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An Assessment of The Problem and Solutions: Cheating On Political Knowledge Questions in Online Surveys

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Public Opinion Quarterly, Vol. 80, No. 4, Winter 2016, pp.





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Abstract  Survey researchers worry about the quality of data pro-
duced by online surveys. One concern is that respondents might cheat
on performance questions, such as political knowledge, invalidating
their responses. Yet, existing evidence is unclear about the prevalence
of cheating, and scholars lack a validated method for coping with the
problem. In this paper, we demonstrate that such cheating behavior var-
ies considerably by sample and provide some evidence that it is moti-
vated by self-deceptive enhancement. We experimentally test a variety
of methods for reducing cheating and find that common methods, such
as timers, are not the most effective approach. By contrast, a commit-
ment mechanism, in which respondents affirm their choice not to cheat,
is more efficacious. Although cheating in online surveys can distort esti-
mates of knowledge and decrease the validity of the measure, there are
methods for coping with this problem.

Across the social sciences, survey research is increasingly being conducted

online because this mode is cost effective and convenient. Many prestigious
organizations are adding online components (e.g., the American National
Election Studies), and some companies operate completely online (e.g.,
YouGov/Polimetrix, Knowledge Networks/GfK). Yet, important issues regard-
ing data quality arise when data are collected remotely. Measures of political

Scott Clifford is an assistant professor in the Department of Political Science at the University
of Houston, Houston, TX, USA. Jennifer Jerit is a professor in the Department of Political
Science at Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, USA. The authors thank the following peo-
ple for helpful comments and suggestions on earlier versions of this paper: Craig Burnett, John
Bullock, Mona Kleinberg, Yanna Krupnikov, Thomas Leeper, Adam Seth Levine, and Hillary
Shulman. This work was supported by the College of Arts and Sciences at Stony Brook University
and the Division of Research at the University of Houston. *Address correspondence to Scott
Clifford, University of Houston, Department of Political Science, 3551 Cullen Boulevard Room
447, Houston, TX 77204-3011, USA; e-mail: sclifford@uh.edu.
doi:10.1093/poq/nfw030 Advance Access publication August 12, 2016
© The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Association for Public Opinion Research.
All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: journals.permissions@oup.com
Cheating on Political Knowledge Questions 859

knowledge obtained from online surveys may be compromised if respondents

use an external source to answer these items (e.g., look up the answers on the
internet). This is an important concern because political knowledge is a central
construct in political science, communications, and related fields.1 As a cru-
cial individual difference variable, political awareness influences attention to
and reception of elite discourse (Zaller 1992), the use of heuristics (Lau and

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Redlawsk 2001), and other aspects of information processing such as effortful
thinking, motivated reasoning, and value trade-offs (e.g., Kam [2005]; Jacoby
[2006]; Taber and Lodge [2006]).
In this paper, we document how often respondents seek outside assistance
while answering political knowledge questions online. Rates of self-reported
cheating vary considerably across commonly used populations, from single
digits in MTurk samples to over 40 percent in some student samples.2 We also
examine several approaches to reducing cheating in experiments across a vari-
ety of samples, and find a substantial variation in the effectiveness of different
approaches. A simple request not to cheat has only modest effects, while the
use of commitment language (Krosnick 1991; Clifford and Jerit 2015) is more
useful. Additionally, the commitment mechanism leads to the largest reduc-
tion in knowledge scores among respondents who are the most likely to cheat.
More generally, our analyses indicate that the manipulations are most effective
among student populations, who are most inclined to cheat, and least effective
among MTurk respondents, who are least inclined to cheat. Overall, cheating
can distort estimates of political knowledge and decrease the validity of the
measure, but there are methods for decreasing the incidence of this behavior.

The Debate over Cheating in Online Questionnaires

There is a lively debate about how often respondents seek outside assis-
tance on knowledge questions in online surveys. Several scholars question
the frequency of cheating (e.g., noting the tendency of respondents to satis-
fice), and some evidence seems to support this belief (Gooch and Vavreck
2015). In one study, for example, difficult questions were not answered cor-
rectly at rates better than chance, which suggests that people are not look-
ing up answers (Berinsky, Huber, and Lenz 2012, 359; also see Munzert and

1. We focus on survey-based measures of knowledge because, as Mondak observes, “there is

compelling evidence that political awareness is best represented with data from survey batteries
that measure factual knowledge” (2001, 224; also see Delli Carpini and Keeter [1996]).
2.  We use the word “cheating” to be consistent with past research (e.g., Jensen and Thomsen
2014; Shulman et  al. 2014; Burnett 2015), and employ the term to describe a specific kind of
respondent behavior—namely, consulting an external source when answering web-based knowl-
edge questions. Our discussion focuses on students, workers on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk
(MTurk) platform, and panelists in online surveys such as YouGov because these are commonly
used subject populations in social science research (Krupnikov and Levine 2014).
860 Clifford and Jerit

Selb [forthcoming]).3 Other researchers acknowledge that political knowledge

scores are higher in online samples, but they maintain that the difference is
due to sample composition rather than cheating (Ansolabehere and Schaffner
2014). Collectively, these studies imply that cheating on web-based political
knowledge questions is uncommon.
However, a different conclusion emerges from a mode experiment in which

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student subjects were randomized to take a questionnaire online or in a lab
(Clifford and Jerit 2014). In that study, online participants had significantly
higher political knowledge scores than those completing the survey in a lab.
Due to the random assignment of survey mode, the Clifford and Jerit (2014)
study provides some of the clearest evidence of cheating in online surveys.
Additionally, the analysis revealed that cheating harms the descriptive validity
of political knowledge scales (Luskin and Bullock 2011), as well as the crite-
rion validity of the measure. Both findings support our assumption that cheat-
ing can impair the quality of political knowledge scales. Other studies using
student (Shulman and Boster 2014; Burnett 2015) and adult subjects (Fricker
et al. 2005; Strabac and Aalberg 2011) also find higher political knowledge
scores online compared to telephone or paper-and-pencil surveys. Cheating
appears to be prevalent in nationally representative samples as well. When
respondents are directly asked whether they looked up answers, cheating rates
among national samples range from 13 percent (Shulman et al. 2014) to 22
percent (Jensen and Thomsen 2014). Taken together, the evidence regarding
cheating suggests enough of a problem to warrant further examination of its
prevalence and ways to reduce this behavior.

The Motivations for Cheating in an Anonymous

Online Survey
We contribute to this literature by developing an account of why a person
might cheat on knowledge questions in the first place. It is often argued that
online surveys produce low levels of social desirability bias (e.g., Holbrook
and Krosnick 2010), resulting in the conclusion that respondents have little
incentive to consult external sources on web-based knowledge questions.
However, there is an important distinction between two forms of socially
desirable responding: impression management (IM), which is a “deliberate
tendency to over report desirable behaviors and under report undesirable
ones” and self-deceptive enhancement (SDE), which refers to the “tendency
to give honestly believed but overly positive reports about oneself” (Booth-
Kewley, Larson, and Miyoshi 2007, 464, emphasis in original). Notably, SDE

3.  Gooch and Vavreck (2015) report low rates of cheating, but their study took place in a lab-like
setting, making it different than the typical online survey in which respondents participate at a
time and place of their own choosing.
Cheating on Political Knowledge Questions 861

occurs on attributes involving social and intellectual competence (Paulhus and

John 1998) and leads to over-claiming of knowledge across a wide variety of
domains (Paulhus et al. 2003). Thus, while IM pressures may indeed be low
in an online survey (though see Krupnikov, Piston, and Bauer [2016]), SDE
is higher due to the greater opportunity to self-enhance in an online setting
(Booth-Kewley, Larson, and Miyoshi 2007).

