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The "Self" Is The Essence of A Person

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• Puberty – many changes that teenagers

Origins of Personal Development experience.
• During the time of Western Philosophers
(Greek thinkers). Defining the “Self”
• Questions about the self and being human. • Plato
• “The Republic” by Plato – character and - The beginning of knowledge is self
intelligence is what education is all about. knowledge.
• “The Republic” – greatest work in the • Socrates
philosophy of education. - Admitting one’s ignorance is the
• Chinese being – desire to be the superior beginning of true knowledge.
man not only to his peers and followers but
to himself/herself especially. ❖ The “self” is an intangible entity that directs
a person’s thought and actions; it is outside
Human Development and Personal Development the physical realm of the person.
• Developmental scientists (Papalia and
Feldman 2012) identified the 3 aspects of THE “SELF” IS THE ESSENCE OF
human development:
2. COGNITIVE – brain + body
3. PSYCHO-SOCIAL – brain + attitudes and
• Uniqueness (ikaw lang) and enduring
(nagtatagal) set of behaviors, feelings,
• 3 Domains of Human Development:
thoughts, and motives that characterize an
1. Heredity
2. Environment
• Pattern of relatively permanent traits and
3. Maturation
characteristics that makes a person’s
behavior consistent and distinct.
Personality Personal
- Traits – inherent qualities (ikaw na
Development Development
• Image • Values, attitudes, - Characteristics – acquired qualities
enhancement behavior, thinking
• Personality is influenced by both nature
• Outer part skills
and nurture.
• Inside part - Nature – heredity/genetic make-up
(ikaw na ‘yon)
Psychology and Personal Development - Nurture – environment
• Psychology – study of human mind and
behavior: serves as a foundation for
personal development.

Personal Development in Adolescence

• Personal development cannot be detached
from the development of the brain and the
rest of the physical body.
• Adolescence – transition period between
childhood and adulthood.
Trait Theory • Cognitive Development
• Psychologists Paul Costa and Robert McRae - Intellectual pursuits
(1992) developed a categorized scheme • Spiritual Development
that describe personality: The Big Five / - Discovering oneself beyond the ego
Five-Factor Model. • Beliefs – how people should live
1. Openness to Experience • Values – subjective judgements
- Interested in variety or sticks to a
routine Values and Virtues
2. Conscientiousness • UN – Universal Values:
- Disciplined or Impulsive
Equal Rights Human Dignity
3. Extraversion
Peace Freedom
- Sociable or Reserved
Social Progress
4. Agreeableness
- Soft-hearted or uncooperative • Values for the Workplace:
5. Neuroticism (Emotional Instability)
- Self-satisfied or self-pitying Accountability Diligence
Discipline Perseverance
BEHAVIOR • Values – nouns, Virtues – adjectives

Development of a Person VIRTUES DEFINE VALUES

• Physiological Development
- Personal diet and exercise
• Emotional Development Developing Stages in Middle and Late Adolescence
- All humans have emotions, but not • Adolescence – transition between
all are aware of their emotions. childhood and adulthood.
- “I don’t feel anything anymore.” • Ages adolescence may be bracketed as
- Dr. Damasio – feeling arises from follows:
the brain as it interprets emotions, - Early – 10 to 13 years old
which usually caused by external - Middle – 14 to 16 years old
stimulus. - Late – 17 to 20 years old
- Paul Ekman of University of
California – 6 basic emotions that Psycho-Social Development (Erik Erikson)
human beings experience: Favorable IDENTITY Unfavorable
• Happiness • Anger Results Results
• Sadness • Disgust • Develops a | • Feeling of
• Fear • Surprise sense of self V confusion,
and identity. Adolescent indecisiveness,
• Social Development • Plans to | and anti-social
- Early experience in life could affect actualize one’s V behavior.
one’s self-concept toward other abilities. Role Confusion • weak sense
people. • Develops the of “self”.
• Attitudes – thoughts, feelings ability to stay
• Behavior – manifestation, acting true to oneself.

Family, Teachers, and the

Significant others

Adolescence: Identity and Role Confusion

• “Self-Identity” – moldered through various
interactive experience around
• Identity – self-belief of what the individual
thinks and feels about himself/herself.
• Social Identity – formed in consideration of
social roles and social norms.
• Identity – also influenced by how others
perceive an individual.
• Role confusion – affects an individual’s
relationship with others because there is no
clear definition of what he is and how he
related to others.

Changes During Adolescence

• At this stage, the brain also continues to
1. Cognitive Growth
- The way they are able to
comprehend abstract concepts.
2. Idealism
- Very prominent among adolescents.
3. Reckless Behavior
- Adolescents are sometimes
attributed to the development of
the brain.
4. Experimentation
- Adolescents search for their identity.
- To further validate their identity,
they search for social groups (clubs
and organizations) with whom they
find common interests.
5. Sexual Experimentation
- Sometimes end up in a DISASTER!

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