A Research On Thermal Insulation Properties of Nonwovens Produced With Recycled Jute and Wool Fibres
A Research On Thermal Insulation Properties of Nonwovens Produced With Recycled Jute and Wool Fibres
A Research On Thermal Insulation Properties of Nonwovens Produced With Recycled Jute and Wool Fibres
Deniz DURAN *
Ege University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Textile Engineering, 35100 Bornova, Izmir, Turkey
Nonwovens materials are porous materials consisting of fibers and an interconnected void. Due to their unique fibre orientation and
porous structure, nonwovens are ideal materials for insulation applications. In this paper some physical thermal insulation properties of
single and double layered needle punched nonwovens produced with recycled jute and wool fibres were investigated. The use of
recycled fibres is of high importance not only for cost reduction but also in means of environmental aspects. Polyester, wool and
recycled jute (R-Jute) and recycled wool (R-Wool) fibres were used for the production of single and double layered needle punched
nonwoven structures in this study. In the latter stage fibre fineness, basis weight, thickness, air permeability, thermal conductivity and
thermal resistance properties were tested. The results were analysed statistically by using SPSS software in 95% confidence interval.
Results have shown that wool and recycled wool inclusion in single and double layered nonwoven structures enhance the thermal
insulation properties. And also it was found out that recycled fibres can be used in insulation applications without sacrificing from
thermal properties. Nonwoven structures are good candidates to be used as low cost and environmental friendly insulation materials not
only in buildings but also in automotive, furniture and clothing industries.
Keywords: Multilayer nonwoven, thermal insulation, recycled jute, wool, recycled wool.
Nonwoven malzemeler yapılarındaki lifler ve aralardaki boşluklardan oluşan gözenekli malzemelerdir. Bu benzersiz gözenekli ve
lifli yapıları, onları yalıtım uygulamaları için ideal kılar. Bu çalışmada geri kazanılmış jüt ve yün lifleri kullanılarak iğneleme yöntemine
göre üretilmiş tek ve çift katlı nonwoven malzemelerin bazı fiziksel ve ısı yalıtım özellikleri incelenmiştir. Geri kazanılmış liflerin
kullanımı yalnızca maliyet azaltma açısından değil, aynı zamanda çevresel konular açısından da önem arz etmektedir. Bu çakışmadaki
tek ve çift katlı nonwoven yapıların üretiminde polyester, yün, geri kazanılmış jüt ve geri kazanılmış yün lifleri kullanılmıştır. Sonraki
aşamada numunelerin lif inceliği, gramaj, kalınlık, hava geçirgenliği, ısıl iletkenlik ve ısıl direnç özellikleri test edilmiştir. Test sonuçları
SPSS yazılımı kullanılarak %95 güven aralığında analiz edilmiştir. Çalışma sonuçları, yapıdaki yün ve geri dönüşştürülmüş yün lifi
içeriğinin ısı yalıtım özelliklerini iyileştirdiğini göstermiştir. Sonuçlarda ayrıca ısı yalıtım özelliklerinden feragat etmeksizin geri
dönüştürülmüş liflerin de yapıda kullanılabileceğini göstermiştir. Çalışma kapsamında üretilen nonwoven yapılar düşük maliyetli ve
çevre dostu yalıtım malzemeleri olarak sadece bina ve inşaat sektöründe değil otomotiv, mobilya ve giyim sektörlerinde de kullanılmaya
Anahtar Kelimeler: Çok katlı nonwoven, ısı yalıtımı, geri dönüştürülmüş jüt, geri dönüştürülmüş yün.
Table 2. Raw materials and processes involved in the production of double layered nonwoven samples
3000 2640
100 % Wool 100 % PES %50 Wool/%50 R‐ %50 Wool/%50 R‐ %50 PES/%50 R‐Jute %50 PES/%50 R‐
Jute Wool Wool
Air Permeability (l/m2/sn)
3377 3297
3000 2784
2000 1701
1500 1309
100 % Wool+100 % 100 % PES+100 % PES %50 Wool/%50 R‐ %50 Wool/%50 R‐ %50 PES/%50 R‐ %50 PES/%50 R‐
Wool Jute+100 % Wool Wool+100 % Wool Jute+100 % PES Wool+100 % PES
As it can be seen in Table 6, effects of wool ratio of the thichness and basis weight values of the samplers including
upper layer, wool ratio of the lower layer, PES ratio of the 100%PES at the upper layer, compared to the samples
upper layer, and R-wool ratio of the upper layer on air including 50% PES at their upper layer.
permeability and R-jute ratio of the upper layer are
statistically significant. Results of the statistical evaluations Results of the statistical analysis have shown that effect of
have shown that air permeability decreased with decreasing PES ratio of the lower layer is not statistically significant.
