Problems and Difficulties of Speaking at Muhammadiyah Lampung University Students in Covid Pandemic
Problems and Difficulties of Speaking at Muhammadiyah Lampung University Students in Covid Pandemic
Problems and Difficulties of Speaking at Muhammadiyah Lampung University Students in Covid Pandemic
1 June 2021
P-ISNN :2722-2667
The purpose of this research was to describe the problem and difficulties of speaking at
Muhammadiyah Lampung University students in Covid pandemic. This research used
descriptive qualitative research. The subject of this research were Muhammadiyah
Lampung University students at first semester in English Education Department. The data
collecting technique of this research used questionnaire. The result of this research
indicated that the students in first semester of English Department have some problems
and difficulties in speaking subject during Covid pandemic. There some problems and
difficulties in practicing speaking in Covid pandemic namely 1) understanding the
conversation; (2) less of vocabularies; (3) pronunciation; (4) shy, (5) Worrying for
making grammatical errors, (6) lack of Technology, and (7) lack of motivation. Based on
the analysis of questionnaire indicated that that 5 % in meaning, 22 % in vocabularies, 8
% in pronunciation, 32 % in shy, 8% Worrying for making grammatical errors, 10% lack
of Technology, and 15% lack of motivation. Based on the data the majority students
indicated that confidence is the most problem in speaking skill.
There are some skills that should be mastered by students in English namely, listening,
reading, writing and speaking. As English Department, the students should master all of
the skills. Speaking is considered as the most important skill in English communication.
In Indonesia, English is foreign language(EFL) for students. So many students still feel
difficult for speaking well in daily activity. Although, the students of Indonesia have
studied English since they are children until they are in university.
In all of countries that used English as Foreign Language, the students have their own
challenges in mastering English subject especially speaking skills. In Indonesia, it is also
happen in students of English Education Department. They still have low of ability in
sharing their idea in the English language (Katemba & Buli 2018). This is related to the
fact that the teaching of speaking English consists of complex study. It is can be proved
that speaking English consist of some steps namely studying about grammar, increasing
vocabulary, practice speaking, and making students for always practicing speaking
English (Katemba,2013)
In fact, most of them still get difficulties in speaking well although they are students of
English Education Department. As the result they cannot speak English well yet. During
the speaking class most of them are not responding actively so the lecturer also get
difficulties in increasing their speaking skill. Related to this case, it is necessary to find
out the problems and difficulties of students in speaking skill.
It was expected that the result of this research would directly improve the development
of the students' speaking performance and also provide more insight for lecturers for
alternative activities or learning strategies to develop speaking skills for EFL learners in
Muhammadiyah Lampung University.
2. Literature review
In literature review, it will present speaking, the students’ problems and difficulties in
learning speaking English, and the condition education system in Covid pandemic.
2.1 Speaking
Speaking is the activity of delivering the message from one people to another people by
using language. According to Florez (1999, as cited in Indra 2016) speaking is not only
the activity of a process of building meaning by making, getting and understanding
information, analyzing the speaking but it is also has a complex steps because it is about
the situation and the condition of speaking, such as the subject of speaking, the speakers'
knowledge, the condition of speakers' environment, and the purpose of speaking.
Speaking should be practice in daily activities, so it is one of the active skills (Nunan
2003, as cited in Mart 2012) said that speaking should consider about building English
sentence structure to get understanding the conversation.
Speaking needs several steps in interaction. Speaking included many skills in order to
gain the purpose of speaking, the skills are listening, vocabulary, grammar, and
pronunciation. Barras said that (2006: 9) speaking needs some steps in gaining message
between speaker and listener.
There are several components of speaking skill. They are Pronunciation, Grammatical
utterances, Vocabulary knowledge, and Speaking Fluency. The lecturer think
When someone speaks with the other people, they should consider the using of grammar
that they used. Grammatical utterance consists of the the condition and the situation of
sentence so the listener can understand the message of speaking from speaker. Grammar
consists of rules that can building the sentence perfectly in speaking (Purpura, 2004).
Moreover, grammar is used for guiding the students in making a good sentence. (Harmer,
Students should has a lot of list of vocabulary in speaking because without a lot of
vocabulary list a speaker will not be able to use interactive communication. In short, it
can be said that the power of mastering words or having vocabulary knowledge is one of
the keys for success in speaking (Hiebert & Kamil, 2005).
The definition of good speaking fluency is the ability to speak suitable with the situation
and the condition of the speaker and listener. There are some factors of good speaking
that should be considered namely communicatively, fluently and accurately (Segalowitz,
2010). Fluency means that the students can speak without interruption. In speaking class,
the teacher should make the students speak freely without any interruption, after that the
teacher can check the students's proficiency (Pollard, 2008). Students can be called speak
fluency based on some factors consideration namely if the students can speak English
without repetition, hesitation, making a long pause, self-correction (Koizumi, 20013).
Speaking is a skill that needs a complex preparation because it is not only about saying
something in another language but also it is a delivering message between speaker and
listener. In the fact, the students think speaking is the most difficult skill to be mastered
in the class. in line with Zhang (2009) stated that speaking remains the most difficult skill
for almost of English students, and they cannot speak English well in English.
difficulties in continue their speaking in English. As the result they use bilingual language
in speaking English. The students feel free in express their idea in their mother-tongue.
In addition, Rababa’h (2005) stated that there are some factors difficulties in speaking
English among EFL students. Some of these factors namely learners condition, teaching
strategies, the curriculum, and environment. If the students get difficulties in Speaking
English it can give effect to their performing in the class, as for the example the students
cannot continue the conversation if their vocabulary knowledge is still low. It is also about
the motivation of the students' itself in speaking class. They do not think that learning or
speaking English is important skill to be mastered.
