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List of Professors

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10248. Shanghai jiao Tong Uni, school of agriculture & biology.

Department of Animal Science
Research Interests:(1)Antibody engineering (2)Applying ecology
technique for preventing animal disease (3)Prevention of Zoonosis
Address:Room 3-219, Agriculture and Biology Building

Department of Animal Science
Research Interests:

Associate Professor
Department of Animal Science
Research Interests:
Associate Professor
Department of Animal Science
Research Interests:
Phone:86-21-34206003 (office); Fax 0086-21-3420587
Address:Division of Veterinary Microbiology & Immu

Website: http://www.hzau.edu.cn,,,,,,, 10504

 专业技术职务:教授
 部 门:动科动医学院
 联系电话:13871316142
 电子邮箱:jinmeilin@mail.hzau.edu.cn
 研究方向:人兽共患传染病流行病学、致病机制、新型疫苗与分子诊断制剂
Zhao shuhong
 Professional and technical positions:Professor
 Department: moving school
 E-mail: shzhao@mail.hzau.edu.cn
 Research Interests: Swine Genomics and Breeding

Liu Bang
 Professional and technical positions:Professor
 Department: moving school
 Tel: 02787382290
 E-mail: liubang@mail.hzau.edu.cn
 Research Interests: Animal Genetics and Breeding
Dai Hanchuan
 Professional and technical positions:Associate Professor
 Department: moving school
 Tel: 18602720828
 E-mail: daihch@126.com
 Research Interests: Animal Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Liu Min
 Professional and technical positions:Associate Professor
 Department: moving school
 E-mail: liumin23@mail.hzau.edu.cn
 Research Interests: Animal Anatomy and Tissue Embryo

Xu in words
 Professional and technical positions:Associate Professor
 Department: moving school
 E-mail: xuzaiyan@mail.hzau.edu.cn
 Research direction: animal physiology and biochemistry
Slip China
 Professional and technical positions:Associate Professor
 Department: moving school
 E-mail: huaguohua09@gmail.com
 Research direction: herbivorous animal reproductive physiology

Li Lu
 Professional and technical positions:Associate Professor
 Department: moving school
 Tel: 02787281878
 E-mail: lilu@mail.hzau.edu.cn
 Research Interests: Animal Bacteriology
He Changjiu
 Professional and technical positions:Associate Researcher (Natural Science)
 Department: moving school
 Tel: 02787280020
 E-mail: chungjoe@mail.hzau.edu.cn
Research direction: female animal reproductive physiology


10335. College of animal sciences, Zhejiang university

 Weihuan FANG
 PhD, Professor
 Tel: 86-571-88982242
 Fax:86-571-88982242
 E-mail: whfang@zju.edu.cn
 Website: http://www.molmicro-foodsafety.net/
 Address:
 College of Animal Sciences, Zhejiang University

Prof. Zi-Rong Xu
Professor of Animal Nutrition and Feed Sciences
Institute of Feed Science, Zhejiang University. Qiutao North Road 164, Hangzhou 310029,
P.R. China
Tel: +86 571 86091820
Fax: +86 571 86994963
Email: zrxu@zju.edu.cn

Jian-Xin Liu
Professor, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Zhejang University
College of Animal Scineces
Huajiachi Campus
Hangzhou 310029
Phone: +86 571 86971097
Fax: +86 571 86971647
Email: liujx@zju.edu.cn
URL: Institute of Dairy Science

Dr. Yan FU
Professor of Animal Genetics
Zhejiang University
College of Animal Sciences
256 Kaixuan Road
Hangzhou 310029
P.R. China
Email: fuyan@sun.zju.edu.cn

Dr. Songhua Hu
Professor & Chair
Department of Veterinary Medicine
College of Animal Sciences
Zhejiang University
Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310029 China
Tel. & Fax: 86-571-86971852
E-mail: songhua@zju.edu.cn

Caiqiao ZHANG, Ph.D.

Professor of Animal Physiology
Telephone/Fax: 86-0571-86971976
Email: cqzhang@zju.edu.cn
No. 268 Kaixuan Road
College of Animal Sciences
Zhejiang University
Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310029

Anguo Chen, M.Sc., Ph.D.

Professor of Animal Nutrition and Feed Sciences
Director of Animal Science and Technology Department,
College of Animal Sciences, Zhejiang University
Director of Institute of Animal Production and
Environmental Engineering£¬Zhejiang University
Department of Animal Science and Technology,
College of Animal Sciences,
Zhejiang University, Kaixuan Rd No.268,
Huajiachi Campus,
Hangzhou 310029, P.R.China
TEL: +86-571-86971099 (O), 1306519900 (Mobile);
FAX: +86-571-86971099
E-MAIL: agchen@zju.edu.cn

Yi-zhen Wang

Professor of Animal Science

Director of Institute of Feed Science, Zhejiang University

Phone: 0571-88982815

Fax: 0571-88982650

Address: 409 College of Animal Science

Zijingang Campus

Zhejiang University

Email: yzwang@zju.edu.cn

Area of Expertise: Animal nutrition and Immunology

Animal nutrition and Meat quality

Jian-Yi Sun, PhD

Professor of Animal Nutrition and Feed Sciences
Feed Science Institute
College of Animal Sciences
Zhejiang University
Huajiachi Campus
268 Kaixuan Road, Hangzhou
Zhejiang 310029
P. R. CHINA Telephone: +86 571 8698 6730 Fax: +86 571 8699 4963
E-mail: jysun@zju.edu.cn

QUALIFICATION: Ph.D. Agriculture
SPECIALITY: Animal Genetics and Animal Breeding
MAILING ADDRESS: College of Animal Sciences
Zhejiang University, Kaixuan Rd No.268,
Huajiachi Campus,
Hangzhou 310029, P.R.China
TEL: +86-571-86971199 (O), 86098834 (H), 13067904963 (Mobile);
FAX: +86-571-86971199
E-MAIL: ningying56@hzcnc.com

