Motorola ST v1.5
Motorola ST v1.5
Motorola ST v1.5
Security Target
Version 1.5
Motorola WS5100 Wireless Switch and RFS7000 RF Switch Security Target
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Motorola WS5100 Wireless Switch and RFS7000 RF Switch Security Target
6.1.6 Protection of the TSF .............................................................................................................. 42
6.1.7 TOE Access ............................................................................................................................ 43
6.1.8 Trusted Path/Channels ........................................................................................................... 43
6.2 Assurance Measures ................................................................................................43
7 PP Claims .............................................................................................................. 46
8 Rationale ............................................................................................................... 47
8.1 Rationale for Security Objectives ............................................................................47
8.2 Rationale for Security Objectives in the TOE Environment ...................................60
8.3 Rationale for TOE Security Requirements ..............................................................61
8.4 Rationale for TOE IT Environment Security Requirements....................................70
8.5 Rationale for Assurance Requirements ..................................................................74
8.6 Satisfaction of Dependencies ..................................................................................74
8.7 Rationale for Strength of Function Claims..............................................................75
8.8 Rationale for Explicit requirements .........................................................................75
8.9 TOE Summary Specification Rationale ...................................................................78
8.10 PP Claims Rationale .................................................................................................83
9 Appendix ............................................................................................................... 84
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Motorola WS5100 Wireless Switch and RFS7000 RF Switch Security Target
Table of Tables
Table Page
Document History
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Motorola WS5100 Wireless Switch and RFS7000 RF Switch Security Target
TOE Identification:
Document Title: Motorola WS5100 Wireless Switch and RFS7000 RF Switch Security Target,
Document Version 1.5, May 20, 2009
CC Version: Common Criteria Version 2.3
Assurance Level: EAL4 augmented with ALC_FLR.2
Strength of Function: SOF-basic
Protection Profile: US Government Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) Access System
Protection Profile for Basic Robustness Environments, Version 1.0, April
1.4 Conventions
The notation, formatting, and conventions used in this ST are consistent with version 2.3 of the
Common Criteria (CC).
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Motorola WS5100 Wireless Switch and RFS7000 RF Switch Security Target
The CC allows several operations to be performed on functional requirements; refinement,
selection, assignment, and iteration are defined in paragraph 2.1.4 of Part 2 of the CC. Each of
these operations is used in this ST.
The refinement operation is used to add detail to a requirement, and thus further restricts a
requirement. Refinement of security requirements is denoted by bold text. Deleted words are
denoted by strike-through text.
The selection operation is used to select one or more options provided by the CC in stating a
requirement. Selections are denoted by italicized text.
The assignment operation is used to assign a specific value to an unspecified parameter, such as
the length of a password. Assignment is indicated by showing the value in square brackets,
The iteration operation is used when a component is repeated with varying operations. Iteration is
denoted by showing the iteration number in parenthesis following the component identifier,
The CC paradigm also allows protection profile (PP) and security target authors to create their own
requirements. Such requirements are termed ‘explicit requirements’ and are permitted if the CC
does not offer suitable requirements to meet the authors’ needs. Explicit requirements must be
identified and are required to use the CC class/family/component model in articulating the
requirements. In this ST, explicit requirements will be indicated with the “EXP” following the
component name.
Application Notes are provided to help the developer, either to clarify the intent of a requirement,
identify implementation choices, or to define “pass-fail” criteria for a requirement. For those
components where Application Notes are appropriate, the Application Notes will follow the
requirement component.
Assumptions: TOE security environment assumptions are given names beginning with “A.”-- e.g.,
Threats: TOE security environment threats are given names beginning with “T.”-- e.g.,
Policies: TOE security environment policies are given names beginning with “P.”—e.g.,
Objectives: Security objectives for the TOE and the TOE environment are given names beginning
with “O.” and “OE.”, respectively,—e.g., O.ACCESS and OE.ADMIN.
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Motorola WS5100 Wireless Switch and RFS7000 RF Switch Security Target
2 TOE Description
2.1 Overview
This Security Target describes two TOEs which have the same security functionality, but different
performance and hardware characteristics.
Motorola WS5100 Wireless Switch is a rack-mounted hardware device with 1U chassis. It supports
up to 48 wireless access points. The device includes two Gigabit Ethernet ports, which provide
network connectivity. An RS232 Serial port is used for local administration.
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Admin IPSec/VPN tunnel
The TOE is a device used to control operation of multiple wireless access points and to provide
secure Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) connectivity to a set of wireless client devices. The
TOE is installed at a wired network location, and is logically connected to a set of wireless access
point devices over a wired Ethernet network. Wireless access point devices are hardware radio
devices, which do not provide security functionalities and are used to tunnel wireless network traffic
between the TOE and wireless client devices.
The TOE protects data exchanged with wireless client devices using IEEE 802.11i wireless security
protocol, which provides data authentication and encryption using the AES-CCM cryptographic
algorithm. The TOE uses FIPS 140-2 compliant cryptographic implementations for all cryptographic
purposes and is operated in the FIPS 140-2 approved mode of operation.
Wireless users are required to authenticate before access to the wired network is granted by the
TOE. The authentication is based on IEEE 802.1X EAP-TLS, EAP-TTLS and PEAP authentication
protocols. The TOE acts as the 802.1X authenticator and utilizes services of an external RADIUS
authentication server to provide wireless user authentication. During the authentication phase the
TOE serves as an intermediary passing authentication messages between the wireless client
device and the external authentication server. If the authentication is successful, the authentication
server passes to the TOE 802.11i session keys used to establish a 802.11i secure connection
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between the TOE and the wireless client device. Once the connection is established, the wireless
client device may access the protected wired network utilizing the TOE as a gateway. The network
connection between the TOE and the external authentication server is protected using the
IPSec/IKE security protocol. EAP-TLS authentication protocol uses a client certificate for wireless
user authentication, EAP-TTLS and PEAP protocols use password-based authentication.
The TOE provides remote management capabilities using SSH security protocol, as well as local
management capabilities via a local serial port connection. The TOE administrators are required to
authenticate using a username/password combination. The TOE provides an option to authenticate
administrators against an internal administrator database, or against the external authentication
server, however only internal administrator database is used in the evaluated configuration.
The TOE provides capabilities to terminate idle wireless user and administrator sessions after the
inactivity time limit has been reached, as well as disable a remote administrator account after a pre-
defined number of failed authentication attempts had been reached. The account can then be re-
enabled using a local serial port administration session.
The TOE provides auditing capabilities which utilize services of an external syslog audit server. The
network connection between the TOE and the external audit server is secured using IPSec/IKE
security protocol.
The TOE utilizes services of an external Network Time Protocol (NTP) server to obtain reliable time
stamps used in audit records. The network connection between the TOE and the external NTP
server is secured using IPSec/IKE security protocol.
The TOE provides capabilities to run a set of self-tests on power-on and on demand to verify the
integrity and critical functions of the TOE. The security of network data is maintained by zeroizing
the memory location corresponding to a network packet, after the packet has been processed by
the TOE.
The TOE is a standalone rack-mounted hardware device, which includes a set of general-purpose
and network processors that execute the TOE software, as well as volatile and non-volatile storage
components. The physical boundary of the TOE is composed of a metal and hard plastic case and
meets the physical security requirements of FIPS 140-2 at Security Level 2. Tamper-evident seals
are applied to the TOE enclosure to satisfy the tamper evidence requirements of the FIPS 140-2
standard at Security Level 2.
The TOE physical boundary includes a set of network Ethernet ports used to provide network
connectivity, a serial console port used for local administration, a set of status LEDs as well as a
power port used to provide a source of external electric power.
The identification of the TOE is provided in Section 1.1 “Security Target Identification”. The scope of
evaluation is comprised by evaluation of TOE security functions specified in Section 6.1 of this
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The following wireless security protocols are disabled in the FIPS 140-2 mode of operation and are
not included in this evaluation: WEP, WPA, TKIP.
The following TOE features are not included in the evaluation: intrusion detection, protection
against denial-of-service attacks, roaming of mobile clients across distributed networks, stateful
packet analysis, network address translation, 802.11 traffic prioritization and precedence, Wi-Fi
multimedia extensions.
