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Đề thi gồm 07 trang: th th

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Đề thi gồm 07 trang MÔ N THI: TIẾ NG ANH
Part 1. You will hear someone talking on the radio about a Language Study Fair. For each
question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space. In each space, use NO MORE
THAN THREE WORDS. You will listen to the CD twice.
The Language Study Fair
Dates: 17th to 19th of (1)…………………
Place: (2)…………….. Education Centre
Fair includes: - stands with textbooks
- (3) ………………….. by educational speakers
- exhibition of (4)…………………..
- demonstrations of latest (5)……………………
Opening hours: 9.30 a.m. – (6)……………….Thursday and Friday
9.30 a.m. – 4.00 p.m. (7)………………………
Tickets: (8)………….……
or £3 for (9)…………………………..
Tickets can be booked by ringing (10) …………………. on 984 7711.
Part 2. Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
1. Paul decided to get work get work experience in South American because he wanted _____.
A. to teach English there B. to improve his Spanish C. to learn about Latin American
2. What project work Paul originally intend to get involved in?
A. construction B. agriculture C. tourism
3. Why did Paul change form one project to another?
A. His first job was not well organized.
B. He found doing the routine work very boring.
C. The work was too physically demanding.
4. In the village community, he leant how important it was to _____.
A. respect family life. B. develop trust C. use money wisely.
5. What does the Paul say about his project manager?
A. He let Paul do most of the work
B. His plans were too ambitious.
C. He was very supportive of Paul.
Pick out the word whose stress patern is different from that of the other words. Identify your
answer by writing the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.
1. A. antiquity B. anticipate C. antipathy D. antiquated
2. A. analysis B. antithesis C. diagnosis D. parenthesis
3. A. hypocrite B. hypnotic C. hypotenuse D. hypocrisy
4. A. fabulous B. dominant C. responsive D. versatile
5. A. expire B. inspire C. desire D. empire
Part 1. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences.
1. Diana and I met at elementary school and. we’ve ________ our friendship ever since.
A. kept to B. carried over C. kept up D. taken on
2. The tiger silently ________ its prey through the tangle of trees at the edge of the forest.
A. prowled B. stalked C. crept D. lurked
3. Paul was in the ________ of despair when he heard that Jane was leaving him.
A. abyss B. depths C. valley D. pits
4. I’ve been trying to explain things to Jackie but it’s like hitting your head against a _________
A. brick B. stone C. hard D. rock
5. What Susie told me last night ________ me thinking.
A. began B. got C. made D. prompted
6. In the_________ of security, personnel must wear their identity badges at all times.
A. requirement B. interests C. demands D. assistance
7. _________ how angry he was he would never resort to violence.
A. No matter B. No problem C. Although D. Because
8. We played the game_________ the rules.
A. on account of B. ahead of C. according to D. apart from
9. _________ to get through to Jackie for days now. Either she’s away or her phone’s out of order.
A. I’ve been trying B. I had tried C. I’m trying D. I tried
10. This is_________ the most difficult job I have ever tackled.
A. by rights B. by all means C. by far D. by the way
11. She_________ till the early hours listening to pop music.
A. took me up B. kept me up C. caught me up D. held me up
12. Please don’t_________ yourself out. A sandwich will do.
A. let B. put C. leave D. take
13. The chairman requested that_________.
A. the members studied more carefully the problem.
B. the problem was more carefully studied.
C. with more carefulness the problem could be studied.
D. the members study the problem more carefully.
14. Smoking is_________ in many companies in our country.
A. permitted B. taught C. banned D. stopped
15. After the battle, the_________ soldiers were helped by those who could walk.
A. injured B. wounded C. broken D. killed
16. I don’t think this strange new fashion will_________
A. turn up B. care for C. show off D. catch on
17. Their house is_________ near the Cathedral.
A. whereabouts B. anywhere C. somewhere D. any place
18. Michael: “Look! He is as drunk as a lord”.
Sarah: “I don’t think so. Actually, he is as sober as a _______”.
A. Sunday B. a judge C. a Muslim D. a priest
19. To be honest, I am __________ my brother is.
A. nothing near as ambitious as B. nothing as ambitious than
C. nowhere like so ambitious D. nowhere near as ambitious as
20. I can accept criticism in general, but Martin ______ it too far, so I had no other option but to
show my disapproval.
A. pushed B. carried C. made D. put
Part 2. Supply the correct form of the word provided to the right of each line.
British workers are among the (1) ________ (HAPPY) in Europe and the time so many of
them spend commuting has been identified as a significant (2) _______ (CONTRIBUTE) factor.
People who spend more than two hours a day travelling to and from work report increased (3)
________ (IRRITABLE) with colleagues, less efficiency in their work, and more problems in their
personal lives.
Some more (4) _______ (LIGHT) employers are beginning to realize that traditional work
patterns will have to change if they want to retain a contented work force. (5) ________ (FLEX)
working hours have been introduced by a number of companies who claim that this has led to greater
job satisfaction and a noticeable increase in (6) ________ (PRODUCT).
