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Design of Water Distribution System





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Design of Water Distribution System




Report Titled
“Design of Water Distribution System”

Design of Water Distribution System


This is to verify that the group of students of Vth Semester (Year 2016-
2017) of Diploma in Civil Engineering has completed the report
“Design of Water Distribution System” to our satisfaction.


Project Guide Associate Professor & Head of Department
Civil Engineering Department


The report “Design of Water Distribution System” submitted by the

group of student of Vth Semester (Year 2018-2019) of Diploma in
Civil Engineering, is found to be satisfactory.

Mrs. Prasad kumar Dode Examiner

Design of Water Distribution System

Rural water project leads to a savings for villagers in the time and effort
required to get a given quantity of water. Getting water is time
consuming and heavy work, taking upto15% or more a women’s time in
some areas. Saving time has a greater or lesser value to a household,
depending on what its members can do with the extra time. It is the time
of women that matters most.
The main issue for the villagers is to get water, which is mostly used for
drinking, cooking, bathing, etc. To satisfy the requirements of the
villagers it is necessary to implement a good water distribution system.
Considering all the time management and efficiency this water
distribution system is found to be very helpful and friendly to the people
residing in Pulachiwadi, Palsunda, Vikaswadi and Saturly.
In addition to all the time saving the water distribution is designed in a
very effective manner i.e. In minimum amount of resources satisfactory
distribution line is prepared, it is cost effective as we have used all the
materials which are good and economical in reference to quality and cost
like GI pipes which are suggested to be the best for water distribution in
rural areas and other such material. Due to all the steps taken with care
and while considering all the factors like cost, safety, quality and
efficiency of the water distribution system so planned we could produce
a considerable amount of revenue return.
Therefore, taking in accounts all the above provisions made we can say
that we were able to provide a well oriented, cost effective, well
scheduled and human friendly water distribution system.

Design of Water Distribution System


We would like to express our special thanks of gratitude to our mentor

MR. NITIN JAGTAP sir, family, friends and seniors who gave us the
golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic which also
helped us in doing a lot of research and we came to know about so many
new things. So we are thankful to them.
study of designation, costing and estimation of water distribution
We would also like to thank Principle DR. SUDHIRKUMAR
SAWARKAR and our H.O.D DR. A.S. RADKE who helped us a
lot in finalizing this project within the limited time frame.

Design of Water Distribution System

Chapter 1 - Introduction
1.1. Foreword
1.2. Water Distribution System
1.2.1. Functions of Water Distribution System
1.2.2. Requirements of a Good Water Distribution System
1.2.3. Layout of Water Distribution System
1.2.4. Methods of Water Distribution System
1.2.5. Types of Water Distribution System
1.2.6. Location of water Distribution System
1.3. Objective of Project
1.4. Project Scope

Chapter 2 - Literature
2.1. Amrita Water Distribution System
2.2. Design of Sustainable Water supply and Distribution
System for Pignon, Haiti

Chapter 3 - Methodology
3.1. Village Case Study
3.1.1. Palsunda
3.1.2. Pulachiwadi
3.1.3. Vikaswadi
3.1.4. Saturly
3.1.5. Population Overview
3.2. Population Forecasting
3.3. Water Demand of Village
3.3.1. Discharge

Design of Water Distribution System

3.3.2. ESR Capacity

3.3.3. Design of Pipes and Pump

Design of Water Distribution System

Chapter - 1

1.1 Foreword
With two thirds of the earth's surface covered by water and the human body consisting of 75
percent of it, it is evidently clear that water is one of the prime elements responsible for life on
earth. Our natural heritage i.e. Rivers, Seas and Oceans have been majorly exploited,
mistreated and contaminated by current generation which in return has caused the humanity
an extensive amount of scarcity of pure or usable water. This scarcity of water affects almost
every person in India every one month in a year, from a pile of problems caused by water
scarcity following are the most common and hard ones to solve: -
a) Inadequate access to safe drinking water.
b) Inadequate access to sanitation.
c) Excessive use of groundwater leading to diminished agricultural yields
In addition, the water used by Factories, Urban Households, Agricultural Farm etc. when left
untreated into water bodies causes contamination of water which is not the only problem,
furthermore this contaminated water is unknowingly supplied to lakes and ponds which in fact
are used by several people in rural areas where water supply is a major problem. Unfortunately,
the use of this contaminated water causes waterborne diseases and other infections to the
people using it.
Apart from all this, India has made several efforts to break down most of the problems listed
in the above passage but Drinking water supply and sanitation in India continues to be
inadequate, despite longstanding efforts taken by the various levels of government and
communities at improving coverage.
The level of investment in water and sanitation is although low in accordance to international
standards, but it has been observed that investment in water supply in rural areas had increased
in size during the 2000s. For example, in 1980 rural sanitation coverage was estimated at 1%
and by 2008 it had reached 21%. At the same time, local government institutions in charge of
operating and maintaining the infrastructure are weak and lack the financial resources to carry
out their functions. In addition, only two Indian cities have continuous water supply and per
an estimate performed in 2008 about 69% of Indians still lack access to improve
sanitation facilities.
Design of Water Distribution System

Several innovative concepts to improve water supply and sanitation have been tested in India.
These include demand-driven approaches in rural water supply since and installation of Water
Supply System.

