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Sl No Name of Item Unit Rate
1.1 SAND
Collection of sand at quarry free from dust & other foreign materials including
screening and paying of necessary forest royalty etc, complete as directed.

(i) Without Contractor's Profit & GST CuM Rs. 434.00

(ii) With Contractor's Profit & GST CuM Rs. 534.69
(A) Collection of one man size 25 cm to 30 cm hard river boulder including stacking CuM Rs. 911.06
in measurable stacks of not more than 1.00 M height at quarry site and making
payment of forest royalty etc, complete as directed.
(B) Collection of blasted boulder of size 25 cm to 30 cm including stacking at CuM Rs. 1126.59
quarry site, complete as directed.

(C) Collection of blasted boulder of size 15 cm to 23 cm including stacking in CuM Rs. 1283.98
measurable stacks not more than 1.00 M in height at quarry site and making
payment of forest royalty etc, complete as directed.
(D) Collection of 15 cm to 23 cm hard river boulder including stacking in measurable CuM Rs. 995.46
stacks not more than 1.00 M in height at quarry site and making payment of
forest royalty etc, complete as directed.
(A) Collection of hard river gravel, chips of size 6 mm to 20 mm free from dust and CuM Rs. 1151.92
dirt from quarry including loading and unloading etc, complete as directed.

(B) Collection of hard river gravel, chips of size 13 mm to 25 mm free from dust and CuM Rs. 1067.53
dirt from quarry including loading and unloading etc, complete as directed.

(C) Collection of hard river gravel of size 5 cm to 15 cm free from dust and dirt from CuM Rs. 1079.85
quarry including loading and unloading etc, complete as directed.

Sl No Name of Item Unit Rate
(D) Collection of hard river gravel of size 13 mm to 38 mm free from dust and dirt CuM Rs. 995.46
from quarry including loading and unloading etc, complete as directed.


Collection of 4 mm to 8 mm river pea gravel free from dust, dirt and other
foreign materials, collecting from approved quarry including double screening,
loading, unloading, local carriage and stacking in measurable stacks at site not
more than 1.00 M height including paying forest royalty etc. complete as
(i) Without Contractor's Profit & GST CuM Rs. 856.50
(ii) With Contractor's Profit & GST CuM Rs. 1055.21
(A)(i) Collection of hard broken stone of size 6 mm to 20 mm from river boulder free CuM Rs. 2250.86
from dust and dirt and foreign materials including stacking at quarry site,
complete as directed.
(ii) Collection of hard broken stone of size 6 mm to 20 mm from blasted boulder CuM Rs. 2429.43
free from dust and dirt and foreign materials including stacking at quarry site,
complete as directed.
(B)(i) Collection of hard broken stone of size 13 mm to 25 mm from river boulder free CuM Rs. 2166.47
from dust and dirt and foreign materials including stacking at quarry site,
complete as directed.
(ii) Collection of hard broken stone of size 13 mm to 25 mm from blasted boulder CuM Rs. 2332.72
free from dust and dirt and foreign materials including stacking at quarry site,
complete as directed.
(C)(i) Collection of hard broken stone of size 13 mm to 38 mm from river boulder free CuM Rs. 1997.69
from dust and dirt and foreign materials including stacking at quarry site,
complete as directed.
(ii) Collection of hard broken stone of size 13 mm to 38 mm from blasted boulder CuM Rs. 2213.21
free from dust and dirt and foreign materials including stacking at quarry site,
complete as directed.
2.1 Carriage of boulders, gravels, metal screening, stacking in measurable stacks at
site, complete as directed.
(A) For Normal Road upto 25.00 KM
(i) Without Contractor's Profit & GST CuM Rs. 477.64
CuM Rs. 19.11
/ KM
(ii) With Contractor's Profit & GST CuM Rs. 588.45
CuM Rs. 23.54
/ KM
(B) For 1st KM of Quarry Road
(i) Without Contractor's Profit & GST CuM Rs. 56.34
/ KM
(ii) With Contractor's Profit & GST CuM Rs. 69.41
/ KM

3.1 Cutting jungles and trees upto 50 cm girth including uprooting roots and stumps
and removing them from site of work etc, complete as directed.