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But what does it mean for respondents to self-enhance in the area of politi-
cal knowledge? A recent line of research demonstrates that the internet allows
people to “offload” the burden of remembering facts and that offloading takes
place without much (if any) conscious awareness (Sparrow, Liu, and Wegner
2011; Ward 2013). Consequently, people feel as if they “know” the informa-
tion simply because they know where to find it. This research has shown,
for example, that subjects who were instructed to access the internet while
answering trivia questions took credit for their higher scores, rating them-
selves as more knowledgeable and having higher cognitive self-esteem than
subjects who were not instructed to access the internet (Ward 2013; Fisher,
Goddu, and Keil 2015). The implication is that as the internet becomes the pri-
mary way people acquire information about the world, they fail to differentiate
data that are personally known from that obtained online.
These various lines of research imply that online surveys are ripe for dis-
tortions in political knowledge. The internet provides the opportunity for
people to deceive themselves into believing they are knowledgeable, while
self-deceptive enhancement provides the motive (Shulman and Boster 2014).
Yet, the effects of SDE might differ by subject population due to variation in
intrinsic interests and material incentives. In particular, research has shown
that the drive for self-enhancement is strongest when an individual values
the topic (Brown 2012). If student subjects, who are typically recruited from
social science courses, place greater value on being politically knowledge-
able than other respondents, they may have greater desire to self-enhance on
knowledge questions.4 The opportunity cost of looking up answers may also
affect the incidence of cheating. Compared to students and online panelists,
MTurk respondents face the greatest opportunity cost from cheating, due to
the unique structure of that platform (Chandler, Mueller, and Paolacci 2014).
Time spent looking up answers to knowledge questions represents foregone
earnings from completing other tasks. In contrast, students and online pan-
elists typically participate at their leisure, are limited in the number of surveys
they can take, and do not forfeit potential earnings if they spend a moment
looking up answers to questions.
The preceding discussion suggests that cheating rates vary considerably by
sample, just as response styles such as survey satisficing (Hauser and Schwarz
forthcoming) and social desirability (Krupnikov, Piston, and Bauer 2016) vary

4.  Indeed, in the data we report below, student subjects had a tendency to place more importance
on being politically knowledgably than campus staff (p < .10).
862 Clifford and Jerit

across populations. This variation may explain why cheating on web-based

knowledge questions appears common in some studies (e.g., Clifford and Jerit
2014), but less common in others (Shulman et al. 2014; Ansolabehere and
Schaffner 2015; Gooch and Vavreck 2015). Looking up answers should be
the most prevalent among student subjects because they face low opportunity
costs and a stronger motivation to self-enhance on studies about politics.5 In

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contrast, cheating should be rare among MTurk respondents because they face
high opportunity costs for doing so. Adult subjects and members of online
panels fall between students and MTurk respondents on both dimensions, and
thus should also fall between the two in terms of their tendency to consult
external sources on web-based political knowledge questions.
Given the nascent status of the literature, another purpose of our study is
to examine the effectiveness of various instruction sets in reducing cheating
behaviors. The treatments are described in the next section, but in brief, we
used instruction sets that were suggested by the existing literature or were
being employed by major survey organizations. Remarkably, certain prac-
tices, such as the inclusion of timers on political knowledge questions, have
never been systematically evaluated despite their use by many researchers and
polling firms.6 Based on the preceding discussion, we expect that the treat-
ments will be most efficacious among respondents who are inclined to cheat.
Consequently, the treatments should vary in effectiveness both within and
across samples: they should be most effective among people who are high in
SDE and student subjects, and least effective within MTurk samples.

Data and Measures

To test our expectations, we conducted 10 studies across populations com-
monly used in social science research. Table 1 summarizes the key features
of each study. Four samples were drawn from undergraduate subject pools
at two universities in different regions of the country, with sample sizes
of 84, 845, 271, and 66. Student 1 and Student 4 were conducted at Stony
Brook University, while Student 2 and Student 3 were run at the University
of Houston.
Additionally, we collected data from several adult samples, including a study
of campus staff (Kam, Wilking, and Zechmeister 2007) that was administered in
parallel with Student 4 at Stony Brook University (N = 59), an original survey
conducted by YouGov (N = 1,000), and a team module on the 2014 Cooperative
Congressional Election Study (CCES; N = 1,000). The CCES data piggybacked

5. Additionally, student subjects may be likely to offload the burden of remembering facts
because many of them came of age in the internet era (Kleinberg and Lau 2014).
6.  Shulman and Boster (2014, 187) and Jensen and Thomsen (2014, 3353) both encourage future
researchers to examine how to reduce cheating on knowledge questions in online surveys.
Table 1.  Summary of Data Sources
Sample size (control group) Approximate date of study Included experimental manipulation(s) Number of knowledge Qs
Student 1 84 (46) May 2014 Direct request 5
Student 2 845 (203) November 2014 Forgiving, Timer, Commitment 8
Student 3 271 (135) March 2015 Commitment 8
Student 4 66 (35) April 2015 Commitment 4
Campus staff 59 (30) May 2015 Commitment 4
YouGov 1,000 (354) December 2015 Timer, Commitment 8
CCES 1,000 (NA) November 2014 None 5
Cheating on Political Knowledge Questions

MTurk 1 500 (NA) July 2014 None 6

MTurk 2 505 (NA) June 2015 None 12
MTurk 3 300 (167) April 2015 Commitment 4

Note.—The data reported in Student 1, Student 4, and Campus Staff were from the second wave of two-wave studies. See appendix A for details on the admin-
istration of all studies.

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864 Clifford and Jerit

on an unrelated study, and there we examine cheating on a five-item Wordsum

battery, which measures vocabulary rather than political knowledge. The
Wordsum measure is often used as a proxy for intelligence (e.g., Gooch and
Vavreck 2015) and should create the same self-enhancement dynamics as politi-
cal knowledge (Shulman et al. 2014; Burnett 2015). Finally, we have data from
three separate MTurk samples that were part of unrelated studies (MTurk 1–3;

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N = 500, 505, 300). Several of the studies included experimental manipulations
designed to reduce cheating, which we discuss in detail below.
In each study, political knowledge was measured with batteries of 5–12
questions, all but one of which were in multiple choice format.7 Details on
question wording are provided in appendices B and C, but all of the scales
included questions about institutions, politicians, and policy-specific facts
(Barabas et al. 2015), and they are representative of knowledge scales used by
survey researchers.8 Immediately following the knowledge items, respondents
were asked whether they had looked up any answers. The question, shown
below, was designed to be as forgiving as possible to decrease misreporting
(e.g., Peter and Valkenburg [2011]):

Many people struggle to remember facts, even when they know them, and
so they get help remembering. When you were answering the factual knowl-
edge questions, did you get help from any other source, such as the internet
or another person? (Please be honest, this is for statistical purposes only.)

Naturally, our estimate of cheating may be conservative (i.e., a low estimate) if

some subjects underreport cheating behavior. However, we show that multiple
pieces of evidence, including knowledge scores and time spent on the ques-
tions, converge with this measure.

