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Lab Manual 431

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King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

Department of Mechanical Engineering

ME 431:

Laboratory Manual

February 2001

Table of Contents

Contents Page #

Safety Regulations 3

Lab Regulations and schedule 4

Experiment # 1
Basic vapor compression system: Expansion devices 6

Experiment # 2
Basic vapor compression system: Compressor analysis 11

Experiment # 3
Basic vapor compression system: Heat Exchanger 14

Experiment # 4
Basic vapor compression system: Two evaporatore 19

Experiment # 5
Computer lab # 1 22

Experiment # 6
Computer lab # 2 25

Experiment # 7
Computer linked vapor compression system: Demosntration 28

Experiment # 8
Computer linked vapor compression system: Energy balance 32

Experiment # 9
Computer linked vapor compression: Heat transfer coefficient 37

Experiment # 10
Experiment on cryogenics 42

Safety Regulations

Users of Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Lab. must comply with the following
safety instructions.

1 Smoking is not allowed inside the Lab.

2. Wear always pants and safety shoes when you operate any machine. Thobes,
gutras and sandals are not allowed at all.

3. There should be no over-crowding. Only one person should operate one machine.

4. Watch for over-head hanging hoists and cranes.

5. Make sure that you stay away from hot exhaust lines and moving parts of

6. Before operating any machine, you must be aware of the following

a. Location of fire extinguishers, fire blanket and the outside exits.
b. How the machine operate. Read instruction or manual of the machine
before operating it.
c. How to turn off the machine in case of damages.

7. When you hear or see a danger alarm from the machine that you using, stop the
machine right away.

8. Make sure that there is no fuel or oil spill on the floor.

9. Do not run inside the lab and concentrate on the present task.

10. When moving heavy equipments or gas cylinders, use carts.

11. Always use the right tools for the given task.

12. Handle the tools and equipemnts with extreme care and return the tools to their
proper places (Tool Cabinets).

13. For cleaning tools or equipments, use only the proper cleaner. Never use fuels
such as gasoline or diesel for cleaning.

14. Handle fuels with extreme caution.

a. Use the designated area for this purpose.
b. Use the proper containers (safety cnas) to carry fuels.
c. Make sure there is no electric spark present.
d. Do not leave fuels in open containers.

15. Make sure that all gas cylinders are chained and well supported.

16. Before operating a machine, make sure that there is no fuel or gas leakage.

Lab Regulations

1. Lab grades covers 20% of the total course grade. The distribution is as

Lab reports: 8%
Lab quiz: 10%
Attendance: 2%

3. Grading Policy: The following is the grading policy for the lab report

A+ = 10.0 A = 9.5 A- = 9.0

B+ = 8.5 B = 8.0 B- = 7.5
C+ = 7.5 C = 7.0 C- = 6.5

4. Make up Lab: Make up lab is only allowed in the case of valid excuse
from the student affair department or permission from
the department chairman. Students must have to attain
their own sections.

5. Late Coming: Students should come on time in the class. Late coming
will be panelized from the attendance grade.

7. Lab Exam: Lab exam will be during last week of classes.

8. Schedule: Following is the schedule for the semester.


Lab Schedule

Week Exp. No Experiment Lab Report

1 0 Basic vapor compression refrigeration cycle (Introduction) and No

use of R12 enthalpy diagram.

2 1 Basic vapor compression refrigeration cycle ( Study of yes

Expansion Devices)

3 2 Basic vapor compression refrigeration cycle (Compressor Yes


4 3 Basic vapor compression refrigeration cycle (Study of heat Yes


5 4 Basic vapor compression refrigeration cycle (Working with Yes

two evaporators)

6 5 Computer Lab # 1 Yes

7 6 Computer Lab # 2 Yes

8 - Field Trip No

9 7 Computer linked vapor compression refrigeration cycle No


10 8 Computer linked vapor compression refrigeration cycle Yes

(Energy balance)

11 9 Computer linked vapor compression refrigeration cycle Yes

(Overall heat transfer coefficient)

12 10 Experiment on Cryogenics No

13 - Rivision

14 - Final Lab Quiz


Experiment # 1


CYCLE ( Expansion Devices)

Experiment # 1

Mechanical Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle

Object: Study the various refrigeration metering devices in a vapor compression

refrigeration system.

Equipment: Brodhead-Garrett Model 9501 Commercial Refrigeration Training Unit.

Thermal Engineering Company, Toledo, Ohio, Serial # 662 Refrigerant 12.


1. Reciprocating Compressor: Copeland Refrigeration Corporation

Model KAN, Refrigerant 12
No. of Cylinders: 2, Bore: 11/8 inch,
Stroke: 5/8 inch.
RPM: 1750, Power: 1/2 HP.

2. Evaporator: Plate and tube type

24 pipes, 3/8 inches O.D, 63 plates,
8x3x0.006 in. thickness

3. Condenser: Similar to Evaporator.

4. Filter Dryer:
It contains a screen mesh and grains of silica gel. The screen filter removes the dirt and
other solid contamination. The silica gel absorbs water.

5. Flow Meter:
It measures the liquid refrigerant as it passes through the system. It is designed for R12
(Sp. Gr. 1.26) and reads directly in lbm/min.

6. Moisture and liquid Indicator:

This is a sight glass which contains a color dot inside. The dot will be colored green when
the system is free from water, and yellow when there is excessive amount of moisture.
The filter dryer must be changed when the color is yellow. Bubbles appearing in the
indicator show that there is a shortage of R12 in the system.

