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Progress Test 2A

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Doan Thi Diem Secondary School ENGLISH 8

Name: ……………………………… Class: 8… Module 3 – 4

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest.
1. A. compartment B. carriage C. handlebar D. argument
2. A. nutritious B. exhibition C. domesticate D. aviation
3. A. enthusiastic B. sympathy C. accustomed D. decrease
4. A. peculiar B. commute C. curious D. amusing
5. A. scratch B. clench C. approach D. anchor
II. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from others’ in each line.
1. A. digital B. average C. embarrass D. passenger
2. A. eventually B. prosperously C. continually D. disastrously
3. A. cyberbullying B. peninsula C. behavior D. adventurous
4. A. distinctive B. agriculture C. interviewer D. advertiser
5. A. descendent B. recreate C. surrounding D. financial


I. Choose the best answer.
1. There’s no _________ to what we can do with VR headsets.
A. limit B. lesson C. class D. limitation
2. You can put your suitcases in the __________ of the car.
A. boot B. room C. carriage D. space
3. Harry _________ four years as a waiter before he became a chief.
A. used B. passed C. worked D. spent
4. Virtual reality can give players a thrilling gaming _________.
A. experience B. effect C. affect D. fight
5. They ate a __________ lunch, so they were still hungry in the evening.
A. heavy B. light C. strong D. wide
6. Ted _____________ a photograph from his camera onto the Internet.
A. uploaded B. downloaded C. engaged D. put
7. Jane ____________ a new computer game onto her computer.
A. added B. installed C. turned D. took
8. Now you need to ___________ your password.
A. dial B. click C. enter D. take
9. Ken ___________ a comment saying how much he liked the video.
A. set B. held C. posted D. wrote
10. Why is he __________ his nails?
A. crossing B. clenching C. biting D. eating
11. He is believed _______by terrorists two months ago. 
A. was killed B. to be killed C. being killed D. had been killed 
12. The weather is expected ______ good tomorrow. 
A. will be B. to be C. is D. being 
13. If we ____ baby sitters, we ____ out more often, but we prefer to leave our children in the care of
our parents, whom we don’t want to bother too often.
A. trusted / could go B. would trust / had gone
C. trust / would have gone D. can trust / might have gone
14. The police thought that the thief was still in the house 
A. The thief is thought that the thief was still in the house. 
B. The thief was thought to still be in the house.
C. It was thought that the thief is still in the house.
D. The thief is thought to have still been in the house. 
15. That’s my friend,_______________ comes from Japan.
A. which B. who C. whom D. where.
16. Laser discs provide images of _______ than those of either television signals or video tapes.
A. best quality B. good quality C. better quality D. the best quality
17. Vietnam becomes______ to foreign tourists.
A. most and most attractive B. the more attractive
C. much and more attractive D. more and more attractive
18. I remember Alice,______________ rode the bus to school with.
 A. I B. whom I C. which I D. who 
19. He often helps other people. I ________________ he is a good man.
A. think B. am thinking C. have been thinking D. had been thinking
20. Mr. Scott has a garage in Silbury. His_______ garage is in Pinhurst.
A. another B. other C. else D. different

II. Use the correct word forms to complete the sentences below.
Agriculture in Australia
1. __________________ , Australia was famous for producing wheat and TRADITION
wool but times have changed in recent years, with many farmers
2. _________________ to be more diverse in their crop and livestock ELECT
range. It is now quite common to see farms with more exotic fruit and
vegetables. Farmers are 3. ____________ to sell their produce locally LIKE
nowadays, but rather to the factories in the cities. Hence, farms are now
large-scale 4. _______________ where thousands of tons of crops are PRODUCE
5. _______________. Another aspect that Is different nowadays is CULTIVATION
6. ________________. In the past, farmers would just flood the fields but IRRIGATE
now it is common to see sprinkler 7. ________________ everywhere. SYSTEMATIC
This means that more water is 8. __________________, which has been CONSERVATION
helpful with the drought that has severely impacted the 9. ____________ MAJOR
of the farms in the southern states of the country. Hopefully, the
10. _______________ the farmers have shown in recent times will CREATE
III. Fill in the gaps with the most suitable prepositions.
1. The old man gets tired _________ he has been walking a long way.
2. _______ the beginning of each school year all the children were given copies of the school rules.
3. She is far too irresponsible to be put ________ charge of all those children.
4. Are you familiar ________ the company’s no smoking policy?
5. Everyone was _________ a state of shock after the devastating news.
6. A computer chooses the lottery numbers _________ random.
7. You should not take it ________ granted that your parents will always support you.
8. Although he seems rather abrupt at times, he is very kind _________ heart.
9. The lack _________ medical supplies made the doctors’ task even more difficult.
10. The thieves divided the loot ________ themselves