(i) Light jungles SqM Rs. 11.36

(ii) Medium jungles SqM Rs. 15.90
(iii) Heavy jungles SqM Rs. 26.50

Sl No Name of Item Unit Rate
3.2(A) Bamboo clumps: SqM Rs. 265.44
(B) Bamboo clumps including uprooting stumps: SqM Rs. 313.85
(C) Cutting trees including uprooting and removing where necessary
(i) 50 cm to 100 cm girth No. Rs. 220.34
(ii) 100 cm to 150 cm girth No. Rs. 473.86
(iii) 150 cm to 180 cm girth No. Rs. 1005.53
(iv) Above 180 cm girth No. Rs. 1803.03
(D) Tea Bushes No. Rs. 11.69
(E) Tea Bushes including uprooting No. Rs. 41.09
(F) Cutting and clearing bushes consisting of plants and all sorts of bamboos SqM Rs. 29.66
including uprooting and removing as necessary and filling up the holes with
earth including dressing, ramming, complete as directed.

4.1 Carrying out compass survey including chaining, marking, pegging, carrying KM Rs. 2638.53
instruments and clearing jungles and other obstructions, complete as directed.

4.2 Carrying out compass survey including chaining, marking, pegging, carrying SqKM Rs. 21334.13
instruments and clearing jungles and other obstructions, complete as directed.

4.3 Carrying out levelling survey taking long section and cross section at 30 M KM Rs. 23506.31
interval of proposed canal system, afflux bund, approach road and along the
stream including chaining, pegging, holding staff, carrying out instrument,
clearing jungle etc, complete as directed.
4.4 Fly levelling for checking the level after completion of survey along the existing KM Rs. 2192.34
canal and connection of BM pillars.
4.5 Supplying wooden peg of different sizes including pointing one end etc,
complete as directed.
(i) size: 10 cm x 10 cm x 120 cm No. Rs. 1167.00
(ii) size: 7.5 cm x 7.5 cm x 90 cm No. Rs. 441.37
(iii) size: 5.0 cm x 5.0 cm x 60 cm No. Rs. 159.22
4.6 Supplying of wooden pegs of size 0.60 M x 0.045 M x 0.045 M made of 2nd class No. Rs. 75.39
local wood.
4.7 Carrying out block contour survey of the commanded area covering stream, Rs. 1411.75

dong, channel, road etc. and the whole area considering square block system
and spot system and spot levels are to be within 30 M x 30 M for preparation of
contour including clearing light jungles, chaining, pegging holding staff, umbrella
and compass lining etc. where required, complete as directed.

4.8 Carrying out levelling survey, taking long section including cross section at 30 M KM Rs. 22953.17
interval of proposed canal system, afflux bund, guide bund, approach road and
along the stream including chaining, pegging, holding staff, carrying out
instrument, clearing jungle etc, complete as directed.

4.9 Carrying out levelling survey for taking long section of field channel at an KM Rs. 1933.98
interval not more than 30 M or part thereof including ranging, chaining, holding
staff, driving pegs, clearing light jungles and carrying survey materials etc,
complete as directed.
4.10 Supplying wooden hammer of size 15 cm x 10 cm with 45 cm long & 5 cm No. Rs. 759.12
wodden handle etc, complete as directed.

Sl No Name of Item Unit Rate
4.11 Construction of RCC BM Pillar of size 0.15 M X 0.10 M in proportion 1:2:4 with No. Rs. 3437.30
required reinforcement including E/W in excavation, brick soling, centering,
shuttering and propping, etc, complete as directed.
4.12 Final Survey before and after execution across existing damaged canal system KM Rs. 12711.78
for checking cross section and long section at the interval of 25 M including
supplying of labour and other materials such as jati bamboo kamies, coir rope,
paint and local wood chainage peg of size 1½" x 1½" x 3' etc, complete as

5.1 Turfing with grass sode of largest possible rectangular and minimum size 30 cm SqM Rs. 18.84
X 30 cm X 10 cm placing closely after dressing hard the surface and fixing sode
with split bamboo pegs, watering till the grass grows with lead up to 90 M and
lift of 1.50 M, complete as directed.

6.1 Earthwork in excavation in irrigation canal to the design section and grade by
depositing the spoils in the form of embankment in 15 cm layers on both banks
as necessary including clearing light jungle, removing trees upto 15 cm dia and
uprooting roots and stumps etc. from the seat of the embankment and canal
free from all vegetation including breaking clods not more than 10 mm cube,
ramming, dressing and roughening the seat of the embankment with a lead upto
30 M and lift upto 1.50 M, complete as directed.