Zhongqi Jiang
Associate professor
Department of Veterinary Medicine
Curriculum vitae…. Work Address:
Room 114 Animal Sciences Bldg.
Department of Veterinary Medicine
Faculty of Animal Sciences College
Zhejiang University
Hangzhou, Zhejiang, P. R. China 310029
Tele: +86-571-85977115
Fax: +86-0571-86049815
E-mail: zqjiang@zju.edu.cn

Associate Professor

Department of Animal Science

College of Animal Sciences, Zhejiang University

Address: 268 Kaixuan Road, Hangzhou 310029, P. R. China

Tel: 0086-571-86971805

E-mail: zhangjzs@zju.edu.cn

Associate Professor
College. of Animal Science, Zhejiang Univerisity,
Adress: No.268 Kaixuan Road,
Hangzhou 310029
Tel: 86-571-86971048
Email: Zhanyong@zju.edu.cn

Xiaoling Guo
Associate Professor, Ph.D.
College of Animal Sciences
Zhejiang University
Huajiachi Campus
Hangzhou 310029
Phone: +86 571 86971099

Jie Feng
QUALIFICATION: PhD in feed science and animal nutrition
SPECIALITY: animal nutrition and feed science
OCCUPATION: Associate Researcher
Feed Science Institute,
College of Animal Sciences
Zhejiang University, Kaixuan Rd No.258,
Huajiachi Campus,
Hangzhou 310029, P.R.China
TEL: +86-571-86986127 (O)
FAX: +86-571-86994963
E-MAIL: fengj@zju.edu.cn

Song-kun SU, PhD

Department of Sericulture, Aquaculture and Apiculture
Associate Professor of Apicultural Sciences
Phone & Fax: 86-571-8697 1095
E-mail: susongkun@zju.edu.cn
112# Animal Science Building
Zhejiang University
268 Kaixuan Road
Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310029

NAME: Yu-Dong You

QUALIFICATION: Master Degree in feed science and animal nutrition

SPECIALITY: Animal nutrition and feed science

OCCUPATION: Associate Researcher

MAILING ADDRESS: Feed Science Institute,

College of Animal Sciences

Zhejiang University, Kaixuan Rd No.258,

Huajiachi Campus,

Hangzhou 310029, P.R.China

TEL: +86-571-86985347 (O), 86946421 (H), 13588071009 (Mobile);

FAX: +86-571-86994963
E-MAIL: Dyyu@zju.edu.cn

NAME: Hai-sheng XU
SPECIALITY: Aquatic Animal Medicine & Zoology
OCCUPATION: Associate Professor
MAILING ADDRESS: College of Animal Sciences, Zhejiang University
Kaixuan Rd No.268, Hangzhou 310029, P.R.China
TEL: +86-571-86971834 (O), 13666633053 (Mobile)
E-MAIL: hsxu@zju.edu.cn

Dong Niu, Ph.D

Department of Animal science and technology,
College of Animal Sciences, Zhejiang University
268 Kaixuan Rd., Hangzhou 310029, China
Tel: 86-571-86949647
E-mail: nndd72@yahoo.com
Department of Economic Zoology
College of Animal Sciences, Zhejiang University
Address: 268 Kaixuan Road, Hangzhou 310029, P. R. China
Tel. and Fax: 0086-571-6971657

QUALIFICATION: PhD in animal nutrition and feed science
SPECIALITY: Animal nutrition and feed science
OCCUPATION: Research Follow
Feed Science Institute,
College of Animal Sciences,
Huajiachi Campus,
Zhejiang University, Kaixuan Rd No.268,
Hangzhou 310029, P.R.China
TEL: +86-571-86986127 (O)
FAX: +86-571-86994963
E-MAIL: xazan@zju.edu.cn

PhD, Professor
Aqua-feed and Nutrition
College of Animal Sciences
Zhejiang University
Hangzhou 310058
Office Phone: +86 571 8898 2200
Cell Phone: +86 135 8835 1123
Email: qjshao@zju.edu.cn


School of life sciences,,,, zoology

Go fuckang .
professor of
college of Life Sciences
Tel: 021-62232715
Office hours:
Fax: 021-62233754
Homepage URL:
Office Location: Science Building B
E-mail: fkgu@bio.ecnu.edu.cn
Address: 3663 Zhongshan North Road, Shanghai, East China Normal University School of Life Sciences
research direction
Protozoan cytoskeleton structure and function, protozoan resting cell biology, protozoan intracellular
symbionts, protozoan biology

Social part-time job

Chinese Society for Zoology, vice chairman of the Shanghai Zoological Society Honorary Chairman,
"Biology Teaching" magazine editor, Shanghai Second Curriculum Reform Life Sciences textbook editor

college of Life Sciences
Department of Biology Animal Science
Tel: 54344126; 54341
Office hours:
Homepage URL:
Office Location: Science Building
E-mail: sxtang@bio.ecnu.edu.cn
Address: Dongchuan Road 500 Zip Code: 200241
research direction
Bird ecology

Social part-time job

Shanghai Wild Animal and Plant Identification Center Deputy Director
Director of Bird Professional Committee of Shanghai Wild Animal Protection Association (Shanghai Wild Bird
Qun Wang
School of Life Sciences
Tel: 021-62232429
Office hours:
Fax: 生命科学院办公室:24206934
Homepage: http://crustaceanlab.ecnu.edu.cn/
Email: qwang@bio.ecnu.edu.cn

Zhao Yunlong
Professor doctoral tutor
college of Life Sciences
college of Life Sciences
Tel: 54344126/5387
Office hours:
Homepage URL:
Office Location: Minhang Campus Life Science Institute 149
E-mail: ylzhao@bio.ecnu.edu.cn
Mailing address: School of Life Sciences, East China Normal University, 500 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai

research direction
1, aquatic animal developmental biology
2, aquatic zoobenthos ecology and repair
Chen Liqiao
School of Life Sciences
Tel: 021-54345354(办公室)
Office hours:
Fax: 021-62233637
Email: lqchen@bio.ecnu.edu.cn liqiao_chen@yahoo.com