Prevalence of Cheating across Samples

Figure 1 displays the rates of self-reported cheating by sample, excluding data
from experimental treatment conditions.9 Among the student samples, rates of

7.  With the exception of MTurk 2 (N = 505), there was no explicit “Don’t Know” (DK) option
(see Miller and Orr [2008] for discussion).
8.  The scales vary in terms of length and apparent difficulty, as judged by percent correct on the scale
(which ranges from 44 to 77 percent correct). There also were differences in the topics of the surveys
in which the knowledge scales were embedded. Any of these factors might influence the motivation
to cheat, but as we report below, we observe the expected patterns despite this variation. Moreover,
data from Study 4 suggest that scale differences do not seem to affect rates of self-reported cheating.
In that study, students were randomized to receive one of two knowledge batteries. One knowledge
scale was substantially more difficult, as evidenced by lower scores (p < .01, d = .34). Yet, respondents
receiving the more difficult scale were no more likely to report cheating (p = .56).
9.  Sample sizes may be smaller than those reported in table 1, due to item non-response on the
cheating question.
Cheating on Political Knowledge Questions 865

MTurk 2

MTurk 3

MTurk 1


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Student 4

Student 1

Student 3

Student 2

0 10 20 30 40 50

Figure  1. Rates of Self-Reported Cheating on Knowledge Questions

in Online Surveys. Bar length represents the percentage of self-reported
cheating on knowledge questions among student, staff, MTurk, and national
samples (lines represent 95 percent confidence intervals). Studies arranged
in ascending order by self-reported cheating rates. See table A1 for details.
CCES cheating rates come from five-item Wordsum measure. Data from con-
trol conditions only. Sample size may be smaller than reported in table 1 due
to item non-response.

self-reported cheating are relatively high, ranging from 24 to 41 percent. In

contrast, self-reported cheating is much lower in the MTurk samples, ranging
from 4 to 7 percent. The disparity between students and MTurk subjects is con-
sistent with the notion that the financial structure of MTurk provides an incen-
tive not to look up answers.10 As expected, the reported cheating rates in our
adult samples are between the rates for students and MTurk subjects. In both
the campus staff and the YouGov samples, 14 percent of respondents reported
cheating. Similarly, 13 percent reported cheating on the five-item Wordsum
battery in the 2014 Cooperative Congressional Election Study (CCES).
Other metrics (time spent on the question, knowledge score; shown in
table A1 of online appendix B) support our claim about variable motives
and opportunities for cheating across samples. Self-reported cheaters spent

10.  In later analyses, we examine whether MTurk subjects are more likely to underreport cheating
for fear of not being compensated.
866 Clifford and Jerit

significantly longer answering the knowledge questions, with standardized

effect sizes (Cohen’s d) ranging from medium to large, d = .63 to 1.27. This is
the expected pattern if respondents are seeking outside assistance on knowl-
edge questions (cf. Jensen and Thomsen [2014]). At the same time, there was
considerable variation in the median time per question across sample types,
with students taking more time than YouGov respondents and MTurk work-

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ers. This difference is consistent with the claim that student subjects face
both lower opportunity costs and a stronger motivation to cheat on political
knowledge questions than other types of respondents. Notably, even among
students, the average time per question was low, with the median student who
did not report cheating averaging 13 seconds per question and the median stu-
dent who did report cheating averaging 27 seconds. Thus, our data cast doubt
on the efficacy of timers for reducing cheating since the time limits are often
longer than 30 seconds (see also Jensen and Thomsen [2014]).
When it comes to knowledge scores among respondents who self-report
cheating, there is a tendency for cheaters to have higher knowledge scores, but
this difference is statistically significant only in four larger studies (see table A1
in online appendix B for details).11 Among respondents in the YouGov sample,
people who reported cheating scored significantly lower than those who did not
report cheating (p < .05). This suggests that the relationship between cheating
and knowledge scores may be complex. Cheating seems most likely to take place
among respondents who do not know (or who are not certain of) the correct
answer. The key issue is whether these respondents overcome their knowledge
deficit by consulting the internet. Data across our 10 studies indicate that while
cheaters frequently score higher than non-cheaters, sometimes they do not.

The Effect of Interventions Designed to Reduce Cheating

In this section, we examine whether changes in survey design reduce cheat-
ing, beginning with a series of experiments conducted on student samples. We
focus on students because this is the subject population that is most likely to
cheat. Upon identifying the most effective treatments, we examine the effects
of these manipulations among a large national sample and an MTurk sample.
In our first experiment (Student 1), all subjects received a standard set of
instructions to the knowledge section, but half were randomly assigned to
also receive a statement asking them not to look up answers during the sur-
vey (“Direct Request”), an approach used in the 2012 ANES Time Series (see
also Berinsky, Huber, and Lenz [2012]).12 In the control condition, 23.9 percent

11.  Those studies include students, online panelists from the CCES, and MTurk workers.
12.  The language was as follows: “Now we have a set of questions concerning various public
figures. We want to see how much information about them gets out to the public from television,
newspapers, and the like. [Please give your best guess and do NOT use outside sources like the
Internet to search for the correct answer.]”
Cheating on Political Knowledge Questions 867

reported cheating, while 18.4 percent reported cheating in the treatment condi-
tion, a difference that is not statistically significant (p = .54). Knowledge in the
treatment group is lower than in the control (3.7 vs. 3.9, respectively), but the
difference is not statistically significant or substantively large (p = .44, d = .17).
In our second student study (Student 2), we explored three different manipula-
tions: Timer, Commitment, and Forgiving Request. All respondents (including

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those in the control group) received the standard introduction (see note 12), while
those in the treatment conditions also saw additional text described below. The
Timer treatment placed a 30-second timer on each question and explained to sub-
jects that the screen would automatically advance after 30 seconds (Ansolabehere
and Schaffner 2014; Prior, Sood, and Khanna 2015; Bullock et al. 2015).

Timer: “Please do NOT use outside sources like the Internet to search for
the correct answer. You will have 30 seconds to answer each question.”

The second treatment asked respondents whether they were willing to answer
the knowledge questions without getting help and requested a yes or no
response (“Commitment”; see Krosnick [1991] or Clifford and Jerit [2015]).
We expect this treatment to be effective because few people will reject a request
from an interviewer, and subsequently they will be motivated to maintain con-
sistency with their previous commitment (Cialdini et al. 1978; Cannell, Miller,
and Oskenbeurg 1981).

Commitment: “It is important to us that you do NOT use outside sources

like the Internet to search for the correct answer. Will you answer the fol-
lowing questions without help from outside sources?” (Yes, No) 13

The third and final treatment was a stronger version of the Direct Request
from the Student 1 study. Like the Direct Request, the treatment instructed
subjects not to look up answers, but it also included additional forgiving lan-
guage intended to reduce social desirability pressures (“Forgiving Request”;
e.g., Duff et al. [2007]).

Forgiving Request: “Many people will know the answers but won’t be
able to remember them at the moment. However, it is essential that we
only measure what people are able to recall on their own. Thus, it is
important to us that you do NOT use outside sources like the Internet to
search for the correct answer.”

