Ieee Format
Ieee Format
Ieee Format
Abstract— Eliminating wastewater and direct discharging The removal of residual suspended solids and unsettled
into any water body had already been recognized as microorganisms may be achieved using filtration process [10].
undesirable impact contributor to the environment as they Also, filtration can reduce nutrients in the pretreated water.
carry pollutants such as abundance of nutrients and Moreover, it has been emphasized that sand filter produce
malodorous gases. This has therefore led to various effluent with very low ammonia levels that is responsible for
wastewater treatment techniques in view of environmental significant odors. It also helps avoid the need of chlorine dosage
sustainability. However, there is an inevitable problem that in the wastewater [16]. Filtration can improve both the physical
some parts of the world especially the least developed and microbial quality of water. The two common types of
countries, do not pay much attention to the importance of granular filters which are the slow sand filters and rapid sand
wastewater treatment. The main objective is to orient the filters. Though both are effective in removal of pathogens, they
locals specifically to the least developed communities on differ in the filtration rate of water [4], which means that slow
how to properly dispose domestic wastewater. Also, a sand has longer filter runs than the rapid one. Slow sand
lasting solution to mitigate the contamination of water requires a single sand medium which is always readily available
bodies is by designing a communal septic vault with multi- whereas the rapid sand uses dual or multimedia filters (sand,
medium filtration treatment. Sand and gravel filtration are coal and carbon).
more advantageous as a medium since it is readily available
and was proven to treat wastewater before dispatch. Since the existing water closets at Prk. Langan, Kapalong,
Davao del Norte are all connected to a single chamber known
Index Terms— Sand and Gravel Filtration, Wastewater, Septic as “Dry Well” in which the effluent flows directly towards the
Vault, Effluent water table by soil filtration. As a result, rivers were
contaminated as well as the pump wells of the residents nearby.
Improper disposal of domestic or residential wastewater This will help the community to become more concern in
had already been recognized as one of the contributors of their surroundings. According to the purok’s barangay health
environmental pollution. Orientations and seminars, all in worker Mrs. Merlita Suminguil, water borne diseases were
informative conveyance of the causes and effects are spread to observed since 2010. In line with this, residence in this area
communities. However, some remoted areas still lack in should be oriented on how to properly dispose their domestic
knowledge of such learning hence emerges the problem. This wastes. They need to have an eco-friendly and sustainable
study attempts to improve the living conditions of the affected septic vault that the locals are already familiar. (reconstruct)
communities of the indigenous people and to minimize diseases
caused by water contamination. Safety is utmost important. By The result of this study will help the Indigenous People to
designing a communal septic vault having a layer of sand, and adapt proper sanitation and to prevent them from using the river
gravel filtration to apply basic filtration before disposing in to as their sanitary place, thus will save the river from being
the water bodies available in the area rather than disposing it contaminated. Therefore, this will serve as a building block for
directly from the septic vault. Sand and Gravel Filtration is an the future action to hand over excellent information and
extremely effective filter media because of its ability to hold suggestion to the community who’s in the remote areas and to
back precipitates containing impurities. These filter medias are the Department of Environment and Natural Resources
key factors in filtrating effluents allowing it to flow water (DENR). (reconstruct)
directly at the river.
Since the design of a septic vault is not limited to size and pipelines and culvert used to convey domestic wastewater to
volumes, this study clearly needs further development and the communal septic vault from houses.
continuation. The advocate of this study has made
recommendations for improvement. There is no doubt that the Site investigation. This activity includes a site inspection. The
treatment options provided, require mechanical and electrical researchers carry out a site visit in their respective areas to
equipment and processes. The design of this aspect is also determine the septic vault’s potential area.
recommended to undergo research and development under a
Sanitary Engineer. (reconstruct) Preliminary Output. This activity involves encoding, drawing
up the results of the site investigation and designing the septic
II. MATERIALS AND METHODS vault using AutoCAD software.
The diagram below summarizes the flow of this
In this part of the study, discussion and results are stated.
A. Conceptual Framework
A. Domestic Waste Orientation
B. Map Lay-out
AND GRAVEL AS Figure 2 shows the map lay-out of sanitary network
MEDIUM IN FILTRATION located at Prk. Langan, Kapalong, Davao del Norte, which has
a recorded population count of 883 as of 2018. The map layout
of sanitary network presented the potential location of the
communal septic vault along with the pipelines. The encircled
COMPLETE portion in the map is a proposed area for installation of
DETAILING OF THE communal septic vault with its filtration tank. It’s a vacant area
DESIGN that measures around 200 sq. m. The total area of septic vault
is 158.4 and the filtration tank is 5 sq. m having a total area of
163.4 sq. m. so the said are can accommodate the maximum
RECOMMENDATION OF designed size. The potential area is less elevated and accessible
THE IMPLEMENTATION to all residential houses in the area. The sanitary network
OF THE DESIGN. consists of two types of pipelines, the House Sewer is the
pipeline conveying sewage from the houses to the main line
Fig. 1 Conceptual Framework while the Main Line is the pipeline that transports wastewater
to the septic vault.
This study focuses on the problem that some of the
communities are still not practicing proper sanitation. To
address this problem, the sand and gravel filtration design is
utilized in order for the effluent to be treated before dispatching
it to the river.
B. Research Materials and Equipment
AutoCAD 2015. Using this software, the detailing of the
design treatment facility shall be sketched and presented to
show the results on the design calculations. Details shall
include operator dimensions and material specifications.