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 Is defined as the means of collecting, transporting and disposing of surface water

originating in or near the right of way, or flowing in stream crossing or bordering the
right of way

 It is the artificial removal of water ,both surface and subsurface.drainage is often a major
element in construction projects and is necessary to avoid flooding and other damage.


 Is that branch of physical geography that deals with water of the earth . The branch of
hydrology that concern highway engineers are:
 The frequency and intensity of precipitation.
 The frequencies that this precipitation brings the highest run-off which are equal or
exceeded critical values.
 The distribution of precipitation throughout the seasons that influences water behaviour
affecting the highways surface
 The prediction regarding future rainfalls or run-off from gathered statistical approaches ,
formula , or simulated methods based on the laws of probability.

Surface drainage problems follow three basic considerations:

 Hydraulic Design- that deals with estimating the highest rate of run-off to be handled.

 Hydraulic Design- that deals with the selection of the kinds and sizes of the drainage
facilities that is most economical to accommodate the estimated water flow.

 Erosion Control- is to ascertain the design will not create the erosion or other
unacceptable environmental conditions.





Design of Underdrain

 Underdrain is categorized under item 502 of DPWH Standard Specifications, which

provides that:
“This item shall consist of constructing underdrain , using pipes and granular filter
material underdrain pipe outlets and blind drains using granular material in accordance with
the specification and in reasonably close comfomity with the lines and gradess hown on the
plans or as established by the engineer.”

Granular Backfill Filter Materials

 Granular backfill filter materials shall be permeable meeting the requirements of

AASHTO M-6 specification except that soundness tests will not be required and minor
variations in grading and content of deleterious substances may be approved by the
engineer. All materials are subject to inspection before acceptance.

Underdrain Outlet

 Trench for underdrain outlets are excavated to the depth and width as planned. Pipes are
laid in the trench with all ends firmly joined and backfilled after inspection and approval
of the pipe installation.

Debris Control

 Flood water usually carries objectionable objects like brushes, banana trunks, tree
branches etc. This floating debris clog culverts entrances and raises the headwater
elevation over-flowing the road and damaging adjoining properties.


 Trenches for blind drains shall be excavated to the width and depth shown on the
plans,the trench shall be filled with granular backfill material to the depth required by the
 Any remaining upper portion of trench shall be filled with either granular or impervious
material in accordance with item 103-Structure Escalation.


Problems usually encountered in the design and constructions of roadways are:

 The stability of fill and slope

 The drainage

 Permafrost

 Elasticity and rutting


1.prevent flooding,pounding and seepage and kept the carriage way cycleway and footway as
free or standing water as possible.

2.Ensure surface water falling on the highway enters the drainage system or natural
watercourse as speedily as possible.

3.Keep the underlying road structure as dry as possible.

4. Prevent injury or damage caused by hazardous surface water.

5.Prevent highway surface water for flooding adjacent properties.

Run-off Predicted Based on the following Method:

 By the Rational Methods

 By the Empirical Formula

 By the Unit Hydrograph

 By Statistical Approach

 By Simulation

Cardinal Rules on Drainage Design

 As much as possible , any existing drainage system patterns and soil covers should not be

 Necessary changes in the drainage patterns should not in any manner bring velocities that
may create new erosion problems.

Manhole, Inlets and Catch basin

 Manhole, inlets , catch basin are under item 502 of the DPWH standard specification
which includes construction or adjustment of manholes, inlets, and catch basin.

 A manhole, also known as an inspection chamber, provides access to underground

utilities, most commonly sewer system.
 A manhole usually consist of a chamber or ring

-a vertical circular pipe- of carrying sizes and depths,which is used to access inspection

It is a pit in a drainage system in which matter that might otherwise block a sewer is
collected so that it may periodically be removed.

