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Network Project

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A Project Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of



Electrical Engineering


Ayush Saxena (2100430209003)

Dharmendra Kumar (2100430209004)
Pankaj Singh (2100430209005)

Under the Supervision of

Mr. Raghav Dwivedi

(Honorable Faculty Member)

Department of Electrical Engineering

Bundelkhand Institute of Engineering and
Jhansi-284128 (U.P.)

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

(Formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University)


I hereby declare that the work which is being presented in dissertation entitled, “Simulation and
Verification of Reciprocity theorem for DC Circuits ”, as a part of curriculum for award of
the degree of “Bachelor of Technology in Electrical Engineering” and submitted in the
Department of Electrical Engineering of Bundelkhand Institute of Engineering and Technology
Jhansi, is an authentic record of my own work carried out under the guidance of Mr. Raghav
Dwivedi, honorable faculty member, Department of Electrical Engineering of Bundelkhand
Institute of Engineering and Technology Jhansi.

Place: BIET Jhansi Ayush Saxena (2100430209003)

Dharmendra Kumar (2100430209004)
Pankaj Singh (2100430209005)



This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidate is correct to the best of my

Mr. Raghav Dwivedi Dr. Deepak Nagaria

Honorable Faculty Member Professor & Head of Dept.

Department of E E Department of E E
B.I.E.T. Jhansi B.I.E.T. Jhansi
Jhansi – 284128 (U.P.) Jhansi – 284128(U.P.)

It gives me great pleasure in expressing my deep regards and sense of gratitude to my Head
supervisor Mr. Raghav Dwivedi, honorable faculty member, Department of Electrical
Engineering, Bundelkhand Institute of Engineering and Technology Jhansi for his inspiration,
expert guidance, moral support, encouragement and timely help throughout this work. I also
wish to express my sincere thanks to Dr. Deepak Nagariya, Professor and Head, Department
of Electrical Engineering, Bundelkhand Institute of Engineering and Technology Jhansi for
extending the facilities and co-operation for the successful completion of this work.
I feel overwhelmed for the wonderful learning opportunity and experience gained at
Bundelkhand Institute of Engineering and Technology Jhansi. I would like to thank all faculty
and all other staff of Department of Electrical Engineering, Bundelkhand Institute of
Engineering and Technology Jhansi, for their kind support. I would like to thank to the technical
staff and workers of Electrical Engineering Laboratory for helping me in my experimental work.







Analog electronic technology is a core basic course of electronic specialty in colleges and
universities. It has the characteristics of complex theory, abstract content, difficult to explain by
teachers and difficult to understand by students. This article mainly discusses some typical
applications of Multisim virtual simulation software in the teaching of analog electronic technology
courses, and analyzes the impact on classroom teaching methods. The practice shows that the
application of simulation software in the teaching of simulation electronic technology can solve the
problems of insufficient experimental teaching site and potential safety hazards. It can help students to
understand abstract theory and master related knowledge. It can help to organize lively and efficient
classroom teaching and promote the quality and efficiency of classroom teaching.

Multisim is now the de facto standard for circuit simulation. It is a SPICE-based circuit simulator
which combines analog, discrete-time, and mixed-mode circuits. In addition, it is the only simulator
which incorporates microcontroller simulation in the same environment. It also includes a tool for
printed circuit board design. Advanced Circuit Simulation Using Multisim Workbench is a companion
book to Circuit Analysis Using Multisim, published by Morgan & Claypool in 2011. This new book
covers advanced analyses and the creation of models and subcircuits. It also includes coverage of
transmission lines, the special elements which are used to connect components in PCBs and integrated
circuits. Finally, it includes a description of Ultiboard, the tool for PCB creation from a circuit
description in Multisim. Both books completely cover most of the important features available for a
successful circuit simulation with Multisim.


In any bilateral linear network containing one or more generators the ratio of a voltage
introduced in on mesh to the current (I) in any second mesh is the same as the ratio obtained if
the position of voltage and current are interchanged other emf being removed .Let us consider a
general network.

In any branch of a network , the current (I) due to a single source of voltage (V)
elsewhere in the network is equal to the current through the branch in which the source was
originally placed when the source is placed in the branch in which the current (I) was originally

In simple sence , the location of the voltage source and the through current maybe interchange
without a change in current . However the polarity of the voltage source should have identically
with the dirction of branch current in each position.The limitation of this theorem is that it is
applicable only to single source natworks and not in multisource network. Moreover, the
network where reciprocity theorem is applied should be linear one containing resistors,
inductors, capacitors and coupled circuits
In Figure 1, Apply A small Vpltage at a-a and measure the short Current at b-b.
Check the ratio = Va-a/Ib-b

(Fig : Circuit for analysis of reciprocity theorem with source along a-a)

In figure 2, apply a small voltage at b-b and measure the short circuit current current at a-a

Check the ratio = Vb-b/Ia-a

(Fig : Circuit for analysis of reciprocity theorem with source along b-b)


(Fig : Circuit diagram of experimental set-up for analysis of reciprocity theorem)



1. Simulate any network with suitable value of R, L, and C such that the short circuit
currents in all branches are within safe limit.
2. Apply a small voltage at a-a and measure the short circuit current at b-b. Check the
ratio =Va-a /Ib-b.

3. Now apply a voltage across c-c after open circuiting it and measure the current
through d-d after shorting them. find the ratio=Vc-c /Id-d.
4. The two ratio should be identical that is,
5. Voltage control knob of RPS should be kept at minimum position.
6. Current control knob of RPS should be kept at maximum position.
7. Connections are given as per the diagram and set a particular voltage in RPS in
8. Note down the corresponding ammeter reading.
9. Inter change the position of voltage source and ammeter as shown in the circuit.
10.Set the same voltage in RPS as in circuit-I now in circuit-II and note down the
ammeter reading & tabulate it.
11.Verify reciprocity theorem.

Operating Environment

Minimum System Requirement:

1. A standard PC running Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista.

2. 512MB RAM and 500 MB of available hard-disk space is recommended
3. 1024x768 or higher screen resolution;
4. a mouse or other pointing device
5. A CD-ROM drive
6. Multi-sim

Discussion and Calculation:-
1. Compare between the theoretically and practical results.
2. in the network of Fig. (2), find (a) ammeter current when battery is at A and ammeter at B
and (b) when battery is at B and ammeter at point A. Values of various resistances are as
shown in fig(2).


1) A. Chakrabarti, Circuit Theory (Analysis and Synthesis). Fifth Edition : 2006, Dhanpat Rai
and Co.

2) A. Bruce Carlson, Circuits. First Reprint :2002, Thomson Asia Pte Ltd.

3) Parker Smith, Problems in Electrical Engineering. Ninth Edition :2003 , M/s Constable and
Company, London

4) https://www.multisim.com/

5) http://vlabs.iitkgp.ernet.in/

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