(A) In ordinary Soil CuM Rs. 192.20

(B) In hard Soil
(i) Soil with gravel or morum upto 50 mm size CuM Rs. 269.81
(ii) Soil with gravel or morum upto 30 cm size CuM Rs. 323.35
(iii) Soil with gravel or boulder above 30 cm size CuM Rs. 1115.41
(A) Extra lead for every 30 M or part thereof beyond initial lead of 30 M CuM Rs. 14.67
(B) Extra lift for every 1.5 M or part thereof beyond initial lift of 1.5 M CuM Rs. 14.67
6.3 Earthwork in excavation in diversion / feeder channel to the design section and
grade by depositing the spoils in the form of an embankment on either side to
the design section and grade in layers not exceeding 15 cm thick including
clearing light jungle and trees upto 15 cm dia and uprooting roots and stumps
etc. from the seat of the embankment and canal and free from all vegetation
including breaking clods not more than 10 mm cube, ramming, dressing, bailing
out stagnant rain water necessary complete as directed with a lead upto 30 M
and lift upto 1.50 M.

(A) In ordinary Soil CuM Rs. 196.42

(B) In hard Soil
(i) Soil mixed with gravel or morum upto 50 mm size CuM Rs. 274.03
(ii) Soil mixed with gravel or boulders upto 30 cm size CuM Rs. 326.94
(iii) Soil mixed with gravel and boulders above 30 cm size CuM Rs. 1871.43
6.4 Earthwork in excavation in foundation of canal structures in all types of soils as
per design and drawing including dressing the foundation, shoring etc. removing
the surplus spoils by head load to safe distance from the working place and
depositing the required spoils in uniform layers, dressing, watering, breaking
clods to not more than 10 mm cube with compensation, complete as directed at
site. (Including bailing out stagnant rain water where necessary).

(A) In all types of soils (except soil mixed with gravel and boulders)
(i) For normal lead of 30 M and lift of 1.50 M CuM Rs. 224.94

Sl No Name of Item Unit Rate
(ii) For lead upto 60 M and lift of 3 M CuM Rs. 254.29
(B) In soil mixed with gravel and boulder upto 30 cm size
(i) For normal lead of 30 M and lift of 1.50 M CuM Rs. 352.01
(ii) For lead upto 60 M and lift of 3 M CuM Rs. 381.35

6.5(A) In all types of soils (except soil mixed with gravel and boulders)
(i) For normal lead of 30 M and lift of 1.50 M CuM Rs. 230.35
(ii) For lead upto 60 M and lift of 3 M CuM Rs. 259.69

(B) In soil mixed with gravel and boulder upto 30 cm size

(i) For normal lead of 30 M and lift of 1.5 M CuM Rs. 364.74
(ii) For lead upto 60 M and lift of 3 M CuM Rs. 394.09
( C) In soil mixed with gravel and boulder above 30 cm size
(i) For lead of 30 M and lift of 1.5 M CuM Rs. 485.26
(ii) For lead upto 60 M and lift of 3 M CuM Rs. 514.60
6.6 Earthwork in excavation and removal of swelled up earth mixed with silt and
slurry due to sand, bailing out water in foundation trenches upto required level
including shuttering, shoring, dewatering by means of pump set etc. removing
the spoils to a safer distance etc, complete as directed.

(i) Without dewatering CuM Rs. 1261.71

(ii) With dewatering CuM Rs. 2208.22
6.7 Earthwork in excavation trenches of walls, retaining walls, footing of columns,
steps and septic tank including refilling (return filling) the quantity as necessary
after completion of works, breaking clods in return filling, dressing, ramming,
watering etc. and removal of surplus earth with all lead and lift upto 2 metre as
directed and specified in following classification of soils, including bailing out of
water where necessary upto depth below the existing ground level as
mentioned in the approved drawing and complete as directed and specified.

(A) In ordinary soil CuM Rs. 431.53

(B) In soft or laminated rock or medium shale CuM Rs. 420.54

(C) Extra for lift beyond 2.00 M upto 3.00 M for all classification of soils. CuM Rs. 119.41

6.8 Earthwork in cutting in river bank etc. to the design section and grade and CuM Rs. 376.76
removing the spoils to a safe distance including cutting, uprooting and removing
trees upto 15 cm dia, uprooting and removing roots and stumps etc, including
excavating the earth boulder sausages of 1.00 M dia, 50 cm under river bed
shape, size and grade etc. with all lead and lift, complete as directed.