7. Reserve Tank:
It is made of Pyrex glass for viewing and its purpose is to supply additional refrigerant
when needed.

8. Accumulator A:
It is made of Pyrex glass and is used to check and catch any liquid refrigerant not
completely vaporized in the evaporator. It will boil off from this tank and re-enter the
main stream as vapor.

9 . Accumulator B:
It is made of Pyrex glass, and excess oil from the compressor pump may back up into this
tank as an indication of possible oil in the system.

Theory: Refrigeration works on the principle of heat absorption due to the evaporation of
refrigerant. The refrigerant is evaporated by passing from a region of high pressure to a
region of low pressure, thus reducing its saturation temperature below its actual
temperature. The degree of cooling can then be controlled by controlling the amount of
refrigerant passing into the low pressure region. The mechanism that controls the
refrigerant flow into the low pressure region is called a metering device. Following three
metering devices we will use in this experiment.

1.Capillary Tube (CTV): The most common metering device is used for household
refrigeration systems is the simplest one, the capillary tube. The easiest way to create a
high and low pressure difference is to put a restriction in the refrigerant flow path. The
capillary tube is such a restriction. Its a copper tube 2 to 20 ft long with a inside diameter
from 0.025 to 0.090 inches. The refrigerant begins to evaporate as soon as it reaches the
evaporator but it is carried into the evaporator before it has completely evaporated. As the
refrigerant evaporates, water from the air begins to freeze on the evaporator tubes.

2. Automatic Expansion Valve (AXV): Capillary tube system is insensitive to load

changing condition. When load increased, the suction pressure went up causing
inefficient cooling and strain on the compressor. Therefore this system can be used only
when the load is approximately constant. For varying load condition, a device sensible to
load changes must be used. Automatic expansive valve is one of these devices. AXV
keeps the pressure in the evaporator a constant and thus load on the compressor remain
same. When the load on the system increases, evaporation in the evaporator also
increases and hence suction pressure rises. In order to keep the suction pressure constant,
the automatic expansion valve restricts the refrigerant flow therefore slowing down the
evaporation and bringing the suction pressure back to its original state.

3. Thermostatic expansion valve (TXV): The most popular type of expansion device
for moderate sized refrigeration systems is the thermostatic expansion valve. Its forces a
constant superheat in the evaporator. When there is an increase of load the refrigerant
will evaporate faster in the evaporator. This in turn will cause a greater superheat at the
evaporator outlet. This will cause the TXV to let more refrigerant pass and drive the
superheat down. The net effect is then an increase in refrigeration when there is an
increase in load. A thermostatic expansion valve is shown in Fig. 1. The sensing bulb
contains fluid (normally it is the same refrigerant that is used for the refrigeration system)
either in a vapor or a liquid form. This bulb is usually placed after the evaporation coil
and near the suction line of the compressor. When the temperature of the refrigerant rises,
it causes temperature of the fluid within the sensing bulb also to rise and forces the push
rod downward which in turn moves the needle or the ball from its seat allowing liquid
refrigerant to flow through and admit liquid to the evaporator coil. Because of this fresh
charge the temperature of the refrigerant drops which is again sensed by the bulb and
causing the pressure within it to drop. This reduces pressure against the diaphragm and
the spring action from the bottom shuts the refrigerant passage. This opening and
closing of the valve provides automatic regulation of refrigerant flow into the
evaporator coil.

For further information, read chapter # 7 “Refrigeration & Air-conditioning” by

W.F.Stoecker and Article # 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 from the textbook.

Experimental Results:

The temperature and pressure at different locations are indicated by the use of following
thermocouples and pressure gauges.

#1 Inlet to Evaporator
#2 Outlet from Evaporator
#9 Inlet to the Compressor
#5 Outlet from the Compressor
#6 Inlet to Condenser
#7 Outlet from Condenser

Lab Report:

1. Fill the attached table and for all expansion devices,

2. Plot the cycle on a p-h diagram.
3. Calculate the capacity of the evaporator in tons of refrigeration.
4. Calculate the amount of heat rejected from the condenser.
5. Calculate the work done on the compressor.
6. Calculate the COP of the cycle.
Mass flow of R-12
t1 ( C)
t1 (0F)
P1 (psig)
P1 (psia)
H1 (Btu/lb)
t2 (0C)
t2 (0F)
P2 (psig)
P2 (psia)
H2 (Btu/lb)
P5 (psig)
P5 (psia)
H5 (Btu/lb)
t6 (0C)
t6 (0F)
P6 (psig)
P6 (psia)
H6 (Btu/lb)
t7 (0C)
t7 (0F)
P7 (psig)
P7 (psia)
H7 (Btu/lb)
t9 (0C)
t9 (0F)
P9 (psig)
P9 (psia)
H9 (Btu/lb)

Experiment # 2


CYCLE ( Compressor Analysis )

Experiment # 2

Mechanical Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle

Object: Study the performance of compressor in a vapor compression refrigeration


Equipment: Brodhead-Garrett Model 9501 Commercial Refrigeration Training Unit.

Thermal Engineering Company, Toledo, Ohio, Serial # 662 Refrigerant 12.


1. Reciprocating Compressor: Copeland Refrigeration Corporation

Model KAN, Refrigerant 12
No. of Cylinders: 2, Bore: 11/8 inch,
Stroke: 5/8 inch.
RPM: 1750, Power: 1/2 HP.