Li Kai
Professor, doctoral tutor
Party Secretary of School of Computer Science and Software Engineering
School of Computer Science and Software Engineering
Department of Biology, College of Life Sciences
Tel: (021) 54345461 (Office
Office hours: Monday - Friday 8: 00-17: 0
Fax: (021) 62232584
Homepage URL:
Office Location: 500 Dongchuan, Minhang District, East China Normal University Experiment Room B521-523
E-mail: kaili@bio.ecnu.edu.cn
Address: No. 3663 Zhongshan North Road, Shanghai, East China Normal University School of Life Sciences
Dongchuan Road 500, East China Normal University School of Life Sciences
research direction

1 , insect system science

2 , insect physiology and ecology
3 , animal and plant relations
Yu Na
Professor, doctoral tutor
Teacher Education College
college of Life Sciences
Tel: 021-54341002
Office hours:
Homepage URL:
Office Location: North: Arts Building, Room 1312 Minhang: Life Science Institute of Building B Room 522
E-mail: nyu@bio.ecnu.edu.cn
Address: East China Normal University, No. 500 Dongchuan Road, College of Life Sciences, Post Code: 200240

research direction
Biology education
Occurrence of animal systems and their adaptive evolution

Li Erchao
School of Life Sciences
Tel: 021-62232017
Office hours: Mon-Fri, 8:00AM-4:30PM
Fax: 021-62232415
Office: Room 307, Science Building
Email: ecli@bio.ecnu.edu.cn
Address: 3663 North Zhongshan Rd, Shanghai 200062, China
Research Fields
1. Aquaculture Nitrition
2. Theories and Methods for Zoology Research
Other Appointments
1. Aquaculture
2. Aquaculture Nutrition
3. Physiology of Aquatic Animals

Xiaodong Jiang
School of Life Sciences
Office hours:
Office: Room 408, Experimental Building B
Email: xdjiang@bio.ecnu.edu.cn
Address: 500 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai, 200241
Research Fields
Zooplankton Ecology

Xinpeng FAN
School of Life Sciences
Office hours:
Homepage: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Xinpeng_Fan
Email: xpfan@bio.ecnu.edu.cn

Associate Professor
School of Life Sciences
Tel: 8621-24206614
Office hours:
Office: School of Life Science, Room 133.
Email: lhe@bio.ecnu.edu.cn
Address: Dong Chuan Road 500, Post code 200241
Research Fields
My research experience has been focusing on the male reproduction, especially on the accessory
sex gland protein function in spermatophore rupture and sperm membrane protein modification
and sperm maturation. We had completed the transcriptome analysis of accessory sex gland and
testis, and also the proteomic analysis of sperm, accessory sex gland and testis have been done.
We had obtained such data set and want to find more interesting regulation mechanisms in
spermatogenesis, sperm maturation, and interaction of spermatozoa and egg. Based on the high-
throughput sequencing results and bioinformatics analysis we identified many important signal
pathways involved in reproduction, such as MAPK and WNT signal pathways, I have apply
funds about the Function of ERKs and p38 in capacitation and acrosome reaction and Function
of fertilin gene and protein in male reproduction. I will focus on such important signal pathway
genes to elucidate their role in sperm function regulation and fertilization.
Welcome foreign students apply the Chinese goverment scholarship to study in our lab.
Ph.D Professor Head of the Department of Biology
School of Life Sciences
Tel: +86-21-24206944
Office hours: 08:00-17:00
Office: Room 247, School of Life Sciences
Email: zydu@bio.ecnu.edu.cn

Li Weiwei
School of Life Sciences
Office hours:
Homepage: http://crustaceanlab.ecnu.edu.cn
Email: wwli@bio.ecnu.edu.cn

Ni Bing
Senior engineer
college of Life Sciences
Tel: 62233385
Office hours: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Homepage URL:
Office Location: Electron Microscope
E-mail: bni@bio.ecnu.edu.cn
Address: 3663 Zhongshan North Road, College of Life Sciences

research direction
Cell and molecular biology; Cell ultrastructure research

Yang Jialong
School of Life Sciences
Office hours:
Email: jlyang@bio.ecnu.edu.cn

Hou Liansheng
School of Life Sciences
Office hours:
Fax: 62233754
Email: lshou@bio.ecnu.edu.cn

Physiological ecology sunry@bnu.edu.cn
Sun Academician, Animal
Ph.D. and population ecology http://ecology.bnu.edu.cn/sunry/index.htm
Ruyong Professor ecology
of mammals and fish.

Zheng Academician, Bird taxonomy, Bird zhenggm@bnu.edu.cn

Master Zoology
Guangmei Professor ecology. http://www.chinabird.org/zheng1.htm

Physiological ecology cjniu@bnu.edu.cn

and nutritional ecology http://ecology.bnu.edu.cn/

Ph.D. Professor Ecology of aquatic animals, and niucj/html/index.htm
molecular evolution of


The chemical and dzliu@bnu.edu.cn

neurobiological http://ecology.bnu.edu.cn/liudz/index.htm

mechanisms of

mammals' olfactory
Liu communications;The
Ph.D. Professor and
Dingzhen influence of different
environmental stress

on animal behavior and

endangered species

conservation biology.
Mainly engaged in
bird studies and wildlife
conservation work,

presiding over the

Song subjects of "Beijing

Terrestrial Vertebrates

Faunal Research" and

"Raptor Rescue Plan of

Beijing Raptor Rescue

engineer of Zoology Center."
professor level

Birds chirp, zhangyy@bnu.edu.cn

Zhang endangered pheasants http://cls.bnu.edu.cn/tabid/154/

Ph.D. Professor Zoology
Yanyun ecology, and molecular InfoID/533/frtid/88/Default.aspx

systems geography.

1. Breeding ecology
and behavior of birds; zzw@bnu.edu.cn
2. Conservation biology
of rare and endangered
pheasants, InfoID/507/frtid/88/Default.asp
Ph.D. Pprofessor Zoology
Zhenwang 3. Distribution patterns
of wetland birds;
4. Bird diversity and
conservation in Beijing.