1.2 Water Distribution System

Water supply is the provision of water by public utilities, commercial organizations,
community endeavors or by individuals, usually via a system of pumps and pipes.
A water supply system or water supply network is a system of engineered hydrologic and
hydraulic components which provide water supply. A common water supply system typically
includes the following setups: -
i) A drainage basin – The area of land through which the rivers receive water is known as
Drainage Basin, the boundaries of this basin are known as watershed where all the water
from rain and snow falls and this water ends up in the underground aquifer.
ii) A raw water collection point (above or below ground) where the water accumulates,
such as a lake, a river, or groundwater from an underground aquifer. Raw water may
be transferred using uncovered ground-level aqueducts, covered tunnels or
underground water pipes to water purification facilities.
iii) Water purification facilities. Treated water is transferred using water pipes (usually
iv) Water storage facilities such as reservoirs, water tanks, or water towers. Smaller water
systems may store the water in cisterns or pressure vessels. Tall buildings may also
need to store water locally in pressure vessels for the water to reach the upper floors.
v) Additional water pressurizing components such as pumping stations may need to be
situated at the outlet of underground or above ground reservoirs or cisterns (if gravity
flow is impractical).
vi) A pipe network for distribution of water to the consumers (which may be private houses
or industrial, commercial or institution establishments) and other usage points (such
as fire hydrants).
vii) Connections to the sewers (underground pipes, or aboveground ditches in some
developing countries) are generally found downstream of the water consumers.

The system works a little something like this, raw water (untreated) is collected from a lake or
river (surface water source) or a water well drawing from an underground aquifer
(groundwater source) within the watershed that provides the resource. The raw water is
transferred to the water purification facilities using uncovered aqueducts, covered tunnels or
underground water pipes and then this surface water is traditionally treated in a surface water
treatment plant which generally consists of three steps: Clarification, Filtration and
Water stream, Filtration means removal of unwanted substances which are much smaller than

Design of Water Distribution System

the holes through which water can pass, and Disinfection of water means removal or killing of
pathogenic microorganisms.

The final product when delivered to the point of consumption can be called potable water
only if it meets the water quality standards required for human consumption.


Distribution reservoirs provide service storage to meet the widely fluctuating demands often
imposed on a distribution system to provide storage for firefighting and emergencies and to
equalize operating pressures. They may be classified as ‘service reservoir’ or ‘elevated
reservoir’ per their position, or classified per the material of which they are built, such as steel,
R.C.C. or masonry tanks. Distribution reservoir are mostly of elevated type. They serve the
following purposes: -
 They absorb the hourly variations in demand.
 If pumps are used, the provision of reservoirs make it possible to run the pumps at
uniform rate.
 Their provision results in overall reduction in sizes of pumps, pipes and treatment units.
Thus, the distribution system becomes economical.
 They serve as storage for emergencies such as outbreak of fire, failure of pumps or
bursting of mains.
 Distribution reservoirs provide storage for:
i) Operating storage: to meet demands more than the max daily flow, required by the
distribution systems at peak periods. Since water treatment plant, water intake
structures and pumping stations are designed for max daily flow, demands on the
system more than this rate must be met by storage.
ii) Fire storage: storage should provide fire flows:
1. 12 hours in large communities
2. 2 hours in small communities
iii) Emergency storage: calculated by multiplying the max daily demand by a factor, K.
 They maintain the desired pressure in the main constantly. In absence of these, the
pressure will fall as the demand of water increases. They provide and maintain desired
pressure even in remote areas.
 To provide operating pressure. The service reservoir should be located such that it
should provide the required pressure at every point in the distribution system.
 To provide the required contact time for the disinfectant added to achieve effective
 To facilitate carrying out repairs either to the plumbing main or to pump-set without
interruptions to the supply of water
 To impound water for beneficial use.
 To retard flood.

Design of Water Distribution System

Such a reservoir can be filled by pumping water at a certain rate and can be used to supply
water even at rate higher than inflow rate during period of maximum demands called Critical
Periods of Demand.

Such reservoirs are therefore helpful in permitting the pumps or the water treatment plants to
work at a uniform rate and they store water during the hours of no demand and supply water
from their storage during the critical periods of maximum demands.


Distribution system is a network of pipelines that distribute water to the consumers.
 They are designed to adequately satisfy the water requirement for a combination of
i) Domestic Purposes
ii) Commercial Purposes
iii) Industrial Purposes
iv) Firefighting Purposes

 A good distribution system should satisfy the followings:

i) Adequate water pressure at the consumer's taps for a specific rate of flow i.e. pressures
should be great enough to adequately meet consumer needs.
ii) Pressures should be great enough to adequately meet firefighting needs.
iii) At the same time, pressures should not be excessive because development of the
pressure head brings important cost consideration and as pressure increases leakages
increases too.
o Note: In tower buildings, it is often necessary to provide booster pumps to
elevate the water to upper floors.
iv) Purity of distributed water should be maintained. This requires distribution system to
be completely water-tight.
v) It should be fairly water tight to keep losses due to leakage to the minimum.
vi) Maintenance of the distribution system should be easy and economical.
vii) Water should remain available during breakdown periods of pipeline. System of
distribution should not be such that if one pipe bursts, it puts a large area without water.
If a pipe length is under repair and has been shut down, the water to the population
living in the down-stream side of this pipeline should be provided with another pipeline.
viii) During repairs, it should not cause any obstruction to traffic. In other words, the
pipelines should not be laid under highways, carriage ways but below foot paths.

Design of Water Distribution System

ix) It should can supply water at all the intended places with sufficient pressure head.
x) It should can supply the requisite amount of water during firefighting.
xi) The layout should be such that no consumer would be without water supply, during the
repair of any section of the system.
xii) All the distribution pipes should be preferably laid one meter away or above the sewer
xiii) It should be water-tight as to keep losses due to leakage to the minimum.
xiv) Operation of the distribution system becomes very easy.


The distribution pipes are generally laid below the road pavements, and as such their layouts
generally follow the layouts of roads. There are, in general, four different types of pipe
networks; any one of which either singly or in combinations, can be used for a place.