2.4 IT Environment
As described in Section 2.1 the TOE uses services of an external RADIUS authentication server for
user authentication. The authentication server supports EAP-TLS, EAP-TTLS and PEAP
authentication protocols.
Reliable time stamps are provided by an external Network Time Protocol (NTP) server.
Audit records generated by the TOE are transmitted to the external syslog audit server. The audit
server provides protected storage for audit records, as well as a capability to view and search audit
Network connections between the TOE and external authentication, audit and time servers are
protected by a trusted channel, as required by the WLANAS PP. The IPSec/IKE security protocol is
used to establish secure network connections for the trusted channel.
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Name Assumption
A.NO_EVIL Administrators are non-hostile, appropriately trained and follow all
administrator guidance.
A.NO_GENERAL_PURPOSE There are no general-purpose computing or storage repository
capabilities (e.g., compilers, editors, or user applications) available
on the TOE.
A.PHYSICAL Physical security, commensurate with the value of the TOE and the
data it contains, is assumed to be provided by the environment
A.TOE_NO_BYPASS Wireless clients are configured so that information cannot flow
between a wireless client and any other wireless client or host
networked to the TOE without passing through the TOE.
Threats are actions that may have an adverse affect on the TOE. Exposure of wireless
communications in the RF transmission environment introduces unique threats for the WLAN. The
WLAN interconnected to a wired network could effectively create a hole in the wired infrastructure
boundary because it exposes information to the RF medium where signals can be more readily
detected and intercepted. With WLANs, an adversary no longer requires physical access to the
network to exploit a wireless system. For basic robustness, the threats identified do not include
those that would be considered a sophisticated attack (e.g., intentional jamming, traffic analysis)
The TOE must counter the following threats to security. The threats to security are identical to those
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T.ACCIDENTAL_ CRYPTO_ A user or process may cause key, data or executable code
COMPROMISE associated with the cryptographic functionality to be
inappropriately accessed (viewed, modified, or deleted), thus
compromising the cryptographic mechanisms and the data
protected by those mechanisms.
A user or process may masquerade as another entity in order
to gain unauthorized access to data or TOE resources.
Unintentional errors in requirements specification or design of
the TOE may occur, leading to flaws that may be exploited by
a casually mischievous user or program.
The developer or tester performs insufficient tests to
demonstrate that all TOE security functions operate correctly
(including in a fielded TOE) may occur, resulting in incorrect
TOE behavior being undiscovered leading to flaws that may
be exploited by a mischievous user or program.
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T.UNAUTH_ADMIN_ACCESS An unauthorized user or process may gain access to an
administrative account.
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4 Security Objectives
O.CORRECT_TSF_OPERATION The TOE will provide the capability to verify the correct
operation of the TSF.
O.CRYPTOGRAPHY The TOE shall provide cryptographic functions to maintain
the confidentiality and allow for detection of modification of
user data that is transmitted between physically separated
portions of the TOE, or outside of the TOE.
O.CRYPTOGRAPHY_VALIDATED The TOE will use NIST FIPS 140-1/2 validated crypto
modules for cryptographic services implementing NIST-
approved security functions and random number generation
services used by cryptographic functions.
O.MEDIATE The TOE must mediate the flow of information to and from
wireless clients communicating via the TOE in accordance
with its security policy.
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O.RESIDUAL_ INFORMATION The TOE will ensure that any information contained in a
protected resource within its Scope of Control is not released
when the resource is reallocated.
O.SELF_PROTECTION The TSF will maintain a domain for its own execution that
protects itself and its resources from external interference,
tampering, or unauthorized disclosure through its own
The assumptions identified in Section 3.1 are incorporated as security objectives for the
environment and listed below. They levy additional requirements on the environment, which are
largely satisfied through procedural or administrative measures. Table 4-2 Security Objectives for
the IT and Non IT Environment identifies the security objectives for the TOE IT and Non
environment. The objectives are identical to those of WLANAS PP.
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OE.AUDIT_PROTECTION The IT Environment will provide the capability to protect audit
information and the authentication credentials.
OE.NO_EVIL Sites using the TOE shall ensure that administrators are non-
hostile, appropriately trained and follow all administrator
There are no general-purpose computing or storage repository
capabilities (e.g., compilers, editors, or user applications)
available on the TOE.
OE.PHYSICAL The environment provides physical security commensurate with
the value of the TOE and the data it contains.
OE.SELF_PROTECTION The environment will maintain a domain for its own execution
that protects itself and its resources from external interference,
tampering, or unauthorized disclosure through its own interfaces.
OE.TIME_STAMPS The TOE IT environment shall provide reliable time stamps and
the capability for the administrator to set the time used for these
time stamps.
OE.TOE_ACCESS The environment will provide mechanisms that support the TOE
in providing a user’s logical access to the TOE.
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5 IT Security Requirements
This section provides functional and assurance requirements that must be satisfied by the TOE and
the IT environment.
In the event that a probabilistic mechanism, such as a password mechanism for user and/or
administrator authentication is used, then the expectation is that for each attempt to use the
authentication mechanism, the probability that a random attempt will succeed is less than one in a
million. FIA_UAU.1 includes the following probabilistic/permutational mechanisms for which specific
SOF metrics are appropriate: password-based authentication.
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FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction FTP_ITC.1 or
FCS_COP_EXP.1 Explicit: random number generation [FTP_ITC.1or
FCS_COP_EXP.2 Explicit: cryptographic operation [FTP_ITC.1 or
FDP_PUD_EXP.1 Protection of user data None
FDP_RIP.1(1) Subset residual information protection None
FIA_AFL.1(1) Administrator authentication failure FIA_UAU.1
FIA_ATD.1(1) Administrator attribute definition None
FIA_UAU.1 Timing of local authentication FIA_UID.1
FIA_UAU_EXP.5(1) Multiple authentication mechanisms None
FIA_UID.2 User identification before any action None
FIA_USB.1(1) User-subject binding FIA_ATD.1(1)
FIA_USB.1(2) User-subject binding FIA_ATD.1(1)
FMT_MOF.1(1) Management of security functions FMT_SMF.1(1)
behavior (cryptographic function)
FMT_MOF.1(2) Management of security functions FMT_SMF.1(2)
behavior (audit record generation)
FMT_MOF.1(3) Management of security functions FMT_SMF.1(3)
behavior (authentication)
FMT_MSA.2 Secure security attributes ADV_SPM.1
[FDP_ACC.1 or
FMT_MTD.1(1) Management of audit data FMT_SMR.1(1)
FMT_MTD.1(2) Management of authentication data FMT_SMR.1(1)
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(administrator) FMT_SMF.1(1)
FMT_SMF.1(1) Specification of management functions None
(cryptographic functions)
FMT_SMF.1(2) Specification of management functions None
(TOE audit record generation)
FMT_SMF.1(3) Specification of management functions None
(Cryptographic key data)
FMT_SMR.1(1) Security roles FIA_UID.1
FPT_RVM.1(1) Non-bypassability of the TOE Security None
Policy (TSP)
FPT_SEP.1(1) TSF domain separation None
FPT_STM_EXP.1 Reliable time stamps None
FPT_TST_EXP.2 TSF testing of cryptographic modules FCS_CKM.2, FCS_CKM.4,
FTA_SSL.3 TSF-initiated termination None
FTA_TAB.1 Default TOE access banners None
FTP_ITC_EXP.1(1) Inter-TSF trusted channel None
FTP_TRP.1 Trusted path None
FAU_GEN.1.1(1) The TSF shall be able to generate an audit record of the following auditable
a) Start-up and shutdown of the audit functions;
b) All auditable events for the minimum level of audit; and
c) [none].
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FMT_MOF.1(3) Changes to the TOE remote authentication settings; The identity of the
Changes to the threshold of failed authentication Administrator performing
attempts; the function.
Changes to the session lock timeframe
FAU_GEN.1.2(1) The TSF shall record within each audit record at least the following
a) Date and time of the event, type of event, subject identity (if applicable), and the outcome
(success or failure) of the event; and
b) For each audit event type, based on the auditable event definitions of the functional components
included in the PP/ST, [information specified in column three of Table in FAU_GEN.1.1(1)].
