Cognitive Behavioural Therapy For Schizophrenia - Outcomes For Functioning, Distress and Quality of Life: A Meta-Analysis
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy For Schizophrenia - Outcomes For Functioning, Distress and Quality of Life: A Meta-Analysis
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy For Schizophrenia - Outcomes For Functioning, Distress and Quality of Life: A Meta-Analysis
Background: The effect of cognitive behavioural therapy for psychosis (CBTp) on the core symptoms of
schizophrenia has proven contentious, with current meta-analyses finding at most only small effects. However, it has
been suggested that the effects of CBTp in areas other than psychotic symptoms are at least as important and
potentially benefit from the intervention.
Method: We meta-analysed RCTs investigating the effectiveness of CBTp for functioning, distress and quality of life in
individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia and related disorders. Data from 36 randomised controlled trials (RCTs) met
our inclusion criteria- 27 assessing functioning (1579 participants); 8 for distress (465 participants); and 10 for quality of
life (592 participants).
Results: The pooled effect size for functioning was small but significant for the end-of-trial (0.25: 95% CI: 0.14 to 0.33);
however, this became non-significant at follow-up (0.10 [95%CI -0.07 to 0.26]). Although a small benefit of CBT was
evident for reducing distress (0.37: 95%CI 0.05 to 0.69), this became nonsignificant when adjusted for possible
publication bias (0.18: 95%CI -0.12 to 0.48). Finally, CBTp showed no benefit for improving quality of life (0.04:
95% CI: -0.12 to 0.19).
Conclusions: CBTp has a small therapeutic effect on functioning at end-of-trial, although this benefit is not
evident at follow-up. Although CBTp produced a small benefit on distress, this was subject to possible publication bias
and became nonsignificant when adjusted. We found no evidence that CBTp increases quality of life post-intervention.
Keywords: Schizophrenia, Psychosis, CBT, CBTp, Cognitive behavioural therapy, Meta-analysis, Systematic review,
Distress, Quality of life, Functioning
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Laws et al. BMC Psychology (2018) 6:32 Page 2 of 10
Guidelines Network (SIGN). Thus, NICE [11] states that -0.18, 95% CI -0.10 to 0.47) or 78 weeks (K = 1; SMD
“The aims of psychological & psychosocial interventions 0.40, 95% CI -0.17 to 0.98). In their Cochrane review of
in psychosis & schizophrenia are numerous. These CBTp versus other psychosocial interventions, Jones et
should include interventions to improve symptoms but al. [6] included only one trial that examined quality of
also those that address vulnerability, which are embed- life [15] and no differential effect of CBTp was found ei-
ded in developmental processes. The aims, therefore, in- ther at end of treatment or follow-up in this trial. No
clude: reduction of distress associated with psychosis meta-analysis appears to have examined the effects of
symptoms… promoting social and educational recovery; CBTp on distress.
reducing depression and social anxiety … and relapse The aim of the series of meta-analyses reported
prevention (p.32).” Similarly, SIGN [12] states: “The aim here was to determine whether evidence shows that
[of CBTp] is to help the individual normalise and make CBTp improves aspects of the patient experience be-
sense of their psychotic experiences, and to reduce the yond symptom-reduction. Based on there being
associated distress and impact on functioning (p.55)”. enough trials to permit meaningful pooling of data,
Similar sentiments are expressed in guidelines from else- we selected three outcome variables: functioning, dis-
where in the world, e.g. the Royal Australian and New tress and quality of life.
Zealand College of Psychiatrists [13].
