Farooque Brocade India
Farooque Brocade India
Farooque Brocade India
(REG. NO: 172AA1192)
Under the guidance of
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree
K.G.Chavadi, Coimbatore-641105
Is a record of institutional training report done by me during the period of my
(Reg.no: 172AA1192)
This is to certify that this
Submitted by
Reg.No. 172AA1192
This is to certify that the institutional training report submitted by UMRUL FAROOQUE. P Reg. No.
172AA1192 is a bonafide record of the work done by the candidate during the academic year 2019-2020
under my supervision and guidance in a partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of degree of
……………………………….. ………………………...........
First and foremost, I praise and thank God Almighty from the depth of my heart that has been the
source of strength in the completion of the project work
I wish to express my gratitude to our beloved principal Dr. Ilangovan, M.Sc., Ph.D., Sree
Narayana Guru College, Coimbatore for permitting me to undergo this institutional training.
I am very much obliged to our Dr. D. Kalpana, M.Com., B.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D., Director of
Commerce & Management. I acknowledge my deep and sincere gratitude for her unflinching
support extended to me in completing my report.
I acknowledge my sincere thanks to all my respectable teachers and Dr. P. Kannan M.Com.,
M.Phil., Ph.D. Head & Associate Professor, PG and Research Department of Commerce, Sree
Narayana Guru College, Coimbatore. I acknowledge my deep and sincere gratitude for his able
and cordial directions.
The Institutional training has been prepared under the guidance and supervision of Mrs.
V.VIDHYA. (M.COM. MBA, M.Phil. PGDCA.) Assistant Professor in Commerce
Department, Sree Narayana Guru College, and Coimbatore. I acknowledge my deep and sincere
gratitude for her able and cordial directions.
At the outset, I bestow my sincere thanks to Mr. H. Haris, General Manager of BROCADE
INDIA POLYTEX LTD, and PALAKKAD for the whole hearted guidance to achieve the goal
of this Institutional Training.
Big thanks to my friends and parents for all the support, encouragement, constructive criticism
and sustained cooperation they have rendered during the project work.
BROCADE India Polytex Limited is set up for manufacturing HDPE (High Density
Polyethylene) HDPE & PP (Polypropylene) woven fabrics and sacks in Kinfra Industrial Park at
Kanjikode, Palakkad District.
It is strategically located at second largest industrial area of Kerala to meet the entire
requirements of the customers by utilizing the maximum potential with existing infrastructural
resources of the location. Through a wide area of industrial park, KINFRA aims at bringing
together all the suitable resources available in the state and developing infrastructure to develop
the industrial growth of the state.
Food grain industry
Plastic & polymer industry
Sugar industry
Salt industry
Cement industry
Fertilizer industry
Chemical industry
Pharmaceutical industry
Bale coverings
Establishment : 1969
1. To ensure the quality requirements of the products and services offered, are maintained
at all stages.
2. To create a culture among the employees towards quality concepts and productivity
through total involvement and commitment of the employees.
3. To create healthy working environment for the attainment of quality goals with
excellence and to make quality a way of life.
4. To detect and prevent conformance and defects easily as possible and to eliminate
them through appropriate change to the quality management system.
5. To achieve and maintain quality leadership through continues technology up
graduation, improvement in techniques, system and procedures and to meet
customers changing needs.
Buildings have structure in the form of beams, interior walls, passageways, roofs and so
on. The structures are laid to facilitate movement of people and to provide decent living space or
office accommodation with pleasant environment or space for installing plants and machines for
manufacturing certain goods and services. When a manager has to design his organization, he too
is concerned with the size and types of operations, technology and environment.
Technical Statistical Stores Keeper
Manager manager
Departmentation is an essential one in the modern business world. All the business
activities cannot be looked after by a single individual. The classified activities bring in
specialization and managerial convenience. It ensures suitable span of control. Departmentation
is created in product-wise, process-wise or area-wise. It ensures proper directions and control on
Purchase Department
Production Department
Inventory Department
Quality Control Department
Accounts Department
Marketing Department
Human Resource Department
Stores Department
Sales Department
Finance Department
Purchase department of the company is mainly focused on the timely purchase of raw
materials used for production. The major materials used HDPE and PP woven fabrics. Raw
materials are bought from domestic market.
