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Java Programming Course Code: 3350703


(COURSE CODE: 3350703)

Diploma Programme in which this course is offered Semester in which offered

Computer Engineering/ Information Technology 5th Semester

Open source platforms play significant role in the corporate world and are gaining popularity
because these are freeware and ease of access. Java is a simple, portable, distributive, robust,
secure, dynamic, architecture neutral, object oriented programming language. This
technology allows the software designed and developed once for an idealized ‘virtual
machine’ and run on various computing platforms. Companies of all sizes are using Java as
the main programming platform to develop various applications/projects worldwide. The aim
of this course is that student should learn platform independent object oriented programming
and java as base language for advanced technology like three tier architecture applications,
cloud computing and web development. Many commercial applications as well as developing
mission critical applications are using Java Technologies. This necessitates the corporate
sectors to hire highly skilled Java developers. So, after learning this course, student can float
themselves as Java developer in the software industry as well this course works as foundation
course for advance Java programming for the forthcoming semester.

The course content should be taught and implemented with the aim to develop required skills
so that students are able to acquire following competency:
 Develop software applications using object oriented concept in an Java SDK


The theory should be taught and practical should be carried out in such a manner that students
are able to acquire different learning out comes in cognitive, psychomotor and affective
domain to demonstrate following course outcomes.
i. Explain object oriented programming concepts of java.
ii. Comprehend building blocks of OOPs language, inheritance, package and
iii. Identify exception handling methods.
iv. Develop multithreading object oriented programs.
v. Develop an object oriented program handling data file.

GTU/ NITTTR Bhopal/14-15 Gujarat State

Java Programming Course Code: 3350703


Teaching Scheme Total Credits Examination Scheme
(In Hours) (L+T+P) Theory Marks Practical Marks Total Marks


3 0 4 7 70 30 40 60

Legends: L - Lecture; T - Tutorial/Teacher Guided Student Activity; P - Practical; C-

Credit; ESE - End Semester Examination; PA - Progressive Assessment


Major Learning Outcomes Topics and Sub-topics

(in cognitive domain)
1a. Describe Internet role, 1.1 Basics of Java, Background/History of
advantages and, Java, Java and the Internet, Advantages of
environment setup of Java
Java. 1.2 Java Virtual Machine & Byte Code
1.3 Java Environment Setup
1.4 Java Program Structure
1b.Differentiate between 1.5 Procedure-Oriented vs. Object-Oriented
Unit – I POP and OOP Programming concept
Introduction to 1c. List important OOP 1.6 Basics of OOP: Abstraction, Inheritance,
Java fundamentals Encapsulation, Classes, subclasses and super
classes, Polymorphism and Overloading,
message communication
1d. Write simple programs 1.7 Compiling and running a simple "Hello
using java World" program: Setting Up Your Computer,
Writing a Program, Compiling, Interpreting
and Running the program, Common Errors
2a. Explain Data types: 2.1 Primitive Data Types : Integers, Floating
constant and variables Point type, Characters, Booleans etc
2.2 User Defined Data Type
2.3 Identifiers & Literals
2.4 Declarations of constants & variables
2.5 Type Conversion and Casting
2.6 Scope of variables & default values of
Unit – II
Building variables declared
Blocks of the 2.7 Wrapper classes
Language 2.8 Comment Syntax
2.9 Garbage Collection
2b. State the steps to 2.10 Arrays of Primitive Data Types
implement programs for 2.11 Types of Arrays
Arrays and String 2.12 Creation, concatenation and conversion
of a string, changing case of string,
character extraction, String

GTU/ NITTTR Bhopal/14-15 Gujarat State

Java Programming Course Code: 3350703

Comparison, String Buffer

2c. List different types of 2.13 Different Operators: Arithmetic,
operators Bitwise, Rational, Logical,
Assignment, Conditional, Ternary,
Increment and Decrement,
Mathematical Functions
2d. State the steps to 2.14 Decision & Control Statements:
implement small Selection Statement (if, if...else, switch),
programs using Decision Loops (while, do-while, for), Jump
& Control Structures statements (break, continue, return &
3a.Define Objects and 3.1 Defining classes, fields and methods,
Classes and methods creating objects, accessing rules, this
Unit – III keyword, static keyword, method
Object overloading, final keyword,
Oriented 3b.Explain Constructors & 3.2 Constructors: Default constructors,
Programming its types, Object as a Parameterized constructors, Copy
Concepts parameter, constructor constructors, Passing object as a
parameter, constructor overloading
4a. Describe Inheritance and 4.1 Basics of Inheritance, Types of
method overriding inheritance: single, multiple, multilevel,
4b. List the types of hierarchical and hybrid inheritance,
concepts of method overriding, extending
class, super class, subclass, dynamic
method dispatch & Object class
4c. Describe Creating 4.2 Creating package, importing package,
package, importing access rules for packages, class hiding
Unit– IV package, access rules for rules in a package.
Inheritance, packages, class hiding 4.3 Defining interface, inheritance on
Packages & rules in a package interfaces, implementing interface,
Interfaces 4d. Define interface. multiple inheritance using interface
4e. Explain inheritance on
interfaces, implementing
interface, multiple
inheritance using interface

