Fundamentals of Academic Writing: Submitted To
Fundamentals of Academic Writing: Submitted To
Fundamentals of Academic Writing: Submitted To
That's why this guide was written. A paper is not supposed to be torture. Seriously. The thing about torture was a joke.
An academic writing assignment is supposed to be your opportunity to explore something that interests you from your
course. You have freedom to choose a topic, empty pages on which to express your own ideas, and an audience that is
interested in reading what you think.
In an academic writing assignment, you will start by asking a good question, then find and analyze answers to it, and
choose your own best answer(s) to discuss in your paper. Your paper will share your thoughts and findings and justify
your answer with logic and evidence. So, the goal of academic writing is not to show off everything that you know
about your topic, but rather to show that you understand and can think critically about your topic (and this is what
earns you a good grade).
Plus, you will develop skills in researching, evaluating information, organizing, arguing, responding to others’
arguments, analyzing, and expressing yourself clearly in writing (in English too). These skills, by the way, are all
valued by employers.
Audience Engagement. As with all writing, academic writing is directed to a specific audience in mind.
Unless your instructor says otherwise, consider your audience to be fellow students with the same level of
knowledge as yourself. As students in the field, they are interested in your topic, but perhaps not so interested
in reading a paper. So, you will have to engage them with your ideas and catch their interest with your writing
style. Imagine that they are also skeptical, so that you must use the appropriate reasoning and evidence to
convince them of your ideas.
Clear Point of View. Academic writing, even that with an informative purpose, is not just a list of facts or
summaries of sources. Although you will present other people’s ideas and research, the goal of your paper is
to show what you think about these things. Your paper will have and support your own original idea about the
topic. This is called the thesis statement, and it is your answer to the question.
Single Focus. Every paragraph (even every sentence) in your paper will support your thesis statement. There
will be no unnecessary, irrelevant, unimportant, or contradictory information (Your paper will likely include
contradictory or alternative points of view, but you will respond to and critique them to further strengthen
your own point of view).
Strong Support. Each body paragraph will have sufficient and relevant support for the topic sentence and
thesis statement. This support will consist of facts, examples, description, personal experience, and expert
opinions and quotations.
Clear and Complete Explanations. This is very important! As the writer, you need to do all the work for the
reader. The reader should not have to think hard to understand your ideas, logic, or organization. English
readers expect everything to be done for them; your thoughts and thought processes should be clearly and
completely explained.
Effective Use of Research. Your paper should refer to a variety of current, high- quality, professional and
academic sources. You will use your research to support your own ideas; therefore, it must be integrated into
your writing and not presented separately. That means that source material will be introduced, analyzed,
explained, and then cited. Research and APA Style Guide 2010 covers this topic in depth.
Correct APA Style. All academic papers should follow the guidelines of the American Psychological
Association as found in Research and APA Style Guide 2010, regarding
in-text citations, the reference list, and format.
Writing Style. Because this is your work, you should use your own words whenever possible. Do not try to write like a
boring, overly formal scholarly article. Use the natural conversational style that you would use in the classroom. Your
writing should be clear, concise, and easy to read. It is also very important that there are no grammar, spelling,
punctuation, or vocabulary mistakes in academic writing. Errors convey to the reader that you do not care.
A: Accuracy. This can be attained by guarding against careless thinking, expressions and calculations.
B: Brevity is conciseness of expression, checking the development of your own ideas and accuracy of expression.
C: Confidence. If you believe in what you are saying is right and wise, write it. Have trust in yourself.
D: Dignity. Particular attention should be given to diction. Avoid using contractions like won’t, shouldn’t, can’t, don’t. Use
straightforward expression with summarized, simplified and well-organized information.
F: Facility. Report Writing depends more on pacing, sequence, arrangement and connections to achieve smooth flowing, easy to read
G: Grammatical Correctness. Acceptable grammatical practice is important for sensible as well as social reasons.
H: Honesty. Proper documentation must be used. A technical writer must acknowledge his sources.
J: Judgment. Judicious weighing of evidence is important in a report. The best evidence is that which is (1) most ample (2) most
pertinent (3) most simple (4) most in harmony with the rest of available evidence.
K: Knowledge. The communication of knowledge is one of the chief functions of the report. It is more than a collection of data for it
involves interpretations and formulation of conclusions. Without intelligent interpretation, data will remain useless.
L: Logic The process of showing the relations among groups of things and classes of group is logic. It is a process of classification,
putting things in their proper places.
M: Mechanical Neatness. A report should be neatly typed and well margined so that it will be easier to read. Headings, subheadings
and indention are mechanical devices which help to make the organization of the content clear. Your report must then be clean, free
from typographical errors and erasures.
O: Objectivity can be achieved if you avoid the use of first person in order to give the impression that the work being reported is a team
effort or a company activity.
P: Planning. You need to have a clear idea of where you are going to end before you begin writing.
Q: Qualification. Qualify what you write by describing what factors are constant and what factors are viable as you work.
R: Revision. It is the most important phase of technical reporting aside from planning, designing, rough drafting.
S: Straight Sentences, In a good report, each paragraph begins with a straight forward statement of its subject.
T: Thoroughness. You can be thorough by (1) preparing a checklist or requirements in the planning phase (2) marking off each
requirement as it is fulfilled (3) using the checklist again in the revision phase for a final check.
U: Unity. A unified report is one in which everything is clearly relevant to main point under discussion.
V: Viewpoint. Point of view, e.g. as a reporter, researcher or employee, should maintained consistently throughout the report.
W: Word Choice. Avoid pompous, vague and ornate words. Be precise as you can.
X: ‘Xtra effort brings success.
Y: You. A report is written for an audience and you should think in terms of pacing and timing. Thus, your information can be
presented in segments appropriate to your reader’s knowledge and needs.
Z: Zest. Write only when you have something worth saying and write as though you were performing a service that only you can
Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Sources
Sources can be divided into three types, depending on their proximity to the subject of study:
Primary sources
A primary source is usually a document or result that is being reported first hand. In other words, primary sources are original
sources, not interpretations made by someone else.
The following often function as primary sources:
works of fiction
official documents, such as census data and legal texts
objects, such as archaeological findings
numeric data
Secondary sources
Secondary sources value, discuss or comment on the primary source, or on sources analogous to the primary source that is being
The following are examples of such secondary sources:
research articles
Tertiary sources
A tertiary source is a source that summarizes or compiles facts and knowledge produced by someone else. Tertiary sources are
often some kind of assemblage of primary and secondary sources. They are convenient for quick access to summarized facts, but
not all sources that belong to this category are considered suitable for scholarly writing. For instance, it is usually not acceptable to
use compilations of facts instead of reading the original sources. Therefore, students writing essays are recommended to consult
their teachers on the suitability of using tertiary sources in their writing.
Sources that would be regarded as tertiary sources include:
study guides
encyclopedias and wikis
indexes and other classification systems
A note of caution
It should be noted that the distinction between primary, secondary and tertiary sources is not a fixed one. For instance, in an
analysis of an encyclopedic article, that text would be regarded as a primary source, and in a review of a scholarly monograph, the
text under scrutiny would be seen as a primary source, although it would be used as secondary source material under other