In many circumstances, there are drivers that encourage localized sourcing and
manufacturing. Logistics are typically quicker and less costly when shipping domestically, as
trucking carriers can be leveraged as opposed to ocean carriers. When working with local
manufacturers, it is usually easier to provide production control oversight to ensure your
suppliers are meeting deadlines and quality requirements. Local sourcing also minimizes the
time and monetary cost of communicating with and traveling to suppliers, which often falls
through the cracks in an all-in cost and feasibility analysis. Raw materials are purchased off
from domestic markets like Kerala, Tamil nadu directly by this company on competitive
prices and this help to keep the quality of their products. The procurement is done based
on cash and carry and in credit as well. When a customer or business carries out a transaction on
credit, an account known as accounts payable is created or increased. Accounts payable refers to
the short-term debt that a company owes another business or its employees during its course of
conducting business operations.
High density polyethylene and poly propylene woven sacks have become a
versatile commodity in the packaging which was introduced for the first time in India
during the year 1969. Thus replacing the conventional jute to a large extent over the
These sacks and immune to the effect of corrosion, decay, moisture, atmosphere, rats,
rodents and insects.
The advanced machines and well trained work for enable them to execute all the
bulk orders with perfection and within the stipulated time. The consistent quality and
competitive prices are their goals.
The private innovative packing solutions are used to pack the products. These bags
are specially designed for rigidness, safety and leak-proof packaging of products. They
even offers custom designed pp bags in different form of finished circular woven sacks.
They were equipped with most modern machinery to produce packaging products of
international standards with latest models of extruder machines besides cutting, stitching,
weaving, stretching, printing and lamination machines.
Apart from that, they also have an advanced R&D as well as quality of the product and they
also conduct rigorous tests as parameters like weight, tensile strength, UV protection and gauge,
etc., The production capacity is -4000 mt/ year.
1. Extrusion
5. PE Film Extrusion
6. Lamination
7. Sewing(Big Bag)
8. Sewing(PP Bag)
9. Tubing
11. Welding
12. Packing
13. Expansion
The first in, first out (FIFO) method of inventory method being followed and the first
goods purchased are also the first goods sold. This concept is a logical one for a business to
follow, since selling off the oldest goods first reduces the risk of obsolescence.
Under the FIFO method, the earliest goods purchased are the first ones removed from the
inventory account. This results in the remaining items in inventory being accounted for at the
most recently incurred costs, so that the inventory asset recorded on the balance sheet contains
costs quite close to the most recent costs that could be obtained in the marketplace. Conversely,
this method also results in older historical costs being matched against current revenues and
recorded in the cost of goods sold; this means that the gross margin does not necessarily reflect a
proper matching of revenues and costs. For example, in an inflationary environment, current-cost
revenue dollars will be matched against older and lower-cost inventory items, which yield the
highest possible gross margin.
5) Materials handling
6) Packing
The function of this department is check the quality and maintain the quality
of the HDPE and PP woven and sacks. The quality of the PP and HDPE is tested in
every stage of production. The department is responsible to inform about the standard of
the HDPE and PP to the top management.
Each product is tested from a lab and 15 readings are taken for further calculations.
The main objective of this department is to give the end product with quality and
to minimize the cost.
Quality Maintenance
Raw materials are mixed with appropriate proportion to obtain quality products. Final
products are checked in laboratory before packing. If there is any fault in the final product
then it is sent to the recycling process to get the desired quality.
1. Cash book
2. Bank book
3. Purchase book
4. Sales book
5. Sundry creditors
6. Sundry debtors
7. General ledgers
1. Cash book
It records all cash transactions like payment and receipt of cash, cash purchase
and cash sales.