2. Evaporator: Plate and tube type

24 pipes, 3/8 inches O.D, 63 plates,
8x3x0.006 in. thickness

3. Condenser: Similar to Evaporator.

Theory: The heart of the vapor compression system is the compressor. The three most
common types of refrigeration compressors are the “reciprocating”, “rotary” and
“centrifugal”. The reciprocating compressor consists of a piston moving back and forth in
a cylinder with suction and discharge valves arranged to allow pumping to take place.
The rotary and centrifugal compressors both have rotating members, but the rotary
compressor is a positive-displacement machine, whereas the centrifugal compressor
operates by centrifugal force.
Compressor used in the lab is a Reciprocating Hermetically sealed compressor. A
compressor whose crankshaft extended to the shaft is called an “open-type compressor”.
A seal must be used where the shaft comes through the compressor housing to prevent
refrigerant gas leaking out, or to prevent air from leaking it if the crankcase is at as
pressure lower than atmospheric. Even though designers have continually developed
better seals, the piercing of the housing always represents a source of leakage. To avoid
leakage at the seal, the motor and compressor are often enclosed in the same housing.
These type of compressors are Hermetically sealed compressors. Almost all small motor
units used in household refrigerators and freezers are of the hermetic type.

Also read from text book article # 4.5 and solve example 4.1 & 4.2 from the textbook.

Experimental Results:

The temperature and pressure at different locations are indicated by the use of following
thermocouples and pressure gauges.

#1 Inlet to Evaporator
#2 Outlet from Evaporator
#9 Inlet to the Compressor
#5 Outlet from the Compressor
#6 Inlet to Condenser
#7 Outlet from Condenser

Lab Report:

1. Fill the attached table and do the followings,

2. Plot the cycle on a p-h diagram.
3. Calculate the capacity of the evaporator in tons of refrigeration.
4. Calculate the amount of heat rejected from the condenser.
5. Calculate the piston displacement of the compressor.
6. Calculate the work done on the compressor.
7. Calculate the compressor volumetric efficiency.
8. Calculate the ‘Clearance Factor’ of the compressor.
9. Calculate the mechanical efficiency of the compressor.
10. Calculate the COP of the cycle.
11. Calculate the refrigeration efficiency of the system.

No Thermocouple Location Temperature Pressure Enthalpy

o o
C F Psig Psia Btu/lb
1 Inlet to the Evaporator

2 Outlet from the Evaporator

5 Outlet from the Compressor

6 Inlet to the Condenser

7 Outlet form the Condenser

9 Inlet to the Compressor

Mass flow rate of Refrigerant - 12 = lb/min

Specific volume at the inlet to the compressor = ft3/lb

Specific volume at the outlet to the compressor = ft3/lb


Experiment # 3


CYCLE ( With Heat Exchanger )

Experiment # 3

Mechanical Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle

Object: Study the effect of sub-cooling and superheating in a vapor compression

refrigeration cycle system.

Equipment: Brodhead-Garrett Model 9501 Commercial Refrigeration Training Unit.

Thermal Engineering Company, Toledo, Ohio, Serial # 662 Refrigerant 12.


1. Reciprocating Compressor: Copeland Refrigeration Corporation

Model KAN, Refrigerant 12
No. of Cylinders: 2, Bore: 11/8 inch,
Stroke: 5/8 inch.
RPM: 1750, Power: 1/2 HP.

2. Evaporator: Plate and tube type

24 pipes, 3/8 inches O.D, 63 plates,
8x3x0.006 in. thickness

3. Condenser: Similar to Evaporator.

Theory: Some actual refrigeration systems utilize a liquid-to-suction heat exchanger.

This heat exchanger sub-cools the liquid from condenser with suction vapor coming from
the evaporator. The arrangement and the corresponding ph diagram are shown in the
figures on last page of the handout.

Effect of Superheating:
1. The compression work for the superheated cycle is more than that for the saturated
2. The temperature of the discharged vapors (exit of the compressor) is considerably
higher for the superheated cycle.
3. Because of the higher outlet temperature of the compressed vapors, greater quantity
of heat must be rejected in the condenser. It means load on the condenser increases.
4. Superheating of the vapors at the inlet to the compressor ensures no liquid enters in
the compressor.

Effect of sub-cooling:
1. Sub-cools liquid enters in the evaporator and hence increases the refrigeration effect
of the cycle.
Compared with the standard vapor compression cycle, the system using the heat
exchanger may seen to have obvious advantages because of the increases refrigerating
effect. But on the other hand, compressor power also increases because of the
superheated vapors has to be compressed. Therefore, the COP of the cycle, which is ratio
of the refrigeration effect to the compressor power of the cycle, not necessarily increases.

The heat exchanger is definitely justified, however in situations where the vapor entering
the compressor must be superheated to ensure that no liquid enters the compressor.

Another practical reason for using the heat exchanger is to sub-cool the liquid form the
condenser to prevent bubbles of vapor from impending the flow of refrigerant through the
expansion valve.

Also read text book, Article #3.5 and Example #3.5 Page # 58, and solve problem #3.5.

Experimental Results:

The temperature and pressure at different locations are indicated by the use of following
thermocouples and pressure gauges.

#1 Inlet to Evaporator
#2 Outlet from Evaporator
#8 Inlet to the Heat Exchanger, Outlet form Evaporator
#9 Outlet from the Heat Exchanger, Inlet to the Compressor
#5 Outlet from the Compressor
#6 Inlet to Condenser
#7 Outlet from Condenser
#10 Outlet form the Condenser, Inlet to the Heat Exchanger
#11 Outlet form the Heat Exchanger, Inlet to the Evaporator

Lab Report:

1. Fill the attached tables (#1 and #2) and the followings for both cycles.
2. Plot the cycle on a p-h diagram.
3. Calculate the power input to the compressor.
4. Calculate the capacity of the evaporator in tons of refrigeration.
5. Calculate the amount of heat rejected from the condenser.
6. Calculate the COP of the cycle.
7. Fill table # 3.

