ATM Management System
ATM Management System
ATM Management System
Release 0.0.1
2 Setup 5
2.1 0. Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 1. Install ATM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.3 2. Install a database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.4 3. Start using ATM! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3 Quick-start guide 7
3.1 Create a datarun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.2 Execute the datarun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
ATM Documentation, Release 0.0.1
Contents 1
ATM Documentation, Release 0.0.1
2 Contents
Auto Tune Models (ATM) is an AutoML system designed with ease of use in mind. In short, you give ATM a
classification problem and a dataset as a CSV file, and ATM will try to build the best model it can. ATM is based on a
paper of the same name, and the project is part of the Human-Data Interaction (HDI) Project at MIT.
To download ATM and get started quickly, head over to the setup section.
1.1 Background
AutoML systems attempt to automate part or all of the machine learning pipeline, from data cleaning to feature
extraction to model selection and tuning. ATM focuses on the last part of the machine-learning pipeline: model
selection and hyperparameter tuning.
Machine learning algorithms typically have a number of parameters (called hyperparameters) that must be chosen
in order to define their behavior. ATM performs an intelligent search over the space of classification algorithms and
hyperparameters in order to find the best model for a given prediction problem. Essentially, you provide a dataset with
features and labels, and ATM does the rest.
Nearly every part of ATM is configurable. For example, you can specify which machine-learning algorithms ATM
should try, which metrics it computes (such as F1 score and ROC/AUC), and which method it uses to search through
the space of hyperparameters (using another HDI Project library, BTB). You can also constrain ATM to find the best
model within a limited amount of time or by training a limited amount of total models.
ATM can be used locally or on a cloud-computing cluster with AWS. Currently, ATM only works with classification
problems, but the project is under active development. If you like the project and would like to help out, check out our
guide to contributing!
ATM Documentation, Release 0.0.1
This page will guide you though downloading and installing ATM.
2.1 0. Requirements
Currently, ATM is only compatible with Python 2.7, 3.5 and 3.6 and *NIX systems.
We also recommend using virtualenv, which you can install as follows.:
For development, also git is required in order to download and update the software.
The recommended way to install ATM is using pip inside a dedicated virtualenv:
$ virtualenv atm-env
$ . atm-env/bin/activate
(atm-env) $ pip install atm
Alternatively, and for development, you can clone the repository and install it from source by running make
ATM Documentation, Release 0.0.1
For development, replace the last command with make install-develop command in order to also install all
the required dependencies for testing and linting.
Note: You will need to execute the command . atm-env/bin/activate to activate the virtualenv again every
time you want to start working on ATM. You will know that your virtualenv has been activated if you can see the
(atm-env) prefix on your prompt. If you do not, activate it again!
ATM requires a SQL-like database to store information about datasets, dataruns, and classifiers. It’s currently compat-
ible with the SQLite3 and MySQL dialects. For first-time and casual users, we recommend installing SQLite:
If you’re planning on running large, distributed, or performance-intensive jobs, you might prefer using MySQL. Run:
You’re all set. Head over to the quick-start section to create and execute your first job with ATM.
6 Chapter 2. Setup
Quick-start guide
This page is a quick tutorial to help you get ATM up and running for the first time. We’ll use a featurized dataset for a
binary classification problem, already saved in atm/data/test/pollution_1.csv. This is one of the datasets
available on More information about the data can be found here.
Our goal is predict mortality using the metrics associated with the air pollution. Below we show a snapshot of the csv
file. The dataset has 15 features, all numeric, and and a binary label column called “class”.
˓→ HC NOX SO@ HUMID class
35 23 72 11.1 3.14 11 78.8 4281 3.5 50.7 14.4
˓→ 8 10 39 57 1
44 29 74 10.4 3.21 9.8 81.6 4260 0.8 39.4 12.4
˓→ 6 6 33 54 1
47 45 79 6.5 3.41 11.1 77.5 3125 27.1 50.2 20.6
˓→ 18 8 24 56 1
43 35 77 7.6 3.44 9.6 84.6 6441 24.4 43.7 14.3
˓→ 43 38 206 55 1
53 45 80 7.7 3.45 10.2 66.8 3325 38.5 43.1 25.5
˓→ 30 32 72 54 1
43 30 74 10.9 3.23 12.1 83.9 4679 3.5 49.2 11.3
˓→ 21 32 62 56 0
45 30 73 9.3 3.29 10.6 86 2140 5.3 40.4 10.5
˓→ 6 4 4 56 0
.. .. .. ... .... .... ... .... .. .... ....