The following are the types of pipe networks in general:

1. Dead End System

2. Grid Iron System
3. Ring System

Design of Water Distribution System

Fig 1: - Dead End System

 In the Dead-End System (also called Tree System), one main pipeline runs through the
center of the populated area and sub-mains branch off from both sides. The sub-main
divides into several branch lines from which service connections is provided.
 Disadvantages
i) The system is less successful in maintaining satisfactory pressure in remote areas
and is therefore not favored in modern waterworks practice
ii) One main pipeline provides the entire city, which is quite risky
iii) The head loss is relatively high, requiring larger pipe diameter, and/or larger
capacities for pumping units. Dead ends at line terminals might affect the quality of
water by allowing sedimentation and encouraging bacterial growth due to
stagnation. Water hammer could also cause burst of lines. Many scour valves are
required at the dead ends, which need to be opened periodically for the removal of
stale water and sediment
iv) The discharge available for firefighting in the streets is limited due to high head loss
in areas with weak pressure.

 Advantages
i) The design calculation is easy and simple.
Design of Water Distribution System

ii) A smaller number of cut-off valves are required.

iii) The operation and maintenance cost is low.

Fig 2: - Grid Iron System

 In Grid Iron Distribution System, the main supply line runs through the center of the area
and sub mains branch off in perpendicular directions. The branch lines interconnect the
sub-mains. This system is ideal for cities laid out on a rectangular plan resembling a
gridiron. The distinguishing feature of this system is that all the pipes are interconnected
and there are no dead ends. Water can reach a given point of withdrawal from several
directions, which permits more flexible operation, particularly when repairs are required.
 Disadvantages
i.) Many cut-off valves are required.
ii.) The system requires longer pipe lengths with larger diameters.
iii.)The analysis of discharge, pressure and velocities in the pipes is difficult and
iv.) The cost of pipe laying is higher.
 Advantages
i.) The free circulation of water, without any stagnation or sediment deposit, minimizes
the chances of pollution due to stagnation.

Design of Water Distribution System

ii.) Because of the interconnections water is available at every point with minimum loss
of head.
iii.)Enough water is available at street fire hydrants, as the hydrant draws water from the
various branch lines.
iv.) During repairs, only a small area of distribution is affected. RING WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM

Fig 3: - Ring System

In Ring Distribution System or Circular Distribution System, the supply main forms a ring
around the distribution area. The branches are connected cross-wise to the mains and to each
other. This system is most reliable for a town with well-planned streets and roads. The
advantages and disadvantages of this system are the same as those of the gridiron system.
However, in case of fire, a larger quantity of water is available, and the length of the
distribution main is much higher. RADIAL WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM

Design of Water Distribution System

Fig 4: -Radial System

In Radial Distribution System, the whole area is divided into several distribution districts. Each
district has a centrally located distribution reservoir (elevated) from where distribution pipes
run radially towards the periphery of the distribution district. This system provides swift
service, without much loss of head. The design calculations are much simpler.


Water supply in rural areas is the primary responsibility of the state, to this end the state
through the department of rural water supply ensures water availability through various means.
The most common is the ubiquitous hand pump that is installed in villages based upon the
population and demand for water.
Government also provides water through stand-posts at certain locations within the village.
However, this is possible in villages which are electrified as it involves pumping water directly
to the stand posts.
As the water is only available at certain times of the day and for a limited period, therefore one
can see a long queue in front of the stand posts and quite often women and men quarreling
with one another.

Design of Water Distribution System

Thus, to avoid any such situations or circumstances, certain methods are put in use in the water
distribution system. Following are the methods listed below: -
1. Gravity Distribution System
2. Pumping Distribution System
3. Combined Gravity and Pumping Distribution System GRAVITY DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM

Fig 5: - Gravity Distribution System

 In non-electrified villages Gram Vikas has successfully innovated to bring piped

water supply at the turn of the tap. The technology is named as “Gravity flow” and
is applicable in undulating terrains.
 Wherever natural springs are available, the water from the spring is diverted into a
collection tank and then through pipeline, transported to an elevated water tower
within the village.
 Another method that is used is called “Induced Gravity flow”, this method involves
harnessing the topography and natural gradient of the area, identifying a suitable
Design of Water Distribution System

location for a water source at a higher elevation from the village. This is usually a
well and is called an intake well. The well is made and one side of the well is cut
along its length, a pipe inserted at the bottom of the well and the pipeline is
connected to the water tower. The water column generates the pressure for the water
to flow into the overhead reservoir and thereafter to the individual households via
the distribution pipeline.
 Suitable when source of supply is at suitable height.
 Most reliable & economic distribution system.
 The head water available at the consumer is just minimum required.
 The remaining head is consumed in the frictional & head losses. PUMPING DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM

Fig 6: - Pumping Distribution Reservoir

 In this system treated water is directly pumped into the distribution main without
storing. Also, called as pumping without storage system.
 Many kinds of pumps are used in distribution systems.

 Pumps that lift surface water and move it to a nearby treatment plant are called low-
lift pumps. These move large volumes of water at relatively low discharge pressures.

Design of Water Distribution System

 Pumps that discharge treated water into arterial mains are called high-lift pumps. These
operate under higher pressures.
 Pumps that increase the pressure within the distribution system or raise water into an
elevated storage tank are called booster pumps.
 Good pumps lift water from underground and discharge it directly into a distribution
 Most water distribution pumps are of the centrifugal type, in which a rapidly rotating
impeller adds energy to the water and raises the pressure inside the pump casing. The
flow rate through a centrifugal pump depends on the pressure against which it operates.
The higher the pressure, the lower the flow or discharge. Another kind of pump is
the positive-displacement type. This pump delivers a fixed quantity of water with each
cycle of a piston or rotor. The water is literally pushed or displaced from the pump
casing. The flow capacity of a positive-displacement pump is unaffected by the pressure
of the system in which it operates.
 Pumping stations can be grouped as follows:
- pumping water from a water source such as a river;
- for lifting water (high quantity, low pressure) from a well;
- for pumping water into a supply system, elevated water tank or water tower;

Design of Water Distribution System

Fig 7: - Combined Gravity and Pumping Distribution System

 Most common system.

