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M. Łyskowski, E. Mazurek, and J.

Zie˛tek – Ground Penerating Radar investigation of limestone karst at the Odstrzelona Cave in
Kowala, Świe˛tokrzyskie Mountains, Poland. Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, v. 76, no. 3, p. 184–190. DOI: 10.4311/2014EX0001


AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, A. Mickiewicza 30 Ave., 30-059 Krakow, Poland,

Abstract: Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is one of the most effective and rapid types
of geophysical surveys methods. The variety of its uses is limited only by the availability
of components such as antennas with different frequencies of emitted radio waves. The
application of GPR ranges from engineering applications and geological investigations
to assessing the condition of old trees. The authors tested GPR measurements in a
geological exploration of a newly discovered limestone cave in the Świe˛tokrzyskie
Mountains region, the Odstrzelona Cave in Kowala, near the village of that name.
Investigations were ordered by the municipality of Sitkówka-Nowiny, in the
Świe˛tokrzyskie district in Poland. GPR surveys were conducted in the vicinity of a
known cave entrance to see if information could be gained on nearby karst features.
GPR investigations documented two additional chambers and a few more openings in
the limestone. Unfortunately, they are probably too small to explore.

INTRODUCTION means shoot away; Kowala is the village where the cave is
located). After the discovery of the entrance, they wanted
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) is a fast geophysical to seek karst areas adjacent to the cave. Speleologists
method that allows precise and effective recognition of proposed GPR measurements, because of previous expe-
geological formations below the surface. Dry or moder- rience with that method. Before the survey, researchers
ately wet solid rocks are the best medium for such a survey. analyzed available geological information and made a local
Review of the available literature shows that the GPR inspection to determine if use of GPR was feasible. The
method is a good geophysical tool for detecting karst survey was done in November 2010. The data from the
phenomena and caves. Doolittle and Collins (1998) GPR measurements were processed and interpreted very
compared the electromagnetic induction method to GPR carefully to provide a basis for future speleological
results and obtained very good results. Chamberlain et al. investigations, as well as for evaluating risk to public
(2000) gave examples of cave detection in limestones. Their safety. We have obtained results of a very good quality that
surveys gave good results and thanks to a grid of parallel allowed us to precisely locate karst objects in the limestone
profiles, it was possible to present them in different ways, and the location of unknown chambers, voids, and cracks.
as both classical profiles and time slices. Another example
of the application of the GPR method in detecting caves is STUDY AREA
presented by Beres et al. (2001), in which the GPR method
was compared to microgravimetric measurements. The In terms of Polish geographical regions presented by
obtained results are good examples of GPR profiles. Kondracki (2011), the area where the Odstrzelona Cave in
Anomalies in GPR echograms were confirmed by the Kowala is located belongs to the Kielce Upland macro-
gravity measurement results. region located in central Poland. More precisely, it is the
Investigations carried out by the authors and presented Świe˛tokrzyskie (Holy Cross) Mountains mezzo-region and
in this paper were focused on a cave newly rediscovered in the Che˛cińskie Hills micro-region. This area is composed of
2008 near the city of Kielce, central Poland, and on limestone and dolomite of the Middle Devonian period.
detecting karst phenomena. The cave was probably The cave is located in the closed quarry Stara
discovered many years before during exploration work Trzuskawica north of the village of Kowala in the
performed by the workers of the quarry Stara Trzuskawica, municipality of Sitkówka-Nowiny. Rocks forming the
who shot away the ceiling in the entrance tunnel of the walls of the cave are Devonian limestones. The origin of
cave. For safety reasons, in the 1970s the cave was drilled the cave is associated with a typical karst processes. The
and filled with limestone rubble made from surrounding entrance is artificial, created during exploration work in
rocks (Grzelak, 2012). As a result, the cave was unavailable the quarry. Only a small part of the cave is accessible.
for many years following the closure of the quarry. Access to the rest of the cave is not possible because of the
Speleologists who investigated the quarry named it collapse of ceiling and walls, which took place after the
Odstrzelona Cave in Kowala (Polish word odstrzelona blasting at the quarry. The collapsed tunnels are filled with
184 N Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, December 2014

Figure 1. A—Geological map of the Świe˛tokrzyskie (Holy Cross) Mountains mezzo-region, with inset showing its location in
Poland (modified from Urban, 2007). B—A surface geological map of the Odstrzelona Cave in Kowala (Grzelak, 2012). C—
Photo from inside of the cave taken by Mr. Maciej Grzelak.