The comparisons from the Student 2 sample are shown in figure 2. On aver-
age, subjects in the control condition answered 5.1 questions out of 8 correctly,

13.  Only 5 out of 222 subjects (2.3 percent) answered “no” to the question posed by the treatment.
All subjects are retained for analysis regardless of their response.
868 Clifford and Jerit

Self-Reported Cheating


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0 10 20 30 40 50

Knowledge Scores


0 2 4 6 8

Median Time Per Question


0 5 10 15 20 25

Figure 2.  A Test of Three Methods to Reduce Cheating. Bar length rep-

resents the percentage of subjects self-reporting cheating (top), knowledge
scores, measured as number of questions correct out of eight items (middle),
and the median response time per question (bottom). Data comes from Student
2 sample (N = 845).

with 41 percent reporting cheating. Beginning with the Timer condition, sub-
jects were significantly less likely to report cheating (16.4 percent, p < .001)
and scored significantly lower on knowledge (4.3; p < .001, d  =  .54). One
would expect this treatment (by design) to reduce time spent on the knowledge
questions, and the results bear out this expectation (p < .001, d = .71).14
Turning to the Commitment condition, self-reported cheating was dramati-
cally lower than in the control condition (9.5 percent, p < .001). In addition,
knowledge scores (4.4; p < .001, d = .49) and time spent on the knowledge
questions were significantly lower as well (p  =  .015, d  =  .24). Finally, we
examine the Forgiving treatment, which was designed to be a stronger version

14.  We use the log of the average time spent per question for all tests of reaction times.
Cheating on Political Knowledge Questions 869

of the Direct Request. Relative to the rate of cheating in the control condi-
tion (41.4 percent), the Forgiving treatment significantly decreased rates
of self-reported cheating (22.4 percent, p < .001), knowledge scores (4.5;
p < .001, d = .40), and time spent on the knowledge questions (p = .004, d = .29).
However, this manipulation was less effective than both the Commitment and
Timer conditions.

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The three treatments from the Student 2 study significantly reduced cheat-
ing, knowledge scores, and time spent on the knowledge questions. The Timer
and Commitment treatments led to the lowest levels of political knowledge,
while the Commitment condition produced significantly lower levels of self-
reported cheating (p < .05). This combination of results was unexpected, but
it could have occurred if the Timer condition was less effective at reducing
cheating and it interfered with non-cheaters’ ability to answer the questions.
Recall that even among those who reported cheating, the median subject
spent less than 30 seconds answering each question in all of our samples and
conditions. Thus, timers face the challenge of being short enough to prevent
cheating, but not so short that they interfere with the regular response process.
Overall, the Commitment language appears to be the most effective method
for minimizing cheating on political knowledge questions.
In our next study, Student 3, we sought to replicate our findings regard-
ing the Commitment mechanism and examine whether the treatment has the
strongest effects among respondents who are the most likely to cheat (i.e.,
those high in SDE). In this study, 271 students were randomly assigned to
the Commitment or control condition. The study also included the Balanced
Inventory of Desirable Responding (BIDR-40; Paulhus 1991), which meas-
ures both self-deceptive enhancement (SDE) and impression management
(IM). In the BIDR-40, subjects are asked to rate how true 40 statements are
about themselves (e.g., “I am a completely rational person”; see appendix D
for full scale). Each subscale (IM and SDE) is scored as the average agreement
with each of the 20 corresponding items (Stӧber, Dette, and Musch 2002).
To test whether the treatment had different effects across levels of SDE,
we estimated a model in which knowledge was regressed on treatment status,
SDE, IM, and interactions between each disposition and the treatment con-
dition (full results shown in the online appendix B; table A2). As expected,
we find a negative interaction between SDE and the Commitment condi-
tion (p = .07), suggesting that the Commitment treatment was more effective
among those high in SDE. This finding is consistent with our argument that
these respondents are the most motivated to cheat.


While our manipulations proved effective at reducing cheating in student sam-

ples, adult respondents may respond differently to the treatments. We inves-
tigate this possibility by testing the two most effective treatments from the
870 Clifford and Jerit

student studies, Timer and Commitment, in the adult sample collected through
YouGov.15 Recall from figure 1 that adult subjects were less likely than stu-
dents to report cheating. This pattern is consistent with the claim that online
panelists have weaker motives to cheat than student subjects. Yet, the weaker
motivation to cheat may make it more difficult to find a significant effect for
language designed to reduce cheating among adult subjects. In the control

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condition of the YouGov study, the rate of self-reported cheating was 14 per-
cent. The Timer condition reduced self-reported cheating to 8 percent (p = .03)
while the Commitment condition reduced cheating to 6 percent (p  =  .009).
When it comes to levels of knowledge, the differences across conditions were
more muted. On average, subjects in the control condition answered five out
of eight questions correctly. Knowledge scores did not significantly differ
in either the Timer (4.8; p = .31) or Commitment conditions (5.0; p = .67),
though both the Timer and Commitment conditions decreased time spent
on the questions (p < .001, p  =  .08, respectively). Overall, both manipula-
tions appeared less effective on the adult sample than the student samples,
though both reduced self-reported cheating and time spent on the questions.
Moreover, as we show below, the Commitment condition also improved the
validity of the political knowledge scale in the YouGov sample.
Although neither treatment had a main effect on political knowledge, the
interventions might have an influence on the subgroup most inclined to cheat:
those high in SDE. For this purpose, we included an abbreviated 16-item
measure of SDE and IM (Bobbio and Manganelli 2011) in the YouGov study.
Similar to our analysis in the previous section, we predicted political knowl-
edge as a function of the Timer and Commitment conditions, SDE, IM, and
interactions between each condition and both SDE and IM (see table A3 in
online appendix B for full model results). We find suggestive evidence of the
expected negative interaction between SDE and the Commitment condition
(p = .12) but weaker evidence for an interaction between SDE and the Timer
condition (p = .36) and between IM and either condition (all ps > .76). Overall,
there are similarities across student and adult respondents although the results
are weaker among the YouGov sample. This may stem from YouGov respond-
ents being less motivated to cheat.


We now turn to the question of whether our treatments are effective in MTurk
samples. Earlier, we argued that the low rate of self-reported cheating among
MTurk subjects (see figure 1) is a function of opportunity costs that countervail
the motivation to cheat (cf. Goodman, Cryder, Cheema [2013]). An alternative

15.  We included an experiment involving the Commitment language in Student 4 and Campus
Staff (N = 66 and N = 59, respectively). Despite our recruiting efforts, these studies were smaller
than expected, which in turn reduced statistical power. In both studies, the magnitude of treatment
effects was consistent with our other studies, but the differences were not statistically significant.
Cheating on Political Knowledge Questions 871

explanation is that MTurk subjects are simply more likely to underreport

cheating for fear of having their pay rejected. If cheating is in fact low on
MTurk (as we argue), the Commitment manipulation should have little effect
on knowledge scores of MTurk respondents. To test this prediction, we ran-
domly assigned subjects in our MTurk 3 sample (N = 300) to the Commitment
condition or a control condition, followed by four knowledge questions. In

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line with our expectations, rates of self-reported cheating among MTurk sub-
jects in the control condition were low, at 6.6 percent. This rate dropped to 1.5
percent in the treatment condition (p < .05). However, there was no significant
difference in political knowledge scores across conditions (p = .35). This pat-
tern bolsters the claim that cheating actually is rare among MTurk subjects.
It also suggests that previous reports of low levels of cheating among MTurk
respondents who had been instructed not to cheat (Berinsky, Huber, and Lenz
2012) may be driven by the sample more than the instructions.