IV. Put the verbs in correct forms.

1. How many pints of beer _________________ (he/drink) before he _______________ (leave) the
2. It ___________________ (rain) so we __________________ (decide) to stay at home all afternoon.
3. When we ________________ (get) home we saw that someone _________________ (break) in to
steal the DVD recorder.
4. She was so upset by the news that she ____________ (drop) her tea and _____________ (start)
5. Please step out of the car, Mr. Jones. Do you realize you _________________ (drive) at over
6. I arrived over an hour late to the office and everyone was working. Actually, they
______________________ (work) for over two hours on the new project and I felt really guilty.
7. The kitchen was full of steam when we arrived. Joan was in the kitchen and she
______________________ (cook) a huge meal for everyone at the party.
8. It was a bit embarrassing to arrive at their house and find Mary looking so sad. I think she
______________________ (cry) before we got there.
9. When Mr. Black (leave) ____________________ his office at 6p.m, it (rain) __________________
10.  I was delighted when I found my keys. I ______________________ (look) for them for hours. 

V. Circle the letter that corresponds to the mistake in each of the following sentences.
1. (A) The most people (B) believe that (C) marriage and family (D) life are the basis of our society.
2. (A) In Britain (B) the coffee is (C) more expensive than (D) tea.
3. She had (A) so many luggage that there (B) was not (C) enough room in the car for (D) it.
4. We spent (A) a great deal of time looking through (B) a large number of books to help him find
(C) a few information about Bermuda, but he knew (D) most of it already.
5. (A) Can you (B) please translate this document (C) between French (D) into English?
6. (A) Final - year students are (B) in a (C) lot of pressure to (D) pass their exam.
7. (A) My brother (B) faints (C) in the sight (D) of blood.
8. (A) Over the years some authors have tried to correct (B) this inaccuracy, but to (C) few
effect; most people know (D) very little about him.
9. (A) This film will be very popular among (B) people (C) who enjoy (D) science fiction.
10. The manager is (A) very generous (B) with all his staff, regardless (C) of their position (D)
in the company.


I. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word.
If parents (1) ________________ up a child with the sole aim of turning the child into a genius,
they will cause a disaster. According to several leading educational psychologists, this is one of the
(2) ________________ mistakes which ambitious parents make. Generally, the child will be only too
aware of what his parents expect, and will fail. Unrealistic parental expectations can (3)
________________ great damage to children.
However, if parents are not too unrealistic about what they expect their children to do, but are
ambitious in a sensible (4) ________________, the child may succeed in doing very well – especially
if the parents are very supportive of their child.
Michael Collins is very lucky. He is (5) ________________ about music, and his parents help him
a lot by taking him to concerts and arranging private piano and violin lessons for him. They even
drive him 50 kilometers twice (6) ________________ week for violin lessons. Michael’s mother
knows very little (7) ________________ music, but his father plays the trumpet in a large orchestra.
However, he never makes Michael enter music competitions if he is unwilling.
Winston Smith, Michael’s friend, (8) ________________, is not so lucky. Both his parents are (9)
________________ musicians, and they set too high a standard for Winston. They want their son to
be as successful as they are and so they enter him for every piano competition held. They are very
unhappy when he (10) ________________ not win. Winston is always afraid that he will disappoint
his parents and now he always seems quiet and unhappy.

