Irrigation Notes
Irrigation Notes
Irrigation Notes
check dam - small barrier built across the direction of water flow on shallow rivers
and streams intended to convey runoff during peak flow and to slow and hold surface
water long enough for the water to deposit sediment it is carrying; facilitates irrigation by
using the upstream bay of the dam as pump sump
gabion - stones wrapped in wire fence meshes for added stability and strength
Check dams are classified based on the type of material used for construction.
Site Selection
The length of the river or stream should be sufficient with adequate volume of
stored water.
A drainage system should exist for effective water blocking.
The site shall be accessible for construction, operation and maintenance.
The length of the foundation shall be longer than the length of the spillway to
prevent scouring and undermining by falling water.
The crest of rectangular and trapezoidal spillways should be level.
Check the stability of the check dam. For loose-stone, boulder, gabion and cement-
masonry check dams, details of stability analysis are detailed in PAES 613: 2016 –
Design of a Diversion Dam
If the total height of the gabion check dam is < 3 m, box gabions of the following
dimensions may be used:
If the total height of the gabion check dam is 3 m to 5 m, use the following formula
k = 0.4H
d = 0.6H
f = 0.3H
f = depth of foundation, m
If the total height of the masonry check dam is < 2 m, crest thickness should be
0.4 m. The base thickness is calculated according to the height and inclination of
the dam's downstream face.
If the total height of the masonry check dam is 2 m to 6 m, use the Hoffman
pumping test - pumping of water from a fully developed well at a controlled rate
and observing, with respect to time, the drawdown in two or more observation wells, in
order to determine the aquifer hydrologic properties
shallow tubewell - tube or shaft vertically set into the ground at a depth that is
usually less than 15 m for the purpose of bringing groundwater into the soil surface with
the use of suction lift pumps
unconfined aquifer - aquifer which has water table serving as upper surface of
the zone of saturation
uniformity coefficient - ratio of the particle size at 60% passing to that at 10%
well log - a record of formation stratification of an aquifer showing the depth,
thickness, lithology and other aquifer physical characteristics
Site Selection
Table 1 – Aquifer properties and their importance in well design, drilling and
development, and in selection of pumping units
Well Characterization
Table 2 – Various Methods Used for Well Characterization and Site Investigation
Types of Shallow Well
Dug Well – used in unconsolidated formations with large diameters which permit
considerable water storage.
Materials - Wells are constructed through manual excavation using pick
shovel while the loose materials are hauled to the surface in a container.
Walls must be lined or braced during and after construction
Vulnerable to contamination from surface sources
Bored Well/Augered Well – used in formations with very shallow water depths
Materials – Wells are constructed using hand-operated or power-driven
earth auger
Limitation - Should only be used in formations that do not cave;
otherwise, a casing is required to be lowered down the bottom of the hole.
Driven Well – used in unconsolidated formations with shallow water tables that
contain not too many rocks
Materials - Consists of a series of connected lengths of pipe driven by
repeated impacts to the ground below the water table.
Cannot be used on formation with large gravel or rocks that may
damage the drive point
Joints between the pipes must be carefully made to prevent breakage
and ensure airtight pipe system
Jetted Well – constructed by the cutting action of a downward-directed steam of
water to excavate the hole and carry the excavated materials out of the hole.
Pipe Selection
Table 3 – Recommended Pipe Diameter Based on Discharge in a Rice-Based
Cropping System
Pipe Perforations
Well pipes can be perforated by cutting with oxyacetylene torch vertical
slots 3 to 6 mm in width and 60 to 90 mm in length around the pipe
sections penetrating the water-bearing formations.
The total area slot openings shall be at least 15% of the surface area of the
Well Drilling and Pipe Installation
The pilot borehole shall be reamed down to the upper edge of the confining
layer if the confining layer is soft or less than 3m thick, or down to the
lower 2 meters if the confining layer is hard, to ensure air-tight connection
between the pipe and the confining layer.
Pipe Selection
The pipe shall be designed for full aquifer penetration while the diameter and
material shall be selected based on Table 3 and Table 4.
