Evaporative Cooling System
Evaporative Cooling System
Evaporative Cooling System
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of
Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam technical university, Lucknow
SESSION 2015-19
Affiliated to
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Certified that SANJEET KUMAR ( 1548540087 ) has carried out the project work presented in this
thesis entitled “Evaporative cooling system ” for the award of Bachelor oftechnology from Dr APJ Abdul
kalam Technical university,lucknow under my supervision. The thesis embodies results of original work,
and studies are carried out by the student himself and the contents of the thesis do not form the basis for the
award of any other degree to the candidate or to anybody else from this or any other University/Institution .
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We hereby declare that the project entitled “EVAPORATIVE COOLING SYSTEM” submitted by us
in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of bachelor of technology
(MECHANICAL ENGEENIRING) of Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Technical University is record of our own
work carried under the supervision and guidance of Er. SUNITA RAJBHAR.
To the best of our knowledge this project has not been submitted to Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Techn ical
University or any other University or Institute for the award of any other degree .
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Evaporative cooling system is a electrical device which is provide the comfortable environment. Evaporative
cooling system is generally used for conditioning system. The evaporative cooling system is based on the
principle of evaporation. The main component are used in this system like as heating coil, pump, duct, blower
fan, tube , and water. This cooling system is economical and pollution less. It is used in storage of vegetable
and fruits.
The water is heated with the help heating coil and the vapor is produce .The vapor is passing through the duct
and intract with cool water . The cool water i s in spray form and intract with vapor. The vapor is condense
and get drop of water and the create the humidity. Because of this the cooling environment are create in
chamber then the cold air is drawn out from the chamber and use for cooling purpose.
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I wish to express my sincere thanks to project guide Mrs. Sunita Rajbhar and all faculties of mechanical
department including Mr. Anurag Shrivastva H.O.D of ME department for their cordial supportable
guidance and support to every
step to complete this project report.
I am also thankful to workshop instructor and workshop workers who helped me to complete my project
easily. I am also thankful to all my friends who helped me for completion of this object.
Last but not least, thisacknowledgement would be incomplete without rendering my sincere gratitude to
all those contribution involved in this project work directly or indirectly.
This paper topic was chosen at the behest of the course coordinator, Dr. Raghavan, who wanted work to be
performed with a client’s (Plastique Frapa Inc.)
humidifying technology in relation to part of his research
interest area: postharvest storage.
This paper was part of a senior year design project and reports the results of the experiment work that was
performed in analyzing the effectiveness of the desig
ned setup. Aside from the topic definition, the project was
self-directed in terms of methodology and analysis. Although it should be noted that research associates of t
department were instrumental in solving problems that occurred throughout experimentation.
A co-author for this paper must be recognized for his contributions to the formulation of this paper. Michael
Schwalb, worked very closely to assist in setup, conceptualization and other technical aspects.
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Postharvest losses throughout the world account for significant reductions in food supply which negatively
impacts incomes of farmers, prices of fo od, and food availability. Many of these losses may be mitigated by
providing reduced temperature and increased humidity. This report contains the details of the design of an
evaporative cooling system which is intended to perform these functions. The syst em’s design was based upon
the humidifying capacity of an ultrasonic humidifier supplied by a Québec company, Plastique Frapa Inc. The
evaporative cooling system initially took shape as an external input unit to feed cool, moist air into a control
volume s uch as a cold -storage room. After trials which yielded a very limited temperature reduction (max 2°C)
but an acceptable relative humidity increase (to 80%). A second setup with the unit directly inside the control
volume yielded slightly greater temperatur e reduction (max 4°C) and significant relative humidity increase to
the point of saturation (100%). This second setup’s results were marred by significant condensation within the
control volume. A third setup was established with the unit outside of the co ntrol volume, however with direct
humidity input to the control volume. A similar temperature reduction and relative humidity were obtained as
in the second setup however, condensation was limited because the control unit for relative humidity was
adjusted to a lower level. The unit was also tested for its effect on produce weight loss. The setup for this test
was consistent with the third setup for cooling. The results were compared with a similar experiment
conducted by Dadhich et al. (2008), and the values for weight loss from this experiment were found to be
considerably higher.
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Certificate……………………………………………………… …………………….… ii
Declaration…………..………………………………………………………………… iii
Abstract……………………………………………………………………………… iv
Acknowledgement .………………………………………………………………… v
Statement of purpose………………………………………………………………… 1
Introduction……………………………………………………………………… 6
Testing set-up………………………………………………………………………… 11
Design parameters…………………………………………………………………… 15
Advantage ,Disadvantage and future scope…………………………… ……………… 29
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Conclusi on…………………………………………………………………………… 30
Reference… …………………………………………………………………………… 31
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