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Reference Guide: TIRIS RF-Module IC For Automotive

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TIRIS RF-Module IC for Automotive


Reference Guide

December 1996
TIRIS RF-Module IC for Automotive


Reference Guide

Literature Number: SCBU036

December 1996

1 Overview .................................................................................................................... 4
2 Features ..................................................................................................................... 4
3 TIRIS™ System Configuration (Schematic Diagram)........................................................ 4
4 Internal Block Diagram and Pin Assignment .................................................................. 5
5 Description of Pins ...................................................................................................... 6
6 Function and Operation ............................................................................................... 6
6.1 General ............................................................................................................ 6
6.2 Sending Mode .................................................................................................... 7
6.3 Receiving Mode .................................................................................................. 7
7 Electrical Specifications............................................................................................... 9
7.1 Absolute Maximum Rating ...................................................................................... 9
7.2 Recommended Operating Conditions........................................................................ 10
8 Input-Output Specifications ........................................................................................ 10
8.1 Transmitter Signal I/O Timing ................................................................................. 10
8.2 Receiver Signal I/O Timing .................................................................................... 11
9 Dimensional Outline Drawing – 16-pin SOP .................................................................. 12
10 Applied Circuit Configuration – Example ...................................................................... 12
11 Typical Transmitter Circuit Configuration ..................................................................... 13
12 Typical Receiver Circuit Configuration ......................................................................... 14
13 Typical Antenna Circuit Configuration ......................................................................... 15
14 Precautions for Mounting and Actual Use .................................................................... 16
14.1 Power Supply Line ............................................................................................. 16
14.2 Wiring for Antenna Circuit ..................................................................................... 17
15 Package ................................................................................................................... 18

SCBU036 – December 1996 Table of Contents 3

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Reference Guide
SCBU036 – December 1996

TIRIS RF-Module IC for Automotive

1 Overview
RI-RFM-006A is a CMOS-technology based RF-module IC which integrates all transmitter-receiver
functions required for constructing a TIRIS Read-Write System into one single chip.
RI-RFM-006A consists of a transmitter signal control logic which generates signals for transmission and
for sending the data you wrote to a remote TIRIS transponder, and a receiver amplifies and demodulates
frequency shift keyed (FSK) signals received from this transponder.
Therefore, RI-RFM-006A is beneficially usable for constructing, in particular, a compact TIRIS Read- Write
System at a reduced cost. Furthermore, demodulation of the FSK signals received in its receiver from a
remote transponder is entirely digitized; this completely eliminates the need of regulations and lessens the
number of required external parts, thus enhancing the operational reliability of the system.

2 Features
The TIRIS RF-Module IC for Automotive Application, RI-RFM-006A, provides the following features
amongst others:
• It incorporates a transmitter circuit with power selector and an open drain transmission power
• Also incorporated are a receiver signal amplifier and a digitized FSK signal demodulator.
• I/O specifications: Conform to TIRIS standard RF-module specifications, with available signals of
TXCT–, RXDT– (1) and RXCK only.
• Operating supply voltage: 4.5 V to 5.5 V
• Operating temperature range: –40°C to 85°C
• Package: 16-pin SO package
• Structure: CMOS process
(1) For RXDT– signals, this RF-module has a reverse polarity in relation to TIRIS standard RF-modules. See the section “Description of
Pins” for more information.

3 TIRIS™ System Configuration (Schematic Diagram)

TIRIS Read-Write System Transmitter-receiver

Antenna TIRIS transponder
TIRIS RF-module
Serial ASK
Controller transmission

4 TIRIS RF-Module IC for Automotive SCBU036 – December 1996

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Internal Block Diagram and Pin Assignment

