2019 Alpha Ciphering 0
2019 Alpha Ciphering 0
2019 Alpha Ciphering 0
5th terms have the same coefficient. 5th terms have the same coefficient.
5th terms have the same coefficient. 5th terms have the same coefficient.
#8 Alpha Ciphering #8 Alpha Ciphering
MAΘ National Convention 2019 MAΘ National Convention 2019
A CD spins at 4500 revolutions per minute. The A CD spins at 4500 revolutions per minute. The
linear velocity, in feet per second, of a point 2 linear velocity, in feet per second, of a point 2
inches from the center of the CD is L . What is inches from the center of the CD is L . What is
L? L?
Find the entry in the 2nd row/3rd column of A1 . Find the entry in the 2nd row/3rd column of A1 .
Find the entry in the 2nd row/3rd column of A1 . Find the entry in the 2nd row/3rd column of A1 .
#12 Alpha Ciphering #12 Alpha Ciphering
MAΘ National Convention 2019 MAΘ National Convention 2019
What is the largest positive integer n such that n! What is the largest positive integer n such that n!
ends with exactly 502 zeros? ends with exactly 502 zeros?