Successful speaking activity in class can be seen by performing of students in the class .
The lecturer can see where is the students that having high motivation in speaking English
and the other students are less of motivation in speaking class. It is also a duty of the
lecturer for motivating all of the students in speaking class so all of the students can
performing their the best performing of speaking English.
Now days in Covid pandemic the situation of learning and teaching speaking class is so
different. As we know based on the rule of our education minister, all of the learning and
teaching process should be done in online class. The lecturer and the students should
study new concept of learning speaking class. As the result they get addition of problems
and difficulties in speaking class related to the process of teaching and learning. So their
learning process is done in some ways online class such as whatshapp group, google
classroom, and zoom meeting. All of the online class of course needs high technology for
using it. The students not only should be mastered the material in speaking English but
also the technology for showing their performance.
Based on the explanations above, it can be concluded that there are some students'
problems and difficulties in speaking class, as follows: (1) psychological; (2) the
linguistic; (3) environmental; and (4) Teaching Strategies. These factors can be clear in
the table below:
3. Research Methodology
The section included three steps namely: Subjects, Research method, The data collecting
technique, The data Analyzing.
3.1 Subjects
The research is done in the first semester students of English Education Department of
Muhammadiyah Lampung University in Academic Year 2020/2021. The participant
consists of 9 students. all of students become respondent as subjects. The first semester
students of English Education Department of Muhammadiyah Lampung University
speaking class, so that the researcher can conduct the research.
This research used descriptive qualitative research. The aims of descriptive qualitative
studies is a comprehensive summarization, in everyday terms, of specific events
experienced by individuals or groups of individuals.
qualitative data is using in this research. The qualitative data based on all students'
activity in speaking class. The data as follows:
1. Observation Class
The researcher has done observation of students' activity in teaching and learning process.
The Covid pandemic makes the teaching and learning process of speaking class doing in
online class. The observation based on the students' activity and the task during learning
2. Questionnaire
open-ended questionnaire is using in this research for gaining their responses in a form
of written data. In this research, there are three question for students, namely:
(2) What are your problems and difficulties in speaking class during Covid pandemic in
online class?
(3) What are the reason of your problem and difficulties in speaking class?
Qualitative and quantitative data are using in this research. The qualitative data was class
observation. The data Analysis included some steps such as; gaining with data,
identifying the data, analyzing the data, synthesizing, making the important part of data,
and giving conclusion (Bogdan and Bilken, 1992: 153).
4.1 The Students’ Problems and Difficulties in Speaking Class in Covid Pandemic
This research indicated that students have some problems in speaking class during Covid
Pandemic, they are: (1) understanding the conversation (2) less of vocabularies; (3)
pronunciation; (4) shy, (5) Worrying for making grammatical errors, (6) lack of
Technology, and (7) lack of motivation. The detail explanation of students' problems and
difficulties in speaking during Covid pandemic of Students English Education
Department first grade at Muhammadiyah Lampung University are shown table below:
Table 2
The Students’ Problems and Difficulties in Speaking Class in Covid Pandemic
No The Students’ Problems and Difficulties Percentage (%)
1 Understanding the conversation 5%
2 Less of vocabularies 22%
3 Pronunciation 8%
4 Shy 32%
5 Worrying for making grammatical errors 8%
6 lack of Technology 10%
7 lack of motivation 15%
The results indicated that there are some problems in speaking class during Covid
pandemic. The result from questionnaire shown that 5 % in Understanding the
conversation, 22 % in Less of vocabularies, 8 % in pronunciation, 32 % in shy, and 8%
in worrying for making grammatical errors, 10% in lack of technology, and 15% in lack
of motivation. The biggest result is Shy,. It means that The students' motivation in
Speaking class is still low when they practice speaking English in speaking class. The
second problems based on students' point of view is less of vocabularies. Their list of
vocabularies is still low so they get difficulties in doing speaking.
4.2 Factors of the Students’ Problems in Speaking English during Covid Pandemic
There are some factors of the problems in first semester students of English Education
Department of Muhammadiyah Lampung University in speaking English during Covid
pandemic namely by the table below:
Table 3
No Factor Percentage
1 Psychological factors 45%
2 Linguistic domain 27%
3 Environmental 20%
4 Teaching strategies 8%
The result concluded that almost of students (45%) have their problems in psychological
factor, 27% of the students were afraid about linguistic errors, 20% of the students were
unconfident in practicing the speaking English of their environment and 8% of the
students have problem in teaching strategies because it is included mastering the
technology in Covid pandemic.
5. Conclusion
The research concluded that students have some problems in speaking class during Covid
pandemic, namely: (1) understanding the conversation; (2) less of vocabularies; (3)
pronunciation; (4) shy, (5) Worrying for making grammatical errors, (6) lack of
Technology, and (7) lack of motivation.. The result from the students questionnaire
indicated that that 5 % in understanding the conversation, 22 % in vocabularies, 8 % in
pronunciation, 32 % in shy, 8% Worrying for making grammatical errors, 10% lack of
Technology, and 15% lack of motivation.
listening and speaking skills from multimedia website. The students of EFL context
should be aware of the availability of a number of ways they can use to learn to speak in
English. On the other hand, the lecturer also need to give motivation to the students,
especially in Covid pandemic where is the condition and the situation of learning and
teaching process is different. In Covid pandemic the students and the lecturer is not only
mastering the material but also should be mastering the technology and new learning style
in online class.
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