Application Note: Event type is defined as the BSD syslog severity level indicator, in the Terminology section
of the WLANAS PP.
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Motorola WS5100 Wireless Switch and RFS7000 RF Switch Security Target FAU_GEN.2 User identity association
FAU_GEN.2.1 For audit events resulting from actions of identified users, the TSF shall be able
to associate each auditable event with the identity of the user that caused the event.
FAU_SEL.1.1 The TSF shall be able to include or exclude auditable events from the set of audited
events based on the following attributes:
Application Note: Event type is defined as the BSD syslog severity level indicator, in the Terminology section
of the WLANAS PP.
Application Note: The device interface is the physical interface upon which user (or administrative) data is
received/sent (e.g. WLAN interface, wired LAN interface, serial port, administrative LAN interface, etc.).
FCS_BCM_EXP.1.1 All cryptographic modules shall comply with FIPS 140-1/2 when performing
FIPS approved cryptographic functions in FIPS approved cryptographic modes of operation.
FCS_BCM_EXP.1.2 The cryptographic module implemented shall have a minimum overall rating
of Level 1.
FCS_BCM_EXP.1.3 The FIPS validation testing of the TOE cryptographic module(s) shall be in
conformance with FIPS 140-1, 140-2, or the most recently approved FIPS 140 standard for which
NIST is accepting validation reports from Cryptographic Modules Testing laboratories.
FCS_CKM.1.1 The TSF shall generate cryptographic keys in accordance with a specified
cryptographic key generation algorithm [ANSI X9.31 PRNG] and specified cryptographic key sizes
[112-bit Triple DES, 168-bit Triple DES, 128-bit AES, 196-bit AES, 256-bit AES, 1024-bit RSA] that
meet the following: [FIPS 140-2 standard].
FCS_CKM_EXP.2.1 The TSF shall provide the following cryptographic key establishment
technique: Cryptographic Key Establishment using Manual Loading. The cryptomodule shall be able
to accept as input and be able to output keys in the following circumstances [upon issuance of the
key input/output command by the administrator] in accordance with a specified manual
cryptographic key distribution method using FIPS-approved Key Management techniques that
meets the FIPS 140-1/2 Key Management Security Levels 1, Key Entry and Output.
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Motorola WS5100 Wireless Switch and RFS7000 RF Switch Security Target FCS_CKM.4 Cryptographic key destruction
FCS_CKM.4.1 The TSF shall destroy cryptographic keys in accordance with a specified key
destruction method [cryptographic key zeroization method] that meets the following:[
a) The Key Zeroization Requirements in FIPS PUB 140-1/2 Key Management Security Levels 1;
b) Zeroization of all private cryptographic keys, plaintext cryptographic keys, key data, and all other
critical cryptographic security parameters shall be immediate and complete; and
c) The zeroization shall be executed by overwriting the key/critical cryptographic security parameter
storage area three or more times with an alternating pattern.
d) The TSF shall overwrite each intermediate storage area for private cryptographic keys, plaintext
cryptographic keys, and all other critical security parameters three or more times with an alternating
pattern upon the transfer of the key/CSPs to another location.]
Application Note: Item (d) applies to locations that are used when the keys/parameters are copied during
processing, and not to the locations that are used for storage of the keys, which are specified in items (b) and
(c). The temporary locations could include memory registers, physical memory locations, and even page files
and memory dumps. Configuring the key data may include: setting key lifetimes, setting key length, etc.
FCS_COP_EXP.1.1 The TSF shall perform all Random Number Generation used by the
cryptographic functionality of the TSF using a FIPS-approved Random Number Generator
implemented in a FIPS-approved cryptomodule running in a FIPS-approved mode.
Application Note: Whenever a referenced standard calls for a random number generation capability, this
requirement specifies the subset of random number generators (those that are FIPS-validated) that are
acceptable. Although the RNG is required to be implemented in a FIPS cryptomodule, it is not required that it
be implemented in the cryptomodule that is performing the cryptographic operations that satisfy
FCS_COP_EXP.2. Also note that this requirement is not calling for the RNG functionality to be made
generally available (e.g., to untrusted users via an API).
FCS_COP_EXP.2.1(1) A cryptomodule shall perform encryption and decryption using the FIPS-
140-1/2 Approved AES algorithm and operating in [CCM mode, CBC mode] and supporting FIPS
approved key sizes of [128 bits, 196 bits, 256 bits].
FCS_COP_EXP.2.1(2) A cryptomodule shall perform encryption and decryption using the FIPS-
140-1/2 Approved Triple DES algorithm and operating in [CBC mode] and supporting FIPS
approved key sizes of [112 bits, 168 bits].
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Motorola WS5100 Wireless Switch and RFS7000 RF Switch Security Target FDP_PUD_EXP.1 Protection of user data
FDP_PUD_EXP.1.1 When the administrator has enabled encryption, the TSF shall:
encrypt authenticated user data transmitted to a wireless client from the radio interface of the
wireless access system using the cryptographic algorithm(s) specified in FCS_COP_EXP.2
utilizing 802.11i wireless security protocol;
decrypt authenticated user data received from a wireless client by the radio interface of the wireless
access system using the cryptographic algorithm(s) specified in FCS_COP_EXP.2 utilizing 802.11i
wireless security protocol.
Application Note: This requirement allows the TOE administrator to require that all user data transmitted on
the WLAN be encrypted using the cryptographic algorithms specified by FCS_COP.
FDP_RIP.1.1(1) The TSF shall ensure that any previous information content of a resource is made
unavailable upon the deallocation of the resource from the following objects: [network packet
Application Note: This requirement ensures that the TOE does not allow data from a previously transmitted
packet to be inserted into unused areas or padding in the current packet.
FIA_AFL.1.1(1) The TSF shall detect when an administrator configurable positive integer within the
range of [1 to 1024] of unsuccessful authentication attempts occur related to [remote administrators
logging on to the WLAN access system].
FIA_AFL.1.2(1) When the defined number of unsuccessful authentication attempts has been met or
surpassed, the TSF shall [prevent remote login by administrators until an action is taken by a local
Application Note: This requirement applies to remote administrator login and does not apply to the local
login of the TOE, since it does not make sense to lock a local administrator’s account in this fashion. For the
purpose of the WLANAS PP, remote administrator refers to administrators that do not have either Serial
cable or local console access to the TOE.
Application Note: This requirement does NOT require that the TOE allow remote administration. However, if
the TOE does allow administrators to login to the TOE remotely (e.g. from the wired interface or a
management network) then it must provide a mechanism to prevent brute force attacks on the administrative
FIA_ATD.1.1(1) The TSF shall maintain the following minimum list of security attributes belonging
to individual administrators: [password, [no additional attributes]].
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Motorola WS5100 Wireless Switch and RFS7000 RF Switch Security Target FIA_UAU.1 Timing of local authentication
FIA_UAU.1.1 The TSF shall allow [identification as provided in FIA_UID.2] on behalf of the user
users to be performed before the user is authenticated.
FIA_UAU.1.2 The TSF shall require each user to be successfully authenticated before allowing any
other TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that user.
FIA_UAU_EXP.5.2(1) The TSF shall, at the option of the administrator, invoke the remote
password-based authentication mechanism for administrators and the remote EAP-TLS, EAP-
TTLS, or PEAP-based authentication mechanism for wireless LAN users.
Application Note: This explicit requirement is needed for local administrators because there is disagreement
over whether existing CC requirements specifically require the TSF provide authentication. That the TOE
provide authentication is implied by other FIA_UAU requirements, and generally assumed to be a
requirement when other FIA_UAU requirements are included in a TOE. In order to remove any potential
confusion about this ST, an explicit requirement for authentication has been included. This ST mandates that
the TOE provide the client to facilitate remote authentication via an authentication server. The IT
environment will provide the authentication server, and it is important to specify that the TSF must provide
the means for local administrator authentication in case the TOE cannot communicate with the authentication
Since FIA_UAU.5.1(1) and 5.2(1) require that the TSF provide authentication mechanisms, this explicit
requirement is needed with respect to the remote users to specify that the TSF invoke a remote authentication
mechanism rather than provide it.