4 Internal Block Diagram and Pin Assignment

A3OP 1 16 RXCK

A3IN 2 15 RXDT-
A2OP 3 14 TXCT-

A2IN 4 13 TPC
A1OP 5 12 VCC

A1IN 6 11 GND




Name I/O Function Name I/O Function


SCBU036 – December 1996 TIRIS RF-Module IC for Automotive 5

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Description of Pins

5 Description of Pins
Pin # Signal I/O Description
1 A3OP O Signal output from CMOS inverter-3 amplifier; this pin is connected to the internal FSK
signal digital demodulator.
2 A3IN I Signal input to CMOS inverter-3 amplifier; if an external circuit is used to amplify FSK
signals, the amplified signals are input through this pin.
3 A2OP O Signal output from CMOS inverter-2 amplifier.
4 A2IN I Signal input to CMOS inverter-2 amplifier.
5 A1OP O Signal output from CMOS inverter-1 amplifier.
6 A1IN I I 16. Signal input to CMOS inverter-1 amplifier.
7 TXLO Negative Negative level output of transmission signals; this output drives the n-channel MOSFET
open drain used as antenna driver.
8 TXHI Positive open Positive level output of transmission signals; this output drives the p-channel MOSFET
drain output used as antenna driver.
9 OSCI I Signal input to 17.1776 MHz master clock oscillator.
10 OSCO O Signal output from 17.1776 MHz master clock oscillator.
11 GND – Negative power supply.
12 VCC – Positive power supply.
13 TPC I, w/pull-up Input of transmission power selection signals (High-Low). A Low level signal input
resistor through this pin substantially lowers the power during transmission
14 TXCT– I, w/pull-up Input of transmission output control signals (Transmit-Receive Mode Selector). A Low
resistor level signal input through this pin outputs a transmission signal to either “TXLO/TXHI”
pin while a High level signal input turns the mode to Receive and activates the internal
FSK signal digital demodulator.
15 RXDT– O Serial output of demodulated FSK signal bit data. Negative level output when the bit
data received from the remote transponder is “1”, and positive level output when it is
Note: The RI-RFM-006A has a reverse polarity in relation to TIRIS standard
16 RXCK O Synchronous clock output of demodulated FSK signal data; a clock signal synchronized
with the “RXDT-“ signal is output.

6 Function and Operation

6.1 General
This RF-module IC counts on two operating modes:
Sending Mode – This mode is active when the “TXCT–“ pin is set to L-level. A remote TIRIS
transponder can be charged up and ID code can be sent to that transponder in this mode.
Receiving Mode – This mode is active when the “TXCT–“ pin is set to H-level. FSK signals sent from a
remote TIRIS transponder are received and demodulated in this mode.
Therefore, by switching over these modes using an external controller, data communications with a TIRIS
transponder can be made.
Note that this RF-module IC is exclusively designed to provide the user with a simple signal
modulator-demodulator (modem) function for data communications with a remote TIRIS transponder,
based on the appropriate data modulation-demodulation specifications. And therefore, it does not
incorporate error detection, data allotment nor other similar data processing functions in terms of protocol
and data formats.

6 TIRIS RF-Module IC for Automotive SCBU036 – December 1996

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Function and Operation

(*) In both transmit and receive modes, this RF-module IC modulates and demodulates signals by logical
operation based on the incorporated master clock. This means that the modulating-demodulating
performance characteristics of this IC are directly affected by the frequency accuracy and variation of its
master clock (normal frequency is 17.1776 MHz). Therefore, the user is requested to select an oscillating
element or an external clock which is compatible with the remote TIRIS transponder to be used (see the
section describing the specifications “fexc”, “fL” and “fH”).

6.2 Sending Mode

In the Sending Mode, the frequency of the IC master clock (normal value: 17.1776 MHz) is divided by 128.
The resulting clock signal then has a frequency of 134.2 kHz (normal value). This resulting signal is output
as a composite signal for “TXHI” and “TXLO” terminals (pins) to drive the MOSFET which is incorporated
as an antenna resonance circuit driver, as illustrated below.
Master clock frequency divided by 128
(Ref. frequency, resulting: 134.2 kHz)


7 8 "A"


When the IC is in the Receiving Mode, its “TXHI” terminal is fixed at positive level and the “TXLO” at high
impedance. As a result, the output terminal “A” of the MOSFET used as an antenna resonance circuit
driver is fixed at negative level.
Note that when the IC is in the Sending Mode, its “RXDT–“ terminal is always fixed at positive level and as
a consequence, the IC’s FSK signal demodulator remains deactivated although data clock signals, which
are transmitted at a frequency resulting from division of the “A3IN” terminal signal frequency by 16, are
output to the “RXCK”.