Research on animals' dengwh@bnu.edu.cn

Deng Associate diffusion behavior, and
Ph.D. Ecology birds community http://cls.bnu.edu.cn/tabid
Wenhong Professor studies.

Engaged in insects
systematic chengxy@bnu.edu.cn
Cheng Associate
classification studies,
Ph.D. Ecology http://cls.bnu.edu.cn/tabid
Xinyue Professor ecology and intrusion
biology research. /154/InfoID/601/frtid/88/Default.aspx

The main research

interests: ethology and asterzhang@vip.sina.com
Associate conservation biology;
Zhang Li Ph.D. Ecology http://cls.bnu.edu.cn/faculty/...
Professor Asian elephants
population and
behavioral ecology,
recovery of the habitat
and conservation
genetics; Animal
behavior and animal
welfare research;
Wildlife trade
monitoring and
enforcement support.

10126: Inner Mangolia University, Research center

of laboratory Animal Sciences

Yue Yongli , Master of Science, National Animal Genetics Research

Center, Inner Mongolia University, Assistant Researcher.
Research areas: Molecular Biology and Epigenetics
Telephone: 0471-3679873
E-mail: yueyongli228@163.com
Address: Hohhot, Inner Mongolia Zhaojun Road 24, Inner Mongolia
University, South Campus National Animal Transgenic Technology
Research Center, Zip 010,070

贺喜白乙博士, Bayar Hexig Ph.D. 内蒙古大学 生命科学学院 & 实验动物研究中心

Research Center for Laboratory Animal Science

& College of Life Science,
Inner Mongolia University
24 Zhao Jun Road, Hohhot,
Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region , 010070,
P. R. China
Tel: ++8 6-471-529-4030 ;
E-mail: bhexig@mongol-ncf.com; bayar98@hotmail.com
Research interests
Stem cell biology; Developmental biology; Directed d ifferentiation; Cell reprograming;
Regenerative medicine; Biomaterials; Na no -biointerface

Associate Professor Li Yao introduction

Author: | Date: 2012-12-28

Li Yao, Han nationality. Graduated from Department of Biology,

Inner Mongolia University in 1982 to teach. From 1984 to 1985, he studied in Beijing Normal University. After
returning to school, he has been teaching and researching zoology and animal physiology and ecology. In 1995
promoted to associate professor. Has been the speaker: "animal science and technology"; "animal biology - genetic
part"; "animal ecology"; "animal physiology and ecology" "animal behavior ecology"; "animal cell engineering
experiment"; "animal physiology experiment" course.
Contact: liyao@life.imu.edu.cn
Tel: 13500614257

Master tutors: Zoology Dept

Master tutor directory and research direction
Author: | Date: 2017-05-16

Name profession research direction


Guo Xudong

Li Guangpeng

Li Xueling

Lee -yu,
Mammalian Reproductive Biology and
Liang Biotechnology

Liu Dongjun

Wu Xia

Yu Haiquan zoology

Zhao Yuefang

Left Wing Chun Bioinformatics

Bao Siqin
Developmental Biology and Biotechnology
Li Xi and

Animal genetic engineering and molecular

Dai Yanfeng

Li Junlan
Animal ecology
Yang Guisheng
Cangming researcher, doctoral tutor

Disciplines: Animal Reproductive Biology, Mammalian Embryo Engineering

Tel: + 86-471-3679846

E-mail : ndcangming@sina.com; cangming@imu.edu.cn

At present, his main research fields are focused on mammalian

reproductive biology and biotechnology: mammalian cloning and transgenic cloning, gene regulation
mechanism of cashmere goat hair follicle growth and development, and establishment of transgenic animal
models related to velvet and hair regulating genes.
Tel: 0471-3679875
Email: xudguo@163.com

学 位: 博士


研究领域:1. 体细胞重编程机理;2. 早期胚胎发

育分子机制;3. 动物转基因技术与分子育种。

电子邮件: gpengli@imu.edu.cn

李雪玲 博士
电子邮件:lixueling @hotmail.com
Professor Liang Chengguang doctoral

Discipline: Developmental Biology and Cell Biology
Tel: + 86-471-3679862
E-mail: liangchengguang@gmail.com
Address: No. 24 Zhaojun Road , Hohhot , Inner Mongolia, National Animal Genetics
Center, South Campus, Inner Mongolia University (Experimental Animal Research
Center), 010070
Study Group Introduction: http://smkxxy.imu.edu.cn/info/1072/3692.htm

Wu Xia , Ph.D., Key Laboratory of Mammal Reproductive Biology and Biotechnology,

Inner Mongolia University, Associate Professor, Master Instructor

Research Areas : Developmental Biology and Stem Cell Biology

Tel : + 86-471-5227683

E-mail: wuxia_imu@163.com wuxia@imu.edu.cn

Address : No. 24 Zhaojun Road , Yuquan District, Hohhot , Inner Mongolia,

Experimental Animal Research Center, Inner Mongolia University, 010070

Yu Haiquan researcher, doctoral tutor.

Tel: + 86-471-3679879

E-mail: hyu@imu.edu.cn

Address: Hohhot, Inner Mongolia Zhaojun Road 24- number, Inner Mongolia University, Key Laboratory
of Mammalian Reproductive Biology and Biotechnology, Ministry of Education, Post Code: 010070
赵跃芳 博士 硕士研究生导师

Bioinform、BMC Genomics、Genomics、Oncotarget、Molecular BioSystems等SCI期刊上发表学术论文40多篇,总被引
联系方式:0471-5227683, Email:yongchunzuo@163.com
Male, Han nationality, born in August 1963, Liaoning Haicheng
people. PhD, Professor, Zoology professional doctoral tutor. Professor Dai Yanfeng graduated from China
Agricultural University in 1990 and stayed in school. Dr Bob Moor was invited by the Cambridge Institute
of Genetics and Physiology, UK, to engage in oocyte maturation in 1991. In 1993, Dr. Yan-Feng Dai was
invited by Dr Bob Seamark to join a subsidiary of the University of Adelaide to produce genetically
modified pigs. In the following year, he returned to Dr Bob Moor's laboratory to continue studying
oocyte maturation until 2011 when he arrived at Inner Mongolia University .

