Chapter 5 - Annuities: Section 5.3 - Review of Annuities-Certain
Chapter 5 - Annuities: Section 5.3 - Review of Annuities-Certain
Chapter 5 - Annuities: Section 5.3 - Review of Annuities-Certain
where ν = 1+i .
Annuity-Due - It pays 1 at the beginnig of every year for n years.
where d = 1+i .
Continuous Payment Annuity - It smears the payment of 1 over each
year for n years.
1 1
mth ly Annuity Immediate - It pays m at the end of every m part of the
year for n years.
i(m) m
where 1 + m = (1 + i) = ν −1 .
1 1
mth ly Annuity Due - It pays m at the beginning of every m part of the
year for n years.
d(m) −m
where 1 − m = (1 + i) = ν −1 .
Section 5.4 - Annual Life Annuities
The annual life annuity pays the annuitant (annuity policyholder)
once each year as long as the annuitant is alive on the payment
date. If the policy continues to pay throughout the remainder of the
annuitant’s life, it is called a whole life annuity.
Subsection 5.4.1 - Whole Life Annuity-Due
Payments of $1 are made at the beginning of each year of the
annuitant’s remaining life. The present value random variable is
The only random part of this expression is ν Kx +1 . We have already
found in chapter 4 (pages 4-6, 4-7) that
E ν Kx +1 = Ax
2 2
E ν Kx +1
= Ax .
An alternative expression for the EPV can be found by noting that
Y = äk +1| I(k ≤ Tx < k + 1).
k =0
This produces
Subsection 5.4.2 - Term Annuity-Due
The present value random variable of $1 annual payments under an
annuity due contract with a maximum of n payments is:
äKx +1| if Kx < n
Y =
än| if Kx ≥ n
1 − ν min(Kx +1,n)
= .
Note that Ax:n| is the endowment insurance EPV. See page 4-21.
This EPV can also be written as
äx:n| = ν k k px or
k =0
Y ∗ = Y − 1.
Subsection 5.4.4 - Term Annuity-Immediate
In this setting the $1 annual payments are made at the end of each
year provided the annuitant is alive at that point in time, but there will
be at most n payments made. The present value random variable is
Comparing this to
äx:n| = k px ,
k =0
we see that
" n−1 #
Yn∗ = ak | I(k ≤ Tx < k + 1) + an| I(Tx ≥ n),
k =1
Example 5-1: You are given 10 p0 = .07, 20 p0 = .06 and 30 p0 = .04.
Suppose each survivor age 20 contributes P to a fund so there is an
amount at the end of 10 years to pay $1,000 to each survivor age
30. Use i = .06 and find P.
Example 5-2: You are given (1) 10 year pure endowment of 1, (2)
whole life annuity-immediate with 1 annual payments, (3) whole life
annuity-due with 1 annual payments and (4) 10-year temporary life
annuity-immediate with 1 for annual payments. Rank the actuarial
present values of these options.
Example 5-3: An insurance company agrees to make payments to
someone age x who was injured at work. The payments are $150K
annually, starting immediately and continuing as long as the person
is alive. After the first $500K the remainder is paid by a reinsurance
company. Let i = .05, t px = (.7)t for 0 ≤ t ≤ 5.5 and 0 for t > 5.5.
Calculate the EPV for the reinsurance company.
Example 5-4: You are given: P[T0 > 25] = .7 and P[T0 > 35] = .5 .
Each of the following annuities-due have an actuarial PV of 60,000:
(1) life annuity-due of 7,500 on (25)
(2) life annuity-due of 12,300 on (35)
(3) life annuity-due of 9,400 on (25) that makes at most 10 payments
What is the interest rate?