6.3 Receiving Mode

In the Receiving Mode, the frequency-shift-keyed data signals are sequentially digitized to discriminate
their frequencies by binary notation (high-low) and demodulate them into bit strings consisting of bit data
“1” and “0”.
For binary discrimination of signal frequencies between high and low, the frequency level of each
FS-keyed signal is measured from its leading edge at the “A3OP” terminal through to the next leading
edge by count of the internal master clock, as shown below. The threshold for this counted value (x in the
diagram below) is fixed at 132; when the clock count is over 132, it results in a negative level output at the
“RXDT–“ terminal (bit data ”1”), and when the clock count does not reach 132, a positive level output at
the same terminal (bit data “0”), respectively.

Internal master clock

Signals discriminated
at A3OP terminal
Clock counts 1 2 3 4 5 6 X-1 X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

SCBU036 – December 1996 TIRIS RF-Module IC for Automotive 7

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Function and Operation

As the normal frequency of the internal master clock is 17.1776 MHz, one clock count is equivalent to
130.133... kHz (17.1776 MHz divided by 132 = 130.133... kHz). Accordingly, a signal is identified as bit
data “1” with the resulting negative level output at the “RXDT–“ terminal when the signal frequency at the
“A3OP” terminal is 130.133... kHz or less, and it is identified as bit data “0” with the resulting positive level
output at the “RXDT–“ terminal when the signal frequency at the “A3OP” terminal is over 130.133... kHz.
An additional feature is included to maximize the stability of the above-mentioned FSK signal
demodulating system based on binary notation: the system incorporates a circuit which disables definition
of an “RXDT–“ signal unless more than four consecutive FS-keyed signal waves are identified within the
same frequency band during binary discrimination. This protects the once defined “RXDT–“ signal in the
bit data form from being affected by sporadic events. For instance, even when its discrimination result is
sporadically inverted due to some noise effects, it is not affected if only three or less consecutive FSkeyed
signal waves are identified at the “A3OP” terminal. (See the diagram below.)

Signal discriminated

at A3OP terminal

Internal frequency

discriminating signals

RXDT- terminal
output signals

Note: For the timing between “A3OP” and “RXDT–“ signals, refer to the section describing “Input-Output
The signals demodulated through the above-mentioned process are sequentially output from the “RXDT–“
terminal in bit strings (“1” or “0”). To delimit these continuous bit strings, clock signals are output from the
“RXCK” terminal in synchronization with each bit data.
In normal operating conditions (when data communication can be properly performed between the
RI-RFM-006A and a TIRIS transponder), each bit data group sent from the remote transponder is
composed of sixteen consecutive signal waves belonging to the same frequency band (consisting of two
wave groups, 134.2-kHz high and 123.2-kHz low in terms of normal values). Therefore, clock signals at a
frequency resulting from a simple division of the “A3OP” terminal signal frequency by 16, are output from
the “RXCK” terminal. Then, each “RXCK” clock signal is controlled for output so that its first transition falls
after four consecutive “A3OP” signal waves from the “RXDT–“ signal change point. This enables an
external controller to obtain the relevant bit data without fail provided that each “RXDT–“ signal is fetched
well timed with the first transition of each “RXCK” signal. (See the diagram below.)
15 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 3

A3OP terminal signal

One bit data group (16 waves)

RXDT- terminal output DATA VALID

4 waves 8 waves 4 waves

RXCK terminal output

8 TIRIS RF-Module IC for Automotive SCBU036 – December 1996

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Electrical Specifications
Sometimes at starting or during data receiving, some bit data group (composed of sixteen consecutive
signal waves belonging to the same frequency band) may be affected by interference noise, this causing
the number of its waves to vary and the consequent synchronous discrepancy between “RXDT–“ and
“RXCK” signals. To correct this discrepancy, the sixteenth dividing counter of frequency incorporated in
this RF-module IC for “RXCK” clock signal generation are always reset at the moment at which any
internal demodulated bit data changes from “0” to “1” so that “RXCK” terminal signals are forcibly output at
L-level with the timing shown below. This correction is made automatically regardless of whether or not
receiving signals are properly input. (The frequency dividing counter is not reset at bit data change from
“1” to “0”.)
13 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1