Dr. Dai Yanfeng's field of research mainly involves the regulation of transgenic and oocyte
development. During the Ph.D. period, China produced the first batch of transgenic pigs and hosted "863"
project "Breast Bioreactor" project (China Agricultural University) during the "Ninth Five-year Plan"
period of China. In 2001, the company successfully obtained transgenic cloned cattle. In the past 20
years abroad, Dr. Dai Yanfeng has done a lot of work on oocyte maturation and oocyte RNA translation and
regulation. He has published over 20 papers and participated in the publication of three books, which
are quoted according to Dr. Googlescholar's thesis The total number of more than 800 times. After
returning home, Dr. Dai Yanfeng pioneered the research on germline stem cells and made gratifying

Since 2011, Dr. Dai Yanfeng has been hired as a professor of Life Science at Inner Mongolia
University. In 2011, Dr. Yan was named a "grassland talent." Presided over the topics: the National
Natural Science Fund Project 2, Inner Mongolia Science and Technology Department project 3, 948 Ministry
of Agriculture introduced a project.
Research areas

1. mammalian oocyte development

2. Germline stem cells and its regulatory mechanism

E-mail: daiyf@life.imu.edu.cn
Li Junlan , female, doctor, associate professor,
master tutor. Tuoketuo County in Inner
Mongolia. In 2000 graduated from Inner Mongolia
Normal University, Bachelor of Science
degree. He received a master's degree from Inner
Mongolia Normal University in 2003 and a doctoral
degree from Nankai University in 2006. During
this period, the main research directions were
the revision of Pedicularis in China, and
comparative morphological, biogeographical and
phylogenetic studies.
In 2006 , he taught lecturer at Inner Mongolia
University School of Life Sciences and was an
associate professor in 2011. He is mainly engaged in the research of insect
systematics and insect community ecology.

Presided over research projects :

1. Inner Mongolia steppe in restoration succession of insect community
composition, trophic structure and dynamics of diversity ( 31460111 ), the
National Natural Science Foundation Science Foundation of China, 2015--
2018 , 49 Wan
2. Biodiversity Demonstration Observation (Butterfly Diversity
Observation), 2016-2025, 100 million
3. Phylogenetic long Pentatomidae (Insecta) based on morphological and
molecular evidence ( 2013MS0523 ), Natural Science Foundation of Inner
Mongolia Autonomous Region,2013--2015 , 5 Wan
4. Mongolian Plateau long Pentatomidae insect classification, biogeographic
and phylogenetic studies ( 31,000,975 ), the National Natural Science
Foundation of Youth Science Foundation of China, 2010-2013 , 20 Wan
5. Inner vespoidea insect taxonomy and applied research ( 2,004,605 ), Inner
Mongolia University, high-level scientific research foundation for the
introduction of talent, 4Wan

Teaching work: Speaking undergraduate professional compulsory courses

[Animal Biology]
Main Social Part-time: Inner Mongolia Zoological Society Deputy Secretary-
Contact: E-mail: lijunlan@imu.edu.cn
Yang Guisheng, male, born in March 1953,
Han nationality. Master of Science, Professor, doctoral tutor.Has been engaged in zoology, animal
ecology and conservation biology teaching and research work. He was promoted to associate professor in
1992 and promoted to professor in 2001. Incumbent Inner Mongolia University College of life science
animal biology laboratory director, director of the Inner Mongolia zoological society, Chinese
zoological society director, Chinese birds branch director, the national aircraft bird strike prevention
expert group leader, member of the British Oriental Bird Association.

Take courses such as "Animal Biology", "Zoology", "Animal Geography", "Animal Conservation Science",
"Zoological Research Methods", "Advanced Biology", "Ornithology", "Animal Ecology" The teaching
task. Undergraduate backbone undergraduate course, the first batch of key construction class of "animal
biology and experiment" construction. The course in 2004 was named Inner Mongolia University excellent
course, in 2005 was named the school quality course, in 2006 was named the Inner Mongolia Autonomous
Region quality courses. In 2008, Biology Comprehensive Practice Class was awarded the Inner Mongolian
Autonomous Region Excellent Course, and in 2010, it was awarded the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
Quality Excellence Course. In 2009 and 2014 respectively, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region teaching
achievement first prize and second prize each one. As a core member to participate in the construction
of comprehensive biology practice base of Inner Mongolia University, in 2006, 2010 and 2013, it was
funded by the NSFC internship base construction project (sub-project leader). Since 2007, the base has
been open to the outside world Significant results, the district has been widely praised by experts and
teachers and students. More than 40 graduate students. Postgraduate students for the first author in the
core journals published 38 papers.

Has presided over the British Oriental Bird Association, the National Natural Science Foundation of
China, the Ministry of Education, the State Forestry Administration, Inner Mongolia Natural Science Fund
and other research projects 27, to participate in 15 domestic and foreign research projects. In animal
diversity, animal ecology, bird monitoring and evaluation of the environment, endangered and threatened
species conservation biology research, bird diversity in Inner Mongolia wetlands, the relationship
between bird community structure and the environment, rare birds and Its habitat protection, Inner
Mongolia vertebrate fauna and geographical distribution and other aspects of an in-depth study. In
recent years, some taxonomically controversial birds have been studied using molecular biology
methods. Based on the study on the species composition, ecological distribution, migration pattern,
daily activity rhythm, ecology and behavior of 13 civil aviation airports in Inner Mongolia, this paper
puts forward countermeasures to prevent bird strike in North China Civil Aviation Airport and obtains it
in practical application Good results, by Inner Mongolia Civil Aviation Administration and the Civil
Aviation Administration of praise and attention. Cooperate with Australian scholars to explore the
prevention and treatment of bird strike at Civil Aviation Airport in semi-arid areas of China and
Australia, edit 4 zoological monographs and teaching materials, 5 associate editors and 2 editors, and
publish more than 100 papers in domestic and foreign academic journals. .In 2015, Inner Mongolia Science
and Technology Department organized experts to identify the subject of "Inner Mongolia Civil Aviation
Airport Bird Ecology Research and Bird Attack Aircraft Preventive Measures" and reached the advanced
level in international researches. It won the second prize of National Science and Technology Progress
Award , China People's Insurance Company Technology First Prize 1, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
Science and Technology Progress Award 1, Inner Mongolia University Science and Technology Progress
Award, a second prize.
Inner Mongolia University has won the first prize of Guanghua Scholarship 2, many times was named
Inner Mongolia University excellent class teacher in 1991 was named the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
colleges and universities teaching advanced individuals, in 2006 was named Inner Mongolia University
"three educated people" advanced individual In 2009, he was awarded the title of teacher of teaching in
Inner Mongolia University. In 2009, the Ministry of Education awarded the honorary title of "National
Excellent Teacher" and "Excellent Counselor of National Universities". In 2010, he was awarded the title
of teaching teacher in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.
Contact E-mail: yanggsh@life.imu.edu.cn