limestone rubble. The open part has been explored and has Because of terrain topography typical of an opencast
a length of 28.8 m and a height reaching 3.8 m (Grzelak, quarry, it was not possible to conduct measurements in a
2012). Figure 1 shows the location of the cave and the parallel grid. Surveys had to be carried out along specially
surrounding geology. cut paths in the vegetation surrounding the area. Additional
Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, December 2014 N 185

problems were caused by the multiple levels of the closed the attenuation of electromagnetic waves in the medium
quarry. The direction and location of GPR profiles was (Reynolds, 1997).
determined by the local speleologists who had rediscovered Wave attenuation determines the depth range of GPR
the cave. Cut paths were made in places interesting for them method. Wave attenuation means the gradual reduction of
and where they predicted continuation of the karst cave. The an electromagnetic pulse’s amplitude along the travel path.
GPR profiles are shown in Figure 2. It depends on four basic factors, the geometrical divergence
of the wave front from the point source of the wave,
BASICS OF GPR SURVEY scattering related to nonhomogeneity of the medium,
propagation dispersion of the waves, which depends on
A GPR system includes central processing unit, signal frequency, and the electrical conductivity of the medium,
generator, transmitter, transmitting and receiving anten- usually mainly due to pore fluids (Annan, 2001).
nas, receiver, and measuring gear. Today’s systems have an The frequency of the signal emitted by the antennas also
onboard laptop computer that facilitates data acquisition defines the depth range and the resolution. The lower the
and pre-processing in the field (Reynolds, 1997). The frequency of emitted EM wave, the greater the depth
modern system uses the bistatic type of antennas in which penetration, but the lower resolution of the survey. On the
two separate antennas are used, with one serving as a other hand, with increasing frequency, the resolution is
transmitter and the other as a receiver (Annan, 2001). The higher, but the range decreases.
GPR systems produced today use antennas with frequen- For the GPR method, the concept of resolution is
cies from 10 MHz to 6000 MHz (British custom GPR important, but quite complex. We can define vertical and
system Groundvue 5C). Based on their structure, bistatic horizontal resolutions. The simplest definition of both
antennas can be divided into the two most commonly used resolutions says that it is the minimum distance between
types, shielded and unshielded. In the case of the first type, two objects with the same cross section that are visible on
transmitting and receiving antennas are encased in an the echogram as separate anomalies (Annan, 2001).
electromagnetic shield. The housing makes them less prone
to external interference, such as reflections from trees, and METHODS
is also designed for aiming the electromagnetic (EM) wave
directly into the medium. Unshielded antennas are not The GPR surveys presented in this paper were obtained
shielded from the interference and are not physically using a ProEx GPR unit (MALA Geoscience, Sweden)
integrated. Separation of transmitting and receiving with a 250 MHz shielded antenna. This equipment allowed
antennas makes it possible to carry out investigations with the acquisition of information to a theoretical depth range
different spacing distances between the dipoles and with of about 13 m. Test measurements with a 100 MHz
different polarizations of the dipoles in relation to the unshielded antenna were done along a single profile, profile
profile line. Unshielded antennas also allow the special 16, that was located above the cave. The obtained depth
kind of survey called WARR profiling (Wide-Angle penetration reached about 18 m. The whole case study
Reflection and Refraction, the final result of which is an consists of sixteen profiles. Their courses and locations are
echogram that is used for determination of the EM wave presented in Figure 2 on a schematic map of the survey
propagation velocity in the medium (Łyskowski and site, along with sample echograms.
Mazurek, 2013)). The echogram is a final result of the GPR survey. It is
The GPR system is based on a transmitter generating a composed of the traces that register the reflected EM wave
pulse of radio waves at a frequency determined by the amplitudes as a function of time. The traces are arranged
characteristics of the antennas. EM waves are emitted from one by one along the X-axis. The length of the profile is
a source to detect an object at a distance and determine the calculated by the computer by revolving the measuring
direction to the object as well as the distance to the object. gear connected to the antennas. These mechanisms can
In order for an object to reflect radio waves it must have generate small errors in determining the profile length.
different dielectric properties from the surrounding mate- Despite the fact that the measurement is done in steps
rial, referred to as the medium (Annan, 2001). Emitted declared in centimeters, it is called continuous.
radio waves travel at a speed that depends on the material Raw data collected from the GPR surveys were
in which they propagate. Each scan lasts as long as the recorded in nanoseconds. To obtain the vertical axis of
total two-way travel time range. This value, defined as the the echograms as a depth scale in meters, it was necessary
time window, can be set by the operator from a few tens to to do a time-to-depth conversion. This process needs the
several thousands of nanoseconds (Reynolds, 1997). value of EM wave velocity in the medium, which can be
The electromagnetic characteristics of materials are obtained from WARR profiling. The velocity can be also
related to their composition and water saturation. Due to calculated from the relative dielectric constant (er) taken
the high frequency of radar waves, they are sensitive to both from published data (e.g. Reynolds, 1997, p. 682–749;
changes in conductivity and dielectric properties of materi- OYO, 1988; MALÅ, 2009). To do so, the EM wave
als, which affect the speed of radio-wave propagation and velocity is given by the speed of light in vacuum, 0.3 m ns21,
186 N Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, December 2014