A3OP terminal signal

RXDT- terminal output DATA="1"

Timing is controlled so that these durations are uniform
(each duration is equivalent to four A3OP terminal

RXCK terminal output

Note: For details about timing among these signals, refer to the section describing “Input- Output

7 Electrical Specifications

7.1 Absolute Maximum Rating

Supply voltage (VCC) –0.5 to 7.0V
Input voltage range (VI) –0.5 to 7.0V
Output voltage range (Vo) –0.5 to 7.0V
Input clamping current (Iik) ±20 mA
Output clamping current (Vok) ±20 mA
Output current (Iout(Vout=0 to VCC)) ±25 mA
Operating temperature (TA) –40 to +85°C
Storage temperature (Tstg) –65 to +150°C

SCBU036 – December 1996 TIRIS RF-Module IC for Automotive 9

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Input-Output Specifications
7.2 Recommended Operating Conditions

7.2.1 Recommended Operating Conditions

Supply voltage, VCC 3.5 5.5 V
High-level input voltage, VIH 0.7 VCC V
Low-level input voltage, VIL 0.2 VCC V
Operating free-air temperature, TA –40 85 °C

7.2.2 Electrical Characteristics (VCC=5.0V, TA=25°C)

Vth Hysteresis voltage 1.7 V
IOH High-level output current VOH=3.7V 6.8 mA
(TXHI) 20 mA
(A2OP,A3OP) 73 µA
(A1OP) 144 µA
IOL Low-level output current VOH=0.5V –6.8 mA
(TXLO) –20 mA
(A2OP,A3OP) –72 µA
(A1OP) –144 µA
Ci Input capacitance 7.4 pF
ICC Supply current 35 mA

Note: Unless otherwise specified, all the voltage values indicated above are those measured versus the
“GND” pin of this RF-module IC.

8 Input-Output Specifications

8.1 Transmitter Signal I/O Timing



tdl(TX) twl(TX) tdh(TX)


10 TIRIS RF-Module IC for Automotive SCBU036 – December 1996

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Input-Output Specifications


Delay time between TXCT– and TX trailing edges tdl(TX) 64Tc(OSC) nS
Delay time between TXCT– and TX leading edges tdh(TX) 1Tc(OSC) nS
TX cycle time tc(TX) 128Tc(OSC) nS
TX low level pulse duration twl(TX) 64Tc(OSC) nS
TX high level pulse duration twh(TX) 64Tc(OSC) nS

Note: “Tc(osc)" denotes the master clock cycle of this RF-module IC and its normal value is specified at
56.3 ns (1/0.0171776). The same applies hereinafter. “TX” is defined as a composite signal of “TXLO” and
“TXHI” signals.

8.2 Receiver Signal I/O Timing


twh(A3OP) td(RXDT) tc(A3OP)

tdh(RXCK) tdl(RXCK)

twh(RXCK) th(RXDT)





A3OP cycle time for normal FSK signal demodulation tc(A3OP) 2Tc(OSC) nS
A3OP positive level pulse duration for normal FSK signal twh(A3OP) 1Tc(OSC) nS
A3OP cycle time for negative level output of RXDT– tc(A3OP) 132Tc(OSC) nS
signal (bit data “1”)
Delay time between A3OP and RXCK leading edges tdh(RXCK) 1Tc(OSC) nS
Delay time between A3OP leading edge and RXCK tdl(RXCK) 1Tc(OSC) nS
trailing edge
RXCK cycle time tc(RXCK) 16Tc(A3) nS
RXCK positive level pulse duration twh(RXCK) 8Tc(A3) nS
Delay time from consecutive A3OP identical signal td(RXDT) 16Tc(A3)+1Tc(OSC) nS
waves to definition of an RXDT– signal
RXDT– positive/negative level duration, definite tw(RXDT) 16Tc(A3) nS
RXDT– signal setup time in relation to RXCK signal ts(RXDT) 4Tc(A3)—1Tc(OSC nS
RXDT– signal hold time in relation to RXCK signal th(RXDT) 4Tc(A3)–1Tc(OSC) nS