 Treated water is pumped & store in an elevate distribution reservoir.
 Then supply to consumer by action of gravity.
 The excess water during low water demand periods get store in reservoir & get
supplied during high demand period.
 Economical reliable & efficient system.


There are mainly two types of water distribution reservoirs that are most commonly used: -
1. Surface Reservoir
2. Elevated Reservoir SURFACE RESERVOIR

Design of Water Distribution System

Fig 8: - Surface Reservoirs

 Water can also be stored in reservoirs at ground level.

 These reservoirs can be built either slightly above the surface or completely in-ground.
 High-lift pumping stations draw water from these reservoirs and distribute it through
the network under pressure

 Surface Reservoirs are made mostly of masonry or concrete. Common practice is to

line surface reservoirs with concrete, gunite, asphalt or asphaltic membrane to check
the leakage of water.
 Sometimes, these reservoirs may be built underground, especially when they are of
large size, and park may be constructed on top of it. Such gardens are known as hanging
gardens as provided at Mumbai.
 It is usual practice to construct surface reservoirs in two or more compartments so that
one unit can be cleaned or repaired while the other units are in operation.
 Surface reservoirs should be located at high points in the distribution system, so that
gravity supply can be done directly.
 In some cases, however, pumps are used to pump water, from the clear water storage
surface reservoir to the elevated distribution reservoir.
 The construction of large surface reservoirs can lead to major transformations in the
temporal-spatial distribution of river runoff and an increase in water resources during
the low flow limiting periods and dry years.
 Surface Reservoirs have the following advantages: -
i) Construction and operation costs are lower than for elevated reservoirs.

Design of Water Distribution System

ii) Water quality is better, as there is less risk that the water will remain in the
reservoir for long periods of time.
iii) The water pressures are the function of the chosen pumps and not of the water
level in reservoirs.
iv) Aesthetically, the reservoir blends easily with environment.
v) It is easy to determine the location of reservoirs.
vi) There is a wide choice of sizes and volumes for the reservoirs, as the engineers
are not limited to the reservoirs available in the market.
Special Cases: When topography allows, there are some advantages to installing a surface
reservoir in a zone of higher pressure level. The surface reservoir will then behave as elevated
reservoir for an adjacent district, located at a lower pressure level, while still meeting certain
needs in the district where it is located (firefighting storage, peak hourly consumptions etc.).
This type of arrangement can ensure: -
i) A constant water supply to the higher-pressure level, because of the reservoir and high-
lift pumping station;
ii) Fire protection in both pressure levels;
iii) Water supply by gravity to the lower pressure level, especially in case of emergency.8 ELEVATED RESERVOIR

Design of Water Distribution System

Fig 9: - Elevated Reservoir

 The water is pumped up by high-lift pumping stations during low consumption periods
and flows down by gravity during high consumption periods.
 Often, the same pipe is used to fill up and empty the reservoir.
 Elevated reservoirs are commonly known as overhead tanks.
 They may be constructed of stone masonry, reinforces concrete or steel. Earlier trend
was to construct these of steel.
 However, the life of steel overhead tanks is very short and they corrode soon requiring
constant maintenance and frequent replacement.
 Masonry overhead tanks require very heavy supporting tower.
 Hence modern trend is to provide the elevated reservoirs of reinforced concrete.
 These may be of rectangular, circular, conical or elliptical shape.
 Intze tank is the most common type used for water supply purposes.
 All elevated reservoirs are invariably provided with top cover, ladder, and manholes
for inspection and cleaning purposes.
 These are usually built in mountainside or specially designed structure.
 Following are the advantages of Elevated Reservoirs: -
i) Power failures or pump breakdowns do not hinder the distribution of stored
ii) The pumps filling the reservoir work intermittently.
Design of Water Distribution System

iii) A strategic choice for the site of elevated reservoir reduces spatial pressure
variations in the network.
 However, Elevated Reservoirs also have the following disadvantages: -
i) The reservoir must be installed to ensure the required pressured in the network,
even when the reservoir is filled at the lowest water level; the energy required
to fill it up is therefore wasted.
ii) The maximum storage value is limited, because economically, installations is
limited to reservoirs available on the market.
iii) The water pressure generated by the reservoir cannot be modified after
installation, as it cannot be easily modified for higher or lower pressure.
iv) During low-consumption periods, more specifically at the beginning of the
reservoir’s design period, the stored water may not be used for long periods
(sometimes many months); as a matter of fact, the pressure built by high-lift
pumping stations (like those at the treatment plant) at the base of the reservoir
may be too high for the elevated reservoir to empty. This problem may cause
poor water quality in the reservoir.
v) Part of the water stored in the reservoir may become unusable under certain
conditions; for example- if the pressure near the reservoir must be maintained
higher than the design pressure because consumption is exceeding projections
9and head losses are higher), the minimum water level in the reservoir will be
higher than the minimum level planned at the designed stage; the water volume
between those two minimum levels cannot, to all intents and purposes, be used.
 To summarize, the problems caused using elevated reservoirs originate from their
dual roles. As well as being used for water storage, the reservoirs create the required
water pressures in the network. As pressures are a function of water levels in the
reservoirs, engineers have no real control over the pressures created by the
reservoirs. On the other hand, operation of high pressure pumps can easily be

Design of Water Distribution System


The location of distribution reservoir should be such that it can provide or facilitate the
reservoir with the following situations and criteria: -
 Elevation should be high enough to permit gravity flow to develop adequate pressures
in system (this would provide maximum benefits of head and pressure).
 It should be placed near the center of use (decreases friction losses and therefore loss
of head by reducing distances).
 More than one reservoir may be required in case of large metropolitan areas.


