An Analysis of Factors That Influence The Lack of Speaking Skill in Students of Tenth Grade
An Analysis of Factors That Influence The Lack of Speaking Skill in Students of Tenth Grade
An Analysis of Factors That Influence The Lack of Speaking Skill in Students of Tenth Grade
Research Objectives:
1. To understand students' views about factors that affect the confidence of some students who
2. Explore what students do to overcome challenges and improve their speaking skills.
Research Questions:
1. What are the factors that affect the ability to speak English?
Research Methodology:
This research follows a mixed method approach. In qualitative approach we observe students and
teachers in the classroom to know the problem. In quantitative approach we try to find the
Research Population:
Population in this study was 100 major English students in private school of Gujranwala.
Research Sample:
Research Tools:
The research tools employed to collect data for this study were questionnaires, interview and
classroom observation.
If this study included other schools in Gujranwala, it would have been more thorough and
meaningful. In addition, over time, the depth of this study was limited to assess factors that affect
Speaking is an interaction process that constructs meaning; it involves producing receiving and
international countries due to this reason it is likely to introduce intellectual, economic, social
commercial and even diplomatic relations with the other countries. They stop interact with
people because they face psychological obstacles or cannot find the appropriate words and
Speaking is one of the most skills crucial to be developed and intensify as means of useful
communication. Speaking skill is considering one of the most difficult skills of language
learning. Various language learners find it difficult to express them in speak language. They are
usually facing problems to use the foreign language to express their opinions well.
The development of communicative skill is one of the most common problem in students they
are facing to learn the English language due to some factors, such as the fear of making mistakes
in front of the classmates and teachers other problems students face during a communicative
situation are the lack of vocabulary to speak and not to speak the words in a good accent.
Considering the knowledge of English for our individual and professional life it is necessary to
examine the main factors interfering in students’ performance in the classroom to develop
students’ involvement when they perform the different tasks in all the speaking tasks so they
Definition of Speaking:
There are many definitions of the word "speaking" that researchers have suggested in language
learning. According to Chaney (1998), speaking is the process of making and sharing meaning
by using verbal and non-verbal symbols in different contexts. Brown (1994) and Burns and
Joyce (1997) defined speaking as an interactive process of making meaning that includes
Importance of Speaking:
The importance of speaking is indicated by the integration of the other language skills.
Discussion helps learners develop their vocabulary and grammar skills and then develop their
writing skill. Students can express their feelings, thoughts; tell stories; application; speak,
discuss, and demonstrate the various language activities. Discussion is very important outside the
classroom. This means that through the practice of speaking English, you gain new vocabulary,
others) to gain valuable skills that will help you communicate every day.
People are programmed to talk before they learn to read and write. In anything, mankind spends
much more time interacting orally with language than using it in its written form.
Speaking is the most important skill as this is one of the abilities needed to make conversation.
English is not an easy task as speakers should be familiar with many important components such
sufficient English language ability to communicate easily and effectively with others.
Previous studies agree that people cannot learn a language without many opportunities for
meaningful repetition. Oral language interaction and the opportunity to bring the language to
fulfillment in meaningful activities provide the practice that is very important for the
Richards and Rodgers (2001) stated that speaking skills were ignored in classrooms that focused
on speaking and writing skills in a traditional way. For example, reading and writing were
important skills in grammar translation, and speaking and listening skills were not so important.
In four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, the very important thing for
Ali Dincer and Savas Yesilyurt (2013) conducted a study of teachers' beliefs about speaking
skills based on motivational orientation. The results showed that although teachers had various
motivational directions for speaking English, they were not used to verbal communication. Their
findings showed that teachers believed that speaking skills meant a lot, but they had negative
opinions about speaking education. The results showed that although teachers had various
motivational directions for speaking English, they were not used to verbal communication.
