LET Reviewer Professional Education: Foundations of Education Part 2
LET Reviewer Professional Education: Foundations of Education Part 2
LET Reviewer Professional Education: Foundations of Education Part 2
6. Which situation shows that a sense of nationhood 12. Which of the following is the aim of our education
is exemplified? during the Commonwealth period?
a. The class conducted a debate using Filipino as a. Designed after Japanese education
medium b. Patterned after the American curriculum
14. Which philosophy of education influence the 20. Your teacher is of the opinion that the word and
singing of the National Anthem in schools? everything in it are ever changing and so teaches you
a. Nationalism the skill to cope with the changes. Which in his
b. Naturalism governing philosophy?
c. Pragmatism a. Experimentalism
d. Socialism b. Existentialism
c. Idealism
15. Who among the following believes that learning d. Realism
requires disciplined attention, regular homework,
and respect for legitimate authority? 21. Teacher Myra says: "If it is billiard that brings
a. Essentialist students out of the classroom, let us bring it into the
b. Progressivist classroom. Perhaps, I can use it to teach Math". To
c. Realist which philosophy does teacher Myra adheres to?
d. Reconstructionist a. Essentialism
b. Idealism
16. Which of the following is the main function of the c. Progressivism
philosophy of education? d. Reconstructionism
a. Reconsider existing educational goals in the light of
society's needs 22. Which of the following should be done to build a
b. Provide the academic background prerequisite to sense of pride among Filipino youth?
learning a. Replace the study of folklores and myths with
c. Define the goals and set the direction for which technical subjects
education is to strive b. Re-study our history and stress on our
d. Aid the learner to build his own personal achievements as people
philosophy c. Re-study our history from the perspective of our
17. Homeroom advisers always emphasize the d. Set aside the study of local history
importance of cleanliness of the body. Children are
taught how to wash their hands before and after 23. A teacher who subscribes to the pragmatic
eating. What is this practice called? philosophy of education believes that experience
a. Folkway study should follow learning in her teaching. Which
b. Laws of the following does she do to support her belief?
c. Mores a. Encouraging learners to memorize factual
d. Social norm knowledge
b. Equipping learners with the basic abilities and
18. Which curricular move served to strengthen skills
spiritual and ethical values? c. Providing learners opportunities to apply theories
a. Integration of creative thinking in all subject and principles
b. Introduction of Values education as a separate d. Requiring learners full master of the lesson.
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24. Which philosophy influenced the cultivation of
reflective and meditative skills in teaching?
a. Confucianism
b. Existentialism
c. Taoism
d. Zen Buddhism
1. B
2. B
3. D
4. C
5. C
6. A
7. A
8. C
9. C
10. B
11. C
12. D
13. D
14. A
15. A
16. C
17. D
18. B
19. B
20. A
21. C
22. B
23. C
24. D
25. C