6.9 Earthwork in excavation in foundation of structures by means of Hydraulic CuM Rs. 470.57
Excavator in all soils including mud, silt, sandy clay from the river bed, etc,
including clearing the side, dressing, etc. and removing the earth by loading to
dumpers for further carriage to a safe distance, complete as directed. (0.30 CuM

6.10 Earthwork in excavation of foundation trenches including filling up sides of CuM Rs. 232.16
trenches and removal of spoils after completion of foundation, dressing,
ramming, shoring etc. complete including bailing out water, where necessary, in
ordinary soil.

Sl No Name of Item Unit Rate
6.11 Carriage of excavated earth by dumpers with a lead upto 2 KM unloading to a CuM Rs. 352.94
safe place as directed including spreading, dressing etc, complete as directed.

6.12 Earthwork in excavation of deposited silt, sand and river debris from the seat of CuM Rs. 287.59
Guide Bunds /Afflux Bunds,etc. including clearing light jungle, removing tree
upto 15 cm dia, and uprooting roots and stumps, etc, from the seat of Guide
Bunds / Afflux Bunds, etc. including dressing, carriage of excavated earth and
depositing the same in stacks at a distance not less than 80 M from the axis of
the Guide Bunds / Afflux Bunds, etc. including bailing out of water where
necessary upto depth below the existing ground level as mentioned in the
approved drawing and complete as directed and specified.

6.13 Earthwork in filling in Marginal bund / Guide bank / Afflux bund / Canal
embankment etc. to the design section and grade by obtaining earth from
outside borrow pits and filling in uniform layers not exceeding 15 cm thick
including clearing light jungle, removing trees upto 15 cm dia and uprooting
roots and stumps from the seat of embankment and borrow pit area, breaking
clods not more than 10 mm cube, ramming, watering, dressing and roughening
the seat of embankment, profiling etc. Paying compensation of earth borrowed
from private or forest land if any, lead upto 30 M and lift upto 1.5 M, complete
as directed.

(A) With ordinary Soil CuM Rs. 284.10

(B) With hard Soil
(i) Soil with gravel or morum upto 50 mm size CuM Rs. 354.68
(ii) Soil with gravel and boulder upto 30 cm size CuM Rs. 422.34


(i) Extra lead (for earthwork) for every 30 M or part thereof beyond the initial lead CuM Rs. 14.18
of 30 M.

(ii) Extra lift (for earthwork) for every 1.5 M or part thereof beyond the initial lift of CuM Rs. 14.18
1.5 M.
6.14 Earthwork in back filling of structures, obtained from outside borrow pits filling CuM Rs. 353.17
in 15 cm layers, ramming, dressing, watering, including paying compensation of
land if any (with lead up to 30 M and lift 1.5 M).

6.15 River sand filling in plinth, canal bed, canal slopes, bases of structure, etc in CuM Rs. 1041.07
layers not more than 150 mm thick including necessary carriage, watering etc,
complete as directed as specified.
(A) Earthwork in filling in all soils in plinth, canal embankment and bed filling as per CuM Rs. 478.09
design section and grade by truck carriage for a minimum distance of 4 KM
including paying compensation of earth obtained from private land if any
loading, unloading, spreading the same including light jungle, removing trees
upto 15 cm dia and uprooting roots and stumps etc. from the seat of the
embankment, breaking clods not more than 10 mm cube, ramming, profiling
etc. with all lift, complete as directed. (Payment will be made after deduction of
12.50 % shrinkage allowance from the gross quantity).

