Midterm Workshop Participants Updated
Midterm Workshop Participants Updated
Midterm Workshop Participants Updated
27 March 2010
ADB Viet Nam Resident Mission, Hanoi, Viet Nam
Increasing Female Labor’s Quality in the Border Gate Areas of Viet Nam and the Implications
for GMS Countries (3)
Mr. Nguyen Manh Hung No. 176 Thai Ha Street
Director, Center for International Dong Da, Hanoi, Viet Nam
Security and Strategy Studies Tel No: (844) 3 857 2190
Institute of World Economics and Fax No: (844) 3 857 4316
Politics (IWEP) Mobile No: (84) 915 307 485
Email: hungmng@gmail.com
Improving Management Policies for Cross-Border Contract Farming between China, Thailand
and Laos (7)
Dr. Kanokwan Manorom No. 85 Sathollmark Road,
Director, Mekong Sub-region Social Warinchamrap, Ubon Ratchathani
Research Center (MSSRC) 34190 Thailand
Ubon Ratchathani University Tel No: 66 45 613 8566
Fax No: 66 45 288 870
Email: k_manorom@yahoo.com
Mrs. Pinwadee Srisuphan No. 85 Sathollmark Road,
Research Staff, Mekong Sub-region Warinchamrap
Social Research Center (MSSRC) Ubon Ratchathani 34190 Thailand
Ubon Ratchathani University Tel No: 66 45 353 725
Fax No: 66 45 288 870
Email: pinwadees@yahoo.com
Facilitation of Border Trade by the Improvement of Banking Services in the Border-Gate Areas
of Viet Nam and its Implications for the GMS Countries (4)
Mr. Nguyen Hong Son E4 Building, 144 Xuan Thuy Street
Vice Rector Cau Giay District, Hanoi, Viet Nam
College of Economics Tel No: 844-37549426/
Vietnam National University 844-37547506/844-37547602
Fax No: 844-3754 6765
Email: nhson@vnu.edu.vn