The document lists the names, years, and sports of honorees inducted into the Mission Sports Hall of Fame from 1988 to 2019. Over 30 years, over 200 athletes, coaches, and others were recognized for their contributions across various sports like baseball, basketball, football, and track.
The document lists the names, years, and sports of honorees inducted into the Mission Sports Hall of Fame from 1988 to 2019. Over 30 years, over 200 athletes, coaches, and others were recognized for their contributions across various sports like baseball, basketball, football, and track.
The document lists the names, years, and sports of honorees inducted into the Mission Sports Hall of Fame from 1988 to 2019. Over 30 years, over 200 athletes, coaches, and others were recognized for their contributions across various sports like baseball, basketball, football, and track.
The document lists the names, years, and sports of honorees inducted into the Mission Sports Hall of Fame from 1988 to 2019. Over 30 years, over 200 athletes, coaches, and others were recognized for their contributions across various sports like baseball, basketball, football, and track.
Gen Hass 1988 Gene McAteer 1988 George Quist 1988 George Wolfiman 1988 Lloyd Leith 1988 FIRST LAST YEAR SPORT1 SPORT 2 Alex Schwartz 1989 Bill Mustanich 1989 Dutch Elston 1989 FIRST LAST YEAR SPORT1 SPORT 2 Al Corona 1990 Andy Durmanich 1990 Dick Murray 1990 Tony Gomez 1990 FIRST LAST YEAR SPORT1 SPORT 2 Art Psaltis 1991 Gene Gaviglio 1991 Gus Triando 1991 Joe Delfino 1991 LeRoy Thomas 1991 Louis Haas 1991 Lloyd Dickey 1991 Yotz Klotovich 1991 FIRST LAST YEAR SPORT1 SPORT 2 Archie Reiterman 1992 Eddie Joost 1992 Eddie Psaltis 1992 Jack Baat 1992 Jim Baxes 1992 Joe Curtin 1992 Mike Klotovich 1992 Pete Hupke 1992 FIRST LAST YEAR SPORT 1 SPORT 2 Carl Gustafson 1993 Don Beck 1993 Frank Mullins 1993 Garland Blueford 1993 Glen Dubois 1993 Gonzalo Morales 1993 Joe Chulla 1993 Joe Scudero 1993 John Anderson 1993 Mission Sports HOF Honorees FIRST LAST YEAR SPORT 1 SPORT 2 Roy Dideririchensen 1993 William Miller 1993 FIRST LAST YEAR SPORT 1 SPORT 2 Don Daniels 1994 Ed Bridgeman 1994 Francis Ahern 1994 Gus Buono 1994 Lafe Bottoroff 1994 Mike Baxes 1994 Al Prieto 1994 Andy Marefos 1994 Anfgelo Maraccini 1994 Charles Heinbockl 1994 Rich Oliver 1994 FIRST LAST YEAR SPORT 1 SPORT 2 Al Nelder 1995 Bob Collins 1995 Bob Tealer 1995 Charles Baxes 1995 Jack Sherratt 1995 Jerry Kennedy 1995 Joe Polich 1995 John Howard 1995 Pete Francheschi 1995 FIRST LAST YEAR SPORT 1 SPORT 2 Al Giovanetti 1996 Al Wolff 1996 Bill Difu 1996 Bob Barbi 1996 Dick Grenburg 1996 Phil Dougherty 1996 Al Gallagher 1996 Jim Kazarian 1996 Joe Monterosso 1996 John Swanson 1996 Larry Vaughn 1996 FIRST LAST YEAR SPORT 1 SPORT 2 Aldo Cavallero 1997 Charlie Hanson 1997 Dick Meask 1997 Don Kafka 1997 Ed Frassetto 1997 Forest Klein 1997 Mission Sports HOF Honorees FIRST LAST YEAR SPORT 1 SPORT 2 Robert Oliver 1997 Roy Giorgi 1997 Tony Klisura 1997 Vic Picetti 1997 FIRST LAST YEAR SPORT 1 SPORT 2 Ben Albrecht 1998 Harry Higgins 1998 Jack Hacker 1998 Jim Dougherty 1998 Joe Borges 1998 Louis Pappas 1998 Peter Zasso 1998 Rene Cavaille 1998 Ron Root 1998 Tony Bagatelos 1998 FIRST LAST YEAR SPORT 1 SPORT 2 Anthony Spatafore 1999 Bill Seragini 1999 Charlie Clausen 1999 George Zucca 1999 Hal Williams 1999 Horst Tannenburg 1999 Jaime Martinez 1999 Joe Availa 1999 Pete Dalton 1999 Rene Cheso 1999 Tony Chulia 1999 Walter Morgan 1999 FIRST LAST YEAR SPORT 1 SPORT 2 Asford Jones 2000 Bob Ellingson 2000 Doyle Akins 2000 Ed Korn 2000 Gino Bava 2000 Harry Aleo 2000 Lou Spadia 2000 Ron Quilici 2000 Steve Maxoutopous 2000 FIRST LAST YEAR SPORT 1 SPORT 2 Clifford Anderson 2012 Rick Olivas 2012 Mission Sports HOF Honorees
Clemente Oropeza 2013 Baseball Dave McCall 2013 Basketball Donald Robinson 2013 Basketball Jack Fernandez 2013 John Cordero 2013 Baseball Thaxter Arterberry 2013 Basketball FIRST LAST YEAR SPORT 1 SPORT 2 Ernest McNealy, Sr. 2014 Basketball Michael Areneda 2014 Mitchell Benjamin 2014 Coach FIRST LAST YEAR SPORT 1 SPORT 2 Arnold Zelaya 2016 Coach Dexter Garnier 2016 Herbert Williams 2016 John Davis, Jr. 2016 Scott Kennedy 2016 Stafone Jackson 2016 Vernon Bradford 2016 Walter Swan 2016 Teacher Wilson Jimenez 2016 FIRST LAST YEAR SPORT 1 SPORT 2 Alessio Pavonne 2017 Edward Harwood 2017 King Geroge 2017 Maurice Davis 2017 Coach Tony Escobar 2017 Wendell Grandy 2017 FIRST LAST YEAR SPORT 1 SPORT 2 Karen Breisach 2018 Gigi Hasley 2018 Jay Kelly 2018 Noel Kan 2018 Oliver Mitchell 2018 Terry Thomas 2018 Art White 2018 FIRST LAST YEAR SPORT 1 SPORT 2 Jerry Keys 2019 Football Basketball Lisa Curry 2019 Track Yvette Peterson 2019 Track Gidget Salone 2019 Track Tasha Bradford 2019 Track Leland Rubin 2019 Basketball Mission Sports HOF Honorees