Table # 1 Data without Heat exchanger

No Thermocouple Location Temperature Pressure Enthalpy

o o
C F Psig Psia Btu/lb
1 Inlet to the Evaporator

2 Outlet from the Evaporator

5 Outlet from the Compressor

6 Inlet to the Condenser

7 Outlet form the Condenser

9 Inlet to the Compressor

Mass flow rate of Refrigerant - 12 = lb/min


Table # 2 Data with Heat exchanger

No Thermocouple Location Temperature Pressure Enthalpy

o o
C F Psig Psia Btu/lb
1 Inlet to the Evaporator

2 Outlet from the Evaporator

8 Inlet to the Heat exchanger

Outlet from the Evaporator
9 Outlet form the Heat
exchanger, Inlet to the
5 Outlet from the Compressor

6 Inlet to the Condenser

7 Outlet form the Condenser

10 Outlet form the condenser,

Inlet to the Heat exchanger
11 Outlet form the Heat
exchanger, Inlet to the

Mass flow rate of Refrigerant - 12 = lb/min

Table # 3 Comparison of results

Without With % Difference

Heat exchanger Heat exchanger
Compressor power

Refrigeration effect

Condenser load


Experiment # 4


CYCLE ( With two Evaporators at same temperature)

Experiment # 4

Mechanical Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle with two evaporators

Object: Study of a vapor compression refrigeration system with two evaporators in

parallel operating at same temperatures.

Equipment: Brodhead-Garrett Model 9501 Commercial Refrigeration Training Unit.

Thermal Engineering Company, Toledo, Ohio, Serial # 662 Refrigerant 12.


1. Reciprocating Compressor: Copeland Refrigeration Corporation

Model KAN, Refrigerant 12
No. of Cylinders: 2, Bore: 11/8 inch,
Stroke: 5/8 inch.
PRM: 1750, Power: 1/2 HP.

2. Evaporator: Plate and tube type

24 pipes, 3/8 inches O.D, 63 plates,
8x3x0.006 in. thickness

3. Condenser: Similar to Evaporator.


In many applications, more than one evaporator units are used in a single refrigeration
system because of the necessity of refrigeration more than one spaces. The nature of
application may require the evaporators to be maintained at the same or even at a
different temperatures. For example, an industry which needs low-temperature
refrigeration for a process and which must also provide air conditioning for some
offices or a supermarket required air-conditioning for the shop and as well as
refrigeration for the food storage.

The temperature and pressure at the different locations are indicated by the use of the
followings thermocouples and pressure gauges.

#1 Inlet to the Evaporator #1

#2 Outlet from the Evaporator #1
#3 Inlet to the Evaporator #2
#4 Outlet form the Evaporator #2
#9 Inlet to the Compressor
#5 Outlet form the Compressor
#6 Inlet to the Condenser
#7 Outlet from the Condenser

Lab Report:

1. Fill the attached table.

2. Plot the cycle on a p-h diagram.
3. Calculate the power input to the compressor and the COP of the cycle.
4. Solve problem # 3.8 from the textbook.

No Thermocouple Location Temperature Pressure Enthalpy

o o
C F Psig Psia Btu/lb
1 Inlet to the Evaporator # 1

2 Outlet from the Evaporator # 1

3 Inlet to the Evaporator # 2

4 Outlet of the Evaporator # 2

5 Outlet from the Compressor

6 Inlet to the Condenser

7 Outlet from the Condenser

9 Inlet to the Compressor

Mass flow rate of Refrigerant R-12 through evp # 1= lb/min

Mass flow rate of Refrigerant R-12 through evp # 2= lb/min


Experiment # 5
Numerical Experiment # 1



Numerical Lab # 1

Objective: Analysis of a vapor compression refrigeration system for refrigerant

R12 by using mathematical simulation system.

Theory: The expected trends of refrigeration capacity and power requirements as

function of the evaporating and condensing temperatures are given as follows.

qe = C1 + C2te + C3te2 + C4tc + C5tc2 + C6tetc + C7te2tc + C8tetc2 + C9te2tc2 (1)

and P = D1 + D2te + D3te2 + D4tc + D5tc2 + D6tetc + D7te2tc + D8tetc2 + D9te2tc2 (2)

Rate of heat rejection from the condenser can be obtained for the following relation.

qc = qe + P (3)

The performance of the condenser can also be calculated form

qc = F ( tc – tamb ) (4)

Where tamb is ambient temperature and F = 9.39 kW/K for air-cooled condenser.

Lab Work: Assume tamb = 40, 35, 30, 25 oC.

For each tamb, consider te = 10, 15, 20, 25 oC, calculate qe, P, qc and tc. Use Excel.
You need to do iteration by using a macro. The procedure for making a macro in Exel
is given as follows.
How to make a Macro:
To make a new macro, select tool and then record macro, Do the operation you
want and then stop recording. Edit the macro and write for I = 1 to 50 in first line
and next I in last line.
To run the macro, select tool and macro and run the required macro.

After calculating, plot characteristic curves 1/COP vs 1/qe.

Constants for R-12 are given as follows.

