Mini Research Purpose. New
Mini Research Purpose. New
Mini Research Purpose. New
This observation describes the way of speaking and pronunciation errors of some
English words in non-language classes, or classes that take general courses. This
observation was conducted on science education students in the first semester. The
pronunciation errors in speaking start from common words that are often used to
words that they have not mastered. Not only explaining pronunciation errors and
way of speaking, this observation also aims to assess how the teacher works in
teaching and how the classroom atmosphere is taught. Assessing what the strengths
and weaknesses are in a class and comparing the subject matter used in general
course classes with language courses.
The results of this observation aim so that pronunciation errors in speaking English
and deficiencies in the teaching and learning process can be improved for the
future. The targets of each lesson can be achieved in accordance with the
achievements based on the curriculum or rules that apply at a university.
Keywords: Problems, Pronunciation, Speaking, Science Education, Students
This report was created to fulfil the English for Professional Purposes
course project. The activity carried out was by observing English teaching
and learning process in the other program study, except English Education.
The researchers are expected to be able to carry out needs analysis by
finding gaps and deficiencies in a class. Based on the research observation
on the English teaching and learning of the Science education students in
the first semester, there are some problems founded by the researchers. It is
about the students' difficulties in speaking English in the class. The
researchers categorize them into 3 fields, such as pronunciation, grammar,
and sentence organization.
The first is the difficulty in pronunciation. Most of the students in the class
seemed to not care about how to pronounce something correctly while
speaking. The students still look shy and speak carelessly when they have
to speak English in class. As a result, their pronunciation becomes bad and
many mispronunciations occur.
The second is related to grammar. While speaking, students usually use the
wrong pronouns. The students still confused about how to use reflective,
possessive, and personal pronouns in their sentences while introducing
themselves. For example, they often use double pronouns, and use singular
possessive pronouns to describe more than two people.
A. Theoretical Review
A profession is a job held by a person in a certain field with formal
qualifications. A good professional should have good communication in
English. Hutchinson & Waters Waters (1987, p.19) expressed his opinion
that ESP is a form of approach in language teaching that is based on the
goals and reasons desired by the learner. ESP itself has a specific meaning
and emphasizes the important point of ESP as an approach that contains
methods and concepts tailored to the specific goals and needs of language
learners. (Mackay & Mountford, 1978). English for professional purpose
(EPP) is the English learning course to improve skills in the professional
workplace. It is focused on strengthening professional English skills that
you need for cross-cultural professional communication in the sectors, such
as science, society, development, media and others. In other words, EPP is
a course that teaches about the English used in the professional fields.
Meanwhile, English for a specific purpose (ESP) is about teaching English
as a second or foreign language in specific fields or professions. This
usually includes the particular vocabulary and skill that the students' need to
learn. This course is also used to meet the students’ needs. The General
Courses English Lecturers in class 1, first semester of Science Education
are Sir Agung and Ma’am Afi. The Materials and activities in the class are
the material explanation, assignment, practice, and so on. English is a very
important language to master, especially in international communication.
Speaking English fluently and confidently is the key to being a good
speaker who is professional.
B. Conceptual Framework