Item 503-3 Strength Classification and the Loading Condition for sump,Trench and Box
CLASS A-Test Load10 km
CLASS B-Test Load 80 kN
CLASS C- Test Load 150 kN
CLASS D-Test Load 210 kN
CLASS E,F,G- Test Load 400 kN, 600 KN and 900 kN

 The purpose in designing a channel is to determine the cross-section of the canal that will
accommodate water flow smoothly and cheapest to construct and maintain.
The condition to various channel problems rest on the following distinctions:
 Water flowing down a mild slope in an open canal is in Sub-Critical Flow.
 Water flow on steep slope is in Super Critical Flow.
Sub-Critical Flow exist when the depth of water in the channel is greater than the critical
Super Critical Flow exists when the depth is less than the critical level.
The Critical Depth occurs when the velocity head is one half the average depths.
The Average Depth or Mean Depth is the cross-sectional area of the flow divided by its
width at the liquid surface.
 Is the tendency of water to seek its own level as if in an open channels flows trough the
pores and fine channel of the soil.
 With the exception of storm drain, culvert includes all closed conduits with standard
design repeated used.


ITEM 519-Concrete Slope Protection
ITEM 511-Gabions and Matresses

 An existing earth slope that have been stable can experience significant movement called
Slope Failure or Landslide due to the following changes:
 Changes in Natural Conditions
Changes induced by man
Stabilizing the Unsupported Slope:
 An existing earth slope that have been stable can experience significant movement called
Slope Failure or Landslide due to the following changes:
 Changes in Natural Conditions
Changes induced by man
Changes in natural conditions may be the result from:
 Occurrence of earthquake
 Subsidence of underground cavern
 Erosion
 Slope weakening due to the development of cracks or shrinkage cracks that are followed
by water intrusions
 Variations in the elevations of ground water or changes in the slope subsurface flow that
create new seepage forces
 Weakening of buried soils or rock seems due to ground water flow or chemical leaching
Changes induced by Man

 Slide-refers to the occurrence where the moving mass is defined and separated from the
underlying and adjacent earth by plane, comprising a number of adjacent planes were
seepage result.

Slides is classified into four:

 Rotation Slide

 Translational Slide

 Block or Wedge Failure

 Flows and Spread

Improving the Stability of Slope

Slope areas that have experienced slides in the past should be considered likely to undergo
further movement if loading condition changes.

Procedure adopted in the past which have been successful in stabilizing slopes are enumerated as

1.Corrected and preventive measures of reducing a mass or loading have successfully prevented
further slides.

2. Improving the shear strength of the earth in the failure zone by constructing structural
elements that will provide resistant to

3.Consider the characteristics of the soil in the slope like:

-The thickness and depth of the materials involved in sliding.

-The ground water conditions.

-The spaces available to undertake corrective changes.

-The topographical conditions are the vicinity of the slope and the tendency for changes such as
the advent of the seismic and vibratory loadings to occur.

4.where area is available,flattening of the slope can be done to reduce the weight of the mass that
tends to slides.
5.If base failure is anticipated,placement of beam bellow the toe of the slope will increase
movement resistance.

6. If base failure is anticipated, placement of beam below the toe of the slope will increase
movement resistance.

7.To prevent infiltration , erosion and to reduce seepage force,the stone subsurface water and
intercept surface water should be lowered.

8.If the soil is cohesionless , the shear strength of the slope material can be proved through
densification by using explosives or vibration or Terra probe procedure.

9.For cohesive soils, shear strength could be improved by consolidation and water content
reduction through surcharging which may include wick drains, electro osmosis and thermal

10.Where the weak condition is critical to the stability of the slope ,grouting and injection
methods could be utilized to add cementing and bonding agent.

11. Pile Driving,sheet pilling or retaining walls are utilized to provide lateral support and
increase resistance of slope tending to stocks.

12.Improvement and protective methods such as slope flatenning and drainage control are
preferred for economical reason.

Types of retaining wall:

 Gravity Walls

 Cantilevered Retaining Wall

 Sheet Pile Retaining Wall

 Bored Pile Retaining Wall

 Anchored Retaining Wall

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