SCBU036 – December 1996 TIRIS RF-Module IC for Automotive 11

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Dimensional Outline Drawing – 16-pin SOP

Note: “Tc(A3)” denotes the signal cycle at the “A3OP” terminal and the above values are based on the
condition that a bit data group composed of sixteen consecutive signal waves belonging to the same
frequency band (sent from a remote TIRIS transponder in normal operating conditions) has been
previously input; otherwise, the values shown in the table below shall apply.
RXCK cycle time (except for normal signal receiving) tc(RXCK) 9Tc(A3) nS
RXCK positive level pulse duration (except for normal signal receiving) twh(RXCK) 1Tc(A3) nS
RXDT– positive/negative level duration, definite (except for normal tw(RXDT) 9Tc(A3) nS
signal receiving)

9 Dimensional Outline Drawing – 16-pin SOP

9.90~10.50 –’PˆÊ‚Í‚ ‚

16 9

(Dimensions in mm)
S57780 MA
RI45538NS 5.00~5.60 7.40~8.20


1 8

0.81(MAX) 0.35~0.51




0 - 10 0.55~1.05
0.10 0.05(MIN)

10 Applied Circuit Configuration – Example

Shown below is an example of applied circuit configuration for constructing a TIRIS Transmit-Receive
RF-module using the RI-RFM-006A. This example illustrates a simplified amplifier circuit for received
signals by eliminating a frequency band rejection filter which effectively eliminates external noises and
signals out of the frequency band of the response signals from the remote TIRIS transponder. In this
configuration, therefore, it is assumed that the available data communication distance of the system could
be easily affected by environmental conditions.
Note that this is only one of various possible applications. For more information of applied circuit
configurations, refer to the Application Handbook issued by our TIRIS Operation Dept.

12 TIRIS RF-Module IC for Automotive SCBU036 – December 1996

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Typical Transmitter Circuit Configuration

GND (*) (*)
0.1uF 100uF

TXCT 17.1776MHz

16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



120pF 120pF 1200pF

1M 1M 10K 100

68pF 68pF 68pF 1S1588 0.01uF 0.01uF 0.01uF

* When configuring an applied circuit, take the following into account:

• Choose the capacity of a resonance capacitor for clock generator oscillator in accordance with the
oscillator characteristics.
• Define the frequency accuracy and variation of the clock generator oscillator by conversion based on
the specifications for the TIRIS transponder to be used together so that it can be within the range of
17.17248 MHz to 17.18272 MHz (standard frequency: 17.1776 MHz).
• Select the values at resonance points around 134.2 kHz for L and C of the antenna circuit,
respectively. (In the example illustrated above, the following combination is used: antenna: 48 µH;
capacitor: 0.03 µF = 0.01 µF × 3 units)
• It is desirable to use a MOSFET having a low on-state resistance for antenna driver

11 Typical Transmitter Circuit Configuration

This RF-module IC is provided with “TXHI” and “TXLO” terminals which can drive external MOSFETs for
driving the LC serial resonance antenna circuit. This resonance antenna circuit is to send 134.2-kHz
signals to the remote TIRIS transponder. Use these terminals as illustrated below.

SCBU036 – December 1996 TIRIS RF-Module IC for Automotive 13

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Typical Receiver Circuit Configuration

LC resonance circuit


7 8

To receiving circuit

In this circuit configuration, by selecting a value for R1 within a range of several hundred ohms and in
accordance with the characteristics of MOSFETs (T1 and T2) and introducing the selected value, the
through current which is consumed by the MOSFETs themselves during transmission can be reduced. If
the value for R1 is too high, the on-state resistances of T1 and T2 become very high and they will have
difficulty in driving the LC resonance circuit, leading to a possible reduction of available data
communication distance. Therefore, it is recommended that the value for R1 be defined after careful
evaluation of the characteristics of T1 and T2.
L1 and C1 in the LC resonance circuit may be mutually exchanged in position without giving significant
adverse effects to the operating performance of the circuit. However, the connection as is as illustrated
above is most preferable since it reduces potential influence of high-voltage transmission signals produced
at C1 on T1 and T2, thus a higher efficiency is gained.