˓→ .. .. .. .. .
.. .. .. ... .... .... ... .... .. .... ....
˓→ .. .. .. .. .
.. .. .. ... .... .... ... .... .. .... ....
˓→ .. .. .. .. .
37 31 75 8 3.26 11.9 78.4 4259 13.1 49.6 13.9
˓→ 23 9 15 58 1
35 46 85 7.1 3.22 11.8 79.9 1441 14.8 51.2 16.1
˓→ 1 1 1 54 0
ATM Documentation, Release 0.0.1
Before we can train any classifiers, we need to create a datarun. In ATM, a datarun is a single logical machine learning
task. The script will set up everything you need.:
The first time you run it, the above command will create a ModelHub database, a dataset, and a datarun. If you
run it without any arguments, it will load configuration from the default values defined in atm/ By
default, it will create a new SQLite3 database at ./atm.db, create a new dataset instance which refers to the data at
atm/data/test/pollution_1.csv, and create a datarun instance which points to that dataset.
The command should produce output that looks something like this::
The datarun you just created will train classifiers using the “logreg” (logistic regression), “dt” (decision tree), and
“knn” (k nearest neighbors) methods. It is using the “uniform” strategy for both hyperpartition selection and parameter
tuning, meaning it will choose parameters uniformly at random. It has a budget of 100 classifiers, meaning it will train
and test 100 models before completing. More info about what is stored in the database, and what the fields of the
datarun control, can be found here.
The most important piece of information is the datarun ID. You’ll need to reference that when you want to actually
compute on the datarun.
An ATM worker is a process that connects to a ModelHub, asks it what dataruns need to be worked on, and trains and
tests classifiers until all the work is done. To run one, use the following command:
This will start a process that builds classifiers, tests them, and saves them to the ./models/ directory. As it runs, it
should print output indicating which hyperparameters are being tested, the performance of each classifier it builds, and
the best overall performance so far. One round of training looks like this:
Computing on datarun 1
Selector: <class 'btb.selection.uniform.Uniform'>
Tuner: <class 'btb.tuning.uniform.Uniform'>
Chose parameters for method "knn":
_scale = True
algorithm = brute
metric = euclidean
(continues on next page)
And that’s it! You’re executing your first datarun, traversing the vast space of hyperparameters to find the absolute
best model for your problem. You can break out of the worker with Ctrl+C and restart it with the same command; it
will pick up right where it left off. You can also run the command simultaneously in different terminals to parallelize
the work – all workers will refer to the same ModelHub database.
Occassionally, a worker will encounter an error in the process of building and testing a classifier. Don’t worry: when
this happens, the worker will print error data to the terminal, log the error in the database, and move on to the next
When all 100 classifiers in your budget have been built, the datarun is finished! All workers will exit gracefully.
You can then load the best classifier from the datarun and use it to make predictions on new datapoints.
The ModelHub database is what ATM uses to save state about ongoing jobs, datasets, and previously-generated mod-
els. It allows multiple workers on multiple machines to collaborate on a single task, regardless of failures or interrup-
tions. The ideas behind ModelHub are described in the corresponding paper, although the structure described there
does not match up one-to-one with the ModelHub implemented in atm/ This page gives a brief
overview of the structure of the ModelHub database as implemented and how it compares to the version in the paper.
4.1 Datasets
A Dataset represents a single set of data which can be used to train and test models by ATM. The table stores informa-
tion about the location of the data as well as metadata to help with analysis.
• dataset_id (Int): Unique identifier for the dataset.
• name (String): Identifier string for a classification technique.
• description (String): Human-readable description of the dataset.
– not described in the paper
• train_path (String): Location of the dataset train file.
• test_path (String): Location of the dataset test file.
• class_column (String): Name of the class label column.
The metadata fields below are not described in the paper.