FIA_UID.2.1 The TSF shall require each user to identify itself before allowing any other TSF-
mediated actions on behalf of that user.
Application Note: This requirement does not refer to management and control packets that must be allowed to
pass between the WLAN client and the access system before authentication. It is assumed that this information
is not user specific and therefore not covered by this requirement.
Application Note: It is also important to note that the identification credential presented to the authentication
server (e.g. a user name) will be related to but not necessarily the same as the identification credential (e.g.
MAC address of a remote system) that is used to enforce FDP_PUD_EXP.
FIA_USB.1.1(1) The TSF shall associate the following wireless user security attributes with
subjects acting on the behalf of that user: [username].
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FIA_USB.1.2(1) The TSF shall enforce the following rules on the initial association of user security
attributes with subjects acting on the behalf of users: [upon successful identification and
authentication the username shall be that of the user that has authenticated successfully].
FIA_USB.1.3(1) The TSF shall enforce the following rules governing changes to the user security
attributes associated with subjects acting on the behalf of users: [no changes shall be allowed].
FIA_USB.1.1(2) The TSF shall associate the following administrator user security attributes with
subjects acting on the behalf of that user: [username].
FIA_USB.1.2(2) The TSF shall enforce the following rules on the initial association of user security
attributes with subjects acting on the behalf of users: [upon successful identification and
authentication the username shall be that of the user that has authenticated successfully].
FIA_USB.1.3(2) The TSF shall enforce the following rules governing changes to the user security
attributes associated with subjects acting on the behalf of users: [no changes shall be allowed].
FMT_MOF.1.1(1) The TSF shall restrict the ability to modify the behavior of the cryptographic
functions [
• Crypto: execute self tests of TOE hardware and the cryptographic functions]
to [administrators].
FMT_MOF.1.1(2) The TSF shall restrict the ability to enable, disable, and modify the behavior of the
functions [
to [administrators].
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Motorola WS5100 Wireless Switch and RFS7000 RF Switch Security Target FMT_MOF.1(3) Management of authentication security functions behavior
FMT_MOF.1.1(3) The TSF shall restrict the ability to modify the behavior of the Authentication
functions [
• Auth: set the number of authentication failures that must occur before the TOE takes action to
disallow future logins
• Auth: set the length of time a session may remain inactive before it is terminated]
to [administrators].
FMT_MSA.2.1 The TSF shall ensure that only secure values are accepted for security attributes.
FMT_MTD.1.1(1) The TSF shall restrict the ability to query, modify, clear, [create] the [set of rules
used to pre-select audit events] to [the administrator].
FMT_MTD.1.1(2) The TSF shall restrict the ability to query, modify, delete, clear, [create] the
[authentication credentials] to [administrators].
FMT_SMF.1.1(1) The TSF shall be capable of performing the following security management
functions: [configure administrator authentication, query and set the encryption/decryption of
network packets (via FCS_COP_EXP.2) in conformance with the administrators configuration of the
Application Note: This requirement ensures that those responsible for TOE administration are able to select
an encryption algorithm identified in FCS_COP_EXP.2 or no encryption for encrypting/decrypting data
transmitted by the WLAN device.
FMT_SMF.1.1(2) The TSF shall be capable of performing the following security management
functions: [query, enable or disable Security Audit].
Application Note: This requirement ensures that those responsible for TOE administration are able to start or
stop the TOE generation of audit records
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Motorola WS5100 Wireless Switch and RFS7000 RF Switch Security Target FMT_SMF.1(3) Specification of management functions (cryptographic key data)
FMT_SMF.1.1(3) The TSF shall be capable of performing the following security management
functions: [query, set, modify, and delete the cryptographic keys and key data in support of
FDP_PUD_EXP and enable/disable verification of cryptographic key testing].
Application Note: The intent of this requirement is to provide the ability to configure the TOE’s cryptographic
key(s). Configuring the key data may include: setting key lifetimes, setting key length, etc.
FMT_SMR.1.1(1) The TSF shall maintain the roles [administrator, wireless user].
Application Note: The only user allowed direct access to the TOE is the administrator. Wireless users can
pass data through the TOE but do not have direct access. A role of wireless user is included in the TOE, but
the scope of that role should be defined only to the extent necessary to support the activities of wireless users
passing data through the TOE.
This ST also assumes that the TOE will contain a local authentication mechanism and the capability to use a
remote authentication server. Although users are sometimes referred to as local or remote, these references
do not imply a role.
FPT_RVM.1.1(1) The TSF shall ensure that TSP enforcement functions are invoked and succeed
before each function within the TSC is allowed to proceed.
FPT_SEP.1.1(1) The TSF shall maintain a security domain for its own execution that protects it
from interference and tampering by untrusted subjects.
FPT_SEP.1.2(1) The TSF shall enforce separation between the security domains of subjects in the
FPT_STM_EXP.1.1 The TSF shall be able to provide reliable time stamps, synchronized via an
external time source, for its own use.
Application Note: The TOE must be capable of obtaining a time stamp via an NTP server.
FPT_TST_EXP.1.1 The TSF shall run a suite of self-tests during initial start-up and upon request, to
demonstrate the correct operation of the hardware portions of the TSF.
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FPT_TST_EXP.1.2 The TSF shall provide the capability to use a TSF-provided cryptographic
function to verify the integrity of all TSF data except the following: audit data, [temporary files, page
files, configuration files, core dumps, data stored in volatile memory].
FPT_TST_EXP.1.3 The TSF shall provide the capability to use a TSF-provided cryptographic
function to verify the integrity of stored TSF executable code.
FPT_TST_EXP.2.1 The TSF shall run the suite of self-tests provided by the FIPS 140-1/2
cryptomodule during initial start-up (power on) and upon request, to demonstrate the correct
operation of the cryptographic components of the TSF.
FPT_TST_EXP.2.2 The TSF shall be able to run the suite of self-tests provided by the FIPS 140-
1/2 cryptomodule immediately after the generation of a key.
Application Note: In 2.2 it is required that there be specific functionality IF the TOE generates cryptographic
keys. This requirement does not require the TOE to generate keys.
FTA_SSL.3.1 The TSF shall terminate an a local interactive or wireless session after a an
[administrator configurable time interval of user inactivity].
Application Note: This requirement applies to both local administrative sessions and wireless users that pass
data through the TOE.
FTA_TAB.1.1 Before establishing a user session, the TSF shall display an advisory warning
message regarding unauthorized use of the TOE.
FTP_ITC_EXP.1.2(1) The TSF shall permit the TSF, or the IT Environment entities to initiate
communication via the trusted channel.
FTP_ITC_EXP.1.3(1) The TSF shall initiate communication via the trusted channel for [all
authentication functions, remote logging, time, none].
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Motorola WS5100 Wireless Switch and RFS7000 RF Switch Security Target FTP_TRP.1 Trusted path
FTP_TRP.1.1 The TSF shall provide a communication path between itself and wireless users that
is logically distinct from other communication paths and provides assured identification of its end
points and protection of the communicated data from modification, replay or disclosure.
FTP_TRP.1.2 The TSF shall permit wireless client devices to initiate communication via the
trusted path.
FTP_TRP.1.3 The TSF shall require the use of the trusted path for wireless user authentication,
Application Note: This requirement ensures that the initial exchange of authentication information between
the wireless client and the access system is protected.
This ST includes functional requirements for the IT Environment. The IT environment includes an
authentication server, a time server and an audit server.
In support of the audit server, the environment shall provide the capability to protect audit
information and authentication credentials. The environment shall also provide the capability to
selectively view the audit data.
In support of the authentication server, the environment shall provide facilities to manage
authentication information and limit brute force password attacks.
It is expected that the communications between these entities and the TOE will be protected. In
addition, the TOE IT environment is responsible for protecting itself and ensuring that its security
mechanisms cannot be bypassed.
The IT Environment security functional requirements are listed in Table 5-3 Functional
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FAU_GEN.1.1(2) The TOE IT Environment shall be able to generate an audit record of the
following auditable events:
c. [none].