12 Typical Receiver Circuit Configuration

Three simple CMOS inverter type amplifiers are integrated in this RF-module IC in order to amplify the
FSK signals received from a remote TIRIS transponder up to a satisfactory logic level. The IC is designed
so as to permit their amplification factor and frequency characteristics to be selected within a certain range
by the use of appropriate external parts and/or circuits. A typical applied receiver circuit is illustrated

14 TIRIS RF-Module IC for Automotive SCBU036 – December 1996

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Typical Antenna Circuit Configuration

To FSK signal demodulator From Antenna


1 2 3 4 5 6
R1 C2 R2 C4 R3 R4


C1 C3 C5 D1

In general, the FSK signals sent from a remote TIRIS transponder are found within a band of 120 kHz to
140 kHz, mainly due to dispersion of workmanship during manufacture and ambient temperature
fluctuation during transmitting operation. Therefore, by damping signals that fall out of the above band
range as much as possible, noise suppression performance can be improved. In the illustrated circuit
configuration, amplifier input coupling capacitors C2, C4 and C6 are used to reduce extremely
low-frequency noise signals, and amplifier output load capacitors C1, C3 and C5 to reduce high-frequency
noises. If you desire to enhance the noise resistance of the circuit still more, it is necessary to install a
required number of external wide band amplifiers with high amplification factor and add an active band
pass filter, LC resonance circuit, etc.
D1, D2 and R4 for input into the first amplifier (A1) form a circuit to prevent high-voltage signals for power
transmission and similar signals from entering the IC, thereby keeping from occurrence of latch-up or
other adverse situations. This circuit or otherwise, an equivalent protector, must be inserted without fail.

13 Typical Antenna Circuit Configuration

The antenna circuit consisting of L and C illustrated earlier in this manual (see the section describing
“Applied Circuit Configuration – Example”) is designed to work as an LC serial resonance circuit in which
impedance drops in the presence of resonance frequencies during sending operation, and as an LC
parallel resonance circuit in which impedance increases in the presence of resonance frequencies during
receiving operation. The relationship between L and C incorporated in the resonance circuit can be
defined according to the following expression. Each value is calculated using this expression:

f (134. 2 KHz ) =
2 π LC
The higher the Q value (quality factor) is, the higher transmission power the antenna L obtains and also
the higher the receiving gain becomes, thus allowing the system to have a greater available data
communication distance. If, however, at switch-over from power transmission mode to the receiving mode,
damping of the power transmission signal would not be completed before the remote TIRIS transponder
sends its ID code back to the IC, the signals sent from the transponder could not be received properly.
And the higher the Q value is, the longer the decay time of this power transmission signal will be. It has
been revealed by experimental testing that an antenna with its maximum Q value of around 30 is usable in
the circuit as is as illustrated in the “Applied Circuit Configuration – Example” section. If it is desired to use
an antenna having a higher Q value, some measures must be devised and added to this circuit.

SCBU036 – December 1996 TIRIS RF-Module IC for Automotive 15

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Precautions for Mounting and Actual Use

Additionally, the characteristics and efficiency of the resonance circuit used here greatly depend not only
on the antenna L but also on the capacitor C and the MOSFETs which drive them. Therefore, the
application of the lowest possible impedance at the frequency f(134.2 kHz) to them will permit a higher
transmission power, and as a result, it will allow the system to have a greater available data
communication distance with the remote transponder.

14 Precautions for Mounting and Actual Use

Described in this section are the precautions to be taken at mounting and actual use of the RI-RFM-006A
while designing and manufacturing a TIRIS Read-Write System using this IC, especially, critical issues as
may affect the operating performance of the IC and, in particular, the system communication performance
with a remote TIRIS transponder.

