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Aurdino Based D.C. Motor Speed Control: A Seminar Report On

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A Seminar report on


Submitted by


Under the guidance of

Prof. Mr. Y.B. Mandake

Bachelor of Technology In
Electrical Engineering

Bharati Vidyapeeth University

College of Engineering,
Pune - 411043 (M.S.)

Academic Year – 2018-19

Bharati Vidyapeeth University College of Engineering,
Pune - 411043 (M.S.)


This is to certify that seminar report entitled


Submitted by( GANPAT SINGH; PRN=1614110480;)
is the record of bonafide work done by them in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the award of degree of Bachelor Of Technology in Electrical Engineering in the
academic year 2018-19

Prof. Mr. Y.B. Mandake Prof. Dr. D. S. Bankar

(Guide ) ( Head of the Department)
Department of Electrical Department of Electrical
Engineering Engineering
Bharati Vidyapeeth University College of Engineering,
Pune - 411043 (M.S.)


This is to certify that seminar report entitled


Submitted by (GANPATSINGH , PRN=1614110480)

is hereby approved as a creditable study of an Engineering System carried out and in
a manner satisfactory to warrant its acceptance as a pre– requisite to award of degree
of Bachelor Of Technology in Electrical Engineering in the academic year 2018-

Internal Examiner External Examiner


I have been very fortunate to work with Prof.Mr.Y.B.Mandake who has supervised
the research carried out for my seminar. For me he has always been much more than just a
guide. He has been constant source of inspiration and motivation. I hope that this work
would fulfill their expectation.
I extremely thankful to Dr.A.R.Bhalerao, Principal BVUCOE, Pune who provided
necessary facilities and motivation during the period of experimentation.
I would like to express my sincere thanks to Prof. Dr. D.S.Bankar , HOD of
Electrical Engineering Department for his valuable suggestions and constant
encouragement to see where I am in my report work and motivation during the period of
engineering study.
I am grateful to all the faculty members and supporting staff of Electrical
Engineering Department for the help extended by them to complete my experimentation

In this thesis an analytical design method of the improved broadband passive

harmonic filter (IBF) for three phase diode rectifier front-end type adjustable speed drives
is presented. The method is based on frequency domain modeling of the rectifier and
filter. The success of the method involves accurate representation of the load harmonics.
With the harmonics well defined, the harmonic and fundamental frequency equivalent
circuits are utilized to analytically calculate the voltages/currents. Thus, the size and the
performance of the filter can be optimized. The analytical method is verified via computer
simulations and laboratory
Also a performance comparison of various passive harmonic filters for three-phase
diode rectifier front-end type adjustable speed drives will be provided. The comparison
involves the input current total harmonic distortion, input power factor, rectifier voltage
regulation, energy efficiency, size, and cost. The parallel/series harmonic resonance
problem related issues will be addressed and unbalanced operation performance will be
investigated. The comparison will be based on analysis and computer simulations and the
results will be validated by laboratory experiments.
To illustrate the usefulness of the proposed method, a case study of design and
development of harmonic filter for the drive load of HINDUSTHAN COCA COLA
BEVERAGES PVT LTD PUNE will be done in subsequent stage of the dissertation.

Sr.No. Topic Page no.

1 Introduction 2
2 System modeling issues 3
2.1 Modeling Emerging System Configurations 3
2.2 Adequacy of System Models and Assumptions 5

3 New Analytical Methodologies: Quasi Steady-State Methodes 6

3.1 Voltage Stability 6

3.1.1 Minimum Eigenvalue 7
3.1.2 Practical Examples 7
(a) Determining voltage stability margins 7

(b) Determining Critical system locations 8

3.2 Power Stability 9

3.2.1 Maximum Available Power 10

4 New Analytical methodoligies: 12
Dynamic Methods

4.1 Dynamic Maximum Available Power 13

4.2 Nonlinearity-caused Voltage Instability 15

5 Conclusion 17

6 Suggestion For Future Work 17

7 Refrences 18
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Heading of chapter : Times new roman -14(bold)
Page no. at bottom right hand corner

 Introduction- Describe the purpose for doing your project or invention. If you
made an invention or developed a new procedure how is it better, faster, or
cheaper than what is already out there?

 Literature survey : Describe technical concept and different methods used with
certain mathematical expressions if any.
 Equations should have proper numbering
 Figures should have figure number and title.
 Hardware components : circuit diagram, specification and selection .
 Software : features of controller , algorithm
 Tested results , graphs and conclusion
 Significance of the Project or conclusion and future scope : Indicate two specific
applications, outcomes or overall impact of this Project
 Photograph of circuit in actual setup if any
 For energy audit:
Survey of electricity bills and tariffs, load survey with specific major load, load
curve, Single line diagram, point of common coupling , instruments used for data
collection and its specifications , suggestions , payback period and conclusion
 References : in IEEE format as shown below

[1] R. C. Dugan, M. F. McGranaghan, “Electrical Power Systems Quality” 2nd Edition,

McGraw-Hill, 2002.
[2] IEEE Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonics Control in Electric
Power Systems, IEEE Std. 519, 1992.
[3] M.M. Swamy, “Passive Harmonic Filter Systems for Variable Frequency Drives,”
U.S.Patent no: 5,444,609, Aug. 1995.
[4] M.M. Swamy, “Case Studies on Mitigating Harmonics in ASD Systems to Meet
IEEE519-1992 Standards” IEEE Power Del, 1994, vol.1, pp. 685 – 692.

Some other references

1. Use’s Manual of YOKOGAWA clamp on power meter.
2. www.etap.co.in
3. Reports of Hindustan coca cola India Pvt. Ltd

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