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FAU_GEN.1.2(2) The TOE IT environment shall record within each audit record at least the
following information:
a) Date and time of the event, type of event, subject identity (if applicable), and the outcome
(success or failure) of the event; and
b) For each audit event type, based on the auditable event definitions of the functional components
included in the PP/ST, [information specified in column three of Table in FAU_GEN.1.1(2)].
Application Note: Event type is defined as the BSD syslog severity level indicator in the Terminology section
of the WLANAS PP.
FAU_SAR.1.1 The TOE IT environment TSF shall provide only the [Administrator] with the
capability to read [all audit data] from the audit records.
FAU_SAR.1.2 The TOE IT environment TSF shall provide the audit records in a manner suitable
for the administrator to interpret the information.
Application Note: This requirement ensures that the TOE IT environment provides the administrator with
functionality necessary for the administrator to review the audit records generated by the TOE.
FAU_SAR.2.1 The TOE IT environment TSF shall prohibit all users read access to the audit
records, except those users that have been granted explicit read-access.
Application Note: This requirement ensures that access to audit records generated by the TOE is limited to
those authorized to view the information.
FAU_SAR.3.1 The TOE IT environment TSF shall provide the ability to perform searches of audit
data based on [event type, date, time and/or [no additional criteria]].
FAU_STG.1.1 The TOE IT environment TSF shall protect the stored audit records from
unauthorized deletion.
FAU_STG.1.2 The TOE IT environment TSF shall be able to prevent unauthorized modifications to
the stored audit records in the audit trail.
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Motorola WS5100 Wireless Switch and RFS7000 RF Switch Security Target FAU_STG.3 Action in case of possible audit data loss
FAU_STG.3.1 The TOE IT environment TSF shall [immediately alert the administrators by
displaying a message at the local console, none] if the audit trail exceeds [an administrator-settable
percentage of storage capacity].
FDP_RIP.1.1(2) The TOE IT Environment TSF shall ensure that any previous information content
of a resource is made unavailable upon the allocation of the resource to the following objects:
[network packet objects]
Application Note: This requirement ensures that the TOE environment does not allow data from a previously
transmitted packet to be inserted into unused areas or padding in the current packet. Since operations on
requirement for the IT environment must be completed, the selection “allocation of resources to” has been
made because it is encompassing of the two options (e.g. a system that make the information contents of
resource unavailable when the resource is freed can also claim to meet the requirement that the content of the
resource be freed prior to reallocation).
FIA_AFL.1.1(2) The TOE IT Environment TSF shall detect when an administrator configurable
positive integer within [1 to 1024] of unsuccessful authentication attempts occur related to [remote
users logging on to the WLAN access system].
FIA_AFL.1.2(2) When the defined number of unsuccessful authentication attempts has been met or
surpassed, the TSF shall [prevent the remote user from authenticating until action is taken by an
Application Note: This requirement ensures that the TOE IT Environment has the capability to detect multiple
authentication attempts and take action to disable subsequent authentication attempts.
FIA_ATD.1.1(2) The TOE IT Environment TSF shall maintain the following minimum list of
security attributes belonging to individual remotely authenticated users: [password for users
authenticating using EAP-TTLS and PEAP authentication protocols].
FIA_UAU_EXP.5.2(2) The TOE IT Environment TSF shall authenticate any user’s claimed identity
according to the [EAP-TLS, EAP-TTLS, or PEAP authentication protocols].
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Motorola WS5100 Wireless Switch and RFS7000 RF Switch Security Target FIA_UID.1 Timing of identification
FIA_UID.1.1 The TOE IT environment TSF shall allow [no actions] on behalf of the TOE remote
user to be performed before the user is identified.
FIA_UID.1.2 The TOE IT environment TSF shall require each TOE remote user to identify itself
before allowing any other IT environment or TSF-mediated actions on behalf of that TOE remote
Application Note: This requirement does not refer to management and control packets that must be allowed to
pass between the wlan client and the access system before authentication. It is assumed that this information
is not user specific and therefore not covered by this requirement.
FMT_SMF.1.1(1) The TOE IT environment TSF shall be capable of performing the following
security management functions: [configure user identification and authentication].
FMT_SMF.1.1(2) The TOE IT environment TSF shall be capable of performing the following
security management functions: [configure time stamps].
FMT_MOF.1.1(4) The TOE IT environment TSF shall restrict the ability to determine the behavior
of the functions: [
• Audit,
• Remote Authentication
• Time service]
to [the administrator].
Application Note: The TOE IT environment must be managed in conjunction with the TOE.
FMT_MTD.1.1(3) The TOE IT environment TSF shall restrict the ability to query, modify, delete,
clear, [create] the [user identification credentials] to [administrators].
FMT_MTD.1.1(4) The TOE IT environment TSF shall restrict the ability to modify the [user
authentication credentials] to [administrators].
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Motorola WS5100 Wireless Switch and RFS7000 RF Switch Security Target FMT_MTD.1(5) Management of time data
FMT_MTD.1.1(5) The TOE IT environment shall restrict the ability to [set] the [time and date used
to form the time stamps in FPT_STM.1] to [the Security Administrator or authorized IT entity].
FMT_SMR.1.1(2) The TOE IT environment TSF shall maintain the roles [administrator].
FMT_SMR.1.2(2) The TOE IT environment TSF shall be able to associate users with roles.
Application Note: The TOE IT environment must include an administrative role for its own management.
FTP_ITC_EXP.1.2(2) The TOE IT Environment TSF shall permit the TSF, or the TOE IT
Environment entities to initiate communication via the trusted channel.
FTP_ITC_EXP.1.3(2) The TOE IT environment TSF shall initiate communication via the trusted
channel for [all authentication functions, remote logging, time, none].
Application Note: For FTP_ITC_EXP.1.1(2) it is expected that the environment be able to provide and
encrypted channel between the environment and the TOE. This is to provide for communications between
itself and the TOE, as end points, to protect the communications between the TOE and the IT environment.
FPT_RVM.1.1(2) The TOE IT Environment TSF shall ensure that IT environment TSP
enforcement functions are invoked and succeed before each function within the IT environmental
scope of control TSC is allowed to proceed.
FPT_SEP.1.1(2) The TOE IT Environment TSF shall maintain a security domain for its own
execution that protects it from interference and tampering by untrusted subjects.
FPT_SEP.1.2(2) The TOE IT Environment TSF shall enforce separation between the security
domains of subjects in the IT environmental scope of control.
FPT_STM.1.1 The TOE IT environment TSF shall be able to provide reliable time and date
stamps for the TOE and its own use.
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Application Note: The TOE IT environment must provide reliable time stamps (for example: an NTP server).
It is also acceptable for the TOE to satisfy this requirement by providing its own time stamp.
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AVA_SOF.1 Strength of TOE security function evaluation
AVA_VLA.2 Independent vulnerability analysis
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The Security Audit function includes generation of audit events for startup/shutdown of audit
functions, modifications to the audit configuration, manual load of a key, cryptographic key transfer
errors, cryptographic key destruction, enabling/disabling wireless encryption, reaching of the
unsuccessful authentication attempts threshold and re-enabling the user, user authentication
attempts, authentication server failures, configuration of security functions, execution of self tests,
initiation/closure of a trusted channel, and initiation of a trusted path. The specific events are listed
as a part of FAU_GEN.1(1) definition. Audit events include at least date and time of the event, type
of event, subject identify (if applicable), and outcome (success or failure) of the event. For some
events additional information is included, as specified in FAU_GEN.1(1). For each identified user,
the username is included in the audit event record. The TOE provides an ability to include/exclude
events based on username, threshold syslog level, device interface and wireless client MAC
The following syslog levels are supported:
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The audit events records are transmitted to the external audit server over a secure IPSec/IKE
Reliable time stamps are used for audit records.
The TOE utilizes cryptographic functions for the purposes of wireless data protection using 802.11i
protocol, for SSH trusted path used for the TOE administration, as well as for IPSec/IKE trusted
channel established between the TOE and external authentication, audit and time servers.