• n_examples (Int): Number of samples (rows) in the dataset.
• k_classes (Int): Number of classes in the dataset.
• d_features (Int): Number of features in the dataset.
• majority (Number): Ratio of the number of samples in the largest class to the number of samples in all other
• size_kb (Int): Approximate size of the dataset in KB.
ATM Documentation, Release 0.0.1
4.2 Dataruns
A Datarun is a single logical job for ATM to complete. The Dataruns table contains a reference to a dataset, configu-
ration for ATM and BTB, and state information.
• datarun_id (Int): Unique identifier for the datarun.
• dataset_id (Int): ID of the dataset associated with this datarun.
• description (String): Human-readable description of the datarun.
– not in the paper
BTB configuration:
• selector (String): Selection technique for hyperpartitions.
– called “hyperpartition_selection_scheme” in the paper
• k_window (Int): The number of previous classifiers the selector will consider, for selection techniques that set
a limit of the number of historical runs to use.
– called “ts ” in the paper
• tuner (String): The technique that BTB will use to choose new continuous hyperparameters.
– called “hyperparameters_tuning_scheme” in the paper
• r_minimum (Int): The number of random runs that must be performed in each hyperpartition before allowing
Bayesian optimization to select parameters.
• gridding (Int): If this value is set to a positive integer, each numeric hyperparameter will be chosen from
a set of gridding discrete, evenly-spaced values. If set to 0 or NULL, values will be chosen from the full,
continuous space of possibilities.
– not in the paper
ATM configuration:
• priority (Int): Run priority for the datarun. If multiple unfinished dataruns are in the ModelHub at once,
workers will process higher-priority runs first.
• budget_type (Enum): One of [“learner”, “walltime”]. If this is “learner”, only budget classifiers will be
trained; if “walltime”, classifiers will only be trained for budget minutes total.
• budget (Int): The maximum number of classifiers to build, or the maximum amount of time to train classifiers
(in minutes).
– called “budget_amount” in the paper
• deadline (DateTime): If provided, and if budget_type is set to “walltime”, the datarun will run until this
absolute time. This overrides the budget column.
– not in the paper
• metric (String): The metric by which to score each classifier for comparison purposes. Can be one of [“ac-
curacy”, “cohen_kappa”, “f1”, “roc_auc”, “ap”, “mcc”] for binary problems, or [“accuracy”, “rank_accuracy”,
“cohen_kappa”, “f1_micro”, “f1_macro”, “roc_auc_micro”, “roc_auc_macro”] for multiclass problems
– not in the paper
• score_target (Enum): One of [“cv”, “test”, “mu_sigma”]. Determines how the final comparative metric
(the judgment metric) is calculated.
– “cv” (cross-validation): the judgment metric is the average of a 5-fold cross-validation test.
4.3 Hyperpartitions
A Hyperpartition is a fixed set of categorical hyperparameters which defines a space of numeric hyperparameters
that can be explored by a tuner. ATM uses BTB selectors to choose among hyperpartitions during a run. Each
hyperpartition instance must be associated with a single datarun; the performance of a hyperpartition in a previous
datarun is assumed to have no bearing on its performance in the future.
• hyperparition_id (Int): Unique identifier for the hyperparition.
• datarun_id (Int): ID of the datarun associated with this hyperpartition.
• method (String): Code for, or path to a JSON file describing, this hyperpartition’s classification method (e.g.
“svm”, “knn”).
• categoricals (Base64-encoded object): List of categorical hyperparameters whose values are fixed to de-
fine this hyperpartition.
– called “partition_hyperparameter_values” in the paper
• tunables (Base64-encoded object): List of continuous hyperparameters which are free; their values must be
selected by a Tuner.
– called “conditional_hyperparameters” in the paper
• constants (Base64-encoded object): List of categorical or continuous parameters whose values are always
fixed. These do not define the hyperpartition, but their values must be passed to the classification method to
fully parameterize it.
– not in the paper
• status (Enum): Indicates whether the hyperpartition has caused too many classifiers to error, or whether the
grid for this partition has been fully explored. One of [“incomplete”, “gridding_done”, “errored”].