Figure 2. Schematic geographical map of survey site containing position and course of GPR profiles (black lines with arrows)
and the location of Odstrzelona Cave in Kowala (center); Two echograms, from profiles 8 and 10, with visible anomalies from
karst features. Note that the distance scale along the profiles in the top echogram is backwards. Light gray lines are isolines
(elevation), and dark gray lines are contours of the excavation in the quarry Stara Trzuskawica.
Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, December 2014 N 187

divided by the square root of the relative dielectric constant Profile 2, shown in Figure 3, is the closest one to the
of the medium (Karczewski et al., 2011). Due to the Odstrzelona Cave in Kowala and shows a crack located
topography of the terrain and the vegetation, the authors near the opened fragment of the cave. The whole series of
determined the velocity by using an estimation from a small hyperbolas between 5 and 35 r-m of the profile,
table. starting at the depth of 1 m, are the result of karst
processes. The anomaly at 45 r-m at the depth of 6 m and
DATA PROCESSING AND RESULTS thickness of about 1 m can be assigned to a karst void, as
can be the anomaly less visible at a depth about 8.5 m.
The raw data were processed using the software A distinct anomaly from a karst void appears on profile
ReflexW (Sandmeier Scientific Software). Data-processing 3 (Fig. 3) at 10 r-m and a depth of 6.5 m. Underneath we
work-flow included noise removal, frequency filtering, can see poorly visible anomalies from cracks in the old
gaining, and smoothing. It is also possible to apply an quarry. Near 5 r-m at the depth of 2 m a small anomaly can
approximate topographic shape of the area (profile 8 in be seen, which probably is also associated with karst
Figure 2). The data presented in this paper were processed processes. At 14 r-m of the profile one more anomaly,
as follows, using the procedure names in the program elongated in time with height of about 8 m, can be
(ReflexW, 2009): ‘‘move starttime’’ accepts a fixed value in observed. We suggest that it originated from a karst
nanoseconds that is the time of the first signal in the chimney.
echogram. ‘‘subtract-DC-shift’’ calculates the mean value Profile 12 (Fig. 3) was designed in order to see if
of the trace (the ‘‘DC value’’) for the given time range and Odstrzelona Cave in Kowala continues to the north. In the
subtracts this value from all data. ‘‘substract-mean first 10 r-m of the profile there are many anomalies related
(dewow)’’ creates a moving time window along the Z axis, to cracks near the opened fragment of cave. From about 12
subtracting the mean values from the actual data. r-m at about 1 to 3.5 m depth, an anomaly with a similar
‘‘bandpassbutterworth’’ performs bandbass frequency fil- origin appears.
tering in the time domain of each trace. ‘‘time cut’’ removes The very interesting profile 9 (Fig. 3) shows without
trace values below a specified time value. ‘‘gain function’’ doubt four big and clearly visible anomalies. They are
strengthens reflections with a time-dependent multiplier. pictures of a karst cave with two chambers. The first one
‘‘average xy-filter’’ is a smoothing filter that calculates the starts at 23 r-m of profile and continues for the next 11 r-m,
average for a specified data range. And ‘‘static correction,’’ until 34 r-m. The second one can be found at 52 r-m and is
applied only to profile 8 in Figure 2, applies surface visible for 10 m. Their ceilings start at depths 3.5 m for the
topography to the echogram. first one and 3 m for the second one. Measured thickness
The data-processing work-flow presented above was reaches up to 2.5 m. Bright anomalies below these two, at a
chosen as the most effective from several that have been depth of about 7.5 to 8 m and located at 25–40 r-m and 52–
tried. Time-depth conversion of the GPR data was done 62 r-m, respectively, and thickness reaching up to 1.5 m are
with the use of published data for the relative dielectric probably floors of these chambers. At the end of the profile
constant of limestone. The assumed value er 5 9 we can see a similar anomaly to the one in profile 12. The
corresponds to electrical conductivity of medium-wet reflector, about 8-m high, is a karst chimney.
limestone (OYO, 1988). It gives an EM wave velocity
calculated as v 5 0.1 m ns21. The conversion from DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION
nanoseconds to meters depth is then a factor of 20, since
the echo has traveled both ways. Comparing the quality of obtained results to echograms
Profile 8 shown in Figure 2 contains information about from a study performed by Beres et al. (2001) shows our
the topography. Please notice that the horizontal axis in surveys to be equally satisfactory and precise.
this plot is in inverse order. The visible dipping reflections, Due to the limitations of GPR, there are several
which start from 25 m along the profile (below abbreviated problems with conducting measurements and their inter-
r-m, for running meters), can be assigned to the geological pretation. The survey has considerable space requirements.
layers of limestones or karst fissures. Between 11 and 17 r- For carrying out GPR measurements, antennas need close
m there are two anomalies at the depth of 7 and 10.5 m that or even direct contact with the bedrock surface. Trees and
could originate from karst voids. At about 4 r-m at the bushes, and even cut brush, are a great obstacle. Another
depth of 4 m, the anomaly of a void is clearly visible, and limitation is the depth range and resolution. Those
another one that could be induced by deep cracks in the parameters are directly connected. For greater depth
limestone, is visible at a depth of 9 m. penetration, the resolution is lower and the size and weight
At the beginning of profile 10 there is a visible anomaly of antennas grows; for example, an 800 MHz shielded
for a karst cave, which corresponds to the one visible on antenna has size approximately 0.4 3 0.2 m and weighs
profile 9 in Figure 3 at 30 r-m. Between 10 and 17 r-m at 2.6 kg, and a 250 MHz shielded antenna is about 0.8 3
the depth of about 1 to 4 m we can see an anomaly from 0.5 m and 8 kg. If you consider an ideal bedrock for GPR
loose rock. measurements, such as dry limestone, for reaching deeper it
188 N Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, December 2014

