2011 U of I Mock Putnam Contest Solutions
2011 U of I Mock Putnam Contest Solutions
2011 U of I Mock Putnam Contest Solutions
1. [Variation of A2, Putnam 1987] The sequence of digits
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 ...
is obtained by writing out the natural numbers in order. Let f (n) denote the position of the first digit of the number
n in this sequence. Thus, for example, f (1) = 1, f (2) = 2, f (10) = 10 (since the integer n = 10 occupies positions 10
and 11 in this sequence), f (11) = 12 (since 11 occupies positions 12 and 13), f (12) = 14 (since 12 occupies positions
14 and 15, and so on.
Find, with proof, a simple explicit formula for f (10k ), where k is an arbitrary positive integer.
Solution. The desired formula is f (10k = k10k (10k 1)/9 + 1 . To prove this, note that 10k is the first integer
with k + 1 digits. Thus, the position of its first digit is 1 plus the total number of positions occupied by the integers
with at most k digits.
Now there are 10i 10i1 integers with exactly i digits (namely, all integers n in the range 10i1 n < 10i ), so the
total number of positions occupied by integers with i digits is i(10i 10i1 ). Adding these counts for i = 1, 2, . . . , k 1
gives the number of positions occupied by integers with at most k digits:
X k
X k1
(10i 10i1 )i = 10i i 10j (j + 1)
i=1 i=1 j=0
= 10k k 10j
10k 1
= 10k k .
10 1
Adding 1 to this count gives the above formula for f (10k ).
2. Let an = [( 2 + 1)n ], where [x] denotes the greatest integer x (i.e., the floor function). Prove that an is even if and
only if n is odd.
Solution. Let bn := (1 + 2)n + (1 2)n . Expanding each of the two nth powers by the binomial theorem shows
X n k k X n
bn = ( 2) + ( 2) = 2 2k/2 .
k k
k=0 k even
Hence bn is an even integer. Now (1 2) is a number of absolute
value at most 2 1 < 1/2 and is negative
for n
odd, and positive for n even. Since ( 2 + 1)n = bn (1 2)n , by the definition of bn , it follows that [( 2 + 1)n ] is
equal to bn when n is odd, and equal to bn 1 when n is even. Since bn is always even, this proves the claim.
Solution. Dividing by the right-hand side, the given inequality can be rewritten as
(1) (x1 . . . xn )1/n + (y1 . . . yn )1/n 1,
ai bi
xi =
, yi = .
ai + bi ai + bi
Applying AGM to each term on the left of (1) gives
n n n
1X 1X 1X
(x1 . . . xn )1/n + (y1 . . . yn )1/n xi + yi = (xi + yi ) = 1,
n i=1 n i=1 n i=1
and since > 3, the latter series converges. This proves part (a).
(b) If we let the Pi be the lattice points (m, n, p) with positive integral coordinates, then the conditions |Pi | 1 and
|Pi Pj | 1 are satisfied. On the other hand, we have
X 1 X 1
|Pi |3 m,n,p=1
(m2 + n2 + p2 )3/2
Note that these intervals are disjoint. We will show that the given sum restricted
P to the interval Ik is c/k, where c
is a positive constant. Hence the entire series is bounded from below by k=1 c/k, a divergent series.
To prove this, note first that
1 1 1
n Ik ek+ 2 n < ek+ 2 + 2k
1 1 1
k + ln n < k + +
2 2 2k
1 1 1
= cos 2 k + cos(2 ln n) < cos 2 k + +
2 2 2k
cos() cos(2 ln n) < cos 1 +
= 1 cos(2 ln n) < 1 + ,
where the latter inequality follows from the bound
Also, if n Ik , then
1 1
ln n < k + + k + 1 2k,
2 2k
1 e(ln n)/k e2
= .
n1+/k n n
It follows that
X 1 X e2
> .
n2+cos( ln n) nIk
2 1 1
e dt k+1/2 ,
I t e
2 k+1/2+1/k k+1/2 1
=e ln(e ) ln(e ) k+1/2 ,
e2 ek .
Summing the latter expression over all k gives a divergent series. Hence the given series diverges as well.
Note that, for each i {1, 2, . . . , n}, the factor i occurs exactly n times in the numerator and 2(n i + 1) times in the
denominator. Hence,
ln Gnn = (ln i)(n 2(n i + 1))
Xn n
(1) = (ln i)(2i n) 2 ln i.
i=1 i=1
X n(n + 1) 2
(2) (ln n)(2i n) = (ln n) 2 n = n ln n.
Dividing by n2 we get
1 1X i i
(3) ln G1/n
n = ln G n
n = ln 2 1 + R(n),
n2 n i=1 n n
ln n 2 X ln n
R(n) = 2 ln i + .
n n i=1 n
ln n 2 X 3 ln n
|R(n)| + 2 ln n ,
n n i=1 n
we have limn R(n) = 0, so the term R(n) has no effect on the limit of ln Gn , and we can therefore ignore it.
The remaining term on the right of (3) can be interpreted as a Riemann sum for the integral 0 (ln x)(2x 1)dx, and
evaluating this integral gives the desired limit:
1X i i
lim ln G1/n
n = lim ln 2 1
n n n n n
Z 1
= (ln x)(2x 1)dx
1 Z 1 1
= (x2 x) ln x (x2 x) dx
0 0 x
Z 1
= (x 1)dx = .
0 2
Exponentiating, we get limn Gn = e1/2 , as claimed.