Requirement of Experienced Non-Executive Personnel
Requirement of Experienced Non-Executive Personnel
Requirement of Experienced Non-Executive Personnel
Refineries Division
(A Govt. of India Undertaking)
Advt. No. - JR/05/2019
On-line registration of application commences on 10.10.2019 (10:00 Hrs) and closes on 30.10.2019 (17:00 Hrs).
The link to the on-line registration of the application has been hosted on the website
The Written Test is likely to be held in the month of November 2019 at Vadodara.
1. Positions are operated with work arrangements in one, two or three shifts. Incumbents may be required to perform duties in any of the work
arrangements depending upon work exigencies.
2. Number of vacancies indicated above is tentative and may increase or decrease in the relevant categories at the absolute discretion of the
management and in compliance with the Presidential Directives on reservation at the time of appointment.
1001 Junior Engineering 3 years Diploma in Chemical/ Refinery & Minimum one year of post qualification experience in operation
Assistant-IV Petrochemical Engg. or B.Sc. (Maths, Physics, (rotating shift) of Pump House, Fired Heater, Compressor,
(Production) Chemistry or Industrial Chemistry) from a Distillation Column, Reactor, Heat exchanger etc. in a Petroleum
recognized Institute/ University with minimum of Refinery/ Petrochemicals/ Fertilizer/ Heavy Chemical/ Gas
50% marks in aggregate for General, OBC and EWS Processing Industry.
candidates & 45% in case of SC/ST candidates
against reserved positions.
B. Important Instructions:
1. The prescribed qualification should be from a recognized Indian University/Institute as a regular full time course / Diploma course (including a
sandwich diploma course with industrial training as part of the course; with no break) with minimum 50% marks (45% for SC/ST category candidates)
in aggregate. Prescribed qualification shall be strictly adhered to.
2. Candidates possessing Diploma under recognized lateral entry scheme (Class–XII (Sc.)/ ITI admitted in 2nd year of Diploma course) shall also be
considered eligible subject to meeting prescribed percentage of marks on the basis of aggregate of 4 semesters in the diploma course.
3. Qualification of MSc (Chemistry) shall not be considered a disqualification for the above mentioned Post. However, percentage requirement shall be
applied on graduation level exam (BSc–PCM) only.
4. Candidates possessing higher professional qualifications such as Engineering Graduates/MBA/MCA/ CA/CS/ICWA/LLB or those claiming possession of
a Qualification equivalent to the Qualification prescribed shall not be considered for the above post.
5. The criteria for full time regular course shall not be insisted upon in case of Ex-Servicemen, provided they possess a requisite EQUIVALENT
qualification that has been acquired during the service period and is recognized by AICTE/MHRD, GoI and have secured the prescribed minimum
percentage of marks.
6. The candidature of the applicant would be provisional and subject to subsequent verification of certificates/ testimonials, etc.
7. Suppression of information regarding possession of or pursuing higher qualification shall render a candidate ineligible for consideration at any stage
of selection and termination at any time during employment, if recruited.
8. Candidates who are registered with Local Employment Exchange(s)/ District Sainik Resettlement Board and meeting the prescribed eligibility criteria,
whose names are sponsored to concerned Refinery Unit against this notification, are advised to apply Online, failing which their candidature will not
be considered.
9. Ex-servicemen claiming an equivalence in qualification shall be required to produce a copy of equivalence certificate by the concerned Ministry.
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D. Reservation for SC/ST/EWS/OBC (Non – Creamy Layer)/ExSM:
1. Reservation of Posts for SC/ST/EWS/OBC (Non – Creamy Layer)/ExSM candidates and relaxations thereof will be in terms of numbers indicated above /
as per Govt. guidelines. Prescribed reservations for Ex-servicemen will be applied on horizontal basis as per Govt. guidelines
2. SC/ST/OBC candidates can be considered under General standard of merit against the un-reserved posts provided no relaxation in age, qualification
etc. is availed of/extended to them.
3. For claiming the benefit of OBC category, the candidate should submit a latest caste certificate in the proforma prescribed by Govt. of India, which
would, among others specifically mention that the candidate does not belong to the persons/sections (creamy layer) as mentioned in column 3 of the
schedule to the Department of Personnel & Training, Government of India OM No. 36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT) dated 08.09.1993 & OM No.
36033/1/2013-Estt.(Res.) dated 13.09.2017.