The Effect of Cheating on the Validity of Political

Knowledge Measures
Previous research provides some evidence that cheating harms the criterion
validity of knowledge measures in student and adult samples (Clifford and
Jerit 2014; Jensen and Thomsen 2014).16 Here, we investigate the related
question of whether cheating interventions improve the predictive validity
of these measures. In the survey conducted by YouGov, we included several
open-ended thought-listing questions. Based upon previous research, politi-
cal knowledge should be positively related to the number of considerations a
person is able to list (e.g., Zaller [1992]; Zaller and Feldman [1992]). Thus,
if the Commitment language improves the validity of knowledge measures,
there should be a positive and significant interaction between the treatment
and political knowledge in a model predicting the number of thoughts listed.
Analysis of predictive validity in the YouGov sample provides a difficult test
for the Commitment mechanism, as the effects on self-reported cheating and
knowledge scores were smaller than in student samples.
At the beginning of the YouGov study, respondents reported their opinion to
a closed-ended question on gun control and then were asked to list the thoughts
that came to mind as they answered the question. Following the thought-list-
ing, respondents were asked what factors they thought were responsible for
the mass shootings that have occurred in the United States in recent years.

16.  We also have evidence from Student 1, which consisted of a two-wave panel in which stu-
dents answered political knowledge questions in a lab and then answered different knowledge
items in a follow-up survey online. The correlation between attention to politics and politi-
cal knowledge is significantly lower in the online wave, relative to the lab wave (see online
appendix C).
872 Clifford and Jerit

There was a parallel set of questions on the topic of health care reform.17 Once
again, we expected that political knowledge would be associated with listing
a larger number of considerations for both the thought-listing and attribution
items (Zaller 1992; Gomez and Wilson 2001). A coder who was blind to our
expectations and treatment assignment coded the number of distinct consid-
erations listed by respondents in each of the four questions (Krippendorf’s

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α = .85).18 The four items were summed to form an index of thought-listing
(Cronbach’s α = .85).
We use a negative binomial regression model to predict the number of
thoughts as a function of political knowledge scores, the treatment condi-
tions, and interactions between knowledge and each condition.19 Full model
results are shown in table A4 in online appendix B, but political knowl-
edge is a strong predictor of holding more considerations (p < .001). As
expected, however, there is a positive interaction between political knowl-
edge and the Commitment condition, indicating that political knowledge is
a stronger predictor of thought-listing in the Commitment condition than
in the control condition (p  =  .058). In the Timer condition, the interac-
tion between political knowledge is negative and statistically insignificant
(p  =  .86). Moreover, a direct comparison between the Commitment and
Timer conditions shows that the political knowledge scale has significantly
higher predictive validity in the Commitment condition than in the Timer
condition (p < .05). Overall, the results suggest that the Commitment con-
dition, but not the Timer condition, improves the predictive validity of the
political knowledge scale.

Are Cheating Interventions Off-Putting to Respondents?

Although interventions designed to reduce cheating are effective in most
cases, researchers may worry that the treatments are off-putting. Timers may
increase the stress on respondents while the commitment language may be
interpreted as an accusation of dishonesty. We explored these concerns with
two measures from the YouGov study. At the end of that survey, respondents
were asked to rate how interested they would be “in taking another survey
like this one” on a five-point scale. We reasoned that respondents would
be less interested if they found the treatments distasteful. In the control

17.  The fixed choice questions read as follows: “Do you favor or oppose stricter gun control
laws?” and “Do you support or oppose the health care law passed by the President and Congress
in 2010?” See appendix D for question wording of the closed- and open-ended items.
18.  The reported Krippendorf’s alpha comes from an intercoder reliability analysis based on a
random subset of the data (n = 60).
19.  We exclude inattentive respondents because they are less likely to give reliable responses to
the SDE battery and are less responsive to experimental manipulations (Berinsky, Margolis, and
Sances 2014; see online appendix A for details).
Cheating on Political Knowledge Questions 873

condition, the average interest in taking a similar survey in the future was
4.08, roughly corresponding with the “very interested” response option.
Survey interest did not significantly differ in the Timer or Commitment con-
ditions (ps > .50), which is at odds with the claim that these interventions
upset respondents.
Additionally, we included an open-ended item asking if there was any-

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thing respondents disliked about the survey. Overall, 19 percent of the sample
reported disliking something about the survey. Among that group, however,
only 34 respondents (3 percent of the total sample) made a statement related
to political knowledge. Several (n = 19) noted embarrassment over not being
able to answer the questions; however, only three respondents referenced
some aspect of the cheating manipulations. In the Timer condition, one
person objected to not knowing when the 30 seconds was up and another
complained that he could not take a break between questions (due to the auto-
matic advance on the knowledge questions in that condition). The only dis-
like noted among respondents in the Commitment condition was “The quiz
part without looking anything up.” Overall, respondents were more likely to
dislike some feature of the knowledge questions in the control group (4.2 per-
cent) compared to either the Timer (2.7 percent; p = .28) or the Commitment
conditions (3.2 percent; p = .47).20 Moreover, several people remarked that
they were tempted to look up answers, or that they followed instructions in
spite of their usual habit of searching for the answers. Comments such as
these underscore the prevalence of cheating in online questionnaires and the
importance of identifying this behavior in survey data.

Collectively, these studies demonstrate that respondents frequently look up
the answers to political knowledge questions in online surveys and provide
suggestive evidence that this behavior varies by sample. On MTurk, where
respondents have a financial incentive to finish quickly, cheating rates seem
relatively low. Among students, who face lower opportunity costs and may
have a greater desire to self-enhance on political knowledge, cheating behavior
is common. In this latter population, cheating rates are high enough to distort
levels of political knowledge. Finally, in national samples, self-reported cheat-
ing rates were moderate, though we still found that a cheating intervention
(i.e., the Commitment language) improved the validity of a knowledge scale.
Researchers and survey organizations have adopted practices such as time
limits and instructions to discourage cheating, but have provided little evi-
dence for their efficacy. According to our analyses, a direct request asking

20.  Overall, 56 percent of respondents explicitly stated that there was nothing they disliked about
the survey, and this figure did not vary across conditions (p = .59).
874 Clifford and Jerit

people not to cheat was the least effective of the techniques we examined,
even when paired with forgiving language intended to reduce social desir-
ability pressures. Timers were more effective, but they may interfere with
honest subjects’ ability to answer the questions. As a result, we recommend
the commitment item—that is, asking respondents whether they are willing to
answer knowledge questions without help, and requiring a yes or no answer.