The cryptographic module implemented by the TOE complies with FIPS 140-2 requirements at
Security Level 2. The module implements cryptographic algorithms as specified in FCS_CKM.1,
FCS_COP_EXP.2(1), and FCS_COP_EXP.2(2). A key zeroization function implemented by the
module zeroizes all cryptographic keys and critical security parameters by overwriting the storage
area three times with an alternating pattern. All intermediate storage areas for cryptographic keys
and critical security parameters are zeroized upon the transfer of the key or CSP to another
location. The module implements an administrator command to manually input/output cryptographic
keys, including the IPSec/IKE pre-shared keys and RADIUS authentication key.
The module employs ANSI X9.31 FIPS 140-2 approved random number generator for key
generation purposes.
The TOE implements a capability to protect authenticated user data exchanged with a wireless
client using 802.11i wireless security protocol, which utilizes AES-CCM encryption with 128-bit
keys. The keys are dynamically established by the external authentication server during EAP-TLS,
EAP-TTLS or PEAP authentication phase, and then transferred from the authentication server to
the TOE over a protected IPSec/IKE channel.
The memory locations corresponding to 802.11i and IP network packets processed by the TOE are
zeroized when the packet is processed.
The TOE keeps a local database of administrator usernames and passwords and utilizes password-
based authentication to authenticate administrators connecting remotely using SSH protocol, or
locally using a serial console connection. The TOE also provides a capability to authenticate
administrator against an external RADIUS authentication server, however only internal
administrator database is used in the evaluated configuration. When a pre-defined number of
unsuccessful authentication attempts for a remote administrator has been reached, the
administrator user is disabled until re-enabled using a local console connection.
The TOE authenticates wireless users utilizing an external RADIUS authentication server, which
implements EAP-TLS, EAP-TTLS and PEAP protocols. The trusted channel between the TOE and
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the external authentication server is protected using IPSec/IKE security protocol with pre-shared
keys. EAP-TLS uses a client certificate for user authentication, the username is embedded in the
certificate. EAP-TTLS and PEAP use a password for user authentication.
No services are provided by the TOE until the user is successfully identified and authenticated.
The TOE provides remote management using SSH protocol, as well as local management utilizing
a serial console connection.
The management interfaces provide capabilities to add, view and remove IPSec/IKE and RADIUS
cryptographic keys and key lifetime, create/delete administrator users and set administrator
passwords, set maximum number of unsuccessful administrator authentication attempts, re-enable
administrators, set maximum session idle time for administrators and wireless users, enable/disable
wireless encryption, enable/disable the use of an authentication server, set IP addresses of remote
authentication, audit and time servers, execute self-tests, set cryptographic algorithms used by
IPSec/IKE, zeroize cryptographic keys and CSPs, start and stop audit functions, execute self-tests,
select events which trigger an audit record, enable/disable verification of cryptographic key testing,
as well as view the corresponding settings.
All management functions require assumption of the administrator role upon successful
authentication of the administrator.
The TOE provides for non-bypassability of the TOE Security Policy, and TSF domain separation.
The TSP enforcement functions are invoked and succeed before security functions in the TSC are
allowed to proceed. Each wireless user is authenticated before access is provided, and for
authenticated wireless users, each wireless user network packet is authenticated as a part of
802.11i security protocol before the packet is processed by the TOE. Each administrator is
authenticated before management access is provided and each network message coming from an
authenticated administrator is authenticated as a part of the SSH protocol.
For each authenticated wireless user and remote administrator the TOE associates the user with a
session object. The session object is then used to enforce domain separation for authenticated
wireless users and administrators. All enforcement operations are performed within the physical
boundary of the TOE. Connection to the remote authentication server is protected using an
IPSec/IKE-based trusted channel, which authenticates each incoming and outgoing network packet.
The TOE maintains an IPSec/IKE trusted channel to a remote network time protocol server, which
provides time used in reliable time stamps.
The TOE implements a set of FIPS 140-2 self-tests, which are executed during initial start-up and
upon administrator request. The TOE provides an option to run self-tests immediately after a key is
The TOE implements a set of critical self-tests, which are executed during initial start-up and upon
administrator request. The tests include an integrity check for TSF data and executable code.
If the self-tests fail, the TOE security functionalities and data output are disabled.
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6.1.7 TOE Access
The TOE terminates a local serial console administrator or a wireless user session after a
configurable time interval of user inactivity is reached. A default banner regarding unauthorized
access is displayed before establishing a user session.
The TOE maintains a trusted channel with audit, authentication, and network time protocol servers.
The channel is protected by IPSec/IKE protocol with pre-shared keys and can be initiated by the
TOE or the servers.
The TOE maintains a trusted path with wireless users during the wireless user authentication
phase. The trusted path is based on EAP-TLS, EAP-TTLS and PEAP protocols and can be
established by wireless client devices with the help of the external authentication server, which
performs authentication and cryptographic key derivation operations required by the EAP-TLS,
EAP-TTLS and PEAP protocols.
The assurance requirements for this TOE are for Evaluation Assurance Level EAL4. The following
items are provided as evaluation evidence to satisfy the EAL4 assurance requirements:
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ADV_IMP.1 Subset of the implementation A subset of the source code and hardware diagrams
of the TSF used to generate the TOE
ADV_LLD.1 Descriptive low-level design Motorola Wireless Switch Low-Level Design
ADV_RCR.1 Informal correspondence Motorola Wireless Switch Informal Correspondence
demonstration Demonstration
ADV_SPM.1 Informal TOE security policy Motorola Wireless Switch Security Policy Model
AGD_ADM.1 Administrator guidance Motorola Wireless Switch CLI Reference Guide
Motorola Wireless Switch Installation Guide
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AVA_VLA.2 Independent vulnerability Motorola Wireless Switch Vulnerability Analysis
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7 PP Claims
The TOE conforms to the US Government Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) Access System
Protection Profile for Basic Robustness Environments, Version 1.0, April 2006.
Please see Section 8.10, PP Claims Rationale, for a detailed discussion of PP compliance.
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8 Rationale
This section describes the rationale for the Security Objectives, Security Functional Requirements
and TOE Summary Specification. Additionally, this section describes the rationale for not satisfying
all of the dependencies and the rationale for the strength of function (SOF) claim. Table 8-1
illustrates the mapping from Security Objectives to Threats and Policies. It is identical to that of the
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helps to ensure that the TOE's
The design of the TOE is documented design satisfies
adequately and accurately the security functional
documented. requirements. In order to
ensure the TOE's design is
correctly realized in its
implementation, the
appropriate level of functional
testing of the TOE's security
mechanisms must be
performed during the
evaluation of the TOE.
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The TSF will maintain a
domain for its own execution
that protects itself and its
resources from external
interference, tampering, or
unauthorized disclosure
through its interfaces.
The environment will
maintain a domain for its own
execution that protects itself
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and its resources from
external interference,
tampering, or unauthorized
disclosure through its own
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Four of the security objectives for the TOE are simply restatements of an assumption found in
Section 3.1. Therefore, these four objectives for the environment, OE.NO_EVIL, OE.PHYSICAL,
OE.NO_GENERAL_PURPOSE, and OE.TOE_NO_BYPASS trace to the assumptions trivially.
The remainder of the security objectives for the IT environment have been included in this ST in
order to support the TOE IT environment security functions. The rationale support is documented in
Table 8-1 Security Objectives to Threats and Policies Mappings along with the rationale for security
objectives for the TOE.
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FPT_TST_EXP.1 is necessary to ensure the
correct operation TSF hardware. If TSF
The TOE will provide the
software is corrupted it is possible that the
capability to test the TSF to
TSF would no longer be able to enforce the
ensure the correct
security policies. This also holds true for TSF
operation of the TSF at a
data, if TSF data is corrupt the TOE may not
customer’s site.
correctly enforce its security policies. The
FPT_TST_EXP.2 functional requirement
addresses the critical nature and specific
handling of the cryptographic related TSF
data. Since the cryptographic TSF data has
specific FIPS PUB requirements associated
with them it is important to ensure that any
fielded testing on the integrity of these data
maintains the same level of scrutiny as
specified in the FCS functional requirements.