10019. China Agriculture Uni, college of Animal science and technology

Dept of biological sciences: pure Zoology (animal science & physiology)
Prop. Li Xiangdong

China Agricultural University College of biology

State Key Laboratory of Agricultural Biotechnology

E-mail: xiangdongli@cau.edu.cn

Xia Guoliang Professor,

Animal physiology

Reproductive endocrine

Tel: 62733456
Mail: glxia@cau.edu.cn

Correspondence Address: Beijing China Agricultural University (West) School of Biology Life Science Building 3077

Cui Sheng

Tel: 62733443
Email: cuisheng@cau.edu.cn

Mailing Address: Department of Animal and Animal Physiology, College of Biological Sciences, China Agricultural

Zhang Hua

The main research directions and ideas As the basic unit of reproductive function in females, the development and activation of

primordial follicles directly determine the fertility and reproductive lifespan of female individuals, and their abnormalities can
lead to female reproductive diseases such as premature ovarian failure .

Fu Jing Yan

The main study of cell proliferation and differentiation process of subcellular structure of the dynamic changes. All biological

growth and development are achieved through cell proliferation and differentiation. To study its basic rules and regulatory

mechanisms is not only the basis for controlling the growth and development of organisms, but also an important way to study
carcinogenesis and reverse and development related diseases.

Email: Jingyanfu@cau.edu.cn

contact number: Laboratory 62734755

Office 62734756


10307: Zoology|Fisheries department: Ph.D tutors

Xu run, Ph.D., researcher, Nanjing Agricultural University doctoral tutor, Shanghai
Ocean University master tutor.IncumbentChina Fisheries Research Institute Freshwater
Fisheries Research Center, Nanjing Agricultural University, Wuxi Fisheries College
Dean. The main research directions: fish genetics and breeding, Tamsui freshwater
aquaculture, water body water purification fisheries.
Contact information:
Tel: 0510-85557959
Address: Shanshui East Road, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, 9 Freshwater Fis
heries Research Center
Zip code: 214081
E-mail: xup@ffrc.cn
Gexian Ping, Ph.D., researcher, doctoral tutor at Nanjing

Agricultural University, master tutor at Shanghai Ocean University, chief scientist of

national bulk freshwater fish industry technology system, chief scientist of Chinese
Academy of Fishery Sciences. The Chinese Academy of Fisheries Freshwater Fisheries
Research Center, party secretary, deputy director.
Contact information:
Tel: 0510-85557892
Address: Shanshui East Road, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, 9 Freshwater
Fisheries Research Center
Zip code: 214081
E-mail: gexp@ffrc.cn
Yang Jian, Researcher, Ph.D., University of Tokyo, Japan, Chief

Scientist, Key Laboratory of Inland Fisheries Environment and Resources, Key Research
Area, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, PhD supervisor, Nanjing Agricultural
University. Mainly carried out fisheries eco-environmental assessment and protection,
biological monitoring of aquatic pollutants, based on biological indicators such as
otoliths habitat reconstruction of aquatic organisms and biodiversity conservation
Contact information:
Tel: 0510-85557823
Address: Shanshui East Road, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, 9 Freshwater
Fisheries Research Center
Zip code: 214081
E-mail: jiany@ffrc.cn
Fu Hongtuo, Ph.D., researcher, doctoral tutor at Nanjing

Agricultural University, director of the Institute of Freshwater Fisheries Research

Center of Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, chief scientist of the Chinese Academy of
Fishery Sciences, the national aquatic species and the elite validation committee. He
graduated from the Department of Biology, Wuhan University, has received a master's
degree and Ph.D. from the Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Contact information
Tel: 0510-85558835
Mailing address: Freshwater Fisheries Research Center, No. 9, Shanshui
East Road, Binhu District, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, China
Zip code: 214081
E-mail: fuht@ffrc.cn

Yin Guojun, Ph.D., researcher, doctoral supervisor at Nanjing

Agricultural University. Incumbent Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences Freshwater

Fisheries Research Center Fish Immunopharmacology International Joint Laboratory deputy
Contact information:
Tel: 0510-85551442
Address: Shanshui East Road, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, 9 Freshwater
Fisheries Research Center
Zip code: 214081
E-mail: yingj@ffrc.cn

Masters tutors:

Yang Hong, a researcher, a master tutor at Nanjing Agricultural

University and a chief scientist of the national tilapia industrial technology

system. Incumbent Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences Freshwater Fisheries Research
Center of Biotechnology Research Laboratory, Ministry of Agriculture, Freshwater Fish
Genetics and Breeding Biology Key Laboratory of Deputy Chief.
Contact information:
Tel: 0510-85550252
Address: Shanshui East Road, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, 9 Freshwater
Fisheries Research Center
Zip code: 214081
E-mail: yangh@ffrc.cn
10335: Zhejiang university, college of Animal sciences (zoology)