PES ratio of the upper layer, increasing Wool ratio of the This might be caused by the heterogenity between the
upper layer and increasing R-Wool ratio of the upper layer. layers of the double layered structure; due to the existance
It was also observed that, the difference between the air of R-Wool and R-Jute fibres in the upper layer, when PES
permeability results of samples including 100% and 50% was used at the lower layer. This is not the case for the
wool at the upper layer were not statistically significant, samples having 100% PES at the upper layer due to
while the difference of 0% wool from 100% and 50% wool homogenity. Also, this situation is not valid for the samples
were found to be statistically significant. The lowest sir having 100% Wool at the lower layer, since Wool fibres
permeability results were obtained with 0% Wool and 0% R- have a more curly structure compared to PES fibres,
Wool including samples at the upper layer. This is due to the resulting in more homogenity between the layers.
lower basis weight of the sampes with 0% wool inclusion in 3.5 Thermal Properties
the upper layer. Air permeability increased with increasing
PES ratio at the upper layer. Higher air permeability results Table 7 shows the p values of factors affecting the thermal
were obtained with samples including 100% PES, compared conductivity and thermal resistance for 95% confidence
to the samples including 50% PES for both single and interval.
double layered structures. This might be due to the lower
Table 7. P values of factors affecting the thermal conductivity and thermal resistance for 95% confidence interval.
p value
Thermal Conductivity Thermal Resistance
Wool ratio of the upper layer 0,000 0,044
Wool ratio of the lower layer 0,000 0,011
PES ratio of the upper layer 0,000 0,782
PES ratio of the lower layer 0,014 0,039
R-wool ratio of the upper layer 0,031 0,000
R-jute ratio of the upper layer 0,074 0,004
Thermal Conductivity (W/mK)
0,0380 0,0376
0,0360 0,0356 0,0357
0,0355 0,0352
100 % Wool 100 % PES %50 Wool/%50 R‐ %50 Wool/%50 R‐ %50 PES/%50 R‐Jute %50 PES/%50 R‐
Jute Wool Wool
Figure 4.Thermal conductivity results of double layered nonwovens
3.5.2 Thermal Resistance be caused by existance of the thickness factor used in the
calculation of thermal resistance, from thermal conductivity.
Thermal resistance is an indication of how well a material
insulates. It is based on the equation: R = h/λ; where R is Figure 5 and Figure 6 show the thermal resistance results of
the thermal resistance, h is the thickness and λ is the single and double layered nonwovens. It is known that lower
thermal conductivity [18] thermal conductivity leads to higher thermal resistance of a
structure and thus better thermal insulation properties.
Results of the statistical analyses have shown that; thermal
resistance was affected by Wool ratio of the upper and Among the 100% Wool and 100% PES samples, the latter
lower layers, PES ratio of the lower layer, R-Wool and R- showed higher thermal resistance results. This is mainly
Jute ratios of the upper layers significantly. It was seen that because of higher thickness and also higher thermal
the thermal resistance was increased with decreasing Wool resistance and specific heat resistance of Polyester which
ratio of the upper layer. Even though there were no Abdel-Rehim et.al. also mentioned in their study [7]. When
statistically significant difference between 0% and 50% 50% PES/50% R-Jute and 50% PES/50% R-Wool single
Wool inclusing samples at the upper layer, samples with layered samples with almost the same thickness are
100%Wool at their upper layer showed lower thermal compared it can be said that 50% PES/50% R-Wool
resistance values. Thermal resistance increased with samples show higher thermal resistance. The same trend
increasing R-Wool ratio at the upper layer, which means can be observed for 50% PES/50% R-Jute+100 % PES and
that samples produced with R-Wool fibres at their upper 50% PES/50% R-Wool+100 % PES double layered
layer showed higher thermal resistance results compared to samples, also matching with the thermal conductivity
other samples. This can be caused by the fine structure of results. This is thought to be caused by the inclusion of R-
the R-Wool fibres, which leads to a better entanglement Wool fibres in the structure.
among the fibres and a tighter structure. It is also supported
It can be generally commented that for both single and
by Figure 1 and Figure 2 which show that, R-Wool blended
double layered structures, the highest thermal resistance
samples showed considerably lower air permeability results
reults were obtained with 50% Wool/50% R-Wool structures
compared to 100% Wool, %100 PES and R-Jute blended
in single layer and with 50% Wool/50% R-Wool+100 %
samples in both single and double layered structures.
Wool structures in double layer, both due to higher wool
Results of the statistical anayses have shown that PES ratio fibre inclusion and also higher thickness. Abdel-Rehim et.al.
of the upper layer did not have a statistically significant also mentioned in their paper that the effect of fabric
effect on thermal resistance; even though it had a significant thickness on the fabric temperature variations has the
effect on thermal conductivity, as it was explained in thermal obvious significance that higher thickness means good
conductivity part. Thermal conductivity decreased with thermal insulation [7].
increasing PES ratio of the upper layer, whereas thermal
resistance was not effected significantly. This is thought to
100 % Wool 100 % PES %50 %50 %50 PES/%50 %50 PES/%50
Wool/%50 R‐ Wool/%50 R‐ R‐Jute R‐Wool
Jute Wool
Thermal Resistance (m2K/W)
0,120 0,109 0,111 0,111
0,098 0,101
100 % Wool+100 100 % PES+100 % %50 Wool/%50 R‐%50 Wool/%50 R‐ %50 PES/%50 R‐ %50 PES/%50 R‐
% Wool PES Jute+100 % Wool Wool+100 % Wool Jute+100 % PES Wool+100 % PES