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Annotated Bibliography

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ITC571 - Annotated Bibliography

Full Name

Student ID

Subject ITC571 – Emerging Technology and Innovations

Assignment Item 3 Annotated Bibliography – 35%

Due Date 9th-September-2019

Lecturer’s Name Malka N. Halgamuge

Annotated Bibliography

Table of Contents

TASK 1- ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................. 3

Article 1 ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Article 2 ...................................................................................................................................... 4
Article 3 ...................................................................................................................................... 4
Article 4 ...................................................................................................................................... 5
Article 5 ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Article 6 ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Article 7 ...................................................................................................................................... 9
Article 8 .................................................................................................................................... 10
Article 9 .................................................................................................................................... 11
Article 10 .................................................................................................................................. 12
Article 11 .................................................................................................................................. 13
Article 12 .................................................................................................................................. 14
SELF-EVALUATION REPORT ON ORIGINALITY ................................................................ 14
TASK 2- JOURNAL SYNOPSIS PAPER BASED ON TASK 1 RESULTS ............................. 15
MATERIALS AND METHODS .................................................................................................. 16
RESULTS ..................................................................................................................................... 17
Annotated Bibliography


Article 1

CITATION Crossler, R. E., Bélanger, F., & Ormond, D. (2017). The quest for complete

security: An empirical analysis of users’ multi-layered protection from

security threats. Information Systems Frontiers, 1-15. Retrieved from


SUMMARY Increasing inclination of people towards technological advancements has

expanded opportunity for E-Commerce transaction or process of selling or

buying products and services through internet. Crossler, Bélanger & Ormond

(2017) have focused on exploring multi-layered security threats that crucial to

consider while operating in the e-commerce platform. Adoption of primary

quantitative and qualitative method of research has been beneficial for this

article to collect responses on security threats related to e-commerce. In

addition, relevant information, collected through conducting surveys and

interviews of individuals sheds light on security behaviour for understanding

information system security.

CRITIQUE This study is also crucial for commenting on threat-response pairs that can be

analysed by assessing computer security behaviour. Moreover, potential

threats of data loss and identity theft have also been discussed in this paper

which can be effective for identifying security threats in e-commerce while

exploring importance of mitigation strategies regarding identity theft

Annotated Bibliography

Article 2

CITATION Patro, S. P., Padhy, N., & Panigrahi, R. (2016). Security issues over

ecommerce and their solutions. Int. J. of Advanced Research in Computer and

Communication Engineering, 5(12). Retrieved from doi


SUMMARY This article highlights the aspects of data security through understanding the

importance of protecting e-commerce assets. In this regard, different

dimensions of confidentiality, privacy and security integrity along with

authentication and availability have been measured and analysed as security

threats. The author trio has adopted secondary method to draw the life cycle of

e-commerce system while demonstrating infrastructure of e-commerce.

CRITIQUE This article is also essential for identifying security tools to control e-

commerce business while focusing on three types of security threats including

communication challenge threats, server threats, and client threats. Hence, it

can help to comment on implications of safe security transactions in e-

commerce and developing mitigation plans for dealing with security threats.

Article 3

CITATION Mazzarol, T. (2015). SMEs engagement with e-commerce, e-business and e-

marketing. Small enterprise research, 22(1), 79-90. Retrieved from

Annotated Bibliography


SUMMARY Digital technology being a crucial element to support business entities to

operate in e-commerce platform has facilitated the opportunity to evaluate

potential security issues for supporting e-business and e-marketing. Mazzarol

(2015) has focused on identifying implication of e-marketing in regard to

business approaches of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

CRITIQUE The article has adopted a secondary research method to reflect on approaches of

SMEs to operate in e-commerce platforms. It has also demonstrated findings of

16 relevant papers that are essential for delivering information on security

breaches and data theft. Although this paper focuses mainly on e-marketing and

e-business rather than entirely assessing risks of e-commerce, it would be

essential to assess the importance of digital technology. It can also contribute to

explore contemporary entrepreneurship approaches while identifying potential

threats of e-commerce.