Weihuan FANG
PhD, Professor
Tel: 86-571-88982242
E-mail: whfang@zju.edu.cn
Website: http://www.molmicro-foodsafety.net/
College of Animal Sciences, Zhejiang University
388 Yuhangtang Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310058, P. R. CHINA

Prof. Zi-Rong Xu

Professor of Animal Nutrition and Feed Sciences

Institute of Feed Science, Zhejiang University. Qiutao North Road 164, Hangzhou 310029,
P.R. China

Tel: +86 571 86091820

Fax: +86 571 86994963

Email: zrxu@zju.edu.cn

M.S. (Animal Physiology & Biochemistry), Zhejiang Agricultural University, China (1979- 1982)
B.S. (Vet.), Zhejiang Agricultural University, China (1960-1965

Jian-Xin Liu
Professor, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Zhejang University
College of Animal Scineces
Huajiachi Campus
Hangzhou 310029
Phone: +86 571 86971097
Fax: +86 571 86971647
Email: liujx@zju.edu.cn
URL: Institute of Dairy Science

Dr. Yan FU
Professor of Animal Genetics
Zhejiang University
College of Animal Sciences
256 Kaixuan Road
Hangzhou 310029
P.R. China
Email: fuyan@sun.zju.edu.cn

Institute of zoology, Chinese acadmy of science

Name: ZHOU, Qi

Subject: Developmental Biology

+86-010-64807299 / +86-10-

E-mail: zhouqi@ioz.ac.cn

The State Key Laboratory of Stem cell

and Reproductive Biology, Institute of
Address:Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
1 Beichen West Road, Chaoyang
District, Beijing 100101, P.R.China

Group of Reproductive
More: Engineering Personal web
page 中文


Qi Zhou,Ph.D.,is a Professor at the Institute of Zoology (IOZ),

Name: BAI, Ming

Subject: Zoology

+86-10-64807928 / +86-10-

E-mail: baim(at)ioz.ac.cn

Box 92, Key Laboratory of Zoological

Systematics and Evolution,Institute of
Address:Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
No. 1, Beichen West Road, Chaoyang
District, Beijing 100101 , P. R. CHINA

Group of Morphology and

More: Evolution of Beetles Personal
web page 中文


Education & Research

01/2011 - now, Associate Professor, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy
of Sciences
Name: CHEN, Li

Subject: Entomology

+86-10-64807780 / +86-10-

E-mail: chenli@ioz.ac.cn

The State Key Laboratory of Integrated

Management of Pest Insects and
Rodents, Institute of Zoology, Chinese
Academy of Sciences, 1 Beichen West
Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
100101, P.R.China

Group of Chemical Ecology of

More: Forest Insects Personal web
page 中文

Name: CHEN, Xiao-Lin

Subject: Zoology

+86-10-64807085 / +86-10-

E-mail: xlchen@ioz.ac.cn

Key Laboratory of Zoological

Systematics and Evolution,Institute of
Address:Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
No. 1, Beichen West Road, Chaoyang
District, Beijing 100101 , P. R. CHINA

Group on Evolution of
Functional Insect
Groups Personal web page 中

Name: GE, De-Yan

Subject: Zoology

+86-10-64807225 / +86-10-

E-mail: gedy@ioz.ac.cn

104 Box, Institute of Zoology, Chinese

Academy of Sciences, 25 Beichen West
Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing,

Group of Mammalogy Personal

web page 中文
Name: HAN, Hong-Xiang

Subject: Zoology: Entomology

+86-10-64807230 / +86-10-

E-mail: hanhx@ioz.ac.cn

Key Laboratory of Zoological

Systematics and Evolution, Institute of
Address:Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
1 Beichen West Road, Chaoyang
District, Beijing 100101, P.R. China

Group of Lepidoptera
Systematics Personal web
More: page 中文

Name: HAN, Zhi-Ming

Subject: Developmental Biology

Tel/Fax: +86-10-64807090 /

E-mail: hanzm@ioz.ac.cn

The State Key Laboratory of

Reproductive Biology, Institute of
Address:Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,1
Beichen West Road, Chaoyang District,
Beijing 100101, P.R.China

More: Division of Fertilization Biology

Name: JIANG, Li-Yun

Subject: Zoology

+86-10-64807257 / +86-10-

E-mail: jiangliyun@ioz.ac.cn

Key Laboratory of Zoological

Systematics and Evolution, Chinese
Address:Academy of Sciences, 1Beichen West
Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
100101, P.R. China

Group of Systematics and

More: Evolution of Aphids Personal
web page 中文

2012.1- now Associate Professor, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy
of Sciences, Beijing, China

Name: LI, Chun-Wang

Subject: Ecology

Tel/Fax: +86-10-64807466 /

E-mail: licw@ioz.ac.cn

Key Laboratory of Animal Ecology and

Conservation Biology, Chinese Academy
Address:of Sciences, 1Beichen West Road,
Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, P.R.

Group of Wildlife and Behavioral

More: Ecology Personal web page 中

Name: LI, Li


+86-10-64807261 / +86-10-

E-mail: lili2008@ioz.ac.cn

The State Key Laboratory of Integrated

Management of Pest Insects and
Rodents, Institute of Zoology, Chinese
Academy of Sciences, 1 Beichen West
Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
100101, P.R.China

Group of Molecular
More: Toxicology Personal web
page 中文

Name: LIN, Hai-Yan

Subject: Developmental Biology

Tel/Fax: +86-10-64807196 /

E-mail: linhy@ioz.ac.cn

The State Key Laboratory of

Address:Reproductive Biology, Institute of
Zoology, Chinese Academy of
Sciences,1 Beichen West Road,
Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101,

Group of Reproductive
Immunology 中文

Name: TAN, Wei-Qi

Subject: Cell Biology

Tel/Fax: +86-10-64807158 /

E-mail: tanwq@ioz.ac.cn

State Key Laboratory of Biomembrane

and Membrane Biotechnology, Institute
of Zoology, Chinese Academy of
Siences, 1 Beichen West Road,
Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101,