C1 = 137.402 D1 = 1.00618
C2 = 4.60437 D2 = -0.893222
C3 = 0.061652 D3 = -0.01426
C4 = -1.118157 D4 = 0.870024
C5 = -0.001525 D5 = -0.0063397
C6 = -0.0109119 D6 = 0.033889
C7 = -0.00040148 D7 = -0.00023875
C8 = -0.00026682 D8 = -0.00014746
C9 = 0.000003873 D9 = 0.0000067962

137.402 1.00618 Solution of the Lab

4.60437 -0.893222
0.061652 -0.01426
-1.118157 0.870024
-0.001525 -0.0063397
-0.0109119 0.033889
-0.00040148 -0.00023875
-0.00026682 -0.00014746
0.000003873 6.7962E-06

Ta Te Tc Qe P qc tc 1/COP 1/qe
40 10 55.16693 108.1082 34.30931 142.4175 55.16693 0.317361 0.00925
40 15 57.41366 126.2108 37.30348 163.5142 57.41366 0.295565 0.007923
40 20 59.84616 145.5353 40.82019 186.3555 59.84616 0.280483 0.006871
40 25 62.48035 165.9146 45.17584 211.0905 62.48035 0.272284 0.006027
35 10 50.75068 115.4857 32.41319 147.8989 50.75068 0.280668 0.008659
35 15 53.03702 134.4669 34.90068 169.3676 53.03702 0.259548 0.007437
35 20 55.50108 154.7023 37.80286 192.5051 55.50108 0.244359 0.006464
35 25 58.15619 176.0268 41.40984 217.4367 58.15619 0.235247 0.005681
30 10 46.29373 122.7807 30.21743 152.9981 46.29373 0.246109 0.008145
30 15 48.61806 142.6219 32.2017 174.8236 48.61806 0.225784 0.007012
30 20 51.11386 163.7546 34.50455 198.2592 51.11386 0.210709 0.006107
30 25 53.79169 186.0144 37.38955 223.404 53.79169 0.201004 0.005376
25 10 41.79493 129.9908 27.71361 157.7044 41.79493 0.213197 0.007693
25 15 44.15555 150.6728 29.1978 179.8706 44.15555 0.193783 0.006637
25 20 46.68327 172.6889 30.91694 203.6059 46.68327 0.179033 0.005791
25 25 49.38568 195.8738 33.10774 228.9815 49.38568 0.169026 0.005105

1/qe 1/COP
0.009249995 0.31736093
0.007923255 0.29556496
0.006871186 0.28048309
0.006027196 0.27228365

0.008659082 0.28066846
0.007436774 0.25954845
0.006464029 0.24435877
0.005680952 0.23524729

0.008144605 0.24610907
0.007011545 0.22578371
0.006106698 0.21070887
0.005375928 0.20100354

0.007692852 0.2131967
0.006636899 0.19378282
0.005790759 0.17903254
0.005105328 0.16902588

Experiment # 6
Numerical Experiment # 2



Numerical Lab # 2

Objective: Analysis of a vapor compression refrigeration system for refrigerant

R-12 by using mathematical simulation system.

Theory: This lab is an extension of numerical lab 1. In lab 1, the performance of the
condenser is evaluated with the ambient while for the evaporator, it was assumed that
the temperature is given. In practical applications, instead of evaporator temperature,
the sourounding temperature of the evaporator is known and it effects the evaporator
temperature. If twi is the sourounding temperature of the evaporator, the evaporator
capacity qe with respect to twi, can be obtained as,

qe = G ( twi – te )
Assume G = 1 + 0.046 ( twi – te ) for a given evaporator.
If we include this in lab 1, the complete model will look like as,

qe = C1 + C2te + C3te2 + C4tc + C5tc2 + C6tetc + C7te2tc + C8tetc2 + C9te2tc2 (1)

and P = D1 + D2te + D3te2 + D4tc + D5tc2 + D6tetc + D7te2tc + D8tetc2 + D9te2tc2 (2)

qc = qe + P (3)

qc = F ( tc – tamb ) or tc = tamb + ( qc/F ) (4)

F = 9.39 kW/K for air-cooled condenser.

qe = G ( twi – te ) Where G = 1 + 0.046 ( twi – te ) (5)

This equation is used for te, te = twi – ( qe/G ) (6)

Lab Work: Assume tamb = 40, 35, 30, 25 oC.

For each tamb, consider twi = 10, 15, 20, 25 oC, calculate qe, P, qc, tc and te. Use
Excel. You need to do iteration by using a macro. The procedure for making a macro
in Exel is given as follows.
How to make a Macro:
To make a new macro, select tool and then record macro, Do the operation you
want and then stop recording. Edit the macro and write for I = 1 to 50 in first line
and next I in last line.
To run the macro, select tool and macro and run the required macro.
After calculating, plot characteristic curves 1/qe vs 1/COP.

Constants for R-12 are given as follows.

