Application of Statistical Concepts in The Determination of Weight Variation in Samples
Application of Statistical Concepts in The Determination of Weight Variation in Samples
Application of Statistical Concepts in The Determination of Weight Variation in Samples
1. Question 1: Differentiate and give the Standard deviation is a measure of variability or how
significance of the Q-Test and Grubbs’ Test. widely scattered the measurements obtained in a
data set are. It determines how far each data point is
Answer to Question 1: Both the Q-test and Grubb’s
from the texpected value. It takes into account all
test are statistical methods used for the
data points just as the sample mean does, and helps
determination of outliers in a data set, reducing
in analyzing the precision of observed data. [2]
errors, and improving the accuracy of the
measurements from a given sample. References:
Grubb’s test is used to determine whether or not a [1] Manikandan S. Measures of central tendency:
suspected value in a data set diverts significantly The mean. J Pharmacol Pharmacother. [Online]
enough fom the mean to be considered as an outlier 2011 ;2(2):140–142. doi:10.4103/0976-500X.81920
through the mean and standard deviation. This test
[2] Altman DG, Bland JM. Standard deviations and
assumes the normality of data distribution and may
standard errors. BMJ. [Online] 2005 ;331(7521):903.
only eliminate one outlier at a time from a given set
of data. It is best used in testing for a single outlier. [1]