Following factors must be considered during selection of site for a distribution reservoir: -
 Surface Topography
The site should provide a large area for storage of the water. Also, there should be
suitable routes available for pipeline.

 Sub-Surface Geology
The site must provide: -
 Safe foundation for dam structure.
 Water tightness against seepage.
 Availability of local construction material.

 Land for Storage

The land should be cheap and there should be less population.

 Absence of Objectionable Soluble Material

There should not be any soluble material present at site which cause change in odor,
taste and color of water. As it may be harmful for people.

 Availability of local construction material

The construction material such as stones, binding material etc. should be locally
available. So, that the cost of the project may be reduced.

Design of Water Distribution System

1.3 Objective of the Project

 To design the water supply system for the following villages: -
i.) Palsunda
ii.) Saturly
iii.) Vikaswadi
iv.) Pulachiwadi

 To calculate the costing of the water supply system

1.4 Project Scope

Following are the applications or fields in which this project or study of this project can be
used: -

i) Sustainable Water Resource Management (Water Quality, Quantity and Protection)

ii) Applied in limnology - The study of the biological, chemical, and physical features
of lakes and other bodies of fresh water.
iii) Hydraulics of water systems including source waters, treatment and distribution
iv) Water treatment processes, residuals treatment and management.
v) Modelling of source waters, treatment and distribution systems.
vi) Applied in methods to characterize water quality.
vii) Distribution systems.
viii) Water system management and policy: Legislation, economics, public relations,
crisis management.
ix) Public health, risk assessment, regulations and standards.
x) Water reclamation and reuse (e.g. for agricultural or industrial use.
xi) Irrigation.
xii) Desalination systems for water supply.

Design of Water Distribution System

Chapter - 2
Water supply and sanitation has been a primary logistical challenge since the dawn of
civilization, where water resources or infrastructure or sanitation systems are insufficient for
the population, people fall prey to disease, dehydration, and in extreme cases, death.
Throughout history people have devised systems to get water into their communities and
households, and disposing away (and later also treating) wastewater in a more convenient
manner. Over the millennia, technology has dramatically increased the distances across which
water can be relocated, but the availability of clean and fresh water remains a limiting factor
on the size a density of population centers, and is expected to remain so into the foreseeable

2.1 Amrita Water Distribution System

Mr. Deepak Brahmanandan, Amrita University (2015) designed a water supply & distribution
system for rural areas of Kerala, Rajasthan & Odisha. He studied for many villages that
villagers in India, collecting and carrying water is part of their daily routine. However, villagers
often must walk several kilometers to collect water necessary for themselves and their families,
sometimes walking several times a day. Many villagers, especially women, collect and carry
between 200 and 500 liters of water per day for their families and cattle.

Recognizing the hardship of the villagers, Amma encouraged faculty, staff, and students from
the Amrita Center for Wireless Networks and Applications, the Department of Civil
Engineering, and the Amrita Center for International Programs at Amrita University to work
with members of Amrita Self Reliant Villages (ASeRve)(link is external) and travel to villages
in Rajasthan, Odisha, and Kerala to build water distribution systems for more
effective water use and management. The project began in Kerala in April 2015 and in
Rajasthan and Odisha in July 2015. The project was an initiative of the University’s Live-in-
LabsTM program- a program that applies theoretical knowledge to address real world
challenges faced by rural communities in India.

When villagers first found out what the Amrita team intended to do, they became very
enthusiastic to help. They wanted to “work hand in hand with Amma’s team” to bring water

Design of Water Distribution System

to the village. “All of you are helping us. We will also help you. This is our village. We will
work with you!” they said.

Fig 10: - Amrita Water Distribution System


 Harirampur Village, Sawai Madhopur District, Rajasthan
In the village of Harirampur, located in the Sawai Madhopur District of Rajasthan, water is
now distributed to all 65 homes through a pipe system with an additional 5 taps
conveniently placed in public areas. The pipe system connects to two overhead Sintex water
tanks that currently stores 5,000 liters of water each.

Since the M.A. Math recently constructed a bore well in the village, the team from Amrita
University focused on collecting available water in the overhead water tanks via a network of
pipes. To lay down the pipes, two trenches were dug. The Amrita team manually dug a trench
55 meters long and 3 feet deep. The other trench, 1,050 meters long, was dug by an earth
moving JCB machine and was manually leveled to approximately 4 feet deep.

Summary of the project is shown in the table below:

Design of Water Distribution System

Village Total Number of Number of Days Number of Total

Population Homes Taps Liters in Spent in Team Number of
Installed Water Village Members Labor
Tanks (2) Hours

550 people 65 70 5000x2 = 120 12 14000+


Table No. 1: - Summary of the Project

 Guptapada Village, Khurda District, Odisha

In the village of Guptapada, located in the Khurda District of Odisha, water is now distributed
to 60 homes with each cluster of households sharing a tap. Villagers are now able to receive
water through a pipe system which connects to an overhead Sintex steel water tank that
currently stores 5,000 liters of water.

To lay out the pipe network, the Amrita team, with the help of villagers, manually dug two
trenches– one 700 meters long and 2 feet deep and another 550 meters long and 1 foot deep.
The Amrita team and villagers also dug the foundation pit for the water tank's steel
structure. Plans are in place to build another 5,000-liter water tank in the future. Plans are also
in place to commence water conservation awareness initiatives in the village.

