NanoNet PDF
NanoNet PDF
NanoNet PDF
IRCICA’s amphitheatre is at:
Parc scientifique de la Haute-Borne
40, avenue Halley Nanonetworks: A New Frontier
59650 Villeneuve d’Ascq - France
GPS coordinates: in Communications
latitude: 50.6057704 - longitude: 3.1501158
Tel.: +33 (0)3 59 57 78 00
Fax: +33 (0)3 59 57 78 50
It can be reached by: IAN F. AKYILDIZ
• car
1. From Paris via the A1/E15 motorway:
Go past Lille, following the signs for Villeneuve
d’Ascq/Roubaix/Gand/Bruxelles (A22/E17). Take exit 2
(Roubaix/Villeneuve d’Ascq N227). At the traffic lights,
turn right into Rue du Président Paul Doumer. At the first
roundabout, turn right. The IRCICA building is the first
This talk is organised and sponsored by
building on your right.
FUN Research Group
2. From Tournai via the N7: Inria Lille - Nord Europe
Follow the signs to Lille/Lamain. Follow the signs to
Paris/Lille on the E42. Drive into Villeneuve d’Ascq and
July 26, 2012
take the right-hand exit at the roundabout towards Rue 10:30
Nicolas Appert (D146). Continue straight on into Rue Amphitheatre IRCICA
du Président Paul Doumer. At the first roundabout, turn
right. The IRCICA building is the first building on your
right. Broadband Wireless Networking Lab
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
3. From Gand via the A22/E17:
Georgia Institute of Technology
Head towards Tourcoing Centre/Lille/Paris. Drive
Atlanta, GA 30332, USA
past Roubaix and follow the signs for Paris/Villeneuve
d’Ascq/Valenciennes. Follow the main road until you
reach the exit marked ”Cité scientifique”. At the round-
N3Cat (NaNoNetworking Center in Catalunya)
about, turn right and keep going until you reach the traffic
lights. Turn right into Rue du Président Paul Doumer. At
School of Electrical Engineering
the first roundabout, turn right. The IRCICA building is Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
the first building on your right. Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain
• metro
Take line 1 towards ”4 cantons”. Get off at the ”4 cantons”
terminus. The centre is a five-minute walk from the station.
Take Rue Paul Langevin, near the guarded cycle park (a sign
will point you towards the park). After the Club House, cut
through the car park on the right. Once you get to the round-
about, you will see the IRCICA building on your right. Organised by:
FUN Research Group
Inria Lille - Nord Europe
Overview Electrical Engineering at the Universitat Politecnica de Dr. Akyildiz received the 2004 Georgia Tech Faculty Re-
Nanotechnology is enabling the development of devices in Catalunya, and Director of N3Cat (NaNoNetworking Cen- search Author Award for his "outstanding record of pub-
a scale ranging from one to a few one hundred nanome- ter in Catalunya) in Barcelona, Spain, since June 2008. He lications of papers between 1999-2003", April 2004. He
ters. Nanonetworks, i.e., the interconnection of nano-scale is also an Extraordinary Professor with Department of Elec- also received the 2005 Distinguished Faculty Achievement
devices, are expected to expand the capabilities of single trical, Electronic and Computer Engineering at the Univer- Award from School of ECE, Georgia Tech, April 2005. Dr.
nano-machines by allowing them to cooperate and share sity of Pretoria, South Africa since March 2009 and Direc- Akyildiz received the Georgia Tech Outstanding Doctoral
information. Traditional communication technologies are tor of Advanced Sensor Networks (ASN) lab. Thesis Advisor Award for his 20+ years service and dedi-
not directly suitable for nanonetworks mainly due to the He is the Editor-in-Chief of Computer Networks (Else- cation to Georgia Tech and producing outstanding PhD stu-
size and power consumption of existing transmitters, re- vier) Journal since 2000, the founding Editor-in-Chief of dents. He also received the 2009 ECE Distinguished Men-
ceivers and additional processing components. All these the Ad Hoc Networks Journal (Elsevier) in 2003, the tor Award by the Georgia Tech School of Electrical and
define a new communication paradigm that demands novel founding Editor-in-Chief of the Physical Communication Computer Engineering Faculty Honors Committee.