4f. Describe Abstract & final 4.4 Abstract class and final class
Unit – V 5a. Explain errors, & 5.1 Types of errors, exceptions, try..catch
Exception exceptions statement, multiple catch blocks, throw
Handling & 5b. List types of errors and throws keywords, finally clause, uses
Multithreaded of exceptions, user defined exceptions

GTU/ NITTTR Bhopal/14-15 Gujarat State

Java Programming Course Code: 3350703

Programming 5c. Define thread, creating 5.2 Creating thread, extending Thread class,
threads, multithreading, implementing Runnable interface, life
thread priority & cycle of a thread, Thread priority &
synchronization thread synchronization, exception
handing in threads

6a. Explain basics of 6.1 Stream classes, class hierarchy, useful I/O
streams, stream classes, classes, creation of text file, reading and
Unit – VI creation, reading and writing text files
File Handling writing files in context
to file handling


Distribution of Theory Marks

Unit Unit Title Teaching R U A Total
No. Hours Level Level Level

1. Introduction to Java 04 4 3 0 7
2. Building blocks of the Language 08 4 4 6 14
Object Oriented Programming
3. 06 4 4 6 14
Inheritance, Packages and
4. 10 4 4 6 14
Exception Handling, 10 4 4 6 14
Multithreaded Programming
6. File Handling 04 0 3 4 07
Total 42 20 22 28 70

Legends: R = Remember; U = Understand; A = Apply and above levels (Bloom’s revised


Note: This specification table shall be treated as general guideline for students and teachers.
The actual distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table.

GTU/ NITTTR Bhopal/14-15 Gujarat State

Java Programming Course Code: 3350703


The practical/exercises are designed to develop different types of skills of the competency.
Following is the list of practical problems.

Sr. Unit Exercise/Practical Appr

No No. (Outcomes in Psychomotor Domain) oxima
1 1 Install JDK, write a simple “Hello World” or similar java program, 2
compilation, debugging, executing using java compiler and interpreter.
2 2 Write a program in Java to generate first n prime numbers. 2
3 2 Write a program in Java to find maximum of three numbers using 1
conditional operator
4 2 Write a program in Java to find second maximum of n numbers 2
without using arrays
5 2 Write a program in Java to reverse the digits of a number using while 1
6 2 Write a program in Java to convert number into words & print it 2
7 2 Write programs in Java to use Wrapper class of each primitive data 4
8 2 Write a program in Java to multiply two matrix 2
9 3 Write a static block which will be executed before main( ) method in a 1
10 3 Write a program in Java to demonstrate use of this keyword. Check 1
whether this can access the private members of the class or not.
11 3 Write a program in Java to develop overloaded constructor. Also 2
develop the copy constructor to create a new object with the state of
the existing object.
12 3 Write a program in Java to demonstrate the use of private constructor 2
and also write a method which will count the number of instances
created using default constructor only.
13 3 Write a program in Java to demonstrate the use of 'final' keyword in 1
the field declaration. How it is accessed using the objects.
14 3 Develop minimum 4 program based on variation in methods i.e. 2
passing by value, passing by reference, returning values and returning
objects from methods.
15 4 Write a program in Java to demonstrate single inheritance, multilevel 3
inheritance and hierarchical inheritance.
16 4 Create a class to find out whether the given year is leap year or not. 2
(Use inheritance for this program)
17 4 Write an application that illustrates how to access a hidden variable. 2
Class A declares a static variable x. The class B extends A and declares
an instance variable x. display( ) method in B displays both of these
18 4 Write a program in Java in which a subclass constructor invokes the 2
constructor of the super class and instantiate the values.
19 4 Write a program that illustrates interface inheritance. Interface P12 4
inherits from both P1 and P2. Each interface declares one constant and