Design of Water Distribution System

Summary of the project is shown in the table below:

Village Total Number of Number of Days Number of Total

Population Homes Taps Liters in Spent in Team Number of
Installed Water Tanks Village Members Labor
(2) max Hours
30000 l/tank

300 people 62 37 Now:5000 120 13 16000+


Table No. 2: - Summary of the Project (2)

 Komalikudi Village, Idukki District, Kerala

In Komalikudi, a tribal village in the Idukki District of Kerala, residents only had access to
water seven months out of the year. What water they did consume and use was often
contaminated due to run-off from their fields which carried a high concentration of chemical
pesticides. Recognizing the need to address this challenge, the Amrita team decided to work
with villagers to bring clean water to the settlement.
The team and villagers held regular meetings at the village community center where a water
committee planned where to dig and establish the bore well and where to set-up the steel water
tanks. After considering several public spaces, the committee decided to establish the bore well
and tanks in the village’s temple compound, a decision that was surprisingly supported by the
temple priest. The committee also decided how many taps would be placed and at which
After considering the requirements of the village, the Amrita team designed a water
distribution system that included a bore well with a pump and two overhead water tanks
(currently stores 3,000 liters and 5,000 liters, respectively) to supply water to the entire village
via a network of pipes. The pipes were laid out throughout the village and water taps were
installed for each cluster of houses and in various public spaces. All 90 homes, including the
village’s community center, the Anganwadi (pre-school), and the multi-grade learning center
now have access to water. Furthermore, the entire water distribution framework is powered by
a micro hydro generator – an initiative by Amma to utilize renewable resources to provide

Design of Water Distribution System

electricity to rural communities. The continuous supply of power from the generator ensures
that villagers have access to clean water throughout the day for their daily needs.
Summary of the project is shown in the table below:

Village Total Number Number of Liters in Days Number Total Number

Populatio Homes of Taps Water Tanks (2) Spent of Team of Labor
n Installed max capacity 30000 in Members Hours
l/tank Villag

350 90 12 3000 + 5000 = 8000 210 37 80000+


Table No. 3: - Summary of the Project (3)

Overall, there was an immense amount of community participation and villagers generously
donated their time, land, and work hours to the project. One villager even gave access to his
land and that of his family members to lay down the pipe network. Other villagers helped dig
the foundation for the bore well and the trenches for the pipes. Seeing the work done by the
Amrita team and villagers, Thathi, Komalikudi’s innocent yet wise matriarch, repeatedly said
the availability of clean water inside the village was “a great blessing from Amma.” The
sentiment was echoed by the village children who would squeal with joy every time they
opened a tap, marveling at the flow of cool, clean water. They would then engage in childish
frolicking by splashing water on each other, bringing smiles, giggles, and laughter all around.

Due to the dedication, selfless service, and long hours invested by Amrita faculty, staff, and
students, most homes in all three villages now have direct access to water, saving many
villagers an arduous and repetitive commute. Furthermore, with easy access to water, residents
of all three villages can now conveniently use the newly built toilets provided for
by AMMACHILabs. Also, AMMACHI Labs’ Sustainable Rural Sanitation Model and
Training Program now empowers village women to build their own toilets, further
encouraging the use of toilets in their own homes. From a safety standpoint, the combined
initiatives in water and sanitation make young girls and women less vulnerable to physical
attacks by miscreants.

With easy access to water, it is expected that the overall hygiene of the villages will increase
and the spread of infectious illnesses will be stemmed. Children will also be motivated to adopt

Design of Water Distribution System

proper hygiene habits, thereby improving their health and consequently increasing attendance
at school.

These are just a few examples of how Amma’s grace, guidance, and compassion, coupled with
the talent and tenacity of Amrita faculty, staff, and students, uplifts marginalized communities
and contributes to the betterment of their lives. This is also an example of how Amma
leverages science and technology to address and solve real world problems with observable
and measurable outcomes.

Finally, through the above village projects, Amma has succeeded in giving participating young
professionals and students at Amrita University an opportunity to look beyond their immediate
self-interests and well-being alone. She has cultivated in them a spirit of service and caring for
communities that are less fortunate and privileged than themselves. “It was a wonderful
experience. Our team was extremely happy to be able to do something that actually benefits
villagers and decreases their difficulties,” said Mr. Deepak Brahmanandan, a staff member at
Amrita Center for Wireless Networks and Applications who volunteered in Harirampur,
Rajasthan. Aside from Mr. Brahmanandan, many other young staff and students expressed
how fulfilled they felt that they could apply their education and training to address challenges
faced by rural communities- a sentiment they will hopefully carry into their future professional

2.2 Design of Sustainable Water Supply and Distribution System for

Pignon, Haiti (2008)

Investigators: Pagilla, Krishna, Abdullahi, Abdulkamal B., Ballog, Matt, Bielskus, Algirdas
Institution: Illinois Institute of Technology. They created the Haiti Outreach student
organization with a long-term vision, given the impoverished, underdeveloped environment
the people of Haiti live in today. All people deserve access to clean water, and an adequate
level of education. Because of better awareness, more and more students got interested in
sustainable development and were willing to volunteer to help communities in need. There
organization gave them the opportunity to learn and make a difference in Haiti; the poor
neighbor situated only 600 miles away from Florida’s coast.

Haiti Outreach had been working in Haiti for over ten years, they were aware of the real needs
of the population and the social context of their country. Combining their field experience, the
expertise of the IIT community in many fields and the enthusiasm of the students lead to
sustainable solutions for the Haitian people. In addition to helping population in need, students

Design of Water Distribution System

were given an opportunity to apply their skills on live team projects that challenge them outside
of the classroom.

As of January 2008, they had over forty students work on this project. Some students
computed, designed and drew; others managed, communicated and fundraised, but they all
worked towards the same goal: to make a difference and spread a bit of their good fortune to
those less fortunate.