Group of Model Animal and Stem

Cell 中文

Name: WANG Lu

Subject: Development biology

Tel/Fax: +86-10-64807562 /

E-mail: wanglu@ioz.ac.cn

State Key Laboratory of Membrane

Biology, Institute of Zoology, Chinese
Address:Academy of Sciences, 1 Beichen West
Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing,
100101, P. R. China

Group of Hematopoiesis and

Development Personal web

Name: WANG, Liu

Subject: Developmental Biology

+86-10-64807858 / +86-10-

E-mail: wangliu@ioz.ac.cn

The State Key Laboratory of Stem cell

and Reproductive Biology, Institute of
Address:Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
1 Beichen West Road, Chaoyang
District, Beijing 100101, P.R.China

Group of Reproductive
Engineering 中文
Name: XIAO, Hui

Subject: Zoology

Tel/Fax: +86-10-64807258 /

E-mail: xiaoh@ioz.ac.cn

Key Laboratory of Zoological

Systematics and Evolution, Chinese
Address:Academy of Sciences, 1Beichen West
Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
100101, P.R. China

Group of Co-evolution and

Systematics Personal web
page 中文


1990 BSc Biology (Henan Normal University)

1998 PhD Zoology (Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,

Name: XIE, Yan

Subject: Ecology

+86-10-64807291 / +86-10-

E-mail: xieyan@ioz.ac.cn

C206, Institute of Zoology, Chinese

Academy of Sciences, 1 Beichen West
Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing,
100101, P. R. China

More: WCS

Name: XUE, Huai-Jun

Subject: Entomology

+86-10-64807237 / +86-10-

E-mail: xue@ioz.ac.cn, tirerr@126.com

Key Laboratory of Zoological

Systematics and Evolution, Institute of
Address:Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
1 Beichen West Road, Chaoyang
District, Beijing 100101, China
Group of Morphology and
More: Evolution of Beetles Personal
web page 中文

Name: ZHANG Ying

Subject: Development Biology

+86-10-64807182 / +86-10-

E-mail: zhangying@ioz.ac.cn

D226, 1 Beichen West Road, Chaoyang

District, Beijing 100101, P.R.China

Division of Embryonic
Biology 中文


After I got my bachelor degree at Beijing Normal University, I began my

Ph.D research on embryo implantation at Institute of Zoology, Chinese
Academy of Sciences.

Name: ZHANG, Huan

Subject: Biological control of Agricultural Pest

+86-10-64807056 / +86-10-

E-mail: zhanghuan@ioz.ac.cn

State Key Laboratory of Integrated

Management of Pest Insects & Rodents
,Institute of Zoology Chinese Academy
of Sciences, 1 Beichen West Road,
Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101,

Group of Insect
Virology Personal web page


In 2003, Dr. Zhang gained her M.S. degree in Hebei Agricultural University. F
Name: ZHANG, Ji-Hong

Subject: Zoology

+86-10-64807262 / +86-10-

E-mail: zhangjh@ioz.ac.cn

The State Key Laboratory of Integrated

Management of Pest Insects and
Rodents, Institute of Zoology, Chinese
Academy of Sciences, 1 Beichen West
Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
100101, P.R.China

Group of Insect
More: Virology Personal web
page 中文

Name: ZHANG, Jie

Subject: Zoology

+86-10-64807076 / +86-10-

E-mail: zhangjie@ioz.ac.cn

Key Laboratory of Zoological

Systematics and Evolution, Institute of
Address:Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
1-5 Beichen West Road, Chaoyang
District, Beijing 100101, P.R. China

More: Personal web page 中文


1998-2001 Ph.D.: Department of Marine Biology, Graduate School of

Marine Science and Engineering,Nagasaki University, Nagasaki City,
Japan.Dissertation: A comparative study on the morphological adaptations in
oxudercine gobies to their terrestrial lives

Name: ZHANG, Xue-Ying

Subject: Zoology

Tel/Fax: +86-10-64807100 /

E-mail: zhangxy@ioz.ac.cn

Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy

Address:of Sciences, 1 Beichen West Road,
Chaoyang, Beijing, 100101
Group of Animal Physiological
More: Ecology Personal web page 中


2010, 1 - present Associate professor in Animal Physiological Ecology

Group, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
2010, 3 - 2011, 3 Visiting scientist in Albert Einstein College of Medicine of
Yeshiva University
2007, 7 - 2009,12 Assistant professor in Group of Animal Ecophysiology,
Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Name: ZHANG, Yan-Zhou

Subject: Zoology

Tel/Fax: +86-10-64807085 /

E-mail: zhangyz@ioz.ac.cn

Key Laboratory of Zoological

Systematics and Evolution, Chinese
Address:Academy of Sciences, 1Beichen West
Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
100101, P.R. China

Research Group on Evolution of

Functional Insect Groups 中文


Ph.D of Zoology, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing

MS of Entomology, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou.
BS, Plant protection, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou.

Name: ZHAO, Ya-Hui

Subject: Zoology: Ichthyology

+86-10-64807076 / +86-10-

E-mail: zhaoyh@ioz.ac.cn

Key Laboratory of Zoological

Systematics and Evolution, Institute of
Address:Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
1-5 Beichen West Road, Chaoyang
District, Beijing 100101, P.R. China
More: Personal web page 中文


1997: Bachelor of Science; Department of Biology, Beijing Normal

University, Beijing, China
2003: Master of Science; Swedish Biodiversity Center, Swedish University of
Agriculture and Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden

Name: ZHANG, Qiong

Animal Ecology and Conservation


+86-10-64807075 / +86-10-

E-mail: zhangqiong@ioz.ac.cn

Key Laboratory of Animal Ecology and

Conservation Biology, Institute of
Address:Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,1
Beichen West Road, Chaoyang District,
Beijing 100101, P.R.China

More: 中文


Ph.D., July 2005. in Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,

Beijing, China.
Thesis title: “Genetic diversity of the Hainan Eld’s deer (Cervus eldi
hainanus) population and implications for conservation”
M.S., July 2002. College of Wildlife research, North-East Forestry
University, Harbin, China.
B.S., July 1999. College of Wildlife research, North-East Forestry
University, Harbin, China.

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