Sl No Name of Item Unit Rate
(B) Earthwork in filling in all soils in canal embankment and bed filling as per design CuM Rs. 424.47
section and grade by cart carriage for a minimum distance of 1 KM including
paying compensation of earth obtained from private land if any loading,
unloading, spreading the same in embankment in layers not exceeding 15 cm
thick including clearing light jungle, removing trees upto 15 cm dia and
uprooting roots and stumps etc. from the seat of the embankment, breaking
clods not more than 10 mm cube, ramming, dressing and roughening the seat of
the embankment, profiling etc. with all lift, complete as directed. (Payment will
be made after deduction of 12.50% shrinkage allowance from the gross

7.1 Dewatering of CC works considering 1 no. 10 HP and 1 no. of 5 HP pump
including POL, carriage and operator's pay etc.
(i) Without Contractor's Profit & GST CuM Rs. 211.12
(ii) With Contractor's Profit & GST CuM Rs. 260.10
7.2 Cost of dewatering in excavation of earthwork by running required no. of pumps HP Rs. 25.72
including the cost of POL, hire charge, labour charge etc. and handling for a / Hr
depth of maximum 3.2 M, complete as directed.
8.1 Providing scaffolding work with rows of bhaluka bamboo and jati bamboo CuM Rs. 76.83
horizontal one row jati bamboo cross and placing second class planks of 0.025 M
thick in between the rows tying with coir strings lacing two nos. vertical jati
bamboo at both end including dismantling the scaffolding etc, complete as

9.1 Centering and shuttering including propping etc where necessary and removal
of forms after completion of CC and RCC works, complete as directed.
(Measurement to be taken on the face area timbered).

(A) Shuttering (Slab). SqM Rs. 256.30

(B)(i) Shuttering (Beam) without Prop. SqM Rs. 167.01
(Measure volume of concrete) CuM Rs. 1670.10
(ii) Shuttering (Beam) with Prop. SqM Rs. 201.36
(Measure volume of concrete) CuM Rs. 2684.86
(C) Shuttering (Column) SqM Rs. 369.18
(Measure volume of concrete) CuM Rs. 4922.36

9.2 Centering and shuttering including propping, nailing, bolting with earth oiling
inside face etc and removal of forms after completion of CC and RCC works etc,
complete as directed. (Measurement to be taken on the face area timbered).
(Abutment / Return Wall / Piers / Pedestal etc.)

(i) With 19 mm thick plyboard SqM Rs. 824.76

CuM Rs. 3628.95
(ii) With 38 mm thick wood plank SqM Rs. 278.86
CuM Rs. 1226.98

Sl No Name of Item Unit Rate
10. C C WORK
10.1 IN PROPORTION 1:1½:3 (M20)
(i) CC work in proportion 1:1½:3 with hard broken river stone aggregate of size 6 CuM Rs. 7650.37
mm to 20 mm including curing, with necessary timber shuttering, scaffolding
where necessary, complete as directed. (Shuttering, scaffolding cost will be paid

(ii) CC work in proportion 1:1½:3 with hard broken River stone aggregate of size 6 CuM Rs. 7827.59
mm to 20 mm including curing, bailing out water with necessary timber
shuttering, scaffolding where necessary, complete as directed. (Shuttering,
scaffolding cost will be paid separately).

(iii) CC work in proportion 1:1½:3 with hard broken river stone aggregate from river CuM Rs. 7910.47
boulder of size 6 mm to 20 mm including curing, dewatering with necessary
timber shuttering, scaffolding where necessary, complete as directed.
(Shuttering, scaffolding cost will be paid separately).


(i) CC work in proportion 1:1½:3 with hard river shingles of size 6 mm to 20 mm CuM Rs. 6637.17
including curing with necessary timber shuttering, scaffolding where necessary,
complete as directed. (Shuttering, scaffolding cost will be paid separately).

(ii) CC work in proportion 1:1½:3 with hard river shingles of size 6 mm to 20 mm CuM Rs. 6814.40
including curing, bailing out water with necessary timber shuttering, scaffolding
where necessary, complete as directed. (Shuttering, scaffolding cost will be paid
(iii) CC work in proportion 1:1½:3 with hard river shingles of size 6 mm to 20 mm CuM Rs. 6897.28
including curing, dewatering with necessary timber shuttering, scaffolding
where necessary, complete as directed. (Shuttering, scaffolding cost will be paid
10.2 IN PROPORTION 1:2:4 (M15)
(i) CC work in proportion 1:2:4 in foundation / abutment / piers / wing walls etc. CuM Rs. 7534.02
with hard broken stone aggregate of size 6 mm to 20 mm including curing with
necessary timber shuttering, scaffolding where necessary complete as directed.
(Shuttering, scaffolding cost will be paid separately).