GTU/ NITTTR Bhopal/14-15 Gujarat State

Java Programming Course Code: 3350703

one method. The class Q implements P12. Instantiate Q and invoke

each of its methods. Each method displays one of the constants.
20 4 Write an application that illustrates method overriding in the same 4
package and different packages. Also demonstrate accessibility rules in
inside and outside packages.
21 4 Describe abstract class called Shape which has three subclasses say 2
Triangle, Rectangle, Circle. Define one method area()in the abstract
class and override this area() in these three subclasses to calculate for
specific object i.e. area() of Triangle subclass should calculate area of
triangle etc. Same for Rectangle and Circle
22 4 Write a program in Java to demonstrate implementation of multiple 2
inheritance using interfaces.
23 4 Write a program in Java to demonstrate use of final class. 1
24 5 Write a program in Java to develop user defined exception for 'Divide 2
by Zero' error.
25 5 Write a program in Java to demonstrate multiple try block and multiple 1
catch exception
26 5 Write an small application in Java to develop Banking Application in 2
which user deposits the amount Rs 1000.00 and then start withdrawing
of Rs 400.00, Rs 300.00 and it throws exception "Not Sufficient Fund"
when user withdraws Rs. 500 thereafter.
27 5 Write a program that executes two threads. One thread displays 2
“Thread1” every 2,000 milliseconds, and the other displays “Thread2”
every 4,000 milliseconds. Create the threads by extending the Thread
28 5 Write a program that executes two threads. One thread will print the 2
even numbers and the another thread will print odd numbers from 1 to
29 5 Write a program in Java to demonstrate use of synchronization of 2
threads when multiple threads are trying to update common variable.
30 6 Write a program in Java to create, write, modify, read operations on a 2
Text file.
Total 60


Following is the list of proposed student activities like:
i. Study available small Java application on internet and reuse in your application
ii. Develop Java object oriented application programs
iii. Present the application developed
(A) List of Books:

Sr.No Authors Title of Books Publication

1 Herbert Schildt Java: The Complete Reference, Tata McGraw Hill
Seventh Edition
2 E Balagurusamy Programming with Java Tata McGraw Hill
3 Cay S. Horstmann, Core Java, Vol I- Java Series, Sun
Gray Cornell Fundamentals MicroSystem

GTU/ NITTTR Bhopal/14-15 Gujarat State

Java Programming Course Code: 3350703

Sr.No Authors Title of Books Publication

4 Sachin Malhotra & Programming in JAVA, Oxford
Saurabh Choudhary Second Edition

(B) List of Major Equipment/Materials

i. Computer System with latest configuration and memory
ii. Multimedia projector
iii. Internet Access
iv. Access to library resources
(C) List of Software/Learning Websites
i. Java Development Kit:
ii. http://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se7/html/index.html
iii. http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/index.html
iv. http://www.tutorialspoint.com/java/
v. http://www.learnjavaonline.org/
vi. http://www.c4learn.com/javaprogramming/
vii. http://www.learn-java-tutorial.com/
viii. http://www.tutorialspoint.com/javaexamples/


The course activities include Lectures and Practical Exercises as per teaching

i. Conceptual knowledge will be shared interactively using multimedia

ii. Student should be given environment to develop sample applications using
JAVA under guidance of Teachers.


Faculty members from Polytechnics

 Prof. R. M. Shaikh, H.O.D Computer Department, K. D. Polytechnic, Patan

 Prof. K. N. Raval, H.O.D Computer Department, R. C. Technical Institute,
 Prof. M. P. Mehta, Sr. Lecturer in Computer Technology, K. D. Polytechnic,
 Prof. H. P. Chauhan, Lecturer(IT), Government Polytechnic, Himmatnagar
 Prof A. S. Galathiya, Lecturer in Computer Department, R. C. Technical
Institute, Ahmedabad
 Prof. H.J. Prajapati, Lecturer(IT), Government Polytechnic, Himmatnagar
 Prof. J. S. Upadhyay, Lecturer and Head, IT, K P T I T, Viramgam

GTU/ NITTTR Bhopal/14-15 Gujarat State

Java Programming Course Code: 3350703

Coordinator and Faculty Members from NITTTR Bhopal

 Dr. Shailendra Singh, Professor & Head, Dept. of Computer Engineering and
 Dr. James K. Mathai, Associate Professor, Dept. of Computer Engineering
and Applications.

GTU/ NITTTR Bhopal/14-15 Gujarat State

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