The main components of the project are as follows:

1. Supply an adequate amount of safe water to the village of Pignon and can improve the
living and working conditions for its 7,500 citizens. The old practice of going to the
water source for collection was time consuming and exposed populations in lower
altitudes to contract water borne diseases.
2. Students from engineering, architecture and environmental science backgrounds
collaborated with the water committee of Pignon to collect data, and determine the
capacity and service area of the proposed water distribution network.
3. The design of the system utilized sustainable methods of pumping, maximize existing
infrastructure and incorporate methods of monitoring that would reduce waste from the
network. Strengthening existing links between stakeholders and interested partners
would further enhance the long-term sustainability of the proposed project.
4. The multi-disciplinary hands-on learning experience, this project required the value of
collaboration. It also challenged students to devise new methods of information and
data collection in the context of a developing community.


While conducting a survey of the population they found that Pignon needs a sustainable water
supply and distribution system. They had no prior available data on the town, so they collected
elevation data, figured water demand and modeled it against the supply, mapped the entire
town, took a census of the population, and analyzed the flaws of the existing system. In
examining the spring caps and stand pipe they found that it was necessary to repair them, it
was also necessary to bury the pipe line connecting them to protect the pipe. They decided to
use ramp pumps following the stand pipes. The ramp pump used the energy from the drop of
the water from the top of the stand pipe. This would not nearly be enough water to supply the
town, so they designed a 15000gal buffer tank to collect the overflow from the ramp pump. A
125 gpm vertical pump pumped the water from buffer tank to the cistern. This required lot of
energy as it must pump the water 140ft of head. A solar power system would power the pumps
as Pignon does not have any other sources of reliable energy. To prevent water borne disease
a disinfection system was designed which was injected with the required amount of chlorine
dose of 2mg/l into the pipes. The 45000gal cistern standing above the town would gravity feed
a PVC distribution network, this network would connect the cistern to 10 public water kiosks
and private connections to 10% of the population. They have also laid out management

Design of Water Distribution System

strategies to make the system self-sustainable. The people would pay for the water and this
would cover the expenses of operating and maintaining the system.

One projected outcome of the Haiti Outreach water project for Pignon, Haiti was that it became
a good barometer for future water projects for third world countries. One of the obvious direct
benefits of this project was potable water for a large group of people, in a country where
potable water is the exception rather than the norm. Having quick and easy access to potable
water lead to a variety of vast improvements in the quality of life, such as increased life
expectancy, reduction in water-borne illnesses, and increase in usable time daily. The people
of Pignon stand to see a positive change in all the above when the proposed system was
implemented. In addition to these, the citizens of Pignon also saw an increase in investment
opportunities in the local market, as clean water is an essential part of any restaurant, bar, or
food service. This lead to the citizens moving toward prosperity and naturally evolving
economic opportunities. An immediate economic impact became the creation of jobs involving
the maintenance of the system. With these further economic opportunities, citizens reinvested
in Pignon and life became better for all.

2.3. Piped Water Supply System for North Karjat

Mr. Abhishekkumar Sinha & Mr. Vikram Vijay, Center for Technology Alternatives for Rural
areas, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (2010)

Over a hundred villages in north Karjat, Raigarh district, Maharashtra, suffer from severe water
shortage in the months preceding the monsoons. A few check dams have been built to alleviate
the problem in some of the villages but most habitations face empty wells and defunct hand-
pumps in the summer. This project aims to evaluate the techno-economic feasibility of piped
water supply to this region as well to establish a universally applicable design methodology
for rural piped water supply systems. The target area within the Karjat block spans 120 sq. km
and has a forecasted 2041 population of over 81,000. The source is taken to be the Pej River,
south of the target region. We have designed primary and secondary grids for two supply
norms: a livelihood norm of 200 Liters per capita day and a sustenance norm of 40 Liters per
capita day. Given existing design norms, engineering practices, and schedules of costs our
finding is that it economically viable to supply water in pipes from Pej River to the target area
at the desirable livelihood norm of 200 Liters per capita day. We estimate the investment cost
of this supply system to be around Rs. 7000 per capita at 200 Liters per capita day and Rs.
2100 per capita at 40 Liters per capita day.

Motivation Water for domestic use is scarce in many regions across rural India, especially in
the months preceding the annual monsoon rains. The Center for Technology Alternatives for
Rural Areas (CTARA) at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB) has been
exploring solutions to this problem since 2005. Several projects have been implemented in the

Design of Water Distribution System

Karjat block of Raigarh district where many of the villages north of the river Pej face severe
water shortage after February.

There are two main options available for securing year-round water access for water-stressed
rural communities: increasing ground water recharge and tapping into surface water. At the
community level, check dams can potentially achieve both and numerous CTARA’s water
related projects have centered around them. An alternative is transporting water in pipes to
habitations. This project looks to assess the viability of a piped water supply system as a
solution to a community’s domestic water woes.


Our project has two key objectives. Primarily, our aim is to assess the feasibility of a piped
water distribution system for a target region spanning 120 sq. km and covering 70 villages in
rural north Karjat. In addition, we aim to communicate a design methodology for a rural piped
water supply system that can be applied universally. To achieve these aims have tried to design
a highly optimized distribution network for north Karjat. Ours is a pre-design consisting of one
primary and several secondary grids for transporting water from the water source to one point
in each village in multiple stages. From estimates of the many costs of constructing and
operating this network - and the size of the population served - we can gain a sense of the
techno-economic feasibility of supplying piped water to rural regions at this scale.

Ultimately, the key output of the project is not a design that can be implemented exactly as is
but rather a sound pre-design from which we can confidently assess the supply system’s
techno-economic feasibility. Certain salient aspects of rural water supply systems such as the
distribution network within each village (tertiary grid) and potential cost-recovery plans have
not been addressed in this project. Much of what follows the pre-design along the path to
implementation requires a thorough study of socio-economic implications of the decisions that
will need to be made. Such a study is not within the scope of this project but certainly a central
theme in the projects that would follow this one.

