News Article DepEd ASEC Revsee
News Article DepEd ASEC Revsee
News Article DepEd ASEC Revsee
Escobedo’s visit was to assess the extent of classroom shortages and delayed
construction of classrooms in the two schools. He found out that there are classes held in
dilapidated classrooms and some are under the trees and tents.
TCCES principal Juanita Lafuente reported the classroom needs. “I could not sleep
well at night upon thinking of the risks. I hope that our needs will be immediately addressed
by the central office,” she said.
Likewise, DCPNHS principal Virgilia Omictin shared her concerns in holding double-
shifting classes due to lack of classrooms. ”Enrollment has remarkably increased this year
considering that DCPNHS is the only school that offers all the SHS tracks. The quality of
education has been compromised due to the insufficient equipment and facilities we have,”
she concluded.
ASec “Ondoy”, being a Boholano by birth, assured to help expedite the release of the
funds for the construction of new buildings in the said schools.