In aquifers with UC less than 2.0 and ES less than 0.30 mm, a uniformly grained
gravel envelop is needed. The gravel pack should be at least 15 cm thick.
In aquifers with UC greater than 2.0 but with ES less than 0.30 mm, a graded
gravel pack is desirable. The gravel pack should be at least 15 cm thick.
In aquifers with ES greater than 0.30 mm, a gravel pack is needed solely for the
purpose of supporting the borehole. A 4 - 7 cm gravel envelop will suffice.
Pipe Installation
Enlarge the borehole down to the designed well depth using a 6-to-8-inch diameter
drill bit. This will create an 8-to-12-inch diameter borehole. In loose, easy-to-
disturb formations, stabilize the sides of the borehole by adding bentonite (or other
suitable clay materials) to the drilling fluid.
Design Procedure
The following data shall be included in the technical specifications for the construction of
the embankment dam and appurtenant structures. Scope, classification, method of
construction and basis of payment for
active storage - volume of water stored in reservoir between the minimum water
level and normal water level
dam height - vertical distance from lowest point of the ground line to the dam
filter drain - dam component which prevents migration of small particles and
screen off fine materials that flow with seepage water and prevent piping
natural spillway - spillway which is not excavated such as natural draw, saddle or
drainage way
normal storage elevation - maximum elevation the water surface which can be
attained by the dam or reservoir without flow in the spillway
structural height - vertical distance measured from the top of the dam down to
the bedrock
watershed - area which contributes runoff or drains water into the reservoir
water right - privilege granted by the government to use and appropriate water
Dam and reservoir sites with the following conditions shall be avoided:
gravelly areas
other formations that will allow sites on or near a known active
excessive leakages or loss of earthquake fault
Karst topography
mining areas located above the
Watershed Condition
The watershed shall be able to provide adequate yield for the reservoir.
It shall have good vegetation cover.
It shall have a maximum slope of 18%.
Service Area
Socio-economic Consideration
Design Considerations
The dam shall be structurally stable under all conditions and shall be sufficiently
water tight.
PAES 616:2016 - Wastewater Re-use for Irrigation
access areas - areas open for public entry such as golf courses, public and private
parks, playgrounds, schoolyards and playing fields, residential landscapes and industrial
park landscapes
effluent - discharges from known sources which is passed into a body of water or
land, or wastewater flowing out of a manufacturing plant, industrial plant including
domestic, commercial and recreational facilities
loading limit - allowable pollutant-loading limit per unit of time, which the
wastewater generator is permitted to discharge into any receiving body of water or land.
restricted areas - areas with limited entry such as freeway landscape, highway
medians and other similar areas.
re-use - taking wastewater from one industry or process, treating it and then using
it in another process or industry such as for irrigation, as liquid fertilizer and for
setback distance - distance from the perimeter of the irrigation area to the
community or area of concern that is sensitive to contamination.
Waste - any material either solid, liquid, semi-solid, contained gas or other forms
resulting from industrial, commercial, mining, or agricultural operations, or from
community and household activities that is devoid of usage and discarded.
Sources of Wastewater
Site Selection
Highly acidic soils with pH of less than 4 and highly alkaline soils with pH of greater
than 8.5 shall be avoided where soils with pH of 5.5 are preferred.
Soil depth shall be greater than 1.0 m.
Rockfill piping - dam that relies on rock, either dumped in lifts or compacted in
layers, as a major structural element where an impervious membrane is used as the water
barrier and can be placed either within the embankment or on the upstream slope.
Design Criteria
The velocity of flow of dam face shall be within 5 m/s to 7 m/s with reliable
protection measures against scouring.
Dam Foundation
Stripping Grouting
Core Trench
Zoning - The interior section of a rockfill dam is typically divided into zones
depending on the range of variation in the character and gradation of the available
Basin - field that is level in all directions, encompassed by a dike to prevent runoff,
and provides an undirected flow of water onto the field.
Basin irrigation - type of surface irrigation where water is applied to the basin
through a gap in the perimeter dike or adjacent ditch water is retained until it infiltrates
into the soil or the excess is drained off.