Nevertheless, the effect of CBTp on non-symptomatic Method
outcomes in schizophrenia has been relatively less inves- We initially considered the 52 RCTs retreived by Jauhar
tigated than its effect on symptoms. Nearly 10 years ago, et al. (2014), which covered the period of 1993 (the date
Wykes et al. [14] carried out a series of meta-analyses of the first published trial of cognitive behavioural ther-
that included 15 trials which evaluated functioning. The apy in schizophrenia) to March 2013. We also searched
pooled effect size was significant (Glass’s Δ = 0.38: 95% the trials previously excluded by Jauhar et al. These
CI 0.15 to 0.60); however, analysing the trials by study studies were supplemented with a systematic search of
quality (as measured using a unitary scale for this) re- the literature using PubMED and Scopus to identify
vealed a large and significant difference in effect size be- RCTs of CBTp between the dates of March 2013 and
tween high and low-quality trials (0.15 vs. 0.51). They April 2018. Searches were unrestricted regarding lan-
did not examine effect sizes for any follow-up period. guage and whether material was published or unpub-
Several meta-analyses of functioning were also carried lished. We also searched through reference sections of
out by the National Collaborating Centre for Mental papers that were considered eligible. Multiple searches
Health (NCCMH) ( were conducted using the following terms and combina-
chiatry/nccmh.aspx) for the purposes of the 2009 NICE tions of terms:
guideline. These analyses assessed data relating to spe- “Cognitive Behavioural Therapy” AND “Psychosis”
cific functioning scales and for all scales combined; AND “Randomised controlled trial”.
examining effects at end-of-treatment and follow-up as “Cognitive Behavio*” AND “Psychosis” AND
well as against ‘treatment as usual’ (TAU) or other active “Randomi*”.
controls (such as befriending or supportive counselling). “Cognitive Behavio*” AND “Psychosis” AND “RCT”.
The standardised mean difference (SMD) revealed that “CBT” AND “Psychosis” AND “RCT”.
CBTp had no significant impact on functioning com- “CBT” AND “Psychosis” AND “Randomi*”.
pared to TAU (K = 6: - 0.14, 95% CI -0.45 to 0.17), but “Cognitive Behavio*” AND “schizo*”.
at 12-month follow up was marginally significant (K = 4: “CBT” AND “Schizo*”.
-0.20, 95% CI-0.41 to − 0.00). When CBTp was con- “Cognitive Behavio*” AND “Schizo*” AND “RCT”.
trasted with active controls, a medium effect emerged at “Cognitive Behavio*” AND “Schizo*” AND “Random*”.
the end-of-treatment (K = 3: SMD -0.50, 95% CI -0.84 to “CBT” AND “Schizo*” AND “Randomi*”.
− 0.16); there was no meta-analysis against active con- “CBT” AND “Schizo*” AND “RCT”.
trols at follow-up. The small numbers of trials analysed This search produced a further 16 studies. All 69 stud-
however, limits the reliability of findings from some of ies were then hand-searched by one of us (ND) for the
the NICE meta-analyses. The other main limiting factor outcome measures of interest and counter-checked by
concerning the meta-analyses by Wykes et al. [14] and another (KRL).
NICE [11], is that the data in both are now a decade old. Our inclusion criteria paralleled those used by Jauhar
NICE [11] also reported on a small number of trials et al. [7], Wykes et al. [14], NICE [11] and the Cochrane
measuring quality of life and found no significant advan- Collaboration [6]. Thus, studies were included if a ma-
tage for CBTp compared to supportive counselling at jority of the patients had a diagnosis of schizophrenia,
the end of treatment (K = 3) (SMD 0.01, 95% CI –0.19 to schizoaffective or non-affective functional psychosis, ei-
0.21) or for follow-up at either 52 weeks (K = 2; SMD ther made clinically or according to diagnostic criteria.
Laws et al. BMC Psychology (2018) 6:32 Page 3 of 10
Trials could use any measure of functioning, distress or quality of life (MSQoL: [36]); and the Manchester Short
quality of life (for details, see below). Studies also had to Assessment of Quality of Life (MANSA: [37]).