C1 = 137.402 D1 = 1.00618
C2 = 4.60437 D2 = -0.893222
C3 = 0.061652 D3 = -0.01426
C4 = -1.118157 D4 = 0.870024
C5 = -0.001525 D5 = -0.0063397
C6 = -0.0109119 D6 = 0.033889
C7 = -0.00040148 D7 = -0.00023875
C8 = -0.00026682 D8 = -0.00014746
C9 = 0.000003873 D9 = 0.0000067962

137.4 1.01 Solution of the Lab

4.604 -0.89
0.062 -0.01
-1.118 0.87
-0.002 -0.01
-0.011 0.03
-4E-04 -0
-3E-04 -0
4E-06 0

Ta tei te Tc qe P qc tc g te 1/qe 1/COP

40 10 0.805 51.487 78.51 29.36 107.87 51.487 1.423 0.8049 0.012738 0.37399
40 15 4.744 52.994 90.56 31.45 122.01 52.994 1.4718 4.7443 0.011042 0.347268
40 20 8.663 54.596 103.5 33.56 137.06 54.596 1.5215 8.6631 0.009662 0.324304
40 25 12.57 56.299 117.2 35.8 153.04 56.299 1.5719 12.568 0.008529 0.305336
35 10 0.395 46.83 83.09 27.99 111.08 46.83 1.4418 0.3953 0.012035 0.336875
35 15 4.315 48.357 95.62 29.8 125.42 48.357 1.4915 4.3151 0.010458 0.311625
35 20 8.215 49.976 109 31.58 140.62 49.976 1.5421 8.215 0.009171 0.289614
35 25 12.1 51.691 123.3 33.42 156.73 51.691 1.5933 12.102 0.00811 0.271076
30 10 0.002 42.14 87.58 26.41 113.99 42.14 1.4599 0.0016 0.011418 0.301566
30 15 3.904 43.683 100.6 27.93 128.49 43.683 1.5104 3.9039 0.009944 0.277741
30 20 7.787 45.318 114.4 29.38 143.83 45.318 1.5618 7.7866 0.008737 0.256748
30 25 11.66 47.045 129.2 30.85 160.06 47.045 1.6138 11.657 0.00774 0.2388
25 10 -0.378 37.419 91.99 24.62 116.61 37.419 1.4774 -0.378 0.010871 0.267626
25 15 3.509 38.975 105.4 25.84 131.22 38.975 1.5286 3.5092 0.009489 0.245156
25 20 7.376 40.622 119.7 26.96 146.69 40.622 1.5807 7.3763 0.008352 0.225219
25 25 11.23 42.361 134.9 28.07 163.02 42.361 1.6334 11.23 0.00741 0.207991

1/qe 1/COP
0.013 0.37
0.011 0.35
0.01 0.32
0.009 0.31

0.012 0.34
0.01 0.31
0.009 0.29
0.008 0.27

0.011 0.3
0.01 0.28
0.009 0.26
0.008 0.24

0.011 0.27
0.009 0.25
0.008 0.23
0.007 0.21

Experiment # 7



Experiment # 7

Computer Linked Mechanical Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle

Object: Demonstration of the computer linked vapor compression refrigeration cycle and
production of the cycle diagram under various conditions.

Equipment: RC 712 Computer Linked Refrigeration Laboratory Unit ( Fig. 1 ).

Introduction: The refrigeration cycle in various forms applications in countless industrial

and domestic situations throughout the world. For example, the storage and transport of
perishable foodstuff and drugs would be extremely difficult if not impossible without
refrigeration. Similarly the efficient operation of offices and factories in many parts of the
world would be impossible without the use of refrigeration plants in air conditioning
The most common type of refrigerator operates on the vapor compression cycle and
require a work input. The Hilton Computer Linked Refrigeration Laboratory Unit RC 712
is a vapor Compression Refrigerator of this form and has been designed to enable
students to safely study the cycle in detail.

Description: Glass reinforced plastic panel houses a belt driven twin cylinder
reciprocating compressor and electric motor. The motor is mounted on trunnions and
connected via an arm to a load cell dynamometer. With a tachometer mounted on the
compressor and instrumentation connected to the on board interface, it is possible to
compute the power necessary to drive the compressor.
Refrigerant 134 (a) vapor is drawn into the compressor from the electrically heated
evaporator mounted on the front of the panel. Work is done on the gas and its pressure
and temperature are raised. This hot gas at high pressure discharges from the compressor
and flows into the water cooled condenser. Also mounted on the front of the panel. A
measured and controllable flow of cooling water passes through a copper coil sealed
inside the condenser cylinder. The hot gas desuperheats and then condenses on the
surface of the cooing coil where it runs down to the bottom of the cylinder and is
subcooled. A sight glass at the base of the condenser cylinder allows this liquid gas to be
observed. The liquid flows through a refrigerant filter drier and an electronic paddle type
flow-meter to the thermostatic expansion valve. Here it passes through a controlled
orifice which allows its pressure to fall from that of the condenser to that of the
evaporator. The liquid immediately starts to boil and takes in heat to accomplish this at
low temperature. In order to allow control and measurement of the heat input at the
evaporator, an electric heater element is used. This is rolled concentrically inside the
copper tube carrying the low temperature liquid vapor mixture from the expansion valve.

The power to the heaters is varied by a burst firing switch controlled by the electronic
interface inside the panel. This in turn is controlled by the Hilton computer software.
The relative power supplied to the evaporator is indicated visually by a panel mounted
neon that lights when power is applied to the heaters. Hence at full power the light is
on all of the time and at reducing power it flashes off for an increasing length of time
unit at the no load condition it is off continuously.
Measurements of the voltage, current, and hence power is carried out by voltage and
current transformers also connected to the interface. The sensing bulb of the thermostatic
expansion valve is mounted on the exit pipe from the evaporator and this detects the

degree of superheat of the gas leaving the evaporator and entering the compressor. If the
superheat is low the valve will close and reduce the flow and if too high the reverse will
occur. By this means stability is maintained under all condition of operation.
measurements of condenser and evaporator pressures is achieved using two diaphragm
type transducers connected directly to the interface.


