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Mike Hydro: Note To Existing MIKE 11 Users

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Note to Existing MIKE 11 Users

MIKE 2017
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notetomike11users.docx / GTP/TSJ/MJH / 2017-02-17 - © DHI

Note to Existing MIKE 11 Users

1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................1

2 Licence Information ..........................................................................................................1

3 MIKE HYDRO River – Unsupported MIKE 11 Features ...................................................1

4 Refined and Relocated Features......................................................................................2

4.1 Simulation editor .................................................................................................................................. 3
4.2 Network editor ...................................................................................................................................... 3
4.3 HD parameter editor ............................................................................................................................. 4
4.4 Cross sections editor ............................................................................................................................ 4
4.5 MIKE11.ini file ...................................................................................................................................... 5

5 Importing Existing MIKE 11 Setups .................................................................................5

6 Exporting MIKE HYDRO Setups to MIKE 11....................................................................6

7 MIKE 11 GIS Functionality................................................................................................6


ii Note to Existing MIKE 11 Users - © DHI


1 Introduction

MIKE HYDRO is the newly introduced, state-of-art Graphical User Interface platform for
some of the MIKE Powered by DHI Water Resources products.

Presently, MIKE HYDRO include two modules:

• MIKE HYDRO Basin, and

MIKE HYDRO River is the new and future modelling platform for MIKE Powered by DHI
river applications, introduced as a full-featured river modelling package with Release
2016. MIKE HYDRO River is the future successor of the current classic MIKE 11 User
Interface for river modelling. Release 2017 includes both MIKE 11 and MIKE HYDRO

The current document target existing MIKE 11 users with the aim of informing about the
current contents and features of MIKE HYDRO River

2 Licence Information
MIKE HYDRO River is our primary river module for sale with Release 2016 and forward.
MIKE 11 is still included and supported, and new purchases of river model licenses will
include access to both MIKE HYDRO River and MIKE 11 modules.

MIKE HYDRO River module is automatically included for existing MIKE 11 users
upgrading to MIKE Powered by DHI Release 2017, and the license hence contain
modules supporting both MIKE 11 classic and MIKE HYDRO River.

It is therefore possible for existing MIKE 11 users with a valid Service and Maintenance
agreement to use MIKE HYDRO River for project applications without additional fees.

3 MIKE HYDRO River – Unsupported MIKE 11 Features

The current release of MIKE HYDRO River includes almost all features and add-on
modules available in MIKE 11. Most river applications will therefore be possible to
conduct using MIKE HYDRO River in Release 2017.

A few MIKE 11 features have not been included in Release 2017, which may influence a
decision whether to apply MIKE HYDRO River or MIKE 11 for specific applications.

Referring to model features available in the Classic MIKE 11 GUI system, the following
features are not included/supported in MIKE HYDRO River, Release 2017:

• Simulation editor:
- Quasi-steady state simulation option
- Hotstart options: ‘Add to hotstart file’
- ‘Change ratio’ for adaptive time step is replaced by ‘Maximum increase factor’


• Network editor
- Regulating structures
- User defined structures
- Grid points

• HD parameter editor
- Default values – parameters: Dh Node, Struc Fac, Node Compatibility
- User defined marks
- Bed resistance – triple zones

• AD Parameter editor
- Cohesive sediment
- Sediment layers
- Some AD Additional output

• ST parameter editor
- Not available!
Sediment transport features are NOT included in MIKE HYDRO River 2017

• DA parameter editor
- FF option excluded from MIKE HYDRO River. Forecasting modelling is
conducted with Data Assimilation.

MIKE HYDRO River utilises the new MIKE 1D computational engine only and is not
capable of using the classic MIKE 11 simulation engine. Hence, any functionality currently
not supported by the MIKE 1D engine is therefore not supported in the current version of
MIKE HYDRO either. For details about functionality in MIKE 1D engine please see ‘What
is included in MIKE 1D?’ located in the MIKE 11 documentation index.

4 Refined and Relocated Features

Compared to the Classic MIKE 11 User interface there are some parameters and
features, which have been renamed or located differently in MIKE HYDRO. Changes
have been implemented to give a better overview of your input data. Hence, the described
functionality is still available, but found at a different location.

Please note that, in general, MIKE HYDRO does not allow for latent elements, which is
allowed in the MIKE 11 Graphical User Interface. Latent elements are e.g. elements such
as structures, local values for bed resistance, initial conditions, etc. and these cannot be
attached to non-existing branches in the setup. Thus, you should bear in mind that when
you delete a branch, all connected elements will also be deleted. The only exceptions to
this behaviour are cross sections which are saved in a separate file and not automatically
deleted when deleting a river branch.