Section 5.5 - Annuities Payable Continuously
Subsection 5.5.1 - Whole Life Continuous Annuity
In this setting a continuous payment of $1 is smeared over each year
until time t (not necessarily an integer). The present value of this
smear is
Z t
ν s t νt − 1 1 − νt
at| = ν s ds = = =
0 ln(ν) 0 ln(ν) δ
and its variance is
Recall that 1 − Fx (t) = t px and fx (t) = − dt t px . Also that
1 − νt
d d
at| = = νt
dt dt − ln(ν)
Z ∞ Z ∞
a x = E a Tx | = at| fx (t)dt = at| − t px dt
0 0 dt
Z ∞
= − at| t px + ν t t px dt. int by parts
0 0
It follows that
Subsection 5.5.2 - Term Life Continuous Annuity
The present value random variable for a term continuous annuity
setting ending at n (not necessarily an integer) years is
1 − ν min(Tx ,n)
Y = amin(Tx ,n)| = ,
So its EPV is
Recall that Ax:n| is the endowment EPV for life insurance. See pages
4-20 and 4-21.
Other expressions for the EPV include
Z n
ax:n| = e−δt t px dt
Z n
ax:n| = at| t px µx+t dt + an| n px .
Example 5-5: Important Setting Assume a constant force of mortality
µ∗x and a constant force of interest δ. Find ax and ax:n| .
Example 5-6: Important Setting Assume a constant force of interest
δ and a future life length that is de Moivre (0, ω − x). Find ax and
ax:n| .
Section 5.6 - Annuities Payable mth ly
Subsection 5.5.1 - Whole Life Annuity Payable mth ly
For a whole life annuity-due setting, the present value random
variable is
(m) 1
(m) 1 − ν (Kx +m )
Y = ä = .
Kx + 1
d (m)
An alternative form for this EPV is
X 1 k
äx = ν m k px .
m m
k =0
Subsection 5.6.2 - Term Life Annuity Payable mth ly
When payments cease after n years, the present value random
variable of the annuity-due is:
(m) 1
(m) 1 − ν min(Kx +m ,n)
Y = ä = .
(m) 1
min(Kx + m ,n) d (m)
We also note that the term annuity-immediate EPV, ax:n| , is just like
(m) 1
äx:n| except that it does not contain the constant first term m at k = 0
and does contain a term at k = mn, that is
X 1 k
ax:n| = νm k p x .
m m
k =1
In an annual annuity-due, a payment of 1 occurs at the beginning of
the year. When m payments are of m are made during the year, they
move the mass (potential payments) further away from t = 0. Thus,
äx > äx for m > 1.
Example 5-7: Mortality follows de Moivre (0,80) for someone age x.
If δ = .05, find ax:20| .
Example 5-8: If Y is the present value R.V. for someone age x, find
E[Y ] when
Example 5-9: You are give that µ = .01 and that δ = .04 when
0 ≤ t ≤ 5 and δ = .03 when t > 5. Find ax:10| .
Example 5-10: Given δ = .05 and µt = .05 for 0 ≤ t ≤ 50 and
µt = .10 for t > 50. Find the EPV of a 50 year temporary life
continuous payment annuity with 1 smeared over each year for
insured age 30, ceasing immediately at death.
Example 5-11: A 30 year old will receive $5,000 annually beginning
one year from today for as long as this person lives. When px = k for
all x, the actuarial PV of the annuity is $22,500, with i = .10. Find k .
1 = .25 and
Example 5-12: Given Ax = .28, Ax+20 = .40, Ax:20|
i = .05, find ax:20| .
Section 5.8 - Deferred Life Annuities
A deferred life annuity does not begin payments until u years have
passed and then continues to make annual payments of 1 as long as
the annuitant is alive at the time of payment.
u |Yx = Yx − Yx:u| .
A second way to view a deferred whole life annuity is to consider its
payments year by potential year:
u |äx = E[ u |Yx ]
= 1 u px ν u + 1 u+1 px ν u+1 + 1 u+2 px ν u+2 + · · ·
= u px ν u 1 + 1 1 px+u ν 1 + 1 2 px+u ν 2 + · · ·
= u px ν u äx+u
Example 5-13: A continuous deferred annuity pays at a rate of
(1.04)t at time t starting 5 years from now. You are given δ = .07
and µt = .01 when t < 5 and µt = .02 when t ≥ 5. Find the actuarial
present value of this annuity.