1. Turn on the water supply to the RC 712 and, ensuring that the drain pipe is installed in
a suitable drain, open the water control valve several turns to allow a moderate flow
of water through the condenser coils.
2. Turn on the water supply to the RC 712 and depress the Main Switch on the panel.
The compressor will start and the load Lamp, System Sampling and Interface Status
Lamps should flash on momentarily and then go out.
3. Turn on the power supply to the Hilton Computer and switch on the Printer, Video
and computer in that order.
4. After a short delay, the computer will issue an audible beep and the screen will
display a warning message and the software version number.
5. After a further short delay the computer will issue four audible beeps and flash the
system status light on and off at the same time. This indicated that both computer and
interface are in communication. When this is completed the system status light
remains on until the unit is either switch off, or power supply interrupted. Note that if
either the cooling water flow is insufficient, or the computer is not turning for some
reason, the unit will display a message to that effect until the fault is rectified.
6. The screen display changes to await input from the keyboard by the operator. Four
entries are requested:
(i) R12 Flowmeter Calibration Factor (found engraved on R12 Flowmeter body)
(ii) Water Flowmeter Calibration Factor (found engraved on water flowmeter body)
(iii) Compressor Friction Force: This is the motor load cell, or dynamo meter load when
the compressor suction valve is closed and the compressor is doing no net work o the
R12 gas. The typical value is 5 Newtons.
(iv) atmospheric Pressure: this is the local atmospheric pressure in units of mm of
Mercury e.g. typically 750 mm of Hg.

When the last of these has been entered, Master Menu will be displayed as follows:
1. Display Schematic Diagram and System Parameters at 60 second internals with
Optional Data Printout.
2. Display Transient Data - With Optional Data Printout.
3. Display Refrigeration Cycle Diagram and update at 60 second intervals With
Optional Data Printout.

7. Select the above mentioned option one by one and study the different parameters of
the vapor compression cycle.

Lab Report:

1. Give comments on the vapor compression refrigeration system.


Experiment # 8



Experiment # 8

Computer Linked Mechanical Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle

Object: Production of an energy balance for a vapor compression refrigeration cycle


Equipment: RC 712 Computer Linked Refrigeration Laboratory Unit.


The Ideal Vapor Compression Cycle:

The idealized plant, T-S and P-H diagrams for the vapor compression cycle are shown in Fig 1. The
cycle is as follows:
1-2 Isentropic compression of the vapor from the evaporating to the condensing
2-3 Condensation of the high pressure vapor during which heat is transferred to
the high temperature region.
3-4 Adiabatic throttling of the condensed vapor from the condensing to the
evaporating pressure.
4-1 Evaporation of the low pressure liquid during which heat is absorbed from the
low temperature source.

The energy transfers can readily be determined from the p-h diagram:

W1-2 = h2 - h1
q2-3 = h2 - h3
h3 = h4 (Throttling process)
q1-4 = h1 - h4

The Practical Vapor Compression Cycle: The practical cycle differs from the
idealized cycle in the following ways:
(a) Due to friction, there will be a small pressure drop between the compressor
discharge and expansion inlet, and between the expansion valve outlet and the
compressor suction
(b) The compression process is neither adiabatic nor reversible. There is usually a
net heat loss from the compressor and there are frictional effects in piston
rings, bearings,etc.
(c) The vapor leaving the evaporator is usually slightly superheated. This makes
possible automatic control of the expansion valve and improves compressor
(d) The liquid leaving the condenser is usually slightly subcooled, i.e., it is
reduced to a temperature below the saturation temperature corresponding to its
pressure. This improves the COP and reduces the possibility of the formation
of vapor, due to pressure drop, in the line leading from the condenser to the
expansion valve.

(e) There may be small unwanted heat inputs from the surroundings to all parts of
the cycle which operate below ambient temperature.

These effects are shown in the following Figures.



(1) Start the apparatus as explain in Exp # 7.

(2) Enter program 1 and increase the evaporator load up to 45%. At this stage do
not select hard copy of the data.
(3) Allow the unit to stabilize.
(4) Observe the four main components, i.e., evaporator, compressor, condenser
and expansion valve, the connecting pipe work and the instrumentation.
(5) Return to the menu, select program 1 and select a print out for the data.
(6) Increase the evaporator load by 10% and repeat the steps from 3 to 5.

Useful Data:

Compressor: Two Cylinder Single Acting

Bore = 40 mm, Stroke = 30 mm
Swept Volume = 75.5 cm3 per revolution
Clearance Volume / Swept Volume = 0.025
Belt Pulley Ration (D/d) = 3.17
Typical Compressor Friction Force = 5 N
Torque arm radius (Dynamometer) = 0.165 m
Mean heat transfer area for Heat Exchanger = 0.75 m2


Evaporator heat input Qe = Ve Ie
Enthalpy change rate = mr ( h1 - h4 )
Heat leaks from/to evaporator = Difference of the above

Heat Transfer to cooling water = mw cpw ( t6 - t5)
Enthalpy change rate = mr ( h3 - h2 )
Heat loss from condenser to ambient = Difference of the aobve

Shaft Power Ps = Tw
Friction Power Pf = Tf w
Indicated Power Pi = Ps - Pf
Enthalpy change rate = mr ( h2 - h1 )
Energy loss form compressor to ambient = Indicated power - enthalpy
change rate.
Mechanical Efficiency of the Compressor = ( Ps/Pi ) * 100

Lab Report:

1. When the heat input to the evaporator is increased by 10% what effect did you
observe on the following parameters.

(a) The evaporator pressure and temperature.