The FCS requirements satisfy this objective by
The TOE shall provide FCS_CKM.1
levying requirements that ensure the
cryptographic functions to FCS_CKM_EXP.2
cryptographic standards include the NIST
maintain the confidentiality FCS_CKM.4
FIPS publications (wherepossible) and NIST
and allow for detection of FCS_COP_EXP.1
approved ANSI standards. The intent is to
modification of user data FCS_COP_EXP.2
have the satisfaction of the cryptographic
that is transmitted between
standards be validated through a NIST FIPS
physically separated
140-1/2 validation.
portions of the TOE, or
outside of the TOE. FCS_BCM_EXP.1 is an explicit requirement
that specifies the NIST FIPS rating level that
the cryptographic module must satisfy. The
level specifies the degree of testing of the
module. The higher the level, the more
extensively the module is tested.
FCS_CKM.1 ensures that, if necessary, the
TOE is capable of generating cryptographic
FCS_CKM_EXP.2 Cryptographic Key
Handling and Storage requires that FIPS PUB
140-1/2 be satisfied when performing key
entry and output.
FCS_CKM.4 mandates the standards (FIPS
140-1/2) that must be satisfied when the TOE
performs Cryptographic Key Zeroization.
FCS_COP_EXP.1 requires that a NIST
approved random number generator is used.
FCS_COP_EXP.2 requires for data decryption
and encryption that a NIST approved algorithm
is used, and that the algorithm meets the FIPS
PUB 140-1/2 standard.
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O.CRYPTOGRAPHY_VAL The FCS requirements satisfy this objective by
IDATED levying requirements that ensure the
cryptographic standards include the NIST
The TOE will use NIST FCS_CKM.4
FIPS publications (wherepossible) and NIST
FIPS 140-1/2 validated FCS_COP_EXP.1
approved ANSI standards. The intent is to
cryptomodules for
FCS_COP_EXP.2 have the satisfaction of the cryptographic
cryptographic services
standards be validated through a NIST FIPS
implementing NIST-
140-1/2 validation.
approved security
functions and random FCS_BCM_EXP.1 is an explicit requirement
number generation that specifies the NIST FIPS rating level that
services used by the cryptographic module must satisfy. The
cryptographic functions. level specifies the degree of testing of the
module. The higher the level, the more
extensively the module is tested.
FCS_CKM.1 ensures that, if necessary, the
TOE is capable of generating cryptographic
FCS_CKM_EXP.2 Cryptographic Key
Handling andStorage requires that FIPS PUB
140-1/2 be satisfied when performing key
entry and output.
FCS_CKM.4 mandates the standards (FIPS
140-1/2) that must be satisfied when the TOE
performs Cryptographic Key Zeroization.
FCS_COP_EXP.1 requires that a NIST
approved random number generator is used.
FCS_COP_EXP.2 requires for data decryption
and encryption that a NIST approved algorithm
is used, and that the algorithm meets the FIPS
PUB 140-1/2 standard.
O.DISPLAY_BANNER FTA_TAB.1 FTA_TAB.1 meets this objective by requiring
that the TOE display an administrator defined
The TOE will display an
banner before a user can establish an
advisory warning regarding
authenticated session. This banner is under
use of the TOE prior to
complete control of the administrator, who can
permitting the use of any
specify any warnings regarding unauthorized
TOE services that require
use of the TOE and remove any product or
version information if they desire. The only
time that it is envisioned that an authenticated
session would need to be established is for the
performance of TOE administration. Bannering
is not necessary prior to use of services that
pass network traffic through the TOE.
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interface in accordance allowed to pass through the TOE.
with its security policy.
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FDP_RIP.1 is used to ensure the contents of
resources are not available once the resource
is reallocated. For this TOE it is critical that the
The TOE will ensure that
memory used to build network packets is
any information contained
either cleared or that some buffer
in a protected resource
management scheme be employed to prevent
within its Scope of Control
the contents of a packet being disclosed in a
is not released when the
subsequent packet (e.g., if padding is used in
resource is reallocated.
the construction of a packet, it must not
contain another user’s data or TSF data).
FCS_CKM_EXP.2 places requirements on
how cryptographic keys are managed within
the TOE. This requirement places restrictions
in addition to FDP_RIP.1, in that when a
cryptographic key is moved from one location
to another (e.g., calculated in some scratch
memory and moved to a permanent location)
that the memory area is immediately cleared
as opposed to waiting until the memory is
reallocated to another subject.
FCS_CKM.4 applies to the destruction of
cryptographic keys used by the TSF. This
requirement specifies how and when
cryptographic keys must be destroyed. The
proper destruction of these keys is critical in
ensuring the content of these keys cannot
possibly be disclosed when a resource is
reallocated to a user.
O.SELF_PROTECTION FPT_SEP.1(1) FPT_SEP.1(1) was chosen to ensure the TSF
provides a domain that protects itself from
The TSF will maintain a FPT_RVM.1(1)
untrusted users. If the TSF cannot protect
domain for its own
itself it cannot be relied upon to enforce its
execution that protects
security policies.
itself and its resources
from external interference, FPT_RVM.1(1) ensures that the TSF makes
tampering, or unauthorized policy decisions on all interfaces that perform
disclosure. operations onsubjects and objects that are
within the scope of the policies. Without this
non-bypassability requirement,the TSF could
not be relied upon to completely enforce the
security policies, since an interface(s) may
otherwise exist that would provide a user with
access to TOE resources (including TSF data
and executable code) regardless of the
defined policies. This includes controlling the
accessibility to interfaces, as well as what
access control is provided within the
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attacks on their authentication credentials.
FIA_ATD.1(1) Management requirements
provides additional control to supplement the
authentication requirements.
FTA_SSL.3 ensures that inactive user and
administrative sessions are dropped.
FTP_TRP.1 ensures that remote users have a
trusted path in order to authenticate.
FTP_ITC_EXP.1(1) provides a trusted channel
for services provided by the TOE IT
environment (the remote authentication
AVA_VLA.1 requires the developer to perform
a search for obvious vulnerabilities in all the
The TOE will undergo
TOE deliverables. The developer must then
some vulnerability analysis
document the disposition of those obvious
demonstrate the design
vulnerabilities. The evaluator then builds upon
and implementation of the
this analysis during vulnerability testing. This
TOE does not contain any
component provides the confidence that
obvious flaws.
obvious security flaws have been either
removed from the TOE or otherwise mitigated.
AVA_SOF.1 requires that any permutational or
probabilistic mechanism in the TOE be
analyzed be found to be resistant to attackers
possessing a “low” attack potential. This
provides confidence that security mechanisms
vulnerable to guessing type attacks are
resistant to casual attack.
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FAU_SAR.2 restricts the ability to read the
audit records to only the administrator. The
The IT Environment will FAU_STG.3
exception to this is that all administrators have
provide the capability to FMT_MOF.1(4)
access to the audit record information
protect audit information FMT_SMR.1(2)
presented in the alarm indicating a potential
and the authentication
security violation.
FAU_STG.1restricts the ability to delete or
modify audit information to the administrators.
The TSF will prevent modifications of the audit
records in the audit trail.
FAU_STG.3 ensures that the administrator will
take actions when the audit trail exceeds pre-
defined limits.
FMT_MOF.1(4) and FMT_SMR.1(2) specify
the ability of the administrators to control the
security functions associated with audit and
alarm generation. The ability to control these
functions has been assigned to the
appropriate administrative roles.
The AGD_ADM.1 requirement mandates the
Sites using the TOE shall
developer provide the administrator with
ensure that administrators
guidance on how to operate the TOE in a
are non-hostile,
secure manner. This includes describing the
appropriately trained and
interfaces the administrator uses in managing
follow all administrator
the TOE and any security parameters that are
configurable by the administrator. The
documentation also provides a description of
how to setup and review the auditing features
of the TOE.
It is assumed that there will be no general-
purpose computing or storage capabilities
available on the TOE therefore no SFR is
There are no general-
purpose computing or
storage repository
capabilities (e.g.,
compilers, editors, or user
applications) available on
the TOE.
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OE.TIME_STAMPS FPT_STM.1 FPT_STM.1 requires that the TOE IT
The TOE IT environment environment be able to provide reliable time
shall provide reliable time stamps for its own use and that of the TOE.
stamps and the capability Time stamps include date and time and are
for the administrator to set reliable in that they are always available to the
the time used for these TOE, and the clock must be monotonically
time stamps. increasing.