2. Bank book
Bank book is maintained to record the payments and receipts though bank
like chques and demand draft etc..,
3. Purchase book
4. Sales ledger
It records the sale of goods by crediting sales account and debiting customer’s
5. Sundry creditors
7. General ledger
This contains all the transactions like fixed assets current assets, loans, capital,
stock etc..,
From this ledger, trail balance is prepared from which profit and loss account
and balance sheet are produced.
Marketing department mainly focused on distribution process of the company. They offer
tailor made packaging solutions, complete range of PP & HDPE bags and sacks as well as woven
fabric. Currently they are supplying to all major bags conversion units throughout Kerala and
Tamilnadu and printed bags to major flour mills & cement companies.
A marketing plan for a polytex industry company sets forth a specific market strategy that
identifies marketing goals and objectives with time-specific actions for achieving them. The
polytex industry includes the design and manufacturing of polytex and other fabrics. Distribution
channels include manufacturers, importers and retailers. As a result of the wide scope of
distribution channels, as well as the variety of product and service segments, each marketing plan
will vary widely, and will be particularly tailored to each company's goals and objectives.
Target Market
Not all customers are the same. A target market represents a specific type of buyer that a
company has identified as potentially interested in the company's product or service. A target
market can represent an identified niche. For example, a small manufacturer might tailor its
design and production outputs to the home polytex market, which represents a relatively large
market segment. The manufacturer can also tailor its productions to environmentally conscious
consumers, similar to Europe's Ecolabel polytex products. In such a case, the manufacturer can
then market products to both general retailers in the household polytex market and retailers in the
niche environmental products market.
The organization has its major working in Kerala market. The focus is given in the
southern part of the country, including the states like Tamilnadu also.
Channels of Distribution
There is no direct contact with consumers. The factory sends goods to the dealers who
distribute the goods to retailers. The proprietor gets order from dealers and distribute the
goods according to the orders.
Price Determination
The price of the output is fixed by the higher authority. The products are mainly sold
to the states such as Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala including Tamilnadu.
Central Exercise
Sales department is responsible to pay the central exercise duty for the
production. For each and every sale, a record is prepared which contains the details
regarding the rates, delivery period, mode of delivery etc..,
A total of more than 100 employees are working in the factory including
managers, staff and labours. The appointment of technical people and labors are directly done
by the company. Most of employees working now are from southern India. Payments are
made as per governments rules and concern has a permanent salary structure. Managing the
human component is the central and important task. Because all activities depend upon the
personnel management who is concerned with most effective use of the people so that
they give their best to the organization.
It is the basic function of management. It deals with chalking out a future course of action
& deciding in advance the most appropriate course of actions for achievement of pre-determined
goals. According to KOONTZ, “Planning is deciding in advance - what to do, when to do & how
to do. It bridges the gap from where we are & where we want to be”. A plan is a future course of
actions. It is an exercise in problem solving & decision making. Planning is determination of
courses of action to achieve desired goals. Thus, planning is a systematic thinking about ways &
means for accomplishment of pre-determined goals. Planning is necessary to ensure proper
utilization of human & non-human resources. It is all pervasive, it is an intellectual activity and it
also helps in avoiding confusion, uncertainties, risks, wastages etc.
It is the process of bringing together physical, financial and human resources and
developing productive relationship amongst them for achievement of organizational goals.
According to Henry Fayol, “To organize a business is to provide it with everything useful or its
functioning i.e. raw material, tools, capital and personnel’s”. To organize a business involves
determining & providing human and non-human resources to the organizational structure.
Organizing as a process involves:
Identification of activities.
Classification of grouping of activities.
Assignment of duties.
Delegation of authority and creation of responsibility.
Coordinating authority and responsibility relationships.
It is the function of manning the organization structure and keeping it manned. Staffing
has assumed greater importance in the recent years due to advancement of technology, increase
in size of business, complexity of human behavior etc. The main purpose o staffing is to put right
man on right job i.e. square pegs in square holes and round pegs in round holes. According to
Kootz & O’Donell, “Managerial function of staffing involves manning the organization structure
through proper and effective selection, appraisal & development of personnel to fill the roles
designed un the structure”. Staffing involves:
Manpower Planning (estimating man power in terms of searching, choose the person and
giving the right place).