– not in the paper
4.4 Classifiers
A Classifier represents a single train/test run using a method and a set of hyperparameters with a particular dataset.
• classifier_id (Int): Unique identifier for the classifier.
• datarun_id (Int): ID of the datarun associated with this classifier.
• hyperpartition_id (Int): ID of the hyperpartition associated with this classifier.
4.3. Hyperpartitions 13
ATM Documentation, Release 0.0.1
• host (String): IP address or name of the host machine where the classifier was tested.
– not in the paper
• model_location (String): Path to the serialized model object for this classifier.
• metrics_location (String): Path to the full set of metrics computed during testing.
• cv_judgment_metric (Number): Mean of the judgement metrics from the cross-validated training data.
• cv_judgment_metric_stdev (Number): Standard deviation of the cross-validation test.
• test_judgment_metric (Number): Judgment metric computed on the test data.
• hyperparameters_values (Base64-encoded object): The full set of hyperparameter values used to create
this classifier.
• start_time (DateTime): Time that a worker started working on the classifier.
• end_time (DateTime): Time that a worker finished working on the classifier.
• status (Enum): One of [“running”, “errored”, “complete”].
• error_message (String): If this classifier encountered an error, this is the Python stack trace from the caught
ATM is a research project under active development, and there’s a ton of work to do. To get started helping out, you
can browse the issues page on Github and look for issues tagged with “help wanted” or “good first issue.” An easy first
pull request might flesh out the documentation for a confusing feature or just fix a typo. You can also file an issue to
report a bug, suggest a feature, or ask a question.
If you’re looking to make a more in-depth contribution, check out our guides on adding a classification method and
adding a BTB Tuner or Selector.
5.2 Requirements
If you’d like to contribute code or documentation, to have installed the project in development mode.
5.3 Style
We try to stick to the Google style guide where possible. We also use flake8 (for Python best practices) and isort (for
organizing imports) to enforce general consistency.
To check if your code passes a style sanity check, run make lint from the main directory.
5.4 Tests
We currently have a limited (for now!) suite of unit tests that ensure at least most of ATM is working correctly. You
can run the tests locally with pytest (which will use your local python environment) or tox (which will create a
new one from scratch); All tests should pass for every commit on master – this means you’ll have to update the code
ATM Documentation, Release 0.0.1
in atm/tests/unit_tests if you modify the way anything works. In addition, you should create new tests for
any new features or functionalities you add. See the pytest documentation and the existing tests for more information.
All unit and integration tests are run automatically for each pull request and each commit on master with CircleCI. We
won’t merge anything that doesn’t pass all the tests and style checks.
5.5 Docs
All documentation source files are in the docs/source/ directory. To build the docs after you’ve made a change,
run make html from the docs/ directory; the compiled HTML files will be in docs/build/.
ATM includes several classification methods out of the box, but it’s possible to add custom ones too.
From 10,000 feet, a “method” in ATM comprises the following:
1. A Python class which defines a fit-predict interface;
2. A set of hyperparameters that are (or may be) passed to the class’s constructor, and the range of values that each
hyperparameter may take;
3. A conditional parameter tree that defines how hyperparameters depend on one another; and
4. A JSON file in atm/methods/ that describes all of the above.
Every method must be implemented by a python class that has the following instance methods:
1) fit: accepts training data and labels (X and y) and trains a predictive model.
2) predict: accepts a matrix of unlabeled feature vectors (X) and returns predictions for the corresponding labels
This follows the convention used by scikit-learn, and most of the classifier methods already included with ATM are
sklearn classes. However, any custom python class that implements the fit/predict interface can be used with ATM.
Once you have a class, you need to configure the relevant hyperparameters and tell ATM about your class.
All configuration for a classification method must be described in a json file with the following format:
ATM Documentation, Release 0.0.1
"name": "bnb",
"class": "sklearn.naive_bayes.BernoulliNB",
"hyperparameters": {...},
"root_hyperparameters": [...],
"conditions": {...}
• “name” is a short string (or “code”) which ATM uses to refer to the method.
• “class” is an import path to the class which Python can interpret.
• “hyperparameters” is a list of hyperparameters which ATM will attempt to tune.
