First Preliminary Examination in Grade 8 English June 27,2019 Name: - Score: - /40
First Preliminary Examination in Grade 8 English June 27,2019 Name: - Score: - /40
First Preliminary Examination in Grade 8 English June 27,2019 Name: - Score: - /40
A. Identify the stressed syllable in the underlined B. Underline the syllable where the stress of
words in the following sentences. Underline the word is located.
your answer.
1. Can you pass me a plastic spoon? 11. s t u d e n t
PLAS-tic plas-TIC
2. I want to be a photographer. 12. attend
PHO-to-graph-er pho-TO-graph-er
13. computation
3. Which photograph do you like best?
PHO-to-graph pho-TO-graph 14. fabulous
4. He was born in China.
CHI-na Chi-NA 15. expensive
5. Whose computer is this?
com-PU-ter com-pu-TER 16. sentimental
6. I can't decide which book to borrow.
17. manager
DE-cide de-CIDE
7. Couldn't you understand what she was saying? 18. ecology
un-DER-stand un-der-STAND
8. Voting in elections is your most important duty. 19. centimeter
im-POR-tant im-por-TANT
20. emotional
9. WeII:had a really interesting conversation.
con-VER-sa-tion con-ver-SA-tion
10. How do you pronounce this word?
PRO-nounce pro-NOUNCE
__________6. The main character of the narrative is also the narrator of the narrative.
__________7. The main character is a curious young child.
__________8. The narrative is about African slavery.
__________9. The main character did not receive a clear answer to his question.
__________10. The hands of the blacks symbolize the idea that all men are the same.
Second Preliminary Examination in Grade 8 English July 16,2019
Name: _________________________________ Score: __/40
TEST I: Shades of Meaning
The words below have different shades of meaning. Write the words on the space provided in
ascending order.