Cross sections are generally drawn on the map in the same way as in MIKE 11. The only
exception is that if a cross section has user specified coordinates, these are only used if
both coordinate-sets are different from (0, 0).

The most significant changes in features and parameter locations when comparing the
contents of MIKE 11 Classic editors with the contents of MIKE HYDRO are described in
the following sections.

2 Note to Existing MIKE 11 Users - © DHI

Refined and Relocated Features

4.1 Simulation editor

Most of the functionalities of the simulation editor are located in the tree view under
‘Simulation specifications’.

You will find the specifications of result files under ‘Result specifications’ in the tree view.

Specifications of initial conditions are found under ’Initial conditions’ in the tree view.

Note that some changes have been made to the initial condition options:
• It is now possible to specify multiple hotstart files
• It is now possible to run a simulation using a hotstart file, which does not include all
calculation points in the model.

For further details, see the ‘MIKE HYDRO User Guide’.

4.2 Network editor

Most of the functionalities of the network editor are located in the tree view under ‘River

You will find the definition of maximum dx for the branches under ‘Simulation
specifications’ | ‘Computation control parameters’ on the ‘Grid spacing’ tab.

Note that the maximum dx is now a global parameter for all branches, but can be
overwritten by local values for individual branches.

The option for definition of points can be found under ‘River network’ | ‘Branches’ on the
‘User defined chainage points’ tab.
You should be aware of the fact that the concepts of user defined chainages have
changed slightly. In MIKE HYDRO, we have branch vertices and user defined chainage
points as separate features, and these two elements have replaced the functionality for
‘Points’ and ‘user defined’/system defined chainages’ in MIKE 11.

Creation of a branch: The shape of a branch in MIKE HYDRO comes from individual
vertices (digitation points where the river bends). Vertices can only be inserted and
deleted when editing the branch on the map view.

The chainage of a vertex is calculated as a function of the location on the map view and
the distance to up- and downstream vertices. This is similar to points with a system
defined chainage in MIKE 11, but in MIKE HYDRO the individual vertices are not visible in
a table form, and the chainages are only used internally to show the map view correctly.

When you need to specify a chainage at a precise location (points with user defined
chainage), you must to insert a user defined chainage point on the branch as a separate
element. This is done from the ‘Branches’ ribbon in the map view. See details in the
‘MIKE HYDRO User Guide’.

The weir types have been given different names, but the implementation is the same:
• ‘Weir Formula 1’ renamed to ‘Villemonte Formula’
• ‘Weir Formula 2 (Honma)’ renamed to ‘Honma Formula’
• ‘Weir Formula 3 (Extended Honma)’ renamed to ‘Extended Honma Formula’

The weir type ‘Special weir’ has been removed from MIKE HYDRO. However, an identical
functionality can be achieved by setting the weir type to ‘Broad Crested’ and unchecking


the flag ‘Allow for recalculation’ on the ‘Flow conditions’ tab. The same tab is then used
for specifying the Q/h relations in the same way as the ‘Special weir’ in MIKE 11.

For weirs and structures it is possible to specify a structure geometry from the cross
section database in MIKE HYDRO, e.g. to refer to a geometry in the cross section file
(*.xns11). In MIKE 11, the geometry was always taken from the cross section with the
same branch name and chainage as the structure. In MIKE HYDRO the cross section
used is user specified and must be defined in the ‘Structure’ dialogue.

4.3 HD parameter editor

You will find the parameters of the ‘Initial’ page under ‘Initial conditions’ | ‘HD Initial
conditions’. Note that the initial conditions definition in MIKE HYDRO now includes
definition of both Global and Local values as well as hotstart file definition.

The parameters of the ‘Wind’ page can be found under ‘Boundary conditions’ | ‘Wind
scaling factors’. Note that the wind scaling factors will only be shown in the tree view if the
flag ‘Include wind shear stress’ is checked on the ‘Modules’ page. The ‘Topographical
factor’ is now renamed to ‘Wind scaling factor’, but has the same functionality.

The parameters of the ‘Bed Resist’ page can be found under ‘Hydrodynamic parameters’ |
‘Bed resistance’.

You will find the parameters of the ‘Wave Approx.’ page under ‘Simulation specifications’ |
‘Computational control parameters’.

The parameters of the ‘Default Values’ page can be found under ‘Simulation
specifications’ | ‘Computational control parameters’ on the tab ‘Computation parameters’.

4.4 Cross sections editor

MIKE HYDRO River stores the cross sections in the same file as MIKE 11 (file with
extension .xns11). MIKE HYDRO River however comes with a new cross section editor,
which is available as an embedded editor from within MIKE HYDRO River (in the Cross
sections menu) or as a standalone editor to open only the cross sections.