Another, more (7) ________ (REVOLUTE), approach has become feasible as a result of
developments in information technology and a small growing number of people are now working
from home.
For most of us, however, the daily (8) ________ (MORALE) tedium of commuting remains
unavoidable. As we sit or stand on a crowded, and (9) ________ (VARY) late, bus or train, we can
only dream of a more leisurely lifestyle devoid of the misery commuting (10) ________
(INEVITABLE) brings.
Part 3. Each line in the following passage contains ONE mistake. Find out the mistake and
correct it as the example below.
Line 0: At  In

Section 1: Read the passage and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) that best fits in the
numbered blank.
Recent research (1) _______ in Ireland amongst chefs and consumers found that 48% of
people admitted to regularly over-ordering in restaurants. A campaign has been launched as a result,
calling for the food-service industry to join (2) _______ with chefs and consumers to address the
issue of food waste.
To bring the research findings to (3) _______ , the owner of a restaurant in Dublin is creating
a “Great Irish Waste” menu, reconsidering food ingredients that have been thrown away, rejected or
(4) _______ inedible and turning them into imaginative dishes that are both appetising and of a
suitable (5) _______ to serve his customers. He says that while there will always be some (6)
_______ of waste in the kitchen, due to elements such as bones or fat trimmings, there’s an
opportunity to (7) _______ wastage in the restaurant itself through better communication. “Even
though so much food comes back on customers’ plates and goes in the bin, the majority of diners
aren’t aware of the environmental or cost (8) _______ of that waste. Without consumers shifting
their (9) _______, restaurants will struggle to reduce food waste significantly.”
Tackling this problem as a consumer is straightforward. Ultimately, it (10) _______ smart
shopping, clever cooking and shrewd storage.
1. A. carried out B. put across C. taken over D. caught up
2. A. arms B. parts C. forces D. roles
3. A. fruition B. life C. action D. book
4. A. held B. deemed C. said D. regarded
5. A. model B. equivalent C. measure D. standard
6. A. degree B. scale C. margin D. quantity
7. A. shorten B. discount C. minimise D. abbreviate
8. A. expectations B. associations C. regulations D. implications
9. A. mindset B. assumption C. behaviourism D. psych
10. A. comes down to B. sets off against C. lives up to D. gets over
Section 2: Read the passage and think of ONE word that best fits in the numbered blank.
(1) ______ civilization and culture are fairly modern words, having (2) ______ into
prominent use during the 19th century by anthropologists, historians, and literary figures. There has
(3) ______ a strong tendency to use them interchangeably as (4) ______ they mean the same thing,
(5) _______ they are not the same.
Although modern in (6) ________ usage, the two words are derived from ancient Latin. The
word “civilization” is (7) _______ on the Latin civis, “inhabitant of a city.” Thus civilization, in its
most essential meaning, is the ability of people to live (8) _______ harmoniously in cities, in social
groupings. From this definition it would seem that certain (9) _______, such as ants or bees, are also
civilized. They live and work together in social groups. So (10) _______ some microorganisms. But
there is more to civilization, and that is (11) _______ culture brings to it. So, civilization is (12)
_______ from culture.
The word culture is (13) _______ from the Latin verb colere, “to till the soil” (its past
participle is cultus, associated with cultivate). But colere also has a wider range of meanings. It may,
like civis, (14) ________ inhabiting a town or village. But (15) ___________ of its definitions
suggest a process of starting and promoting growth and development.
Section 3: Read the following passage and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for each
Inflation is a dreaded situation among everyone all over the world. It normally occurs after a
long period of changes but there are also intervals at which large and sudden increases in prices take
place. When the supply of well-traded goods falls suddenly, the prices of the goods will rise. [A].
Whether inflation is to happen depends on the nature of the demand and supply of the goods. When
demand increases, the prices of the goods will rise, especially if supply cannot keep up with the
demand. It is common to see the price of fuel increasing when the supply of oil is disrupted.
The supply and demand of a good determines the price at which it is sold. How many times
have we seen items that have been collecting dust on shop shelves given a discount? When an item is
popular, the price naturally increases. Suppliers increase the price when people are willing to pay
more for the goods they want. Inflation is usually most pertinent in everyday items. These are usually
necessities, like food, soap, shampoo and even clothes and shoes. [B]. Luxury goods are only
demanded by a small portion of the population and will hardly be affected by inflation. However, as
more and more goods become part of everyday items, inflation begins to affect a wider spectrum of
goods sold in the market. [C]. For example, in the past, air-conditioners and washing machines could
only be found in homes for the rich. Today, they are a necessity in almost every household.
Tribal groups are the hardest hit when inflation occurs in the country that they are residing in.
