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A5a MCOM13 Course Contribution Self Assessment W22

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A5a MCOM13 Course Contribution Report

Value: 7.5%
Evaluation Type: Individual
Due: Friday, March 4, at 5:00 pm ET via Blackboard

Your contribution is based on the quality of your participation during class and your overall engagement in the course and advertising plan assignment.
Submit a rationale for your grade, including evidence to support your contributions and engagement.
The final category of the self-assessment must address how you have met the course Learning Outcomes as described in the Course Outline.
Students must provide a numeric grade using the rubric on the following page as a guide (maximum value of 7.5%) and provide evidence of their participation through detailed
comments and specific examples. You may write your Contribute Report within the rubric worksheet or in paragraph and bullet format, noting your grade for each criterion.

Evaluation Criteria
Criteria Exemplary Strong Adequate Insufficient Comments/Evidence
4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1 pt
Presence and Full participation in discussions Some participation in Little participation during Rarely interacts
Interaction during all classes. discussions during some classes. with peers or responds
classes. to questions posed.
Regularly interacts with Usually interacts with peers by
peers and builds-on ideas to Usually interacts with responding to questions Rarely participates in
advance thought or deepen peers, and builds-on by posed or when prompted. discussions during
knowledge. extending ideas while classes.
listening. Provides somewhat reflective,
Listens to varied views constructive, or meaningful Limited involvement
and provides reflective, Always provides comments. with questions or ideas.
constructive, or meaningful constructive, reflective or
comments. meaningful comments.
Inquiry Regularly poses Generally, poses Generally, poses Seldom poses relevant
questions that reflect questions which questions, but they questions.
and extend thinking on reflect thinking or are off-topic,
the topic or learning offer clarification. superficial, or lack Seldom refers to
for self or peers. attempts at insight. required readings.
Sometimes extends
Regularly refers to and thoughts for self or Often refers to
elaborates on weekly peers. required readings.
Often refers to and
elaborates on required
Understandin Demonstrates a thorough Demonstrates a good Demonstrates some Demonstrates little
g Course understanding of course understanding of content understanding of content and understanding of
Learning content and concepts. and key concepts. key course concepts. course content and
Outcomes concepts.
NOTE: Exemplary is outstanding work of exceptional quality. TOTAL /12

MCOM13 Course Contribution RePORT 1

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