II. Read the passage below and choose the correct word for each space.
As teenagers (1) _________ university level, a decision has to be made on what course to pursue.
In this world of diversity, (2) ______ such a choice is not easy for both children and parents. In the
old days, it was not much a problem to do the (3) _________ because there were not so many
diverse learning areas to choose from. Besides, there were only a few (4) _______ professional
careers like doctor, engineer, accountant, nurse, teacher, etc. to think about. Most higher learning
usually led to a financially successful life. (5) ______, the cost of education was not so high. Today’s
world is entirely different from the things (6) ______ have just been described. The job market is
constantly changing due to innovative technology and new (7) ______. Meanwhile, most teenagers
have difficulty in identifying their own interests. There are a (8) ________ of well- organized career
talks and student counseling workshop to guide and help teenagers (9) ______ what course to take.
(10) ___________, psychological tests are also used. Certain instruments such as surveys, interviews
and computer software can help to find out preferences, interests, or learning styles of the students.
1. A. reach B. approach C. gain D. achieve
2. A. taking B. making C. giving D. having
3. A. task B. chore C. duties D. mission
4. A. instinctive B. distributive C. descriptive D. distinctive
5. A. In addition B. Otherwise C. For example D. Therefore
6. A. when B. that C. where D. what
7. A. competitively B. competition C. compete D. competitive
8. A. varigated B. unifined C. uniformity D. variety
9. A. employ B. study C. decide D. apply
10. A. Nevertheless B. However C. Furthermore D. On the other hand

I. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words,
including the word given.
1. It’s a waste of time to try to explain anything to Tony. (worth)
→ It is____________________________________________________________________________
2. They don’t let women enter the inner temple.
→ Women ________________________________________________________________________
3. The prices have increased considerably in the past months. (increase)
→ There has ______________________________________________________________________
4. We couldn’t solve the problem. (solution)
→ We were _______________________________________________________________________
5. I lent my car to that man. (whom)
→That is__________________________________________________________________________
6. Maria didn't listen carefully to the news broadcast. (attention)
→ Maria didn't ____________________________________________________________________
7. I find driving on the left in England very strange. (accustomed)
→ I _____________________________________________________________________________
8. He was so embarrassed that he couldn’t think of anything to say. (too)
→ He was ________________________________________________________________________
9. Your watch and mine look very much alike. (same)
→ Your __________________________________________________________________________
11. They have provided the victims with food and clothing.
→ The victims ____________________________________________________________________

II. Write a complete sentence from the given words/ phrases.

1. It/ necessary/ that/ he/ see/ a doctor/ soon/ possible.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________
2. School/ play/ important part/ educate/ future generation.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________
3. I / hope / come / England / next year / spend / some months / Cambridge.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________
4. Live / another country / exciting experience / because / everything / seem / new and different.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________
5. Polar cruises/ recently/ become/ popular/ because/ beauty/ landscape/ wildlife.
→ ______________________________________________________________________________

III. Choose the sentence of the same meaning as the original one.
1. It started raining at eight o’clock this morning, and it hasn’t stopped yet.
A. It had been raining for eight hours when it stopped this morning.
B. It has been eight hours since the rain started this morning.
C. It has been raining since eight o’clock this morning.
D. The rain stopped in the morning, about eight hours ago.
2. We went to the station to catch the train, but it was no longer there.
A. After we arrived at the station, we saw the train leaving.
B. We almost missed the train that we had to catch to go home.
C. The train had left before we arrived at the station.
D. The train waited at the station until we arrived there.
3. The bridge was so low that the bus couldn't go under it.
A. It was possible for the bus to go under that low bridge.
B. It was impossible for the bus to go under that low bridge.
C. It was impossible for the bus going under that low bridge.
D. It was impossible for the bus to going under that low bridge.
4. It is very unusual for Cindy to get up so early.
A. Cindy rarely gets up as early as this.
B. I’m surprised to see Cindy awake at this time.
C. Cindy finds it difficult to get up very early.
D. Cindy is unusual because she always wakes up late.
5. During my childhood, our home was in Bristol.
A. We had to leave Bristol in my childhood.
B. I wasn’t a child any more while we were living in Bristol.
C. We have lived in Bristol since I was a child.
D. We used to live in Bristol when I was a child.

I. Listen to five people talking about science and technology. Match the speakers with the
Speaker 1 _____ A. This person says technology has made our lives more flexible.
Speaker 2 _____ B. This person believes space programmes have a positive effect.
Speaker 3 _____ C. This person believes we still have a lot of research to do about our planet.
Speaker 4 _____ D. This person talks about the speed of technological change.
Speaker 5 _____ E. This person thinks scientists should focus on more serious issues.
II. You will hear a man being interviewed for an opinion survey about public transport. For
questions 1-5, fill in the questionnaire. Fill in with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.
Public Transport Opinion Survey

Occupation? 1.______________________________
Any complaints?
Dirty buses and 2._____________________
Any positive aspects of service?
Buses are 3._____________________and monthly bus pass.
New Park and Ride Scheme
North car park
Advantage: 4.______________________________
Disadvantage: Long way from the centre
South car park
Advantage: more jobs
Disadvantage: 5.___________________damage