Section 5.9 - Guaranteed Annuities
Money accumulated in a 401K account is typically used to purchase
a retirement annuity which will pay the annuitant a monthly income
for the remainder of the annuitant’s life. These life annuities come
with guarantee options of 0, 5, 10, 15, or 20 years. The longer the
guarantee period, the lower the monthly payment amounts, but
these decrements are usually not substantial.
Consider an annual whole life annuity with a n-year guarantee
period, for which the annuitant is x years old. The present value
random variable of $1 annual payments is
if Kx ≤ n − 1
Y =
äKx +1| if Kx ≥ n
Example 5-14: Given Ax = .3, Ax:20| = .4, i = .05 and 20 px = .7, find
a .
Example 5-15: An annuity pays 1 at the beginning of each year for
(35) and pays until age 65. Payments are certain for the first 15
years. Calculate the EPV given: ä15| = 11.94, ä30| = 19.6,
ä35:15| = 11.62, ä35:30| = 18.13, ä35 = 21.02, ä50 = 15.66 and
ä65 = 9.65 .
Section 5.10 - Life Annuities With Increasing Payments
Subsection 5.10.1 - Arithmetically Increasing Annuities
If it is a term policy with n as the maximum number of annual
payments, then the EPV is
The EPV in this general case is
b Ia x
+ cax .
Subsection 5.10.2 - Geometrically Increasing Annuities
∞ ∞ ∞
1+j t
t t
X X 1
(1 + j) ν t px = t px = t px
1+i 1 + i∗
t=0 t=0 t=0
= äx i ∗
Here i ∗ is the interest rate that satisfies
Example 5-17: A person age (20) buys a special 5-year life
contingent annuity-due with annual payments of 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9.
Find the EPV if
Example 5-18: Age (65) considers three term life contingent
annuities paying annually with last payment at age 75.
1) $5K at age 66, subsequent payments decrease by $500 per year,
has EPV of $14K
2)$1K at age 65, subsequent payments increase by $1K per year,
has EPV of $21K
3) $1K every year with first at (65), has EPV of P
Find P.
Section 5.11 - Evaluating Life Annuities
Subsection 5.11.1 - Recursive Evaluation for Life Annuities
Values for äx are very useful in assessing a lifetime annuity or a
potential stream of life contingent payments. Recall that
äx = äx:n + n Ex äx+n
so the values for äx can be used to find term EPV’s , äx:n , also. The
whole life values are often computed recursively, starting at the end
äω−1 = 1,
and working back over time by using
äx = 1 + νpx + ν 2 px px+1 + ν 3 px px+1 px+2 + · · ·
= 1 + νpx 1 + νpx+1 + ν 2 px+1 px+2 + · · · or
Similarly, for an mth ly annuity-due:
Now use the fact that äx = d and write
i (m) − i(1 − d äx ) i − i (m)
(m) id
äx = = äx − or
i (m) d (m) i d (m)
(m) i (m) d (m)
As m → ∞, we get
Likewise, for term annuity-dues,
(m) (m) (m)
äx:n| = äx − n Ex äx+n
Subsection 5.11.3 - Woolhouse Approximations
Consider the function
g(t) ≡ ν t t px = e−δt t px .
Note that
It follows that
Z ∞ ∞
X h h2 0 h4 00
g(t)dt = h g(kh) − g(0) + g (0) + g (0) + · · ·
0 2 12 720
k =0
X 1 1
= ν k k px − − (δ + µx )
2 12
k =0
1 1
= äx − − (δ + µx ).
2 12
(2) Applying this formula with h = m yields
Z ∞ ∞
. 1 X k 1 1
g(t)dt = g( ) − g(0) + g 0 (0)
0 m m 2m 12m2
k =0
1 X k 1 1
= ν m k px − − (δ + µx )
m m 2m 12m2
k =0
(m) 1 1
= äx − − (δ + µx ).
2m 12m2
(3) Setting these two approximations equal to each other produces
(m) 1 1 1 1
äx − − 2
(δ + µx ) ≈ äx − − (δ + µx ) or
2m 12m 2 12
This motivates
where px = lx .
Section 5.13 - Select Lives in Life Annuities
Selection via underwriting alters the survival probabilities which in
tern alter the present values of payment streams. For example,
äx = ν k k p[x]
k =0