Eissa, Misbah and Najat (1988) conducted a study on the difficulties of using English as a means
of instruction and communication. The results of this study showed that learners had many
difficulties in using a means of instruction. Many participants reported that their
learners did not speak English well. The results indicated that many learners faced serious
Boonkit (2010) conducted a study on the factors that increase the development of students'
ability to speak. The results it represented that the use of appropriate activities for the ability to
speak can be a good strategy to reduce the anxiety of the speakers. The results also showed that
Park and Lee (2005) investigated the connection between anxiety, self-confidence and speech
performance of second language students. The researchers indicated that students have different
opinions about the meaning of the ability to speak in English language and this difference is
related to the motivational orientations of the students and their competent / incompetent feelings
in the ability to speak. The results showed that the students' self-evaluation of their ability to
speak was negative and they expressed themselves as incapable speakers of English. Just some
of them they said they had a good position to participate in the tasks of speaking.
Speaking Problems:
There are some problems with the ability to speak that teachers can find by helping students
Shyness is the first problem that students come across in class. When they want to say something
in the classroom, they are sometimes reserved. They worry about making mistakes and fear
criticism. They are embarrassed of the other students' attention to themselves. If they want to
develop speaking skills they have to get rid of this problem. When we talk about something, it
does not mean just saying the words through mouth. It means transfer the message through the
words of mouth. Some teachers do not use this skill in classes. Learners do not have enough
chance both in their classes and outside to speak English. Unfortunately, teachers do not take
interest to speak English in classes. Learners who want to speak English they need a lot of
practice to speak. Learners can improve their speaking skill through listening and repeating.
Teachers can give their learners some tasks and ask them to repeat. Through these tasks learners
Another major problem is that students complain that they can't think of anything to say and
have no motivation to express it. Baker and Westrup (2003) stated that it is very difficult for
students to answer when teachers are asked to say things in a foreign language because they have
little thought what to say, what vocabulary to use, or how to use grammar with accuracy.
Another problem is that the class participation is very low. In a class with a large number of
students, each student will have very little time to talk, as only one student speaks at a time and
the other students try to hear him/her. In the speaking class, some students control the whole
class, while others speak very little or never speak. So if they want to speak English they have to
participate in class like other students participates. The last problem is that some students use
mother tongue n the class because it is very easy for them. According to Harmer (1991), there
are some reasons why students use their mother tongue in their speeches. The first reason is that
teachers ask their students to discuss a topic for which they do not have enough knowledge; they
will try to use their language. Another reason is that the use of the mother tongue is very natural
for students to use. If teachers do not encourage their students to speak in English, students will
automatically use their first language to explain something to the classmates. One of the biggest
problems in using communication activities related to pairing or group work is using your native
English activities.
One of the most difficult skills that students face in language learning is the skill of speaking.
Speaking is believed to be the most important of the four language skills. Many learners report
that they have spent so many years studying English but are unable to speak it appropriately and
intelligently. Students are unable to communicate fluently because have some factors that affect s
The first factor relates to working conditions. Students conduct speaking activity under different
conditions. The fear of speaking has a negative effect on speech performance. Performance
conditions affect speech performance and these conditions include time pressure, planning,
The second factor is related to the affective side of students in language learning. Many variables
that affect the students are related to second language acquisition, motivation, confidence and
anxiety. These three main types studied by many researchers. Motivation can influence the parts
of language learning. The comprehensive and friendly vision of language learners makes
students more sensitive to the audio language aspect of the language and more sensitive to
speaking and intonation. If students are not familiar with the language, they will not make
And without motivation students cannot learn the importance of any language. In order to have
the greatest impact on student learning, teachers should combine discussion with demanding
articles, teach students effective expression skills, and expect students to use explanations. If we
want to encourage students to communicate in English they have to engage in which they have a
freedom to express their own thoughts and voice. Anxiety has a negative effect on speaking skill.
Adults are very careful not to let them say anything wrong. They believe that mistakes indicate a
lack of understanding, which may prevent them from speaking English in front of others. Spoken
language anxiety may stem from classroom conditions that have the ability of learners of
different languages.