Article 4

CITATION Patel, P., Patel, R., Patel, V., & Pathrabe, T. (2017). Survey of Privacy and

Security Issues in Spice World E-Commerce Website. International Journal

for Innovative Research in Science & Technology, 19-23.Retrieved from

Annotated Bibliography

SUMMARY Worldwide communication network has enabled business entities to control

and monitor thousands of private computers over a single network. Pathrabe et

al. (2017) focused on identifying security issues in worldwide E-Commerce

network including potential threats of data security and computer security.

CRITIQUE The article has presented information on security threats in e-commerce

through adopting a unique method of research that incorporates findings of

relevant literature and results of online survey related to E-Commerce

transactions. Apart from discussing data security issues, the authors have

highlighted perspectives of cybercrime and electronic evidence for developing

understanding of security measures. It has also demonstrated the e-business

cycle while identifying security tools and security issues to understand

operational functions of e-commerce websites. Although this article lacks

emphasis on relevant data on security breaches and data security theft in e-

commerce site, focus on assessment of security tools would be effective to

combat cybersecurity threats in e-commerce.

Article 5

CITATION Gangele, S., Pathak, D., & Verma, D. (2017). The analysis of security issues

and threat prevention model in e-commerce. International Journal of

Scientific Research in Science and Technology, 3(8), 291-296. Retrieved from

Annotated Bibliography


SUMMARY Growing instances of cybercrime and security threats in e-Commerce demands

threat prevention strategies to be included in security framework. Gangele,

Pathak& Verma (2017) have focused on e-commerce transaction

technologies through tracing fraudulent transactions. This article has applied

an exploratory survey method of research for evaluating security framework to

link data and operate in e-commerce system. It has highlighted reasons for

business entities to rely on e-commerce system including lower operational

costs, increased transaction speed along with easy availability. This requires

a focus on developing effective threat prevention model through emphasizing

security collaboration.

CRITIQUE The article has evaluated cloud service provider in e-commerce framework

through conducting exploratory survey. Moreover, threat prevention

framework using fuzzy logic and supporting score-based solutions have been

included in this paper. Thus, it would be beneficial for understanding web

standards such as RDFs (Resource Description Frameworks), SPARQL, and

deal with security issues in e-commerce.

Article 6

CITATION Kaur, K., Pathak, A., Kaur, P., & Kaur, K. (2015). E-Commerce privacy and
Annotated Bibliography

security system. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, ISSN,

2248-9622. Retrieved from



SUMMAR The development of public networks consists of significant number of connected

Y private computers, which requires focus on improving security system of e-

commerce platforms. According to Kauret al. (2015),this private network system

is exposed to several threats such as data theft, cybercrime, security breaches and

violation of confidential data. E-Commerce sites are liable to involve thousands

of customers for supporting selling and purchasing process. Hence, it is

vulnerable to leave witnesses inform of fingerprints and personal details.

CRITIQUE This article has focused on adopting a secondary research method for evaluating

security challenges to control secure web servers, firewalls, and encryption

mechanisms. Besides, system integrity has also been evaluated in this paper while

emphasizing on importance of biometric measures and secure socket layers. Thus,

it can be interpreted that focus on securing confidential data of customers while

improving privacy networking system can be effective to operate a secure e-

commerce system.
Annotated Bibliography

Article 7

CITATION Ahmad, K., & Alam, M. S. (2016). E-commerce security through elliptic

curve cryptography. Procedia Computer Science, 78, 867-873. Retrieved from

doi: 10.1016/j.procs.2016.05.549

SUMMARY Transaction costs along with accessibility influenced business entities to

adopt e-commerce business approaches for dealing with customers across the

world (Ahmad & Alam, 2016). This particular research has focused on

evaluating cryptography algorithms for understanding concept of e-commerce

while considering good privacy (PGP). In this context, encryption and

decryption hold significant impact in ensuring secure electronic transaction

and thus, it is important to focus on improving threat prevention model based

on governing digital signature.

CRITIQUE The author duo has followed a secondary method of research to explore

potential threats of e-commerce transactions by shedding light on the

perspective of sharing and violating important information of customer. In

addition, aspects of cryptography related to electronic transactions have been

discussed in this paper. It is also crucial for evaluating technological

perspectives to comment on security breaches and threats of data theft that

can affect privacy of e-commerce transactions.