This new editor offers some tools to edit the cross sections, which are available in the
‘Tools’ toolbar in MIKE HYDRO, and in the ‘Tools’ tab in the standalone editor. These
tools comprise the functionality from the previous MIKE11 editor to edit multiple cross
sections simultaneously, as well as new tools to edit cross sections. Note that when using
the standalone editor, some of the tools are not available, because they require input data
from the MIKE HYDRO map, which is not available.

This new editor is now the default one to open a file with extension xns11, even for MIKE
11 model setups. Even though this new editor may also be used with MIKE 11, it is also
possible to continue using the previous MIKE 11 editor. This requires that you change the
file association in the menu File | Options | User settings, and select MIKE 11 Cross
Sections in the File Associations tab, for .xns11 files. Note that, regardless the choice of
default editor, creating a new .xns11 file from File | New | File | MIKE 11 will always open
the file in the previous MIKE 11 editor, whereas creating a new .xns11 file from File | New
| File | MIKE HYDRO will always open the file in the new editor.

4 Note to Existing MIKE 11 Users - © DHI

Importing Existing MIKE 11 Setups

Also note the following limitations of the new cross section editor:

• In the previous MIKE 11 editor, it was possible to apply a minimum and a maximum
level of processed data. This will not be supported any longer. Therefore, when the
minimum level and/or maximum level were applied to a cross section, changing the
processed data levels from the new editor will at the same time deactivate these two
parameters for the cross section.

• The Level of divide parameter, used for morphological simulations, is not yet
supported. This parameter will be supported in the future when ST module will be
supported by MIKE HYDRO River. Therefore, users performing morphological
simulations with MIKE 11 ST should preferably use the previous MIKE 11 editor to
access this parameter.

4.5 MIKE11.ini file

The MIKE11.ini file is not used when running a simulation in MIKE HYDRO. Note that
some of the parameters of the MIKE11.ini file are transferred to the tab ‘Computation
parameters’ on the ‘Computational control parameters’ page.

When importing a MIKE 11 setup, the parameters from the MIKE11.ini file are not
imported to MIKE HYDRO and should be set manually.

When exporting a MIKE HYDRO setup to MIKE 11, the parameters in the MIKE11.ini file
are not automatically set and should be manually changed.

5 Importing Existing MIKE 11 Setups

Transferring your existing MIKE 11 setups to MIKE HYDRO is quite simple, and it is done
through the menu ‘File | Import | Import from MIKE 11’.

Any functionality not supported by MIKE HYDRO will be removed from the setup during
the import. That means, if your setup contains features not supported by MIKE HYDRO,
data will be removed from the setup (cf. section 3 for details about functionalities not
supported by MIKE HYDRO). Accordingly, if a specific feature becomes available in a
later release version you will have to reimport the data or specify it again in MIKE

MIKE HYDRO does not support latent elements e.g. elements such as structures, local
values for bed resistance, initial conditions, etc. attached to non-existing branches. Only
elements for existing branches will be imported. Therefore, if you import the network file
(*.nwk11) and the HD parameter file (*.hd11) separately, it is important to import the
network file first. It is recommended to import the entire setup at once by importing the

Elements attached to an existing branch, but at a non-existing chainage, will still be

imported and provide a warning in the validation check.

Note that when importing the sim11-file, the time step will be shown in seconds. The time
step length is the same as in MIKE 11, but the display value and unit will be in seconds.
This can manually be changed to the requested unit.


Note that when importing the hd11-file, the triple zone approach is not supported. If the
hd11-file specified a triple zone approach, the following is changed during the import:
• the approach is set to “Uniform section”
• the global resistance number is taken from the global Zone 1 value
• the local resistance numbers are set from the local Zone 1 values

6 Exporting MIKE HYDRO Setups to MIKE 11

When working with MIKE HYDRO, you may find that you need to utilise functionality
currently not available in MIKE HYDRO.

In such case it is very easy to export the MIKE HYDRO setup to MIKE 11 files and
continue working in MIKE 11. The export facility is found through the menu ‘File | Export |
Export to MIKE 11’.

Most parameters in MIKE HYDRO are exported to MIKE 11 files. Warning messages are
provided in case parameters not supported are being exported.

7 MIKE 11 GIS Functionality

Many of the MIKE 11 GIS tools are transferred to MIKE HYDRO and can be found in the
MIKE HYDRO menu ‘Tools’ (see the ‘MIKE HYDRO User Guide’ for details).

Since several of these tools somehow manage and edit cross section data in the xns11-
file, it is very easy to utilise these tools, also if you are still working in MIKE 11.

The xns11-file format is shared between MIKE 11 and MIKE HYDRO, so when using the
tools in MIKE HYDRO to add or modify your cross sections, changes will automatically be
included in your MIKE 11 setup.

6 Note to Existing MIKE 11 Users - © DHI

MIKE 11 GIS Functionality

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