Quality Assessment of Different Brands of Paracetamol Tablets in Yemeni Market
Quality Assessment of Different Brands of Paracetamol Tablets in Yemeni Market
Quality Assessment of Different Brands of Paracetamol Tablets in Yemeni Market
Paracetamol or acetaminophen is active metabolites of phenacitin. It is a widely used over-the-counter analgesic and antipyretic.
Chemically, it is 4-hydroxy acetanilide (acetaminophen). Paracetamol is approved for reducing fever in people of all ages. It is
commonly used for the relief of headaches, other minor aches and pains, and is a major ingredient in numerous cold and flu
remedies. Many different brands and dosage forms of paracetamol are available in Yemeni market that places health practitioners
in a dilemma of drug substitution in case of non-availability of a particular brand. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the
quality control of four brands of paracetamol tablets (500 mg) marketed and commonly prescribed in Yemeni market. The results
and findings of the present study will be interpreted and discussed. Four brands of paracetamol tablets (500 mg) were purchased
from the retail pharmacy outlets and their pharmaceutical quality were assessed by using in-vitro tests according to USP and BP
standards and unofficial standards as recommended by the manufacturers. The assessment of tablets included the evaluation of
uniformity of weight, hardens, friability, disintegration time, dissolution test as well as assay content by UV spectrophotometric
method. All brands passed USP and BP standards in- vitro quality control tests prescribed for the tablets except hardens test but all
products were satisfactory for hardness. The results indicated that the overall quality of all tested paracetamol tablets brands was
satisfactory as they met the requirements of the official and unofficial quality control tests.
Keywords: Dissolution, disintegration, friability, hardness, paracetamol, quality control.
Article Info: Received 10 August 2018; Revised 29 August; Accepted 5 September, Available online 15 September 2018
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Abdulmajed Alsaifi, Ali Alyahawi. Quality assessment of different brands of paracetamol tablets in Yemeni
market. Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 2018; 3(4): 42-47.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22270/ujpr.v3i4.182
Address for Correspondence:
Abdulmajed Alsaifi, Department of Chemistry, Sana’a University, Republic of Yemen.
E-mail: a_majedalsaifi@yahoo.com.
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Table 2: Average weight, % deviation from average weight, content uniformity, % deviation from content
uniformity, hardness (kg/cm2) and % deviation from hardness of different brands of paracetamol tablets.
Brands Average weight (mg) , Content uniformity (%), Hardness (kg/cm2) ,
A 668.38 ± 0.944 98.3 % ± 2.52 13.67 ± 2.44
B 613 ± 0.498 97.25 % ± 1.26 26.075 ± 13.33393
C 640.79 ± 0.616 98.2 % ± 0.44 19.57 ± 2.348
D 566.3 ± 0.912 99.15 % ± 0.966 15.765 ± 8.506
Figure 2: Comparison of different brands weight variation of different brands of paracetamol tablets.
Table 3: Friability percent (%), disintegration time (min), dissolution (30 min), % deviation from dissolution
of different brands of paracetamol tablet
Brand Friability Disintegration Dissolution (min),
(%) time (min) % RSD
A 0.063 2.00 101.58 % ± 1.21
B 0.18 14.1 95.5 % ± 0.980
C 0.153 3.00 98.18 % ± 0.798
D 0.22 3.35 100.52 % ± 2.863