Listening ability is a third factor. Without listening ability, we cannot improve their speaking
skills. Students need to understand what they have been told in order to have a successful
dialogue. Shumin (1997) represented that when students talk, other students respond through the
listening process. Speakers play the role of listeners and speakers. It can be concluded that
students are unable to respond if they cannot understand what they are being told. That is, speech
is closely related to listening. Bozorgian (2012) examined the relationship between listening
skills and other language skills. The results indicate a close correlation between listening
comprehension and language skills. In other words, the higher the listening scores, the better the
speaking score. Lukitasari (2003) conducted a study of learners' strategies to overcome speaking
The results obtained in this study show that learners are faced with speaking difficulties, such as
banning, not to speak, low involvement, and use of their native language in speaking classes.
Other results from this study show that learners did not improve their speaking skills because
they did not learn the three components of speaking: vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation.
The last factor is related to feedback during speaking activities. Teachers should use some tasks
such as short questions and short dialogues in the classrooms to develop their students ‘speaking
skills. Many students expect feedback from teachers on speech performance. According to
Harmer (1991), the decisions that instructors make regarding their students' performance depend
on the phases of the lecture, the tasks and the types of mistakes they make. Harmer (1991) also
went on to say that if instructors directly correct their students' problems, the flow of dialogue
and the purpose of the speaking task will be corrupted. Baker and Westrup (2003) supported the
above assertion and said that if students were always corrected, they would be demotivated and
afraid of talking. It is suggested that instructors always positively correct their students' mistakes
and give them more support and persuasion as they speak. Teacher plays an important role in the
classroom. Teachers often use familiar signals to express rejection or ignorant acceptance in a
Speaking is very important in learning a second language. Despite its importance, speak in
schools was neglected for various reasons such as stress on grammar and unfavorable teacher-
student allowances. Speaking has been absent from testing because of the difficulty in evaluating
it reasonably and the time it takes to conduct oral tests. Prieto (2007) carried out a study on
The results of his study showed that a way to improve speech control is to interact with others,
to learn from others and to choose topics based on the interests of the learner in order to
encourage them.
In order for mutual discussions, explanation of ideas is necessary. Barker (2015) described four
tools that teachers can implement to encourage elaboration during discussions: use a common
anchor text; provide structured, small group talks prior to large group discussions; model
explicitly that which elaboration looks and sounds like; and facilitate talk moves that require
This study examined the factors that influence students' English speaking performance. The
factors and speaking problems mentioned in this study play an important role in developing
students' speaking skills. These factors make students less confident and less comfortable in
speaking classes. The results of this study showed that students with low self-esteem, high
anxiety, and low motivation have serious difficulties in speaking skills, despite having acceptable
language skills. Research shows that students with high motivation and anxiety can speak easily
and effectively. Therefore, students should have a friendly and supportive environment that will
Based on the analysis of the factors affecting speaking skill, teachers need to understand
students’ feelings, improve students' self-confidence, and choose the best method for learning
that is involved in reactivity. Teachers should give their students enough time to talk, help them
overcome their shyness through friendly behaviors so that they feel comfortable when talking,
remembering, not worrying about mistakes, and give them proper instructions and sufficient
advice. The educator should provide more opportunities for their students to speak English with
some conversational tasks that will help them speak and push them to speak activities. Teachers
should congratulate their students for speaking English. They should build a friendly relationship
with their students, feel very happy in class and have a great feeling of enthusiasm and interest in
In addition, teachers need to know when and how to correct their students' mistakes so that they
do not lose fear of making mistakes. The basic principle of meeting classroom standards is that
teachers are assigned daily class hours to engage students in discussions and use of academic
Bozorgian, H. (2012). The Relationship between Listening and Other Language Skills in
International English Language Testing System. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 2(4),
Eissa, A., Misbah, & Najat, A. (1988). Problems of Using English as a Medium of Instruction
and Communication at the College of Science, Kuwait University. Educational Journal, 4(15),
Harmer, J. (1991). The Practice of English Language Teaching. The 3th Edition. Longman:
Harmer, J. (1991). The Practice of English Language Teaching. The 3th Edition. Longman:
Woodrow, L. (2006). Anxiety and Speaking English as a Second Language. RELC Journal,
37(3), 308-328.
Tanveer, M. (2007). Investigation of the factors that cause language anxiety for ESL/EFL