Most parameter definitions have two fields: “type” and either “range” or “values”. The “type” is one of [“float”,
“float_exp”, “float_cat”, “int”, “int_exp”, “int_cat”, “string”, “bool”]. Types ending in “_cat” are categorical types,
and those ending in “_exp” are exponential types.
• If the type is ordinal or continuous (e.g. “int” or “float”), “range” defines the upper and lower bound on possible
values for the parameter. Ranges are inclusive: [0.0, 1.0] includes both 0.0 and 1.0.
• If the type is categorical (e.g. “string” or “float_cat”), “values” defines the list of all possible values for the
Example categorical types:
"nu": {
"type": "float_cat",
"values": [0.5, 1.5, 3.5] // will select one of the listed values
"kernel": {
"type": "string",
"values": ["constant", "rbf", "matern"] // will select one of the listed strings
"max_depth": {
"type": "int",
"range": [2, 10] // will select integer values uniformly at random between 2
˓→and 10, inclusive
"length_scale": {
"type": "float_exp",
"range": [1e-5, 1e5] // will select floating-point values from an exponential
˓→distribution between 10^-5 and 10^5, inclusive
There are two kinds of hyperparameters: root hyperparameters (also referred to as “method hyperparameters” in
the paper) and conditional parameters. Root parameters must be passed to the method class’s constructor no matter
what, and conditional parameters are only passed if specific values for other parameters are set. For example, the
GaussianProcessClassifier configuration has a single root parameter: kernel. This must be set no matter what.
Depending on how it’s set, other parameters might need to be set as well. The format for conditions is as follows:
"root_parameter_name": {
"value1": ["conditional_parameter_name", ...],
"value2": ["other_conditional_parameter_name", ...]
In gaussian_process.json, there are three sets of parameters which are conditioned on the value of the root
parameter kernel:
"root_parameters": ["kernel"],
"conditions": {
"kernel": {
"matern": ["nu"],
"rational_quadratic": ["length_scale", "alpha"],
"exp_sine_squared": ["length_scale", "periodicity"]
If kernel is set to “matern”, it means nu must also be set. If it’s set to “rational_quadratic” instead, length_scale
and alpha must be set instead. Conditions can overlap – for instance, length_scale must be set if kernel is either
“rational_quadratic” or “exp_sine_squared”, so it’s included in both conditional lists. The only constraint is that any
parameter which is set as a result of a condition (i.e. a conditional parameter) must not be listed in “root_parameters”.
The example above defines a conditional parameter tree that looks something like this:
| \ \
matern rational_quadratic exp_sine_squared
| | | | |
nu length_scale alpha length_scale periodicity
We are always looking for new methods to add to ATM’s core! If your method is implemented as part of a publicly-
available Python library which is compatible with ATM’s other dependencies, you can submit it for permanent inclu-
sion in the library.
Save a copy of your configuration json in the atm/methods/ directory. Then, in in the METHODS_MAP dictionary
in atm/, enter a mapping from a short string representing your method’s name to the name of its
json file. For example, 'dt': 'decision_tree.json'. If necessary, add the library where your method lives
to requirements.txt.
Test out your method with python scripts/ --method <your_method_code>. If
all hyperpartitions run error-free, you’re probably good to go. Commit your changes to a separate branch, then open
up a pull request in the main repository. Explain why your method is a useful addition to ATM, and we’ll merge it in
if we agree!
BTB is the metamodeling library and framework at the core of ATM. It defines two general abstractions:
1. A selector chooses one of a discrete set of possibilities based on historical performance data for each choice.
ATM uses a selector before training each classifier to choose which hyperpartition to try next.
2. A tuner generates a metamodel which tries to predict the score that a set of numeric hyperparameters will
achieve, and can generate a set of hyperparameters which are likely to do well based on that model. After ATM
has chosen a hyperpartition, it uses a tuner to choose a new set of hyperparameters within the hyperpartition’s
Like with methods, ATM allows domain experts and tinkerers to build their own selectors and tuners. At a high level,
you just need to define a subclass of btb.Selector or btb.Tuner in a new python file and create a new datarun
with the ‘selector’ or ‘tuner’ set to “path/to/”.
More to come. . . stay tuned!