(ii) CC work in proportion 1:2:4 in foundation / abutment / piers / wing walls etc. CuM Rs. 7711.24
with hard broken stone aggregate of size 6 mm to 20 mm including curing,
bailing out water with necessary timber shuttering, scaffolding where necessary,
complete as directed. (Shuttering, scaffolding cost will be paid separately).

(iii) CC work in proportion 1:2:4 in foundation / abutment / piers / wing walls etc. CuM Rs. 7794.12
with hard broken stone aggregate of size 6 mm to 20 mm including curing,
dewatering with necessary timber shuttering, scaffolding etc. where necessary
complete as directed. (Shuttering, scaffolding cost will be paid separately).


(i) CC work in proportion 1:2:4 in foundation / abutment / piers / wing walls etc. CuM Rs. 6347.85
with hard river shingles of size 6 mm to 20 mm including curing with necessary
timber shuttering, scaffolding where necessary, complete as directed.
(Shuttering, scaffolding cost will be paid separately).

Sl No Name of Item Unit Rate
(ii) CC work in proportion 1:2:4 in foundation / abutment / piers / wing walls etc. CuM Rs. 6525.07
with hard river shingles of size 6 mm to 20 mm including curing, bailing out
water with necessary timber shuttering, scaffolding where necessary, complete
as directed. (Shuttering, scaffolding cost will be paid separately).

(iii) CC work in proportion 1:2:4 in foundation / abutment / piers / wing walls etc. CuM Rs. 6607.95
with hard river shingles of size 6 mm to 20 mm including curing, dewatering
with necessary timber shuttering, scaffolding where necessary, complete as
directed. (Shuttering, scaffolding cost will be paid separately).


(i) CC work in proportion 1:2:4 in foundation / abutment / piers / wing walls etc. CuM Rs. 7306.16
with hard broken stone aggregate of size 13 mm to 38 mm including curing with
necessary timber shuttering, scaffolding etc. where necessary complete as
directed. (Shuttering, scaffolding cost will be paid separately).

(ii) CC work in proportion 1:2:4 in foundation / abutment / piers / wing walls etc. CuM Rs. 7483.38
with hard broken stone aggregate of size 13 mm to 38 mm including curing with
bailing out water with necessary timber shuttering, scaffolding etc. where
necessary, complete as directed. (Shuttering, scaffolding cost will be paid
(iii) CC work in proportion 1:2:4 in foundation / abutment / piers / wing walls etc. CuM Rs. 7566.26
with hard broken stone aggregate of size 13 mm to 38 mm including curing
including dewatering with necessary timber shuttering, scaffolding etc. where
necessary, complete as directed. (Shuttering, scaffolding cost will be paid
(i) CC work in proportion 1:2:4 in foundation / abutment / piers / wing walls etc. CuM Rs. 6207.03
with hard river shingles of size 13 mm to 38 mm including curing with
necessary timber shuttering, scaffolding etc. where necessary, complete as
directed. (Shuttering, scaffolding cost will be paid separately).

(ii) CC work in proportion 1:2:4 in foundation / abutment / piers / wing walls etc. CuM Rs. 6384.25
with hard river shingles of size 13 mm to 38 mm including curing, bailing out
water with necessary timber shuttering, scaffolding etc. where necessary,
complete as directed. (Shuttering, scaffolding cost will be paid separately).

(iii) CC work in proportion 1:2:4 in foundation / abutment/ piers / wing walls etc. CuM Rs. 6467.13
with hard river shingles of size 13 mm to 38 mm including curing with
dewatering with necessary timber shuttering, scaffolding etc. where necessary,
complete as directed. (Shuttering, scaffolding cost will be paid separately).

10.3 IN PROPORTION 1:3:6 (M10)

(i) CC work in proportion 1:3:6 in foundation / abutment / piers / wing walls CuM Rs. 6624.96
etc.with hard broken stone aggregate of size 13 mm to 38 mm including curing
with necessary timber shuttering, scaffolding etc. where necessary, complete as
directed. (Shuttering, scaffolding cost will be paid separately).