include a parallel control group of any type, i.e. waitlist,
TAU or an intervention designed to control for the Meta-analysis
non-specific effects of psychotherapy. We excluded Pooled effect sizes for the data were created using Compre-
non-randomised trials and those which used inappropri- hensive Meta-analysis, version 2 [38]. A random-effects
ate randomisation methods (e.g. allocation by alternation model was used in all analyses. Effect sizes were derived
or by availability of the intervention). The four from the post-intervention (or follow-up) scores using
non-randomised trials that were located all also used Hedges g (i.e. the standardized mean difference using group
non-blinded outcome assessment and were low in over- means divided by the pooled standard deviation: Eq. 1) and
all quality (see [16–19]). corrected for the tendency towards overestimation in small
Determination of what types of therapy constituted studies ([39] Eq. 2). When these data were not available in
CBTp was relatively broad and followed Jauhar et al. [7] a paper, authors were contacted. Effect sizes are described
– those that incorporated additional elements of therapy, using Cohen’s convention: an effect size of 0.20 was consid-
such as motivational interviewing, family engagement, ered small, 0.50 moderate, and 0.80 large.
behaviour therapy and social skills training, were also in-
cluded. Following previous meta-analyses, we did not in- M 1 −M2
smd ¼ ð1Þ
clude studies that delivered CBT as part of a SD pooled
multicomponent package of care that involved several
other interventions (sometimes referred to as integrated 3
1− ð2Þ
treatment or similar). We included trials using both in- 4N−1
dividual and group CBTp.
Heterogeneity was examined with Q and I2 statistics.
An I2 value of 0–40% suggests that heterogeneity may
Data extraction not be important, 30–60% may represent moderate het-
For functioning, trials used a variety of clinician-assessed erogeneity, 50–90% may represent substantial hetero-
rating scales which included: the Global Assessment of geneity, and 75–100% may represent considerable
Functioning scale (GAF: [20]); the Social and Occupa- heterogeneity (see [40]). Publication bias was examined
tional Functioning Assessment Scale (SOFAS: [21]); the using Duval and Tweedie’s [41] trim and fill technique,
Global Assessment Scale (GAS: [22]); the Multnomah which aims to estimate the number of missing studies
Community Ability Scale (MCAS: [23]); and the Life within an analysis and the effect that those studies might
Skills Profile (LSP: [24]). Other scales considered to be have on outcomes. Moderator analyses, where feasible,
includable were the Social Functioning Scale (SFS: [25]), followed Jauhar et al. [7] and so, included comparisons
the Role Functioning Scale (RFS: [26]), the Social Behav- of blind vs non-blind outcome-assessment and the use
iour Schedule (SBS: [27]), the Independent Living Skills of active control vs treatment as usual. The latter cat-
Survey (ILSS: [28]), and the Personal and Social Per- egorical comparisons were conducted using a method
formance Scale (PSP: [29]). analogous to ANOVA.
Studies were included if they measured the distress as-
sociated with the symptoms of psychosis. Outcomes re- Results
lating to depression and anxiety alone were not included Thirty-six RCTs (37 samples) met our inclusion criteria
as these were considered to represent symptomatic mea- (See Fig. 1), some measuring more than one outcome.
sures. Where articles provided more than one outcome Twenty-six samples assessed functioning, 8 assessed dis-
measure for distress, ‘total distress’ scores were used. tress and 10 quality of life. See Table 1 for excluded
Measures included: the ‘distress’ domain within the studies and main reason for exclusion.
Psychotic Symptom Rating Scale (PSYRATS: [30]); the
Global Severity Index (GSI: [31]); and a questionnaire Functioning
using a Likert scale ([32*]: On a scale from 0 to 10, how Functioning was assessed in 25 trials (with 26 samples:
bothered are you when you experience (specific hallucin- see Additional file 1) providing a total of 1579 partici-
ation) [or think about (specific delusion)]?). pants (780 received CBTp and 799 were in the control
The quality of life measures used in trials included: the condition). Of the 26 samples, 17 compared CBTp to
Quality of life scale (QLS: [33]); the World Health Or- treatment as usual (TAU), while the remaining 9 com-
ganisation Quality Of Life Scale (WHOQOL-BREF: pared it to another intervention (psychoeducation,
[34]); the Quality of life, Enjoyment and Satisfaction befriending, cognitive remediation, social activity
Questionnaire (Q-LES-Q: [35]); the Modular System for therapy, supportive therapy, goal focused supportive
Laws et al. BMC Psychology (2018) 6:32 Page 4 of 10
Fig. 2 Forest plot for post-intervention scores on functioning. Note. Edwards et al. [58*] had intervention groups (Clozapine + CBT [CZ + CBT] and
Thioridazine + CBT [TDZ + CBT] and two control groups i.e. Clozapine and Thioridazine respectively
18 months). Follow-up assessments involved 792 partici- used blind assessment (K = 13: g = 0.12–0.08 to 0.32)
pants (393 CBTp and 399 controls) and retention was and did not differ significantly in effect size (Q = 0.14,
high with over 91% of the CBT and control participants df = 1, p = .71) from nonblind trials (K = 3 g = 0.04–
examined at end-of-trial being assessed at follow-up. 0.33 to 0.42) with both being nonsignificant.