Design of Water Distribution System

Chapter - 3

The methodology includes the following steps: -


Design of Water Distribution System

3.1 Village Case Study

Fig 11: - Map for ESR to Vikaswadi

Design of Water Distribution System

3.1.1 Palsunda

Fig 12: - Palsunda and Pulchiwadi

According Census 2011 information the location code or village code of Palsunda village is
551980. Palsunda village is in Mokhada Tehsil of Thane district in Maharashtra, India. It is
situated 12km away from sub-district headquarter Mokhada and 140km away from district
headquarter Thane. As per 2009 stats, Saturly is the gram panchayat of Palsunda village.

3.1.2 Pulachiwadi
Per Census 2011 information the location code or village code of Pulachiwadi is. Pulachiwadi
village is in Palghar Tehsil of Thane district in Maharashtra, India. It is situated away from the
sub-district headquarter Palghar and away from district headquarter Thane. As per 2009 stats,
10 is the gram panchayat of Pulachiwadi village

Design of Water Distribution System

3.1.3 Vikaswadi

Fig 13: - Vikaswadi

Per Census 2011 information the location code or village code of Vikaswadi village is 552216.
Vikaswadi village is in Palghar Tehsil of Thane district in Maharashtra, India. It is situated
9km away from sub-district headquarter Palghar and 132km away from district headquarter
Thane. As per 2009 stats, Kharekuran is the gram panchayat of Vikaswadi village.
The total geographical area of village is 231.06 hectares. There are about 149 houses in
Vikaswadi village. Palghar is nearest town to Vikaswadi which is approximately 9km away.

3.1.4 Saturly

Fig 14: - Saturly

Per Census 2011 information the location code or village code of Saturly village is 551981.
Saturly village is in Mokhada Tehsil of Thane district in Maharashtra, India. It is situated 23km
away from sub-district headquarter Mokhada and 120km away from district headquarter
Thane. As per 2009 stats, Saturly is the gram panchayat of Saturly village.
Design of Water Distribution System

The total geographical area of village is 827.28 hectares. There are about 461 houses in Saturly
village. Jawhar is nearest town to Saturly which is approximately 29km away.


 Population as per Census Data


Palsunda 680 645
Saturly 1443 2141
Vikaswadi 1365 1628
Pulachiwadi 1247 1493
Table No. 4: - Population Data

3.2 Population forecasting

Population Forecasting gives a picture of what the future population may look like, based on
knowledge of the past and taking, for the future, hypotheses based on fertility, mortality and
migrations. The demographic projections are made by INSEE based on the results of the
population census. They can be made for the whole of the territory or for any area composed
of several municipalities with a total of over 50,000 inhabitants. That could be a department,
a region, an urban area, major towns or any territory.

To calculate the number of people living in a country or in a town at some point of time in
future, the Arithmetical Progression Method will be used to forecast the population

Arithmetical Progression Method:

Design of Water Distribution System

Pn = P + Ni

Where, Pn= Population after ‘n’ years

P = Population at current date

N = Number of decades

i = Rise or fall of population from consecutive census

A) Palsunda

Difference = 645 – 680 = -35

P 2031 = 645 + 02 (-35) = 575 (∵n=02)

B) Saturly

Difference = 2141 – 1443 = +698

P 2031 = 2141 + 02 (698) = 3537

C) Vikaswadi

Difference = 1628 – 1365 = +263

P2031 = 1628 + 02 (263) = 2154

D) Pulachiwadi

Difference = 1493 – 1247 = +246

P 2031 = 1403 + 2 (246) = 1985

∴ Total = 8251

Therefore, the population after 20 years (i.e.2031), from the present available census
calculated is 8251.

3.3 Water Demand of Village

Design of Water Distribution System

 As per IS 1172: 1993

Water requirement per person = 40 Liters/Day

 Population calculated in project in year 2031 = 8251 people

∴ Total water requirement for a day = 8251 × 40

= 330,040 Liters per capita per day

3.4 Discharge

Total water requirement per day = 3,30,040 liters

We are supplying water at 02 schedules
Considering the supply of water for 04 hours

Water required for the following villages will be as follows: -
Palsunda= 575 × 40 = 23,000 liters
Saturly = 3537 × 40 = 141,480 liters
Vikaswadi = 2154 × 40 = 86,160 liters
Pulachiwadi = 1985 × 40 = 79,400 liters

∴ Water supply for Vikaswadi, Pulachiwadi, and Palsunda is 188,560 liters & water supply for
Saturly is 141,480 liters

 Discharge for Vikaswadi, Palsunda, and Pulachiwadi =
= 0.0130 m3/sec
 Discharge for Saturly =
= 9.825 × 10-3
= 0.0098 m3/sec

Design of Water Distribution System


 Water required per day = 330,040 liters

Taking 10% of wastage of water through pipes and pumps
= 330,040 + × 330,040
= 363044 Liters
= 370,000 Liters (say)

∴ ECR capacity = 400,000 liters

= 400 m3

Assuming tank height = 5m

Now D = 10m
 Volume of tank = Пr2h
400 = П × r2 × 5
r = 5.0 m 5.5m
∴ D = 10.0 m

Allowing 0.5m free board,

∴ Height of tank = 5.5

After the proper study and analyzation of water supply and distribution system we conclude
with the following data: -
Water Demand of The Villages

Design of Water Distribution System

Total Discharge
ESR Capacity
Design of Pumps pipes and Standpost
Number of taps
We also learnt about the villages (Palsunda, Pulachiwadi, Vikaswadi and Saturly), their
Population and whereabouts.
We got the knowledge about distribution reservoir and their types, methods, functions,
requirements and about their location and layout.

In further studies, we will be determining the design of pipes and pumps for the water
distribution system and estimate and find out the cost of the whole project.

 www.amrita.edu/

Design of Water Distribution System

 www.nap.edu
 SK Garg – Design of Water Supply and Distribution System
 law.resource.org
 IS:1172 – 1993
 www.usfa.fema.gov


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