4. Candidates belonging to OBC category but falling in creamy layer are not entitled to OBC reservation benefits. Accordingly such candidates may
choose to apply for the positions provided they meet the age criteria applicable to UR candidates and indicate their category as “UR”. Indian Oil
Corporation Ltd. being a Central Public Sector Undertaking, only those communities that are mentioned in the common list of OBC approved by
Central Government shall be treated as OBC for the purpose of reservation. Relevant List can be viewed at
5. Candidates belonging to EWS category are required to submit an Income & Asset Certificate issued by Competent Authority prescribed under Point
No.5 of the Department of Personnel & Training’s O.M. No.36039/1/2019-Estt(Res) dated 31.01.2019. Format is attached as Annexure B. If the
candidates are not able to submit the Income & Asset Certificate along with supporting documents (listed in Annexure A), undertaking in this regard
must be furnished. Format of undertaking is attached as Annexure C.
E. Other Concessions/Relaxations to SC/ST/OBC & Ex-servicemen (ExSM) :
1. The minimum qualifying marks will be relaxed by 5% in written test for candidates belonging to SC/ST categories against reserved positions.
2. SC/ST candidates called for Written Test and Skill/Proficiency/Physical Test will be reimbursed single IInd class rail fare from the nearest railway station
of the mailing address to the place of Written Test and Skill/Proficiency/Physical Test and back by the shortest route on production of ticket, provided
the distance is not less than 30 Kms.
3. SC/ST/ ExSM candidates are exempted from payment of application fee.
F. Age limit/ Relaxation for candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/ Ex-servicemen (ExSM) :
1. Certificate issued by a Board of Secondary Education for passing Matriculation/Higher Secondary shall be the only acceptable document in support of
proof of age.
2. Minimum 18 years and Maximum age shall be 26 years for General candidates as on 30.09.2019.
3. Relaxation in age upto 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC candidates considered against reserved positions will be allowed.
4. Relaxation to Ex-servicemen will be allowed as per Govt. Guidelines i.e in case of ExSM, Period of actual military service will be deducted from his
actual age and if the resultant age does not exceed the maximum age limit by more than three years, he shall be considered to be fulfilling the age
5. ExSM candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC categories shall be eligible for grant of cumulative age relaxation under the categories.
6. Age relaxation of a period equal to minimum years of experience notified against a post shall be allowed.
7. Period of an Apprenticeship training in an industry covered under the experience criteria notified in this advt. relevant to a post will be considered for
relaxation in age.
8. Further, period of an Apprenticeship training in an industry covered under the experience criteria notified in this advt. relevant to a post may be
considered as experience. However, in such cases, relaxation towards age shall not be available.
G. Consideration for Ex-Apprentices
1. Apprentices of IOCL completing apprenticeship training in any of IOCL Refineries on or before 30.09.2019 are also eligible to apply.
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5. Short listed candidates, in the ratio of 1:2 (two candidates for one post, with due cognizance to number of reserved posts) subject to securing
minimum qualifying marks in the written test, will be required to undergo a Skill/Proficiency/Physical Test (SPPT). The SPPT shall be conducted by a
duly constituted committee.
6. In case of tie of marks in the written test for the last position on the Shortlist for SPPT, all such candidates shall be called for the SPPT, even if the total
number exceeds the prescribed ratio. If such a situation arises anywhere before the last position while drawing a list, the last name/last few names, in
proportion to the prescribed ratio, will get eliminated.
7. Category-wise Merit list shall be drawn on the basis of marks obtained in the written test from & out of the said short-list; only for such candidates
who qualify in the SPPT.
8. In case of tie of marks for the last position on the Merit List, the candidate with prior date of birth (senior by age) shall find a place in the Merit list.
However, the name of the junior shall also be retained in the said Merit List, as the last name. If such a situation arises anywhere before the last
position while drawing a list, the last name/last few names in the list, in proportion to the prescribed ratio, will get eliminated.
9. Ex-Servicemen candidates, if found suitable, will be considered against reserved vacancy irrespective of their position in Merit list (in order of merit
within the category) on horizontal reservation policy.
10. The candidature of the applicant would be provisional and subject to subsequent verification of certificates/ testimonials, experience etc. At any stage
of the selection process, if it is found that the candidate has furnished false or incorrect information, the candidature/appointment of the candidate
will be cancelled.
11. Filling up of vacancies is solely at the discretion of the management based on suitability of candidates and no claim will arise for appointment, if some
of these vacancies are not filled due to unsuitability of available candidates or insufficiency in number of candidates.