Border irrigation - method of irrigation which makes use of parallel border strips
where the water flows down the slope at a nearly uniform depth.
Border strip - area of land bounded by two border ridges or dikes that guide the
irrigation stream from the inlet point of application to the ends of the strip.
Furrows - small parallel channels, made to carry water in order to irrigate the crop
Furrow irrigation - method of irrigation where water runs through small parallel
channels as it moves down the slope of the field
Head ditch/Supply ditch - small channel along one part of a field that is used
for distributing water in surface irrigation.
Surface irrigation system - application of water by gravity flow to the surface of
the field. Either the entire field is flooded (basin irrigation) or the water is fed into small
channels (furrows) or strips of land (borders)
Data Requirement:
Soil Type
Type of Crop
Irrigation Depth
Stream Size
1. Topography
a) The basin shall be nearly if not completely level to prevent tailwater.
b) A difference of 6 cm to 9 cm between the highest and lowest elevations
may be allowed such that it is less than one-half of the net depth of
2. Soil type
a) Sandy soils or fine-textured soils that crack when dry shall be avoided to
maintain adequate basin ridge height.
3. Application rate
a) Irrigation water shall be applied at a rate that will advance over the
basin in a fraction of the infiltration time
4. Irrigation volume
a) The volume of water applied shall be equal to the average gross
irrigation application.
5. Intake opportunity time
a) The intake opportunity time at all points in the basin shall be greater
than or equal to the time required for the net irrigation to infiltrate the
6. Depth of water
a) The depth of water flow shall be contained by the basin dikes.
7. Design application efficiency
a) The minimum design application efficiency shall be 70% thus, the
minimum time required to cover the basin shall be 60% of the time
required for the net application depth to infiltrate the soil.
8. Basin dikes
a) Top width of the basin dike shall be greater than or equal to the height
of the dike.
b) The settled height shall be at least equal to either the gross application
depth or the design maximum depth of flow plus a freeboard of 25%,
whichever is greater.
9. Supply ditches
a) The water surface in the ditch shall be 15 cm to 30 cm above the
ground surface level in the basin depending on the outlet
b) The ditches shall be constructed with a 0.1% grade or less to minimize
the number of check structures and labor requirements.
10. Outlet location
a) One outlet shall be installed for basin widths of up to 60 m and flow
rates up to 0.4 m 3 /s.
11. Drainage
a) Surface drainage facilities shall be provided for basins with low or
moderate intake soils and in high rainfall areas.
12. Erosion
a) The maximum water flow velocity into the basin shall be less than or
equal to 1 m/s to avoid scouring and erosion.
13. Agricultural practice
a) The width of the agricultural machinery or implement to be used in the
basin shall be considered in finalizing the width
1. Direct Method - Irrigation water is led directly from the field channel into the
basin through siphons, spiles or bundbreaks.
2. Cascade Method - Irrigation water is supplied to the highest terrace, and then
allowed to flow to a lower terrace and so on.
1. Open-end Border System - This is usually applied to large borders where the
end borders are provided with openings to accommodate free flow of water for
1. Crop
a) All close-growing, non-cultivated, sown or drilled crops, except rice and
other crops grown in ponded water can be irrigated by border irrigation.
2. Topography
a) Areas shall have slopes of less than 0.5%. For non-sod crops, slopes of up
to 2% may be acceptable and slopes of 4% and steeper for sod crops.
3. Soil Type
a) The soil shall have a moderately low to moderately high intake rate which
is 7.6 mm/hr to 50 mm/hr. Coarse sandy soils with extremely high and
those with extremely low intake rate shall be avoided. PAES 607:2016 A-
4. Stream Size
a) The stream size shall be large enough to adequately spread water across
the width of border.