Figure 3. Echograms from profiles 2, 3, 9, and 12 containing clearly visible anomalies from karst process effects: disruption of
the bedrock, as in profile 2 between 5 and 35 m, or voids, as in profile 9, which has four large anomalies, two between 23 and
34 r-w and two between 52 and 62 r-m, each pair interpreted as the ceiling and floor of a void.

Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, December 2014 N 189


is necessary to use a lower frequency, requiring a larger colleague from AGH University of Science and Technol-
antenna and providing lower resolution. Use of a 250 MHz ogy in Krakow, Poland, Ph.D. Eng. Kamila Wawrzyniak-
antenna gave good-quality data and proved to be the right Guz for support during the writing of this paper.
choice. The resolution and usable depth penetration range Additional thanks are expressed to the reviewers for their
obtained, up to 10 m, were satisfactory. The terrain comments that helped improve the manuscript and to Mr.
covered with trees where the surveys were carried out also Maciej Grzelak for access to the photo.
made that the choice of antenna frequency, size, and weight Measurements were conducted by M.Sc. Eng. Mikołaj
optimal. Usage of the shielded type antennas also reduced Łyskowski under the supervision of Ph.D. Eng. Jerzy
the noise, a source of which can be trees, so-called Zie˛tek. Presentation and analysis of the surveys results
reflections in air. Before analyzing the results the authors were made by M.Sc. Eng. Mikołaj Łyskowski and M.Sc.
repeatedly processed the raw data. The optimal sequence of Eng. Ewelina Mazurek, who are Ph.D. students at AGH
processing was applied to all profiles. Processing all data in University of Science and Technology in Krakow in the
the same way guarantees confidence of interpretation. Only Department of Geophysics.
profile number 16, because of the use of an unshielded
100 MHz antenna, was processed individually. The
procedures used removed unwanted noise and kept the REFERENCES
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190 N Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, December 2014

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