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This technique yielded the lowest levels of cheating and the highest predictive
validity—all without the potential disadvantages of timers or other unexpected
disadvantages regarding respondent goodwill.
We also provide evidence for the utility of simple self-reports for assessing
the prevalence of cheating behavior. Though the measure is no doubt a low esti-
mate, it generally corresponded with two other indicators of cheating behavior:
knowledge scores and reaction time. Thus, when measuring political knowl-
edge in online surveys, we encourage researchers to employ a self-report item
as an aggregate measure of cheating behavior. Such information will help diag-
nose potential problems and enhance our understanding of cheating behavior.21
While we have collected and analyzed a large amount of data, questions remain
about the motives for cheating. We find some evidence that the motivation for this
behavior varies by sample and by levels of self-deceptive enhancement, but it is
unclear whether cheating varies by the type of knowledge question. Comparing
the CCES and YouGov data, respondents are equally likely to cheat on political
knowledge and vocabulary tests. Furthermore, among all of our political knowl-
edge questions, item difficulty alone does not seem to drive cheating behavior
(see note 8). Further research is needed to uncover how context, personality, and
question-level factors interact to motivate cheating behavior.
The rise of online surveys has made data collection faster and more con-
venient than ever, particularly in combination with crowd-sourcing platforms
and student samples. Although researchers have explored the generalizability
of findings across different types of samples (Krupnikov and Levine 2014;
Mullinix et al. 2015), there has been less attention to how differences in sam-
ple characteristics affect data quality, particularly when research is conducted
online (Weinberg, Freese, and McElhattan [2014] is a notable exception).
Our analyses suggest that financial incentives and personal motivations can
have dramatic effects on data quality with regard to political knowledge. As
researchers turn toward online research, and adopt new approaches to recruit-
ing participants for research, it is increasingly important to understand how
data quality is affected by the unique characteristics of different subject

21.  At present, researchers do not have a definitive way to identify cheating. The willingness to
admit to this behavior may be correlated with characteristics that are related to knowledge (e.g.,
engagement, interest). Although we believe a self-reported cheating question can be useful in
gauging the extent of this behavior in the aggregate, more caution is warranted when using this
item as a measure of cheating at the individual level.
Cheating on Political Knowledge Questions 875

Appendix A. Details on Samples

Student Sample 1
A total of 127 subjects were recruited from political science courses at Stony
Brook University for a panel study. The first wave of the study was conducted
in the lab and included measures of political knowledge, attention to politi-
cal news, and content for an unrelated study. Approximately one week later,

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subjects were recontacted to fill out an online survey, consisting of measures
of political knowledge and attention to the news, along with unrelated content.
Subjects were compensated with extra credit for completion of the first wave of
the survey, and participants who completed the second wave were eligible for
a cash prize ($250) in a drawing. Eighty-four subjects completed the survey,
for an attrition rate of 34 percent. Attrition is calculated as the percentage of
respondents who drop out between the first and second time points. In Student
1, attrition is calculated as follows: [(127 – 84) / 127] * 100.

Student Sample 2
A total of 845 subjects were recruited for an online survey from required intro-
ductory political science courses at the University of Houston during the fall
of 2014. Subjects were compensated with extra credit for completion of the
survey. The survey was approximately 30 minutes long, with political knowl-
edge questions coming near the end of the survey.

Student Sample 3
A total of 271 subjects were recruited for an online survey from required intro-
ductory political science courses at the University of Houston during the spring
of 2015. Subjects were compensated with extra credit for completion of the
survey. This survey was the second wave of a panel. The first wave (N = 370)
measured demographics and material for an unrelated study approximately
four weeks earlier. The attrition rate was 27 percent.

Student Sample 4
A total of 66 students were recruited from political science courses at Stony
Brook University during the spring of 2015. This survey was the second wave
of a panel study (first wave N = 154) focusing on an unrelated topic. The attri-
tion rate was 57 percent.

Campus Staff Sample

A convenience sample of 59 campus staff was recruited from Stony Brook
University during the spring of 2015. The sample was recruited through an
IRB-approved broadcast e-mail to campus staff members in the College of
Arts and Sciences, and respondents were paid $25 for their participation. The
data reported in this study were the second wave of a panel study (first wave
N = 81) focusing on an unrelated topic. The attrition rate was 27 percent.
876 Clifford and Jerit

CCES 2014
A total of 1,000 respondents completed this survey as part of the Duke University
pre-election wave of the 2014 Cooperative Congressional Election Study
administered by YouGov/Polimetrix. Individuals are recruited into the YouGov/
Polimetrix Internet panel using targeted online advertisements, and the CCES
data are constructed from the thousands of people who have consented to be a

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part of this panel. More specifically, YouGov/Polimetrix selects a random sam-
ple of respondents from the US Census Bureau’s American Community Survey
(ACS). Each respondent from the YouGov-drawn ACS sample is matched with
a YouGov panelist using a weighted absolute distance measure on four Census
variables (age, race, gender, and education). More information on the survey
methodology employed can be found at http://projects.iq.harvard.edu/cces. The
participation rate for the full 2014 CCES was 22.7 percent, based upon the num-
ber of invitations that were sent and completions that were recorded.

A total of 1,000 respondents were recruited by YouGov during December
2015 using the process described above. YouGov calculated a participation
rate of 29.5 percent.

MTurk Sample 1
This convenience sample was collected in the spring of 2014 for an unre-
lated study. We recruited 500 respondents on an opt-in basis from Amazon’s
Mechanical Turk crowdsourcing platform. We restricted the posting to residents
of the United States who were at least 18 years of age and had at least a 97 percent
approval rate. The survey was advertised as a “short survey on political attitudes,”
and respondents were paid $0.60 for completing the survey. All respondents who
completed the survey were compensated and included in the analysis. Political
knowledge was measured at the end of the 5–10-minute survey.

MTurk Sample 2
This convenience sample was collected in the summer of 2014 for an unre-
lated study. We recruited 505 respondents on an opt-in basis from Amazon’s
Mechanical Turk crowdsourcing platform. We restricted the posting to resi-
dents of the United States who were at least 18 years of age and had at least a
97 percent approval rate. The survey was advertised as a study about “politi-
cal beliefs and attitudes,” and respondents were paid $2.00 for completing
the survey. All respondents who completed the survey were compensated and
included in the analysis. Political knowledge was measured at the end of the
30-minute survey.

MTurk Sample 3
This convenience sample was collected in the spring of 2015 for an unre-
lated study. We recruited 505 respondents on an opt-in basis from Amazon’s
Mechanical Turk crowdsourcing platform. We restricted the posting to
Cheating on Political Knowledge Questions 877

residents of the United States who were at least 18 years of age and had at
least a 95 percent approval rate. The survey was advertised as a “short politi-
cal survey,” and respondents were paid $0.50 for completing the survey. All
respondents who completed the survey were compensated and included in the
analysis. Political knowledge was measured at the end of the 10-minute survey.

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Appendix B. Knowledge Instructions and Treatment
All samples received the same control condition instructions for the knowl-
edge section (shown below). Three samples that did not contain experimental
manipulations used slightly different instructions, which are shown below.

Now we have a set of questions concerning various public figures. We want to
see how much information about them gets out to the public from television,
newspapers, and the like.

Control – Student Sample 1, Wave 1 (Lab)

Now moving on to a different topic….next you will see some questions about
politics and the economy.

Control – MTurk Sample 1

Now we’d like to ask you some factual questions about politics.

Control – MTurk Sample 2

Now we’d like to ask you some factual questions about politics. Many peo-
ple have trouble answering questions like these, so if you can’t think of the
answer, select “don’t know.”

Direct Request
Now we have a set of questions concerning various public figures. We want to
see how much information about them gets out to the public from television,
newspapers, and the like. Please give your best guess and do NOT use outside
sources like the Internet to search for the correct answer.

Now we have a set of questions concerning various political issues. We want
to see how much information about them gets out to the public from television,
newspapers, and the like. Please do NOT use outside sources like the Internet to
search for the correct answer. You will have 30 seconds to answer each question.

