Can I Add A Voip Call?: Sachin Garg Martin Kappes
Can I Add A Voip Call?: Sachin Garg Martin Kappes
Can I Add A Voip Call?: Sachin Garg Martin Kappes
Abstract— In this paper, we study the inherent limitations A naive calculation might indicate that given the 11Mbps
of the 802.11 (a/b) distributed coordination function (DCF) in peak rate and 128Kbps needed for a full duplex VoIP call,
supporting VoIP calls over a wireless LAN. Specifically, we approximately 85 simultaneous calls can supported. The real
evaluate the upper bound on the number of simultaneous VoIP
calls that can be placed in a single cell of an 802.11(a/b) network. motivation for the analysis comes from a simple experiment,
Making one additional VoIP call in that cell would degrade the goal of which was to determine that number. We briefly
the quality of all VoIP calls. The upper bound is calculated describe the experiment, setup and its surprising outcome
as a function of the choice of VoIP codec and the length of before moving on to the analysis.
the audio payload. As an example, when a G711 codec with 20 In the experiment, multiple Wireless PCs running Windows
millisecond audio payload is used, an 802.11b cell can support
only 3 to 12 simultaneous VoIP calls. The actual number depends 2000, were associated with the same 802.11b AP, which was
on the effective transmission rate of the wireless station, which connected to a 100Mbps Ethernet. The setup was used to make
for 802.11b can be 1Mbps, 2Mbps, 5.5Mbps and 11Mbps. We also full-duplex VoIP calls between a wireless PC and a wired PC
study the effect of spatial distribution of the wireless stations on using IP phones. For each call, we used the ITU G711 a-
the upper bound which is the dominant factor in determining Law codec where frames are sent out every 10 milliseconds.
the effective transmission rate of a station.
Each call results in two RTP streams, from wired to wireless
I. I NTRODUCTION and vice-versa. We tested the number of VoIP connection with
acceptable voice quality by successively establishing new calls
The IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs [12] have been commodi- in addition to the ongoing calls. The quality of the connections
tized for data applications in enterprise networks. Meanwhile, was monitored through measurements of loss, jitter and round-
VoIP deployment in an enterprise mostly involves VoIP termi- trip time by a commercially available tool.
nals connected to its wireline IP network. However, as VoIP For the first five calls, the quality of all the calls was fine.
gains more traction, wireless VoIP terminals will also begin Loss (0%), round-trip time (around 5 ms) and jitter (around
to be deployed to leverage the pervasive 802.11 networks for 7 ms) were all in acceptable ranges for a good quality VoIP
caller mobility. call. When the sixth call was placed, except for a sporadic
Ensuring the Quality-of-Service for VoIP in wireless LANs increase in the round-trip time for some of the connections
is a big concern as the performance characteristics of their the quality of all six simultaneous connections was still
Physical and MAC layers is much worse than their wireline acceptable. As soon as the seventh call was placed, all seven
counterparts. In particular, lower peak transmission rate, lossy “wired to wireless” streams started suffering approximately
medium, interference problems etc. are some drawbacks of the 16% loss and the call quality became unacceptable for all
PHY layer. At the MAC layer, 802.11 offers two choices. The calls in this direction. All “wireless to wired” streams still
first, called Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) belongs exhibited acceptable call quality. In short, the outcome of the
to the CSMA/CA family of protocols, where each station experiement indicated that given the codec setting, only six
determines the access to the channel on its own without calls can be placed on a single 802.11b AP.
the involvement of any central coordinator. The second is The rest of the paper provides an explanation of the ex-
called the Point Coordination Function (PCF) in which the perimental observation and is organized as follows. Section II
access point (henceforth referred to as AP) determines which consists of a brief background on DCF for the sake of self
connected station gets to transmit at any time. While the PCF containment and also gives a short summary of the related
was designed to support real-time services, its implementation work. In Section III, we develop the simple analytical model
in an access-point and/or client cards is optional. As a result, to determine the upper bound on the number of simultaneous
the majority of 802.11(b) networks currently deployed do not VoIP connections over DCF and in Section III-A, the model
support PCF. is used to tabulate and explain the results for an 802.11b AP.
As wireless VoIP takes hold, especially in public hot-spots In Section III-B, we evaluate the effect of spatial distribution
such as airports, hotels etc., the question of how suitable DCF of the stations within the cell on the upper bound. The base
is for supporting VoIP traffic becomes important. That is the model also qualifies to evaluate the upper bound for 802.11a
focus of this paper. In particular, we analyze the number of [13] as only some parameter values change in 802.11a while
simultaneous VoIP calls a single AP running DCF can support. the underlying DCF remains unchanged. These results are
Fig. 1. IEEE 802.11 CSMA/CA medium access scheme.
20 20
10 10
0 0
1.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 9.0 11.0 1.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 9.0 11.0
Average Data Transmission Rate (Mbps) Average Data Transmission Rate (Mbps)