FMT_MTD.1(5) helps satisfy this objective by
providing that there be a management function
of the Security Administrator or an authorized
IT entity that will set the time and date used to
provide reliable time stamps to the TOE.
CC part 3 states:
“EAL4 permits a developer to gain maximum assurance from positive security engineering based
on good commercial development practices which, though rigorous, do not require substantial
specialist knowledge, skills, and other resources. EAL4 is the highest level at which it is likely to be
economically feasible to retrofit to an existing product line.”
“EAL4 is therefore applicable in those circumstances where developers or users require a moderate
to high level of independently assured security in conventional commodity TOEs and are prepared
to incur additional security-specific engineering costs.”
Evaluation Assurance Level EAL4 augmented with ALC_FLR.2 in this ST was chosen based on the
security environment and the security objectives defined in this ST. Due to the nature of wireless
communications the TOE interacts with potentially hostile wireless environment, where any
malicious entity can potentially attack the TOE. Compared to wired networks, where physical
access to the network is usually limited to some extent, this amounts to an additional degree of risk
and justifies evaluating the TOE at EAL4.
The explicitly stated TOE security functional requirements in this ST are those of the WLANAS PP.
All assurance requirements specified in the WLANAS PP have been included in this ST. Therefore,
the assurance requirements of this ST cover the explicitely stated TOE security functional
requirements stated in this ST.
Evaluating the TOE at EAL4 is consistent with the current best IT security practices and provides a
degree of assurance matching that of other evaluated competitive products.
ALC_FLR.2 (Flaw Remediation) was added to EAL4 requirements to match the WLANAS PP.
Therefore, the assurance requirements of this ST match or exceed the requirements of WLANAS
PP in all assurance areas.
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dependencies were introduced as a result of completing each operation. With the exception of
dependencies related to FMT_MSA.2, all dependencies in this ST have been satisfied.
FMT_MSA.2 is included in this ST as a dependency of the Cryptographic Support family
(FCS_COP and FCS_CKM). It is used there to ensure that security attributes related to
cryptographic objects (e.g. cryptographic keys) are protected. However, FMT_MSA family is also
used to ensure the protection of security attributes related to access control policies (FDP_IFC and
FDP_AFC) and includes a dependency upon those Security Functional Requirements. However,
this ST and WLANAS PP do not require that the TOE implement an access control policy and those
requirements have not been included in the ST.
FCS_CKM.1 depends on FCS_CKM.2 or FCS_COP.1, which are not included in this ST. Instead,
FCS_CKM_EXP.2 and FCS_COP_EXP.2 are included, which cover the requirements of
FCS_CKM.2 and FCS_COP.1. FAU_GEN.1 depends on FPT_STM.1, which is not included in this
ST. Instead, FPT_STM.1_EXP.1 is included, which covers the requirements of FPT_STM.1.
The satisfaction of dependencies in this ST is identical to the satisfaction of dependencies in
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8.9 TOE Summary Specification Rationale
The TOE Summary Specification describes security functions of the TOE. The security functions
considered together satisfy all of the TSFRs and security assurance requirements. All of the
security functions are required in order for the TOE to support the required security functionalities.
The table below demonstrates the relationship of TSFRs to security functions.
Trusted Path/Channels
Cryptographic Support
Security Management
Identification and
Security Audit
TOE Access
FAU_GEN.1(1) X
FDP_RIP.1(1) X
FIA_AFL.1(1) X
FIA_ATD.1(1) X
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FMT_MOF.1(1) X
FMT_MOF.1(2) X
FMT_MOF.1(3) X
FMT_MTD.1(1) X
FMT_MTD.1(2) X
FMT_SMF.1(1) X
FMT_SMF.1(2) X
FMT_SMF.1(3) X
FMT_SMR.1(1) X
FPT_RVM.1(1) X
FPT_SEP.1(1) X
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The table below demonstrates suitability of Security Functions to meet TSFRs.
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users with roles
Protection of the TSF FPT_RVM.1(1) The TOE provides for non-
bypassability of the TOE
Security Policy
FPT_STM_EXP.1 (FPT_RVM.1(1)) and TSF
FPT_TST_EXP.1 domain separation
The TOE implements a set of
FIPS 140-2 and critical self-
tests executed during initial
start-up and upon administrator
request, or upon key
generation (FPT_TST_EXP.1
and FPT_TST_EXP.2).
TOE Access FTA_SSL.3 The TOE terminates a local
administrator session or a
wireless user session after a
configurable user inactivity time
interval (FTA_SSL.3).
The TOE displays a default
banner regarding unauthorized
use of the TOE (FTA_TAB.1).
Trusted Path/Channels FTP_ITC_EXP.1(1) The TOE maintains a trusted
IPSec/IKE channel with the
servers, which can be initiated
by the TOE or the servers
The TOE uses an EAP trusted
path for wireless user
authentication. The path can be
initiated by wireless client
devices (FTP_TRP.1).
The minimum strength level for the TOE security functions in this ST is SoF-basic. FIA_UAU.1
includes the following probabilistic/permutational mechanism for which specific SOF metrics are
appropriate: password-based administrator authentication. The administrator passwords must be
eight characters or longer in length and are case sensitive, resulting in 958 possible combinations.
The password-based authentication mechanism also enforces the FIPS 140-2 requirement that for
multiple attempts to use the authentication mechanism during a one-minute period, the probability is
less than one in 100,000 that a random attempt will succeed or a false acceptance will occur. If one
tries one million passwords per second, the exploit time is still more than 100 years, which satisfies
the requirements of SoF-basic.
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Mapping of assurance measures to assurance requirements is provided in Table 6-1 Assurance
The following IT security requirements statements included in this ST contain completed WLANAS
PP operations:
Except as noted earlier in this section, this ST does not contain any security objectives or TOE
security functional requirements that are additional to the security objectives and the IT security
requirements of WLANAS PP. Additional SFRs for the TOE IT environment have been defined to
provide a more detailed description of the TOE environment - this does not impact the conformance
of this ST to the PP.
The PP includes the requirement FMT_MTD.1(3), which specifies that the TOE users can only
change their own authentication credentials. Since the TOE and the wireless authentication
protocols implemented by the TOE do not allow non-administrator users to change their
authentication credentials, the requirement FMT_MTD.1(3) would need to be refined to specify
“administrators” instead of “TOE Users”. Such a refined requirement would then be a duplicate of
FMT_MTD.1(2), which is already included in the ST. Therefore, both the requirements
FMT_MTD.1(2) and FMT_MTD.1(3) of the PP are covered by the requirement FMT_MTD.1(2) of
the ST.
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9 Appendix
Table 9-1 Abbreviations and Acronyms
[1] Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Part 1, Version 2.3, August 2005,
[2] Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Part 2, Version 2.3, August 2005,
[3] Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Part 3, Version 2.3, August 2005,
[4] Common Methodology for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Version 2.3, August 2005, CCMB-
[5] US Government Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) Access System Protection Profile For Basic
Robustness Environments, Version 1.0, April 2006
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[6] FIPS PUB 140-2, Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules, May 2001
[7] Motorola Wireless Switch Configuration Management Plan and Procedures
[8] Motorola Wireless Switch Delivery and Operation Plan and Procedures
[9] Motorola Wireless Switch Installation Guide
[10] Motorola Wireless Switch Functional Specification
[11] Motorola Wireless Switch High-Level Design Specification
[12] Motorola Wireless Switch Low-Level Design Specification
[13] Motorola Wireless Switch Informal Correspondence Demonstration
[14] Motorola Wireless Switch Security Policy Model
[15] Motorola Wireless Switch CLI Reference Guide
[16] Motorola Wireless Switch Life Cycle Management Plan and Procedures
[17] Motorola Wireless Switch Test Coverage Analysis
[18] Motorola Wireless Switch Testing Plan and Procedures
[19] Motorola Wireless Switch Misuse Analysis
[20] Motorola Wireless Switch Strength of Function Analysis
[21] Motorola Wireless Switch Vulnerability Analysis
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