32 lid open during run 7

& ""
tubes warranty conditions 36

%# "
types 11

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Autoclaving protocol

Autoclaving protocol
1 Date Remark Operator Signature



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Speed / RCF diagrams for PCR-Rotor 7500 3327

speed [rpm]


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rmin = 4,7 cm
rmax = 6,8 cm

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10 100 1000 10000 100000
RCF [x g]

Speed / RCF diagrams for 24 x 2ml Rotor 7500 3328

speed [rpm]


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rmin = 5,9 cm
rmax = 8,5 cm

#$ !
10 100 1000 10000 100000
RCF [x g]


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Australia Kendro Laboratory Products Pty Ltd · Lane Cove, Sydney · NSW 2066 · Tel. +61 (0) 2 -9936 1540 · Fax +61 (0) 2 -9427 9765 · info@kendro.com.au
Austria Kendro Laboratory Products GmbH · Vienna · Tel. +43 (0) 1-801 40 0 · Fax +43 (0) 1- 801 40 40 · office@kendro.at
Canada Kendro Laboratory Products International Sales · Newtown, CT · USA · Tel. +1 203 -270 2080 · Fax +1 203-270 2166 · info@kendro.com
China Kendro Laboratory Products Beijing Rep. Office · Beijing · Tel. +86 (0) 10-6501 3810 · Fax +86 (0) 10-6501 4229 · kendrobj@163bj.com
Kendro Laboratory Products (H.K.) Limited · Hong Kong · Tel. +852 2711 3910 · Fax +852 2711 3858 · info@kendro.com
Kendro Laboratory Products Shanghai Rep. Office · Shanghai ·Tel. +86 (0) 21-5490 0216 · Fax +86 (0) 21-5490 0230 · kendrosh@public4.sta.net.cn
Denmark Axeb AB · Albertslund · Tel. +45 (0) 43-6246 47 · Fax +45 (0) 43-6246 41 · info@axeb.dk
France Kendro Laboratory Products SAS · Courtaboeuf cedex · Tel. +33 (0) 1-69 18 77 77 · Fax +33 (0) 1-60 92 00 34 · info@kendro.fr
Germany Kendro Laboratory Products GmbH · Hanau · Tel +49 (0) 1805-536 376 · Fax +49 (0) 1805-112 114 · info@kendro.de
India Kendro Laboratory Products (India) Pvt. Ltd. · New Delhi · Tel. +91 (0) 11-618 48 40 · Fax +91 (0) 11-618 53 97 · kendro.india@vsnl.com

Italy AHSI S.p.A. · Cornate D’Adda · Tel. +39 039-68 271 · Fax +39 039-68 27 500 · info@ahsi.it
Japan Nippon Kendro Co. Ltd. · Tokyo · Tel. +81 (0) 3 -3517 1661 · Fax +81 (0) 3-3517 1664 · info@kendro.co.jp
New Zealand Kendro Laboratory Products Pty Ltd · Auckland · Tel. +64 (0) 9 -525 03 33 · Fax +64 (0) 9-525 03 37 · info@kendro.co.nz
Poland Kendro Spólka z.o.o. · Warsaw · Tel. +48 (0) 22 -663 43 23 · Fax +48 (0) 22-663 43 25 · kendro.warszawa@kendro.com.pl
Portugal Heraeus S.A. · Massamá · Tel. +351 (0) 214-387 630 · Fax +351 (0) 214-387 636 · heraeus@mail.telepac.pt
Spain Heraeus S.A. · Madrid · Tel. +34 (0) 91-358 19 96 · Fax +34 (0) 91-358 20 67 · laboratorio@heraeus.es
Sweden Axeb AB · Sollentuna · Tel. +46 (0) 8 -585 777 50 · Fax +46 (0) 8-623 15 45 · info@axeb.se
Switzerland Kendro Laboratory Products AG · Zurich · Tel. +41 (0) 1-454 12 12 · Fax +41 (0) 1-454 12 99 · kendro-ag@swissonline.ch
Kendro Laboratory Products SA · Carouge (Geneva) · Tel. +41 (0) 22 -343 21 67 · Fax +41 (0) 22-342 38 31 · kendro-sa@swissonline.ch
U.K./Ireland Kendro Laboratory Products PLC · Bishop’s Stortford · Herts · Tel. +44 (0) 1279-827 700 · Fax +44 (0) 1279-827 750 · kendro@kendro.co.uk
USA Kendro Laboratory Products · Newtown, CT · Tel. +1 800 -522 7746 · Fax +1 203-270 2166 · info@kendro.com

All other countries in

& ""
Asia Pacific Kendro Laboratory Products (H.K.) Limited · Hong Kong · Tel. +852 2711 3910 · Fax +852 2711 3858 · info@kendro.com
Europe, Middle East, Africa

%# "
Kendro Laboratory Products International Sales · Hanau · Germany · Tel. +49 (0) 1805-536 376 · Fax +49 (0) 1805-112 114 · info@kendro.de
Latin America Kendro Laboratory Products International Sales · Newtown, CT · USA · Tel. +1 203 -270 2080 · Fax +1 203-270 2210 · info@kendro.com

#$ !
Internet http://www.kendro.com

Kendro Laboratory Products GmbH In the interest of continuous product

development, we reserve the right to
Postfach 15 63 make changes without express notice.
D-63405 Hanau
Telefon: (+49) 1805 / 536 376
20057861 PICO_uk 09/02
Printed in Germany

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