The pooled effect size for CBTp on functioning at
follow-up was nonsignificant 0.10 [95%CI -0.07 to 0.28], Distress
p = .23 (see Fig. 3). The samples showed low heterogen- Distress was analysed in 8 studies (see Additional file 2)
eity (Q = 21.78, df = 15, p = .11; I2 = 31.12). Most trials with a total sample size of 465 (235 receiving CBTp and
230 in control conditions). Of these studies, 7 were With the analysis adjusted for this, the new effect size
against a treatment as usual (TAU) and 1 was against a was reduced slightly (g = 0.01, 95% CI: -0.15 to 0.16).
waitlist control. Most trials (7/8) used individual therapy The five trials examining QoL under blind conditions
with only [59*] using group therapy. had a nonsignificant mean effect size of 0.06 [95% CI
The pooled effect size was significant at 0.37 (95% CI -0.24 to 0.36, p = .69], as did the three trials assessing
0.05 to 0.69, p = .02). The studies were heterogeneous (Q QoL without blinding (0.16 [95%CI -0.20 to 0.52]
(7) = 17.27, p = .01) with an I2 value of 60.51 suggesting p = .39); two further studies were unclear about blinding
moderate-high levels of true heterogeneity amongst the ([63, 64*] was presented blind, however raters correctly
studies. The forest plot is shown in Fig. 4. guessed 70% of the group assignments).
Duval and Tweedie’s trim and fill bias analysis [41] im-
puted 3 trials (see Fig. 5). When the meta-analysis was Discussion
adjusted for this potential bias, the new effect size re- As noted in the introduction, while more than a dozen
duced and became nonsignificant (g = 0.18, 95% CI: meta-analyses have examined whether CBTp reduces
-0.12 to 0.48). the positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia,
Most trials were non-blind and these showed a signifi- non-symptomatic outcomes have been somewhat
cant distress reduction (K = 6, g = 0.43[95% CI 0.20 to neglected. Two previous meta-analyses – both now a
0.66]); however, the two blind trials [60*, 61*] produced a decade old – have examined the impact of CBTp on
nonsignificant effect (0.19 [95% CI -0.72 to 1.10]). functioning [11, 14] but ours is the first to examine the
impact of CBTp across a range of non-symptomatic out-
Quality of life comes, including: functioning at end-of trial and
Quality of life was assessed in 10 samples from 9 trials follow-up and the impact on quality of life and distress.
(see Additional file 3) with a total sample size of 592 Although a small benefit of CBTp for functioning
(293 received CBTp and 299 in the control condition. emerged at end-of-trial, this was non-significant at
Of these studies, 1 was against an active control condi- follow-up. In 8 trials, CBT was found to produce a small
tion (psychoeducation/befriending), 7 were against a significant reduction in distress; however, evidence of
treatment as usual (TAU condition), and 2 were against potential publication bias led to the imputing of 3 stud-
a waitlist control. Three trials used group therapy ([59*, ies, halving the effect size and making it non-significant.
62*, 63*], and) – the remaining 7 samples used individual The effect was also moderated by blinding – significant
therapy. distress reduction was only found in trials using
CBTp had no significant impact on quality of life, with non-blind outcome assessment. Quality of life was un-
an effect size close to zero at 0.04 (95% CI: -0.12 to 0.19, affected by CBTp and indeed, none of 10 samples docu-
p = .66). The studies were not heterogeneous (Q (9) = mented a significant benefit.
