John Locke Had Three Economic Laws He Believed in
John Locke Had Three Economic Laws He Believed in
John Locke Had Three Economic Laws He Believed in
natural power. He believed that a community gave up their natural rights to the government,
because they thought the government could protect their rights in a better way. He also said that if a
government breaks that trust or violates their natural rights they should be replaced. John Locke also
thought that there were some areas that the government shouldn’t mess with. He thought it was
inappropriate for them to get involved in everything. Locke stated that because God gave man the
ability to think, a well-managed government that can be fair and respect the people’s natural rights
fulfills the purpose of humanity. He believed that natural rights, their order and their laws are
permanent and that governments are only contributing to that. They contribute if they are selected
well.Philosophies & Beliefs
Locke believed that knowledge comes only from experience. He said that people are a blank slate
when they are born. They come to the world to experience and to learn things. Locke believed that
knowledge doesn’t go beyond human ideas. We are limited to experience and we cannot experience
everything in this world, therefore he believed that our knowledge was compromised. For example
he believed that we also have a way to demonstrate God’s existence due to the fact that we don’t
understand who or what He is in a complete way. We cannot just invent things in our mind and
expect them to make sense. Another example he gave was that a blind man couldn’t know what
color is because he has never experienced it, and those people who can see know there is color
because we experience it everyday. Knowledge is based only on experience.Philosophies & Beliefs
John Locke also believed in reason, and pleasure .He believed that God allowed us to reason and to
seek pleasure instead of pain. We seek things that entertain us, and that give us pleasure. We can
reason that something is not good for us, and we don’t do it anymore. We have to experience things
and reason. Locke believed that if people followed the government without any doubt, they are
surrendering their reason and seek for pleasure. They had to observe and think about what the
government was doing. They had to reason and seek for pleasure by knowing their government did
the correct things.Philosophies & Beliefs
Locke also believed in the Right to Private Property. He believed that if a man uses and creates
something from the materials and tools God gave him, then what he created is rightfully his. A man
who farms in his land to grow food is the rightful owner of that land since, he has taken the time to
build it and use it. The land is his due to his effort. Locke stated that each person who used a tool or
material God provided, to be happy and continue life, should be granted the right and ownership to
that property, creation or machine. Everyone can own something.Philosophies & Beliefs
17 Locke believed that because a child grows to be a man, he should do it in the healthiest way
possible. He believed that boys should be home-schooled, well fed, clothed, and taught to be a
healthy human being. A father should turn into a child’s friend by teaching him everything he knows.
He though that beating should never be present in a child’s life. Locke believed that a child should
be taught subjects like: geography, arithmetic, astronomy, geometry, chronology, history, etc.
Besides this, he believed that useful teachings were dancing, the love for music, gardening, among
others. Locke wanted the best education possible for a child. His theories were new and advanced
for his time.Education