For many of them, the opening up of their societies has exposed them to the different goods available
in the world. In a bid to obtain these goods, many of them have to leave their homes and work in the
city. For the less fortunate ones, they usually remain in the mountains and countryside, producing
traditional handicraft on a massive scale. The only way for them to obtain goods sold in the towns is
to earn from the sale of their handicraft. Some of them have even opened their homes to tourists for a
fee. [D].When inflation occurs, goods that are affected are usually those that the tribal groups have
set their sights on. Hence, the price of spices, material and household tools like cutlery become more
expensive. On the other hand, the price of handicrafts remain the same. The situation is worsened
when the tribes produce more handicraft to earn more. The uniqueness of such handicraft is the draw
for many buyers and when produced on a massive scale, becomes less desirable.
Inflation therefore affects different people differently. Besides the relationship between the
type of goods that are desired and the type of goods that one has to offer for sale, inflation usually
affects those in the lowest rungs of society. The little that they own can now buy much less than they
could before.
1. It can be inferred from the passage that __________ .
A. tribal groups are the sole affected group of people during inflation
B. items needed by less people are less affected by inflation
C. people in the city find it harder to obtain goods
D. inflation can be prevented by supplying more goods
2. Why does the writer mentions “items that have been collecting dust on shop” in the second
A. To show the extent to which demands affect prices.
B. To demonstrate how the supply of goods is important.
C. To state how difficult it is to find antiquities in shop.
D. To exemplify the cause of inflation.
3. Where can the following sentence be placed?
It might be surprising to discover that such common items, most of which fetch an average of ten
dollars, will be the hardest hit when changes occur in the economy.
A. [A] B. [B] C. [C] D. [D]
4. The word “spectrum” in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to the word __________ .
A. range B. power C. matter D. length
5. Which of the following is not stated as a hindrance to the obtaining of spices by tribal groups
during inflation?
A. There is an increase in the price of spices.
B. Prices of handicrafts remain unchanged by inflation.
C. Too many handicrafts are produced leading to reduction in price.
D. They are not allowed to go to the city.
Section 4: You are going to read a piece of article talking about film company trademarks.
There are 5 sentences have been removed from the text. Read the passage carefully and choose
the correct letter (A-F) that best fits in the numbered gap (1-5). There is ONE sentence that you
are not going to use.
Trademark designs - or logos - identifying film companies have been around since cinema's
early days. In the era of silent films, viewers looked for the name of the company before they looked
for who the stars were and they were rarely interested in the director. The logo was used at the start
of every film by many film companies and it was an important part of each studio's publicity. (1)
_________ and quite detailed accounts survive concerning some of them.
(2) _________ since the original company was founded. The image was taken from a
childhood memory of a mountain in Utah, where its founder grew up, while the title was borrowed
from the name of a construction site down the road from his office.
(3) _________ but was soon redesigned into the form we would recognise today. It was
abandoned briefly in the 1970s but the company soon returned to it, coloured blue and orange and
floating in front of a blue sky. Logos that feature blue skies form a kind of species within the field of
film company trademarks, with Warner Brothers, Columbia and Paramount all using it as a
background. (4) _________ - they all want to be the greatest and the largest and to become part of
the everyday landscape.
(5) _________ and their logo also features the sky in another sense - seeing it all from outer
space. It has gone through many transformations with the early orbiting plane being replaced by the
famous mirrored globe.
A. Universal certainly chose their name for this reason
B. Perhaps this reflects the domineering aspirations of film companies
C. The Warner Brothers trademark began life as a rather austere shield
D. The trademarks which we would recognise today have undergone many transformations over the
E. Paramount's snowy peak has survived virtually unchanged
F. Occasionally film makers have even made inventive use of these trademarks
Section 1. Complete the second sentence without changing the meaning of the original sentence.
1. “Nothing will persuade me to sleep in that haunted house,” she said.
She flatly ____________________________________________________________________.
2. There is grave concern about confirmed cases of cholera that originated in the makeshift shelters.
Of __________________________________________________________________________.
3. Alternative medicine is a complete mystery to some people.
Some people are _______________________________________________________________.
4. You may be disqualified if you don’t obey the regulations.
Failure _______________________________________________________________________.
5. They declared war on the pretext of defending their territorial rights.
The excuse ___________________________________________________________________.
Section 2. Complete the second sentence without changing the meaning of the original sentence.
1. What surprises me is that they are not worried about pollution in our city. (SEEM)
Surprising ________________________________________________ worries about pollution in our
2. The boy look puzzled at the bizzare painting on the wall. (DID)
How __________________________________________________________________________.
3. I planned to visit her on Sunday, but I heard she had gone on holiday. (PAID)
I would ________________________________________________________________________.
4. The job offer will only be confirmed following a successful medical examination.
Not until _______________________________________________________________________.
5. Welcome you all and please feel relaxed! (MAKE)
Please feel ____________________________________________________________________.
Section 3. Write an essay of at least 200 words on the following statement:
Some people think that environmental problems are too big for individuals to solve, while others
think that the government cannot solve these environmental problems unless individuals make
some action.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
_______THE END______
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