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Week #: - Name

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WEEK #: __________

NAME: _____________________________


DATE: 0.50 0.75 1
Class/Part. Student occasionally displays disruptive Student rarely displays disruptive behavior Student almost never displays
/5 Behavior behavior during class. during class. disruptive behavior during class.
Response Student has read the Student has read and thought about the Student is consistently well prepared;
/5 material but not closely or has read material in advance of class Frequently raises questions or
Preparation only some of the assigned material in comments on material outside the
/10 advance of class assignment
Few contributions to class discussion; Proactively contributes to Proactively and regularly
TOTAL: /20 Engagement and active Seldom volunteers class discussion, asking questions and contributes to class discussion;
participation but responds to direct questions respond to Initiates discussion on issues related to
direct questions class topic
Contributions are sometimes off-topic Contributions are always relevant Contributions are relevant and
Relevance of Contribution or distracting promote deeper analysis of the topic
Does not listen carefully and comments Listens and appropriately Listens without interrupting and
Listening are often nonresponsive to discussion responds to the contributions of others incorporates and expands on the
contributions of other students

Weekly Response Rubric

1 2 3 4 5
0 to 1 sentence and has 1 to 2 sentences in 2 to 3 sentences in length 4 to 5 sentences in length 5 or more sentences in length
Written little to no relation to length has little and has some relation to and has full connection to and has full connection to the
the topic. relation to the topic. the topic. No connection to the topic. Some connection topic. Intense connection to
Response concepts discussed in class to concepts discussed in concepts discussed in class is
is evident. class is evident. evident.

Eucharistic Celebration Participation Rubric

1 2 3 4 5
Attended Mass and Attended Mass and Attended Mass and Attended Mass and Attended Mass and displayed
displayed no displayed little displayed some displayed full participation full participation in the
Participation participation. participation in the participation in the in the celebration. celebration
celebration. celebration.
Displayed inappropriate Often distracted with Somewhat distracted with Displayed good behavior Displayed excellent behavior
behavior during the matters unrelated to matters unrelated to during the Eucharistic during the Eucharistic
Behavior celebration. Needed 5 or Mass. Needed 3 to 4 Mass. Needed 2 celebration. Minimal Celebration
more redirections redirections. redirections distractions with matters
unrelated to Mass.

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