12. The decision of the Management will be final and binding on all candidates on all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of the
application, mode of selection, cancellation of the selection process either in part or full, etc. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
K. Pre-Employment Medical and Physical Fitness:
1. Candidates are advised to ensure that they are medically fit as per Indian Oil's pre-employment medical standard. Candidates are advised to go
through the "Guidelines and Criteria for Physical Fitness for Pre-employment medical examination" and satisfy themselves of meeting the fitness
criteria before starting the application submission process. The guidelines are available in the following link :
L. Liability to Declare :
1. Candidates with reported ailments, deficiencies or abnormalities and also those with finding of not meeting the physical fitness criteria as above, shall
make a declaration to this effect while submitting their application.
2. A candidate found UNFIT during medical examination conducted by any refinery unit while seeking engagement as an apprentice in the past shall also
be required to declare the same with reasons for being declared UNFIT.
M. General Instructions :
1. Candidates are advised to carefully read the full advertisement for details of educational qualification and other eligibility criteria before submission of
on-line application.
2. A candidate employed in Govt/Govt Departments/PSUs/Autonomous Bodies will be required to submit ‘NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE’ at the time of
Written Test, failing which the candidate will not be allowed to appear in the Skill/Proficiency/Physical Test. Such candidates, if offered an
appointment, shall be required to submit proper ‘RELEASE ORDER’ from their employer at the time of joining, without which they will not be allowed
to join.
3. General, OBC and EWS candidates are required to pay Rs.150/- (Rupees One hundred and fifty only) as application fee (non-refundable) through SBI e-
collect only.
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6. The Candidates shall ensure that the printout of the online applications are sent to the concerned authority at the Refinery Unit applied for.
Application of candidate submitting online application for one Unit and sending the printout of the online application to other Unit shall be summarily
7. Candidates are advised to carry a copy of the online application form with originals & self-authenticated copies of all testimonials and produce the
same at the time of SPPT for verification.
8. Incomplete applications, applications not supported by copies of relevant documents, applications not fulfilling the eligibility criteria or applications
received after the last date of receipt of applications (in physical form) shall be treated as “Rejected”.
9. Candidates shall note that the documents sent to any other address or sent as a registered letter, shall stand automatically rejected.
10. Further information regarding written examination, call letters, results, etc. shall be made available through this website/ over email. Candidates are,
therefore, advised to keep visiting the website regularly.
11. Canvassing in any form is liable to render the candidate ineligible. Queries, if any, may be addressed to the following e-mail ids & Contact Nos. given
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Name:________________________ Online Application No.:______________________
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Post Code
Name of Post
As per the recent government guidelines for reservation for Economically Weaker Sections (EWSs)
1. Persons who are not covered under the existing scheme of reservations for the Scheduled Castes, the
Scheduled Tribes and the Socially and Educationally Backward Classes and whose family has gross
annual income below Rs. 8.00 lakh are to be identified as EWSs for the benefit of reservation. Family for
this purpose will include the person who seeks benefit of reservation, his/her parents and siblings
below the age of 18 years as also his/her spouse and children below the age of 18 years. The income
shall include income from all sources i.e. salary, agriculture, business, profession etc. and it will be
income for the financial year prior to the year of application. Also persons whose family owns or
possesses any of the following assets shall be excluded from being identified as EWSs irrespective of the
family income :
i. 5 acres of Agricultural Land and above;
ii. Residential flat of 1000 sq. ft. and above;
iii. Residential plot of 100 sq. yards and above in notified municipalities;
iv. Residential plot of 200 sq. yards and above in areas other than the notified municipalities.
2. The income and assets of the families as mentioned in para 1 would be required to be certified by an
officer not below the rank of Tehsildar in the States/UTs.
1. I have read the above and declare that I fulfill all the conditions mentioned in para 1 and I
belong to EWS (Economically Weaker Section) as defined above.
2. If selected, at the time of joining, I would produce the required certificate/(s) from the
Competent Authority.
3. I fully understand that if at the time of joining, I am not able to produce the requisite
certificate/(s) proving my EWS status, then my candidature is liable to be cancelled.
4. The particulars given in this form are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
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Advt No. JR/05/2019
1. Go to link
2. Click on I have read and accepted the terms and conditions stated above checkbox and click on Proceed
3. Under State of Corporate / Institution – Select “All India”
4. Under Type of Corporate / Institution – Select - PSU – Public Sector Undertaking
5. Then Click on Go
6. In PSU/ Public Sector Undertaking Name select Indian Oil Corporation Limited and click Submit
7. Under Select Payment Category select Gujarat Refinery
8. Fill all fields in form and proceed for payment
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