Aurdino Based D.C. Motor Speed Control: A Seminar Report On
Aurdino Based D.C. Motor Speed Control: A Seminar Report On
Aurdino Based D.C. Motor Speed Control: A Seminar Report On
Submitted by
Bachelor of Technology In
Electrical Engineering
I have been very fortunate to work with Prof.Mr.Y.B.Mandake who has supervised
the research carried out for my seminar. For me he has always been much more than just a
guide. He has been constant source of inspiration and motivation. I hope that this work
would fulfill their expectation.
I extremely thankful to Dr.A.R.Bhalerao, Principal BVUCOE, Pune who provided
necessary facilities and motivation during the period of experimentation.
I would like to express my sincere thanks to Prof. Dr. D.S.Bankar , HOD of
Electrical Engineering Department for his valuable suggestions and constant
encouragement to see where I am in my report work and motivation during the period of
engineering study.
I am grateful to all the faculty members and supporting staff of Electrical
Engineering Department for the help extended by them to complete my experimentation
5 Conclusion 17
7 Refrences 18
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Heading of chapter : Times new roman -14(bold)
Page no. at bottom right hand corner
Introduction- Describe the purpose for doing your project or invention. If you
made an invention or developed a new procedure how is it better, faster, or
cheaper than what is already out there?
Literature survey : Describe technical concept and different methods used with
certain mathematical expressions if any.
Equations should have proper numbering
Figures should have figure number and title.
Hardware components : circuit diagram, specification and selection .
Software : features of controller , algorithm
Tested results , graphs and conclusion
Significance of the Project or conclusion and future scope : Indicate two specific
applications, outcomes or overall impact of this Project
Photograph of circuit in actual setup if any
For energy audit:
Survey of electricity bills and tariffs, load survey with specific major load, load
curve, Single line diagram, point of common coupling , instruments used for data
collection and its specifications , suggestions , payback period and conclusion
References : in IEEE format as shown below