Annotated Bibliography

Article 8

CITATION Patro, S. P., Padhy, N., & Panigrahi, R. (2016). Security issues over e-

commerce and their solutions. Int. J. of Advanced Research in Computer and

Communication Engineering, 5(12).

SUMMARY In this paper, the author highlighted the importance of privacy and security

required in e-commerce businesses. Here, the thoughts and perceptions of

people regarding e-commerce and security have been expressed. E-commerce

mainly ensures paper-less transactions between B2B, B2C, C2C and C2B.

This topic is necessary to understand because maintaining security will ensure

data confidentiality. Here, the author particularly focused upon the security

issues faced by the banking industry. The issues mainly involve hacking and

security threats. The world is rapidly changing and along with the

understanding of technological advancements, it is necessary to understand

technical solutions as well.

CRITIQUE The purpose of writing this article is to understand the security threats of e-

commerce industries. Further, issues faced by customers during online

shopping have been the purpose of the study. The author is focused upon

finding the solutions in this study. The author has studied several related

works of previous authors and then developed the solutions. After conducting

the research, the author concluded that maintaining authenticity,

confidentiality, privacy and all sorts of prevention related to data removal or

data delays should be the focus of businesses. The author has successfully
Annotated Bibliography

attempted to gain insight from previous studies regarding people’s security

during online shopping.

Article 9

CITATION Gangele, S., Pathak, D., & Verma, D. (2017). The analysis of security issues

and threat prevention model in e-commerce. International Journal of

Scientific Research in Science and Technology, 3(8), 291-296.

SUMMARY The author mainly focused on E-commerce and ways to prevent security

threats. According to the author, due to technological advancements, there are

constant threats during transactions and it is the responsibility of the

businesses to secure public data. Moreover, due to the involvement of

money, security is of utmost importance. Here, the study has been conducted

by using exploratory survey. In this survey, the security frameworks and role

of information technology has been done. Lastly, the authors concluded that

there is lot of demand for security services in e-commerce. Collaboration and

advanced frameworks are required to ensure security.

CRITIQUE Here, the author introduced the theory of life cycle to understand security

problems in e-commerce. The article has been written to enhance the

knowledge of the public regarding security issues and role of IT. An

exploratory survey has been conducted. Literature reviews have been

conducted to understand the fundamentals of E-commerce. Further, after

Annotated Bibliography

discussing the existing system that helps in identifying frauds related to e-

commerce, the author has proposed a new system. It is necessary to

understand the transaction details. Lastly, the author concluded that it is

necessary to link all the useful information related to stakeholders.

Article 10

CITATION Raghavan, K., Desai, M. S., & Rajkumar, P. V. (2017). Managing

Cybersecurity and e-Commerce Risks in Small Busi-nesses. Journal of

Management Science and Business Intelligence, 2(1), 9-15.

SUMMARY The study is focused upon the ways to manage cyber-security and emphasis

has been given upon small businesses that operate across the globe.

Businesses whether big or small can be affected by cyber breaches and hence

it is necessary to strengthen online security. According to the authors, it is

essential to review the available security tools. It is the only way of protecting

crucial and critical data from being breached. After building cybersecurity, it

will be easier for businesses to build trusting relationships with customers.

CRITIQUE After reviewing the article, it has been understood that the author suggested

small businesses to manage Wi-Fi networks in a secure manner. Further,

using an encryption key can be a better way of reducing data breaches.

Customers should be made aware of the security breaches. In this way, small

businesses can build trust. Hence, it can be stated that the authors have given
Annotated Bibliography

essential preventive and practical steps to small businesses that utilize e-

commerce. The study concluded that by improving cyber-security systems,

small business could gain competitive advantage in the market.

Article 11

CITATION Al Ladan, M. I. (2016). E-commerce security challenges: A

Taxonomy. Journal of Economics, Business and Management, 4(10), 589-


SUMMARY In this article, the author focused on identifying the challenges while ensuring

security in e-commerce businesses. The author emphasized that there is a

likelihood of losing data and consequently financial stability, if modern

businesses do not employ security methods. Overall, the article presented

various types of challenges faced by e-commerce businesses. The study has

certainly made a scientific contribution by understanding various security

challenges. An architecture model has been introduced in this study and

thereafter the negative impact of challenges has been highlighted.