Now we have a set of questions concerning various political issues. We want
to see how much information about them gets out to the public from television,
878 Clifford and Jerit

newspapers, and the like. It is important to us that you do NOT use outside
sources like the Internet to search for the correct answer. Will you answer the
following questions without help from outside sources?

•• Yes
•• No

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Now we have a set of questions concerning various political issues. We want
to see how much information about them gets out to the public from televi-
sion, newspapers, and the like. Many people will know the answers but won’t
be able to remember them at the moment. However, it is essential that we only
measure what people are able to recall on their own. Thus, it is important to us
that you do NOT use outside sources like the Internet to search for the correct

Self-Reported Cheating Measure

Many people struggle to remember facts, even when they know them, and so
they get help remembering. When you were answering the factual knowledge
questions, did you get help from any other source, such as the internet or
another person? (Please be honest, this is for statistical purposes only.)

Self-Reported Cheating Measure – CCES

Many people may know the meaning of these words but struggle to remember
them, so they get help remembering. When you were answering these ques-
tions, did you get help remembering from any sources, such as the internet or
another person?

Appendix C. Political Knowledge Scales

As noted in the text, each battery of political-knowledge questions appeared
in multiple choice format. Answer categories below are presented horizontally
for the sake of space.
Student 1, Wave 1 (Lab)

1. Do you happen to know the name of the current Speaker of the US

House of Representatives? Is it...John Boehner; Nancy Pelosi; Newt
Gingrich; Mitch McConnell
2. What is the name of the Chair of the Federal Reserve Board? Janet
Yellen; Ben Bernanke; Kirsten Gillibrand; Hillary Clinton
3. What is the current unemployment rate in this country? Is it...3.7; 6.7;
10.7; 15.7
4. On which of the following does the US federal government currently
spend the least? Foreign aid; Medicare; National defense; Social Security
Cheating on Political Knowledge Questions 879

Student 1, Wave 2 (Online)

1. For how many years is a United States Senator elected – that is, how
many years are there in one full term of office for a US Senator? 2; 4; 6; 8
2. What is Medicare? A program run by the US federal government to pay
for old people’s health care; A program run by state governments to pro-

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vide health care to poor people; A private health insurance plan sold to
individuals in all 50 states; A private, non-profit organization that runs
free health clinics
3. Do you happen to know if children born to illegal immigrants in the US
are automatically US citizens, or are they NOT automatically US citi-
zens? Yes, automatically become citizens; No, do NOT automatically
become citizens
4. Who is this? <image of John Boehner>John Boehner; Mitch McConnell;
Harry Reid; Eric Cantor
5. What currency does this symbol represent? <image of Euro>Euro; Yen;
Pound; Dollar

Student 2

1. Do you happen to know the name of the current Speaker of the U.S.
House of Representatives? Is it...John Boehner; Nancy Pelosi; Harry
Reid; Mitch McConnell
2. What is the name of the Chair of the Federal Reserve Board? Janet
Yellen; Ben Bernanke; Kirsten Gillibrand; Eric Cantor
3. What is the current unemployment rate in this country? Is it…3.9; 5.9;
10.9; 15.9
4. On which of the following does the US federal government currently
spend the least? Foreign aid; Medicare; National defense; Social
5. As far as you know, which foreign country holds the most US govern-
ment debt? China; Japan; Saudi Arabia; Canada
6. How much of a majority is required for the US Senate and US House
to override a presidential veto? One-half; Two-thirds; Three-fourths;
7. Do you happen to know what job or political office is now held by
Ban Ki-Moon? Secretary of the US Department of Transportation;
Prime Minister of Japan; Secretary of the United Nations; United States
Ambassador to South Korea
8. In a recent address before the nation, President Obama outlined a four-
point plan for addressing the Islamic State. Which of the following is
not part of his plan? Humanitarian assistance to displaced civilians;
Airstrikes against Islamic State targets; Training Iraq national guard
units; Deployment of US ground combat units
880 Clifford and Jerit

Student 3

1. Do you happen to know if the share of Americans living at or below the

federal poverty line is currently closer to: 5%; 15%; 25%; 35%
2. Who is the prime minister of Great Britain? Tony Abbott; David
Cameron; Stephen Harper; Angela Merkel

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3. Do you happen to know whether any of the following people have formally
announced that they are running for president in 2016? Check all that apply.
Hillary Clinton; Chris Christie; Rand Paul; Jeb Bush; None of the above
4. The United States recently announced that it would re-establish dip-
lomatic relations with which of the following countries? Cuba; North
Korea; Russia; Yemen
5. There are nine justices on the US Supreme Court. How many of them
are women? 1; 2; 3; 4
6. What action did President Obama take earlier this year with regard to
the Keystone Pipeline, which would carry oil from Canada to the Gulf
of Mexico? He vetoed a bill that would have authorized its construction;
He signed an executive order authorizing construction of the pipeline;
He met with leaders of Canada and Mexico to discuss the project; He
gave an address before the nation outlining the reasons why the United
States should oppose the pipeline
7. What is the current unemployment rate in this country? Is it...3.5; 5.5;
10.5; 15.5
8. How much of a majority is required for the US Senate and US House
to override a presidential veto? One-half; Two-thirds; Three-fourths;

Student 4, Campus Staff, MTurk 3 (Subjects randomly assigned to one of two

knowledge batteries.)
Knowledge Battery Version 1

1. Do you happen to know if the share of Americans living at or below the

federal poverty line is currently closer to: 5%; 15%; 25%; 35%
2. Who is the prime minister of Great Britain? Tony Abbott; David
Cameron; Stephen Harper; Angela Merkel
3. How long is the term of office for a representative in the US House of
Representatives? 2 years; 4 years; 6 years; 8 years
4. Do you happen to know if the national unemployment rate as reported
by the government is currently closer to…1%; 6%; 10%; 15%

Knowledge Battery Version 2

1. Do you happen to know what the federal minimum wage is today? Is it:
$5.25; $7.25; $10.50; $12.50
2. Who is the prime minister of Israel? Benjamin Netanyahu; Shimon
Peres; Ariel Sharon; Hosni Mubarak
Cheating on Political Knowledge Questions 881

3. How long is the term of office for a senator in the US Senate? 2 years;
4 years; 6 years; 8 years
4. Do you happen to know if the national inflation rate as reported by the
government is currently closer to…1%; 6%; 10%; 15%


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We would like to know something about how people go about guessing
words they do not know. Please choose the word that comes closest to the
meaning of the word in capital letters. If you don’t know, just use your
best guess. [Last two sentences of the instructions were repeated with each
ANIMOSITY: Hatred; Animation; Disobedience; Diversity; Friendship;
Don’t know
CLOISTERED: Miniature; Bunched; Arched; Malady; Secluded;
Don’t know
CAPRICE: Value; A star; Grimace; Whim; Inducement; Don’t know
ACCUSTOM: Disappoint; Customary; Encounter; Get used to; Business;
Don’t know
ALLUSION: Reference; Dream; Eulogy; Illusion; Aria; Don’t know

MTurk 1

1. Do you happen to know the name of the current Speaker of the US

House of Representatives? Is it...John Boehner; Nancy Pelosi; Newt
Gingrich; Mitch McConnell
2. What is the name of the Chair of the Federal Reserve Board? Janet
Yellen; Ben Bernanke; Kirsten Gillibrand; Hillary Clinton
3. What is the current unemployment rate in this country? Is it...3.3; 6.3;
10.3; 15.3
4. On which of the following does the US federal government currently
spend the least? Foreign aid; Medicare; National defense; Social
5. Which political party has a majority in the US Senate? Democrats;
6. Which political party has a majority in the US House of Representatives?
Democrats; Republicans