7.19, p = .62) with an I2 value of 0. The forest plot in With respect to functioning, our effect size of 0.25
Fig. 6 presents the effect sizes for each trial, showing (95% CI 0.14 to 0.33) for functioning is considerably
that none of the individual trials significantly improved smaller than the 0.38 effect size reported by Wykes et al.
QoL; both group (K = 3 g = 0.15 95% CI -0.22 to 0.51) [14] in their meta-analysis of 15 trials - indeed, the
and individual therapy were nonsignificant (K = 7, g = Wykes et al. [14] effect size falls beyond the upper end
0.01 95% CI -0.17 to 0.19) and I2 was zero in both. of our 95% confidence intervals. One possible reason for
When publication bias was examined, Duval and this reducing effect size is that 12 of 14 RCTs published
Tweedie’s trim and fill [41] imputed 1 missing effect size. since Wykes et al’s 2008 [14] meta-analysis – and since
Fig. 5 Funnel plot for distress (white dots are published trials & black dots imputed missing trials)
NICE [11] published their current guidance on CBTp - With an effect size that was close to zero, we found no
have produced nonsignificant outcomes. Importantly, suggestion that CBTp improves quality of life in people
more recent studies also included large well-controlled diagnosed with schizophrenia. Our findings accord with
trials (e.g [65*]). Furthermore, our analysis of follow-up earlier smaller analyses of quality of life by NICE [11]
data derived from 16 samples revealed that CBT did not and the Cochrane Collaboration [6], both of which
significantly improve functioning. This latter finding found no evidence of CBTp being efficacious for this
contrasts with the findings reported by NICE; it seems outcome. Although the current number of trials remains
likely that this reflects the fact that the current quite small (K = 9 and 10 samples), we found little to
meta-analysis is much larger - involving four times as suggest that missing trials or methodological factors -
many trials. Our findings provide an important update such as blinding or type of control group - were playing
on the multiple meta-analyses carried out for NICE any role in this null finding. Indeed, every published trial
(2009), which was on small numbers of trials and pro- has reported a nonsignificant effect of CBTp on quality
duced mixed findings. NICE have still failed to update of life; particularly noteworthy is one trial by van der
their meta-analyses, which contain no trials post-2008; Gaag et al. [64*] which had large numbers (109 CBTp
and so, it might seem an appropriate time to update and 97 controls) and an effect size of zero.
their analyses and potentially, their recommendations Despite CBTp being promoted as effective against dis-
given the findings here. The repeated decisions by NICE tress by both NICE [11] and SIGN [12], this outcome
to not update CG178 with any trials post-2008 has also has received surprisingly little interest from triallists.
been remarked upon in meta-analyses and indeed, by Only 8 in 67 RCTs that met our eligibility criteria re-
the Chair of SIGN [7, 66]. ported distress as an outcome and this was always as a
secondary measure. Although significant at 0.37, the ef- System for quality of life; NCCMH: National Collaborating Centre for Mental
fect size for distress was prone to potential publication Health; NICE: National Institute for Care and Health Excellence; PSP: Personal
and Social Performance Scale; PSYRATS: Psychotic Symptom Rating Scale; Q-
bias and when adjusted for three potentially missing tri- LES-Q: Quality of life, Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire; QLS: Quality
als, became small and nonsignificant at 0.18. Also note- of life scale; RCT: Randomised Controlled Trial; RFS: Role Functioning Scale;
worthy is that several RCTs assessing distress had small SBS: Social Behaviour Schedule; SFS: Social Functioning Scale; SIGN: Scottish
Intercollegiate Guidelines Network; SMD: Standardised mean difference;
samples and so their power to detect true (small) effects SOFAS: Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale;
is likely to be low. Following Button et al. [67], it is pos- TAU: Treatment as usual; WHOQOL-BREF: World Health Organisation Quality
sible to derive the median statistical power of each study Of Life Scale
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