14.1 Power Supply Line

When the signals returned from a remote TIRIS transponder are amplified by sequentially using the three
CMOS inverter type amplifiers incorporated in this RF-module IC, an undesirable feedback loop is formed
from the third amplifier toward the first one through parasitic L, R and C whose formation is not avoidable
because of the structure of this IC and its internal power supply line (see the diagram below) as CMOS
devices are inevitably bi-directional. If this feedback loop is left as is, it normally leads to an oscillation;
particularly, when the frequency band of each amplifier is limited so that it matches that of the transponder
return signals, oscillation occurs at a frequency within this band which counts on high gains from the very
nature of things, in consequence, adversely affecting the demodulating performance of the received FSK
Positive power supply (Vcc) line Bypass capacitor

16 15 14 13 12 11

Internal power supply line

Feedback loop

Amplifier 3 Amplifier 2 Amplifier 1

1 2 3 4 5 6
From Antenna

Equivalent circuit for internal power supply line feedback loop

This situation does not a little occur when a multiple number of high-gain amplifiers are integrated in a
CMOS device. Formation of this undesirable feedback loop in the amplifier band can be avoided by
minimizing the impedance of the power supply line through optimization of the printed circuit boards and
using a suitable bypass capacitor. It is extremely difficult to obtain true values for these parasitic L, R and
C forming the internal power supply line feedback loop, but it can be said from the empirical viewpoint that
it is possible to inhibit the said oscillation using a bypass capacitor with a capacity of 1 µF and having a
sufficiently low impedance within the said amplifier frequency band provided that appropriate wiring
patterns are defined for the power supply line on the printed circuit boards and in the peripheries of
external parts for the amplifiers.

16 TIRIS RF-Module IC for Automotive SCBU036 – December 1996

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Precautions for Mounting and Actual Use

14.2 Wiring for Antenna Circuit
As previously described, the FSK signals sent from a remote TIRIS transponder are normally found within
a band of 120 kHz to 140 kHz. Therefore, the signal receiving circuit of this TIRIS Transmitter- Receiver
System is designed so that the signal amplification factor is necessarily highest within this band. Because
of this, all signals and noises which are produced by other devices and whose frequencies fall within this
band greatly affect the system performance, especially, its available data communication distance with the
remote TIRIS transponder among others.
In the same way, they have quite the undesirable effect not only upon the environment in which the proper
antenna for the system is found, but also upon the wire used to connect it with the IC’s “A1IN” pin which
works as the first-phase amplifier for received signals. Furthermore, if there are wires for square or pulse
wave logic signals containing high-frequency components (even though their fundamental frequencies are
low) very close to this antenna connection wire, the system’s available data communication distance with
the remote TIRIS transponder is further shortened due to the adverse effects of such wires. For all that, if
there is no other alternative than to use a long wiring between the IC and its external antenna, it is
suggested that a shielded wire be used for antenna wiring in either way as illustrated below. With this, the
antenna wiring will be less susceptible to the aforementioned adverse effects.


7 8
Shielded wire

Antenna resonance capacitor

To receiver amplifier

a. When the antenna is driven first.

Antenna resonance capacitor
7 8

Shielded wire

To receiver amplifier

b. When the capacitor is driven first.

SCBU036 – December 1996 TIRIS RF-Module IC for Automotive 17

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15 Package

50 pcs./tube

Silica gel

Antistatic finish poly bag

1,000 pcs. (20 tubes/bag)

Bar code label

Aluminum laminated case


Corrugated fiberboard case

Destination label
Texas Instruments

18 TIRIS RF-Module IC for Automotive SCBU036 – December 1996

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Following are URLs where you can obtain information on other Texas Instruments products and application

Products Applications
Amplifiers amplifier.ti.com Audio www.ti.com/audio
Data Converters dataconverter.ti.com Automotive www.ti.com/automotive
DSP dsp.ti.com Broadband www.ti.com/broadband
Interface interface.ti.com Digital Control www.ti.com/digitalcontrol
Logic logic.ti.com Military www.ti.com/military
Power Mgmt power.ti.com Optical Networking www.ti.com/opticalnetwork
Microcontrollers microcontroller.ti.com Security www.ti.com/security
Low Power Wireless www.ti.com/lpw Telephony www.ti.com/telephony
Video & Imaging www.ti.com/video
Wireless www.ti.com/wireless

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Post Office Box 655303 Dallas, Texas 75265

Copyright  2006, Texas Instruments Incorporated

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