solutions such as nano-transceivers, channel models for the (PHYCOM) Journal (Elsevier) in 2008, and the found- Dr. Akyildiz received the Best Paper Award for "Interferer
nano-scale, and protocols and architectures for nanonet- ing Editor-in-Chief of the Nano Communication Networks Classification, Channel Selection and Transmission Adap-
works. First the state-of-the-art in nano-machines, includ- (NANOCOMNET) Journal (Elsevier) in 2010. tation for Wireless Sensor Networks" in the Ad Hoc and
ing architectural aspects, expected features of future nano- Sensor Networks (AHSN) symposium at IEEE ICC, in June
Dr. Akyildiz is an IEEE FELLOW (1996) and an ACM
machines, and current developments will be presented for a 2009. He also received the Best Paper Award for "Deploy-
FELLOW (1997). Dr. Akyildiz received the 1997 IEEE
better understanding of nanonetwork scenarios. Moreover, ment Algorithms for Wireless Underground Sensor Net-
Leonard G. Abraham Prize award (IEEE Communications
nanonetworks features and components are explained and works using Magnetic Induction" in the IEEE Global Com-
Society) for his paper entitled "Multimedia Group Synchro-
compared with traditional communication networks. Novel munications Conference (Globecom), in December 2010.
nization Protocols for Integrated Services Architectures"
nano-antennas based on nano-materials as well as the ter-
published in the IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Com- Dr. Akyildiz received the 2010 IEEE Communications So-
ahertz band are investigated for electromagnetic commu-
munications (JSAC) in January 1996. Dr. Akyildiz re- ciety Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Technical Committee
nication in nanonetworks. Furthermore, molecular com-
ceived the 2003 Best Tutorial Paper Award (IEEE Com- (AHSN TC) Technical Recognition Award with the cita-
munication mechanisms are presented for short-range net-
munications Society) for "A Survey on Sensor Networks" tion: "For pioneering contributions to wireless sensor net-
working based on ion signaling and molecular motors, for
published in the IEEE Communications Magazine, August works and wireless mesh networks", in December 2010.
medium-range networking based on flagellated bacteria and
2002. Dr. Akyildiz received the Best Paper Award for "In- Dr. Akyildiz received the 2011 IEEE Computer Society W.
nanorods, as well as for long-range networking based on
terferer Classification, Channel Selection and Transmission Wallace McDowell Award for pioneering contributions to
pheromones and capillaries. Finally, open research chal-
Adaptation for Wireless Sensor Networks" in the Ad Hoc wireless sensor network architectures and communication
lenges such as the development of network components,
and Sensor Networks (AHSN) symposium at IEEE ICC, protocols, in May 2011.
molecular communication theory, and new architectures
June 2009.
and protocols, which need to be solved in order to pave the Dr. Akyildiz received the 2011 TUBITAK (Turkish
way for the development and deployment of nanonetworks He received the "Don Federico Santa Maria Medal" for National Science Foundation) Exclusive Award for out-
within the next couple of decades are presented. his services to the Universidad of Federico Santa Maria in standing contributions to the advancement of scholar-
Chile in 1986. He served as a National Lecturer for ACM ship/research at international level.
from 1989 until 1998 and received the ACM Outstanding
Bio Distinguished Lecturer Award for 1994. Dr. Akyildiz re- Dr. Akyildiz is the author of an advanced textbook on
I. F. AKYILDIZ received his BS, MS, and PhD degrees ceived the 2002 IEEE Harry M. Goode Memorial award "Wireless Sensor Networks" published by John Wiley and
in Computer Engineering from the University of Erlangen- (IEEE Computer Society) with the citation "for significant Sons in June 2010. Dr. Akyildiz is the author of an ad-
Nuernberg, Germany, in 1978, 1981 and 1984, respectively. and pioneering contributions to advanced architectures and vanced textbook on "Wireless Mesh Networks" published
Currently, he is the Ken Byers Distinguished Chair Pro- protocols for wireless and satellite networking". He also by John Wiley and Sons in February 2009.
fessor with the School of Electrical and Computer Engi- received the 2003 ACM SIGMOBILE Outstanding Contri- Dr. Akyildiz serves on the advisory boards of several re-
neering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Director of the bution Award for his "pioneering contributions in the area search centers, journals, high tech companies, conferences
Broadband Wireless Networking Laboratory and Chair of of mobility and resource management for wireless commu- and publication companies. His current research interests
the Telecommunications Group at Georgia Tech. nication networks", September 2003. are in Nanonetworks, Cognitive Radio Networks and Wire-
Dr. Akyildiz is an Honorary Professor with School of less Sensor Networks.