(b) The refrigerant flow rate
(c) The condenser pressure
(d) The cooling water outlet temperature
(e) The electric motor load cell force (torque) and power consumption.

2. Perform energy balances as given in hand out and hence calculate, for both
(a) Capacity of the evaporator in Tons of refrigeration.
(b) COP of the system
(c) Heat loss from the compressor to the ambient
(d) Heat loss from the condenser to the ambient
(e) Mechanical efficiency of the compressor

3. What effect does COP have with load and why?


Experiment # 9


REFRIGERATION CYCLE (Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient)

Experiment # 9

Computer Linked Mechanical Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle

Object: Determination of the overall heat transfer coefficient for the condenser cooling

Equipment: RC 712 Computer Linked Refrigeration Laboratory Unit.


Condenser receive superheated refrigerant from the compressor, remove the superheat,
and then liquefy the refrigerant. Some abundant fluid such as air or water carries away
the heat; this fluid characterizes the condenser as air-cooled or water-cooled. A water
cooled condenser is used in RC 712 computer linked refrigeration laboratory unit.
As an estimate, between 80 and 90% of the total heat transfer is occurring during the
phase change. This takes place at constant temperature, tsat , corresponding to the pressure
in the condenser. Therefore it is reasonable to use the temperature difference existing
between the R134 saturation temperature at the condenser pressure and cooling water in
order to determine the overall heat transfer coefficient.

Log Mean Temperature Difference of the Condenser (LMTD):

∆T1 = tc - t5 Tcondensing
∆T2 = tc - t6 t6

∆T1 − ∆T2
LMTD = t5
ln 1

Heat Transfer from the condenser = m& r (∆h) condensere = UA( LMTD )


(1) Run the system for three different cooling water flow rates and calculate the

Heat Transfer in the condenser

Log Mean Temperature Difference
Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
Mean heat transfer area for Heat Exchanger A = 0.75 m2

(2) Fill table # 1 and plot the Overall heat transfer coefficient with water flow rate and
condensing temperature.

Table # 1

Water Flow Rate ‘Q’ m3/sec

Condensing Temperature ‘Tc’ oC
Overall Heat Transfer Coeff. ‘U’ W/m2K

0 0
100 100

Experiment # 10

Introduction to Cryogenics

Experiment # 10

Ultralow-Temperature Refrigeration: Cryogenics

Object: Introduction to Cryogenics system by visiting Cryogenics lab in Physics


Introduction: The lowest temperature achieved by refrigeratrion is about 250 oF (157

C). This can be produced by cascade vapor-compression arrangement. It means to
achieve absolute zero, a further 210 oF (116 oC) decrease in temperature is required. Such
a low temprature can be achieved by liquification of gases. The term Crygenics is used to
describe such applications.

Applications: Most common use of this ultralow-temperatuer is to liquify the gases.

Separation of atmospheric air is done by crygenics to obtain oxygen, nitrogen, argon,
neon, xenon, and krypton. Hydrogen is obtained by sepration of coke oven gas and pure
helium is commonly obtained by separation from helium-bearing natural gas.

Problems: There are few problems in achieving such a low temperature. The first is the
insulation problem to maintain the liquid gas at this low temperature. The second is the
measurment of such low temperatures. Special considerations are required to ovide these
two problems.

Methods of Cryogenics: The ultralow-temperature can be produced by the expansion of

gases. The expansion can be done by the following two ways.

1) When the gas performed work during expansion process, it produces cooling.
2) By throttling of a gas, it produces cooling.

Cooling produces by throttling of a gas is of major importance. This will be discussed in

detaile here. Following two quantities are important in throttling of a gas.

Jule-Thomson Coefficient: It is defined as

 ∂T 
µ =  h
 ∂P 

For a perfect gas, Jule-Thomson coefficient is always zero. However for a real gas, it is
not a constant and function of temperature and pressure. The value of µ is important to
determine the trend of the temperature of a gas.

If µ = 0 , the temperature of the gas remains constant.

If µ > 0 , the temperature of the gas decreases.
If µ < 0 , the temperature of the gas increases.

It means for producing cooling, a large positive value of µ is required.

Inversion temperatue: The temperature for which µ = 0 for a real gas is called inversion
temperature for the gas.

Cycles for Liquification of Gases

1. Linde Air Liquefaction cylce: The block and T-S diagram for the eycle is shown
in Fig. 1 and 2. The processes involved are explained as follows.

1-2 Isothermal compression (Discharge pressure is about 50 to 200

atmosphere and temperature is less than the inversion temperature)
2-3 Cooling at constant pressure in heat exchanger.
3-4 Throttling process in throttling valve.
4-5 Separation of liquid gas in separator.
4-6 Separation of gas in separator.
6-7 Heating at constant pressure in heat exchanger.





2. Claude Air Liquefaction Cycle: The components of a basic claude air

liquefaction cycle are shown in Fig. 3 and T-S diagram in Fig. 4. The following
are the processes in the cycle.

1-2 Isothermal compression.

2-3 Cooling at constant pressure in heat exchanger 1.
3-4 Cooling at constant pressure in heat exchanger 2.
3-8 Expansion in an expander (non-isentropic).
4-5 Throttling process in throttling valve.
5-6 Separation of liquid gas in separator.
5-7 Separation of gas in separator.
7-9 Mixing of gas coming from expander and separator.
9-10 Heating at constant pressure in heat exchanger 2.
10-11 Heating at constant pressure in heat exchanger 1.


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