5. Irrigation Depth
a) A larger irrigation depth shall be aimed by making the border strip longer
in order to allow more time for the water to reach the end of the border
6. Cultivation Practices
a) The width of borders shall be a multiple of the farm machinery used in the
Borders are irrigated by diverting a stream of water from the channel to the upper
end of the border where it flows down the slope. When the desired amount of water has
been delivered to the border, the stream is turned off which may occur before the water
has reached the end of the border. The following may be used as guidelines:
1. On clay soils - the inflow is stopped when the irrigation water covers 60% of the
2. On loamy soils - it is stopped when 70 to 80% of the border is covered with
3. On sandy soils - the irrigation water must cover the entire border before the flow
is stopped
1. Corrugation Irrigation
a) The water flows down the slope in small furrows called corrugalions or rills
which is used for germinating drill-seeded or broadcasted crops.
b) No raised beds are used for crops.
2. Zigzag Furrow
a) This type of furrow irrigation shall increase the length that the water must
travel to reach the end of irrigation run thus, reducing the average slope
and velocity of the water.
b) This can be formed down and across the slope by machines.
1. Slope
a) The minimum grade shall be 0.05% to facilitate effective drainage
following irrigation and excessive rainfall.
b) If the land slope is steeper than 0.5%, furrows shall be set at an angle to
the main slope or along the contour to keep furrow slopes within the
recommended limits.
2. Soil Type
a) Furrows shall be short in sandy soils to avoid excessinv percolation losses
while furrows can be longer in clayey soils.
3. Stream Size
a) If the furrows are not too long, 0.5 L/s of stream flow shall be adequate
for irrigation but the maximum stream size shall largely depend on the
furrow slope.
4. Irrigation Depth
a) Larger irrigation depths shall allow longer furrows.
5. Cultivation Practice
a) Compromise shall be made between the machinery available to cut
furrows and the ideal plant spacing while ensuring that the spacing
provides adequate lateral wetting on all soil types
Furrow Length:
dgross = Stream Size × Time Water Applied / Furrow Length × Wetted Furrow Spacing
Furrow Shape:
1. The furrow shall be large enough to contain the expected stream size.
2. Narrow, deep V-shaped furrows shall be made in sandy soils in order to reduce the
area through which water percolates.
3. Wide, shallow furrows shall be made in clay soils in order to obtain a large wetted
1. Direct Application
a) Water is supplied to each furrow from the field canal, using siphons or
spiles. If available, a gated pipe is used.
Vz = total volume of infiltration, m3
Vin = volume of inflow, m3
Vout = volume of runoff, m3
Advance distance
x = advance distance, m
tx = time of inflow from inlet to distance x, min
t0.5L = time of advance to a point near one-half the field length, min
tL = time of advance to the end, min
p,r = fitting parameters
L = furrow length, m
Area wetted
Ax = area wetted, m2
tx = time of inflow from inlet to distance x, min
Flow geometry
Q = discharge, m3 /s
A = cross-sectional area of the flow, m2
So = slope of the hydraulic grade line, assumed equal to the field slope
n = Manning’s roughness coefficient
p1,p2 =geometry parameter determined from furrow cross section analysis
Ao = cross-section area of flow at the inlet, m2
Qo = inlet discharge, m3 /min/furrow
n = Manning’s roughness coefficient
p1=geometry parameter determined from furrow cross section analysis
So = slope of the hydraulic grade line, assumed equal to the field slope
Volume Balance
sy = surface storage shape factor (usually 0.7 to 0.8)
Ao = cross-section area of flow at the inlet, m2
x = advance distance, m (section A.7.3)
sz = subsurface shape factor (section A.7.7)
t = elapsed time since the irrigation started, min
fo = basic intake rate, m3 /min/m (section A.7.2)
r = fitting parameter (section A.7.3)
VL= (section A.7.7)
tL = time of advance to the end, min
a = (section A.7.7)
Zi = cumulative intake at each increment of length i, m3 /m
k = parameter determined from section A.7.8
a = parameter determined from section A.7.7
tx = recession time, min
Application Efficiency
Ea = application efficiency
Zreq = soil moisture depletion measured x furrow spacing, m3 /m
L = length of furrow, m
Qo = inlet discharge, m3 /min/furrow
tco = cutoff time, s
Tailwater Ratio
Vout = runoff per furrow, m3 /furrow
Qo = inlet discharge, m3 /min/furrow
tco = cutoff time, s
DPR = deep percolation ratio
Ea = application efficiency, %
TWR = tailwater ratio