Operative Functions
Job analysis and design
Performance appraisal function
Employee training development
If there is severe issue in the organization, reasonable verification and enquiry is carried out.
If the problems have very severe, the required steps are taken to avoid such issues. Usually
measures taken based on the nature of problems.
Book maintained
Attendance certificate
Benefits of workers
Employee details
Wages and provident fund
The stores department has the function of storing the required things for the manufacture of the
Woven Sacks & Fabrics. Some of the required things are like the raw materials or semi-finished
goods or the finished goods.
The store department stores some raw materials, which are purchased in excess for.
This can be used for further processing. It also store spare parts of machinery like the
screw, bolts, petrol, disel etc., and sometimes the machinery itself
The store consists of 10,000 active items. The raw-material of the company are;
Raw materials
Safety, stationary, medicines
Civil items
Yarn & Textile Waste
Mechanical spares
Mechanical items
Electrical spares and consumables
The sales department is the one of the important department in the business. The company has a sales
turnover of 15 Crores per annum In “BROCADE INDIA POLYTEX LIMITED” production is taking up
as per the demand of different counts at different markets. The persons in involved in the sales process
are sales manager and assistants. There are various functions of sales department they are:
Market Research
Sales Correspondence
It means study of market, which includes forecasting, intelligence and statistics. It is an important factor
for the sale of products. Failure to do this accurately may lead to the production of more goods that the
market can absorb. This may mean financial losses to the firm. It may also lead to under-production, the
results of which are equally unpleasant.
Advertising is the publication of information regarding articles (products) put up for sales and is a
method to bring the producer into touch with customers. This informs the customers about the product
and the place from where they can get it.
Advertisement promotes trade and creates demand and hence it is the pivot of modern trade, commerce
and business. The most appealing definition of advertising is- “advertising bring to the greater
number of people, actual knowledge concerning useful things, thus it is essentially a form of
education of the people about the product.”
Function 3. Sales:
All the activities of the Sales department are for selling to earn maximum profit. For this purpose
continuous search is made for profitable markets. Various agencies are opened throughout the country
and if possible in foreign markets also.
Sales Promotion:
Sales promotion is a direct and immediate inducement that adds an extra value to the product so that it
prompts the dealers, distributors or ultimate consumers to buy the product. Sales promotion activities are
complementary to advertising and personal selling efforts.
Any incoming letter must be replied in a short time. The letter should be tactful, simple in language,
helpful and every customer must feel that his enquiries are being considered.
Quotations for the supply of products should be sent to large number of customers and try to capture
large markets.
If the promises cannot be kept with regard to delivery date or other matters, the customers should be
informed immediately and whenever practicable reasons for the delay should be given.
Function 5. Service:
Industry is rapidly adopting the principle that service is an essential part of the sales itself.
Manufacturers often find it essential to see that their products are properly installed. This is not only a
service to the customers but also a protection against complaints and general dissatisfaction of the
The manufacturers, therefore, maintain a staff of skilled engineers and mechanics, who carry out tests at
the customer works, give technical help and advice and see that everything is functioning properly.
Sales Manager
The sales manager discusses with general manager about the market situation, demand by the customers
and fix target. He also taxes the prices for the rice.
Sales Assistants
Assistants visit places and collect the information about the market and it is produced to the sales
manager. Sales department unit there is no public advertising. The buyers or consumers get information
thought brokers or through the existing assumers.
• Inter-state sales
• Export sales
Export Sales
The company also exports products to Mid-East and Mid-West countries such as Qatar, Saudi Arabia,
Oman, Kuwait, Jordan. U.S.A, U.K, UAE, Europe, Canada, Australia, Zambia, Uganda etc.,
The industrial training at Brocade company Pvt ltd, Kanjikode, Palakkad helped
me to have a good knowledge about how a company operates and their business activities
in the short span of training. We learnt the information regarding export, financial and
human resources activities and documentation in the organization.