MTurk 2

1. Do you happen to know the name of the current Speaker of the US

House of Representatives? Is it...John Boehner; Nancy Pelosi; Newt
Gingrich; Mitch McConnell; Don’t know
2. What is the name of the Chair of the Federal Reserve Board? Janet
Yellen; Ben Bernanke; Kirsten Gillibrand; Hillary Clinton; Don’t know
3. What is the current unemployment rate in this country? Is it currently
closer to…3.3; 6.3; 10.3; 15.3; Don’t know
882 Clifford and Jerit

4. What is ISIS? A Sunni extremist group seizing Syria and Iraq; A gov-
ernment program to monitor citizens; An energy company; A plan for
stabilizing Iraq; Don’t know
5. On which of the following does the US federal government currently
spend the least? Foreign aid; Medicare; National defense; Social
Security; Don’t know

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6. Which political party has a majority in the US Senate? Democrats;
Republicans; Don’t know
7. Which political party has a majority in the US House of Representatives?
Democrats; Republicans; Don’t know
8. Approximately how many people have died in the Syrian civil war?
150; 1,500; 15,000; 150,000; Don’t know
9. What is the federal minimum wage for non-tipped employees? $4.25;
$5.25; $6.25; $7.25; Don’t know
10. What is the federal minimum wage for tipped employees? $2.13; $3.13;
$4.13; $5.13; Don’t know
11. Which of the following states has NOT legalized physician-assisted sui-
cide? Oregon; Washington; Vermont; Nevada; Don’t know
12. How many states currently have legal same-sex marriage? 5; 12; 19; 31;
Don’t know


1. Do you happen to know the name of the current Speaker of the US

House of Representatives? Is it...John Boehner; Kevin McCarthy; Paul
Ryan; Mitch McConnell
2. The US and 11 Pacific Rim nations recently reached an agreement that
would…Open up free trade between these nations; Increase immigra-
tion between these nations; Improve the quality of water in the Pacific
Ocean; Reduce the emission of greenhouse gases
3. What is the name of the Chair of the Federal Reserve Board? Janet
Yellen; Ben Bernanke; Kirsten Gillibrand; Elizabeth Warren
4. What is the current unemployment rate in this country? Is it closer to...
2%; 5%; 10%; 15%
5. How much of a majority is required for the US Senate and US House
to override a presidential veto? One-half; Two-thirds; Three-fourths;
6. What does the term “Common Core” refer to? School curriculum stand-
ards for language and math; The military’s code of conduct; A set of
nutrition standards for school lunches; A plan to mandate English as the
official language
7. What is the leading source of electricity in the United States? Is it…
Renewable energy sources (wind, solar); Coal; Natural Gas; Nuclear
Cheating on Political Knowledge Questions 883

8. Which party has the most seats in the US Senate? Is it the…Republican

Party; Democratic Party

Appendix D. Criterion Validity Measures

BIDR-40; Paulhus 1991 (Student 4)

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Items 1–20 measure self-deceptive enhancement, items 21–40 measure
impression management. Items marked with “(R)” are reverse-scored (all even
How true are each of the following statements about yourself? Not true
(1) – Somewhat true (4) – Very true (7)

1. My first impressions of people usually turn out to be right.

2. It would be hard for me to break any of my bad habits. (R)
3. I don’t care to know what other people really think of me.
4. I have not always been honest with myself. (R)
5. I always know why I like things.
6. When my emotions are aroused, it biases my thinking. (R)
7. Once I’ve made up my mind, other people can seldom change my
8. I am not a safe driver when I exceed the speed limit. (R)
9. I am fully in control of my own fate.
10. It’s hard for me to shut off a disturbing thought. (R)
11. I never regret my decisions.
12. I sometimes lose out on things because I can’t make up my mind soon
enough. (R)
13. The reason I vote is because my vote can make a difference.
14. My parents were not always fair when they punished me. (R)
15. I am a completely rational person.
16. I rarely appreciate criticism. (R)
17. I am very confident of my judgments.
18. I have sometimes doubted my ability as a lover. (R)
19. It’s all right with me if some people happen to dislike me.
20. I don’t always know the reasons why I do the things I do. (R)
21. I sometimes tell lies if I have to.
22. I never cover up my mistakes. (R)
23. There have been occasions when I have taken advantage of someone.
24. I never swear. (R)
25. I sometimes try to get even rather than forgive and forget.
26. I always obey laws, even if I’m unlikely to get caught. (R)
27. I have said something bad about a friend behind his or her back.
28. When I hear people talking privately, I avoid listening. (R)
29. I have received too much change from a salesperson without telling him
or her.
884 Clifford and Jerit

30. I always declare everything at customs. (R)

31. When I was young I sometimes stole things.
32. I have never dropped litter on the street. (R)
33. I sometimes drive faster than the speed limit.
34. I never read sexy books or magazines. (R)
35. I have done things that I don’t tell other people about.

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36. I never take things that don’t belong to me. (R)
37. I have taken sick-leave from work or school even though I wasn’t really sick.
38. I have never damaged a library book or store merchandise without
reporting it. (R)
39. I have some pretty awful habits.
40. I don’t gossip about other people’s business. (R)

BIDR 6 short form; Bobbio and Manganelli 2011 (YouGov)

How true are each of the following statements about yourself? Strongly agree;
Agree; Neither agree nor disagree; Disagree; Strongly disagree [Randomize order.]

1. My first impressions of people usually turn out to be right.

2. I always know why I like things.
3. Once I’ve made up my mind, other people can seldom change my
4. I am fully in control of my own fate.
5. I never regret my decisions.
6. I am a completely rational person.
7. I am very confident of my judgments.
8. It’s all right with me if some people happen to dislike me.
9. I sometimes tell lies if I have to.
10. There have been occasions when I have taken advantage of someone.
11. I always obey laws, even if I’m unlikely to get caught
12. I have said something bad about a friend behind his or her back.
13. I have never dropped litter on the street.
14. I have done things that I don’t tell other people about.
15. I have taken sick-leave from work or school even though I wasn’t really sick.
16. I have some pretty awful habits.

Thought-listing and attribution questions

1. Do you favor or oppose stricter gun control laws? Favor; Oppose;

2. Still thinking about the question you just answered, what thoughts came
to mind while you were answering that question? Please try to list eve-
rything that came to mind. (open-ended)
3. Thinking about the mass shootings that have occurred in the US in the
last few years, what factors do you think are responsible for the shoot-
ings? (open-ended)
Cheating on Political Knowledge Questions 885

4. Do you support or oppose the health care law passed by the President
and Congress in 2010? Support; Oppose; Unsure
5. Still thinking about the question you just answered, what thoughts came
to mind while you were answering that question? Please try to list eve-
rything that came to mind. (open-ended)
6. For decades, experts have observed that the United States spends far

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more per person on health care than any other country. However, the
US falls behind on most measures of health care outcomes, such as life
expectancy. What factors do you think are responsible for the state of
our health care system? (open-ended)

Supplementary Data
Supplementary data are freely available online at http://poq.oxfordjournals.org/.

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