--- THE END ---

I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest.
1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. D
II. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from others’ in each line.
1. C 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. B
I. Circle the best option to complete each sentence.
1. A 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. B 8. C
9. C 10. C 11. B 12. B 13. A 14. C 15. B 16. C
17. D 18. B 19. A 20. B
II. Use the correct word forms to complete the sentences below.
1. Traditionally
2. Electing
3. Unlikely
4. Producers
5. Cultivated
6. Irrigation
7. Systems
8. Conserved
9. Majority
10. Creativity
III. Fill in the gaps with the most suitable prepositions.
1. for 2. At 3. in 4. with 5. in
6. at 7. for 8. at 9. of 10. between/ among
IV. Put the verbs in correct forms.
1. had he drunk (had he drunken)/ left
2. was raining (had been raining)/ decided
3. got/ had broken
4. dropped/ started
5. were driving
6. had been working
7. was cooking
8. had been crying
9. left/ was raining
10. had been looking
V. Circle the letter that corresponds to the mistake in each of the following sentences.
1. A -> Most
2. B -> coffee
3. A -> so much
4. C -> a little
5. C -> from
6. B -> under
7. C -> at
8. C -> little
9. B -> those
10. B -> to
I. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word.
If parents 1. bring up a child with the sole aim of turning the child into a genius, they will cause a
disaster. According to several leading educational psychologists, this is one of the 2. biggest
mistakes which ambitious parents make. Generally, the child will be only too aware of what his
parents expect, and will fail. Unrealistic parental expectations can 3. cause great damage to
However, if parents are not too unrealistic about what they expect their children to do, but are
ambitious in a sensible 4. way, the child may succeed in doing very well – especially if the parents
are very supportive of their child.
Michael Collins is very lucky. He is 5. crazy about music, and his parents help him a lot by taking
him to concerts and arranging private piano and violin lessons for him. They even drive him 50
kilometers twice 6. a week for violin lessons. Michael’s mother knows very little 7. about music, but
his father plays the trumpet in a large orchestra. However, he never makes Michael enter music
competitions if he is unwilling.
Winston Smith, Michael’s friend, 8. however, is not so lucky. Both his parents are 9. successful
musicians, and they set too high a standard for Winston. They want their son to be as successful as
they are and so they enter him for every piano competition held. They are very unhappy when he
10. does not win. Winston is always afraid that he will disappoint his parents and now he always
seems quiet and unhappy.
II. Read the passage below and choose the correct word for each space.
1. A. reach B. approach C. gain D. achieve
2. A. taking B. making C. giving D. having
3. A. task B. chore C. duties D. mission
4. A. instinctive B. distributive C. descriptive D. distinctive
5. A. In addition B. Otherwise C. For example D. Therefore
6. A. when B. that C. where D. what
7. A. competitively B. competition C. compete D. competitive
8. A. varigated B. unifined C. uniformity D. variety
9. A. employ B. study C. decide D. apply
10. A. Nevertheless B. However C. Furthermore D. On the other hand,
I. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given. Do not change the word given.
1. It is not worth trying to explain anything to Tony.
2. Women aren’t allowed to enter the inner temple. / Women can’t enter the inner temple.
3. There has been a considerable increase in the prices in the past months.
4. We were unable to find a / the solution to the problem.
5. That is the man whom I lent my car to. / That is the man to whom I lent my car.
6. Maria didn’t pay attention to the news broadcast.
7. I am not accustomed to driving on the left.
8. He was too embarrassed to think of anything to say.
9. Your watch looks the same as mine.
10. The victims have been provided with food and clothing.
II. Write a complete sentence from the given words/ phrases.
1. It is necessary that he will see a doctor as soon as possible.
2. School plays an important part in educating the future generation.
3. I hope I will come to England next year and spend some months in Cambridge.
4. Living in another country is an exciting experience because everything seems new and
5. Polar cruises have recently become popular because of the beauty of the landscape and the
III. Choose the sentence of the same meaning as the original one.
1. C 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. D
I. Listen to five people talking about science and technology. Match the speakers with the
1. C 2. E 3. B 4. D 5. A
II. You will hear a man being interviewed for an opinion survey about public transport. For
questions 1-5, fill in the questionnaire.
1. teacher 2. (the) cost 3. on time 4. lots of tourists 5. environmental

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