CRITIQUE The purpose of the study is to understand the challenges faced by businesses

while ensuring online security. The challenges are malicious software;

server-level issues, retransmitted messages, and challenges faced by clients

since they use wireless devices. The hazard of each of these challenges has

been discussed and after describing the challenges, the authors concluded that
Annotated Bibliography

it is necessary to increase technical knowledge and expertise in this arena.

Due to rapid growth of e-commerce industry, it is not possible to stop using

the online transaction method. However, it is possible to secure systems by

following security standards and guidelines.

Article 12

CITATION Neama, G., Alaskar, R., & Alkandari, M. (2016, January). Privacy, security,

risk, and trust concerns in e-commerce. In Proceedings of the 17th

International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (p. 46).


SUMMARY The study focused on the security threats in e-commerce and the importance

of understanding perceived risks in e-commerce. The author identified a

positive relationship between risks and unforeseen situations.

CRITIQUE The purpose of the study is to understand perceived risks and ways it affects

the trust of customers. The study has been conducted by using a survey

consisting of 100 participants. The author has established relationship

between privacy and perceived risks. In addition, the relationship between

trust-building with customers and perceived risks has been established.


After analyzing the various viewpoints of authors regarding security threats in e-commerce, I

have understood that businesses all over the world can function securely only when it has setup a
Annotated Bibliography

secure system to save itself from sudden data loss or data breaches. Risks are always involved in

online transactions because huge money is involved in the process. After conducting research

and comparing twelve relevant articles, it has been understood that multilayered security systems

should be established so that businesses whether big or small can function properly without

constant fear and threat of losing financial stability. Practically, it is difficult to go through every

article and therefore I have understood the importance of selecting the relevant ones. The

research has helped me in identifying the loopholes of existing systems that attempts to secure

businesses. It has been further realized that establishing trust with customers is the only way of

retaining them and it could be done by creating awareness among them regarding setting strong

passwords during online transactions.




Ecommerce: Security challenges and solutions


The aim of the project is to conduct a thoroughly researched study related to threats occurring in

Ecommerce businesses.

Annotated Bibliography

The study has been conducted by choosing 12 relevant articles from trusted sites by following

the Annotated Bibliography method, the articles has been summarized and presented in a

structured format.


The articles have been analyzed and importance of establishing security standards in web

systems has been understood.


After reviewing the articles, the importance of ensuring security in small and large e-commerce

businesses has been understood. It researchers and authors have put significance to various

models and architectures in order to highlight security threats facing by businesses.


It can be concluded that creating awareness regarding cyber-security has been the primary

emphasis of the chosen articles. The ultimate contribution of the articles is to gain insight

regarding threats such as data loss, hacking, server threats, loosing customer trust, and delay in

transactions and so on. At the end of the study, each scholar have suggested that using security

tools and clear understanding of web standards can be useful to save businesses from security



Initially, several authors suggested that it is necessary to create awareness among public

regarding data breaches and consequently businesses need to focus upon choosing a secure

platform for e-commerce activities. Moreover, by using secured connections, it is possible to

Annotated Bibliography

save businesses from unwanted threats. It can be recommended that businesses should setup alert

systems and users should be requested to use strong passwords in case of online transactions.

Establishing Creating awareness

Ensuring encryption
multilayered security among consumers to
and decryption
systems set strong passwords

Figure 1: Methodology for solving the issue of security threats in e-commerce


In today’s technologically advanced world, everything comes easier by a single click. Customers

now usually prefer easy and timesaving strategies and therefore, ecommerce businesses have

increased drastically. Hence, in order to secure the system, it is crucial to backup the database

constantly and creating awareness among people to use strong passwords for any form of online

Annotated Bibliography

Analysing security threats within

the system

Updating databases occassionally

Creating awareness regadrding

data breaches and cybersecurity

Figure 2: Results

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