(ii) CC work in proportion 1:3:6 in foundation / abutment / piers / wing walls etc. CuM Rs. 6802.19
with hard broken stone aggregate of size 13 mm to 38 mm including curing,
bailing out water with necessary timber shuttering, scaffolding etc. where
necessary complete as directed. (Shuttering, scaffolding cost will be paid

Sl No Name of Item Unit Rate
(iii) CC work in proportion 1:3:6 in foundation / abutment / piers / wing walls CuM Rs. 6885.07
etc.with hard broken stone aggregate of size 13 mm to 38 mm including curing,
dewatering with necessary timber shuttering, scaffolding etc. where necessary,
complete as directed. (Shuttering, scaffolding cost will be paid separately).


(i) CC work in proportion 1:3:6 in foundation / abutment / piers / wing walls etc. CuM Rs. 5663.49
with hard river shingles of size 13 mm to 38 mm including curing with necessary
timber shuttering, scaffolding etc. where necessary, complete as directed.
(Shuttering, scaffolding cost will be paid separately).

(ii) CC work in proportion 1:3:6 in foundation / abutment / piers / wing walls etc. CuM Rs. 5840.71
with hard river shingles of size 13 mm to 38 mm including curing, bailing out
water with necessary timber shuttering, scaffolding etc. where necessary,
complete as directed. (Shuttering, scaffolding cost will be paid separately).

(iii) CC work in proportion 1:3:6 in foundation / abutment / piers / wing walls etc. CuM Rs. 5923.59
with hard river shingles of size 13 mm to 38 mm including curing, dewatering
with necessary timber shuttering, scaffolding etc. where necessary, complete as
directed. (Shuttering, scaffolding cost will be paid separately).


(i) CC work in proportion 1:3:6 in foundation / abutment / piers / wing walls etc. CuM Rs. 6740.82
with broken stone aggregate of size 13 mm to 25 mm including curing with
timber shuttering, scaffolding etc. where necessary complete as directed.
(Shuttering, scaffolding cost will be paid separately).

(ii) CC work in proportion 1:3:6 in foundation / abutment / piers / wing walls etc. CuM Rs. 6918.04
with hard broken stone aggregate of size 13 mm to 25 mm including curing,
bailing out water with timber shuttering, scaffolding etc. where necessary,
complete as directed. (Shuttering, scaffolding cost will be paid separately).

(iii) CC work in proportion 1:3:6 in foundation / abutment / piers / wing walls etc. CuM Rs. 7000.93
with hard broken stone aggregate of size 13 mm to 25 mm including curing,
dewatering with timber shuttering, scaffolding etc. where necessary, complete
as directed. (Shuttering, scaffolding cost will be paid separately).


(i) CC work in proportion 1:3:6 in foundation / abutment / piers / wing walls etc. CuM Rs. 5729.79
with hard river shingles of size 13 mm to 25 mm including curing with timber
shuttering, scaffolding etc. where necessary complete as directed. (Shuttering,
scaffolding cost will be paid separately).

(ii) CC work in proportion 1:3:6 in foundation / abutment / piers / wing walls etc. CuM Rs. 5907.02
with hard river shingles of size 13 mm to 25 mm including curing, bailing out
water with timber shuttering, scaffolding etc. where necessary, complete as
directed. (Shuttering, scaffolding cost will be paid separately).

(iii) CC work in proportion 1:3:6 in foundation / abutment / piers / wing walls etc. CuM Rs. 5989.90
with hard river shingles of size 13 mm to 25 mm including curing, dewatering
with timber shuttering, scaffolding etc. where necessary, complete as directed.
(Shuttering, scaffolding cost will be paid separately).

Sl No Name of Item Unit Rate
10.4 IN PROPORTION 1:4:8 (M5)


(i) CC work in proportion 1:4:8 in foundation / abutment / piers / wing walls etc. CuM Rs. 6259.16
with hard broken stone aggregate of size 13 mm to 38 mm including curing with
necessary timber shuttering, scaffolding etc. where necessary, complete as
directed. (Shuttering, scaffolding cost will be paid separately).

(ii) CC work in proportion 1:4:8 in foundation / abutment / piers / wing walls CuM Rs. 6436.38
etc.with hard broken stone aggregate of size 13 mm to 38 mm including curing,
bailing out water with necessary timber shuttering, scaffolding etc. where
necessary complete as directed. (Shuttering, scaffolding cost will be paid
(iii) CC work in proportion 1:4:8 in foundation/ abutment/ piers/ wing walls etc. CuM Rs. 6519.26
with hard broken stone aggregate of size 13 mm to 38 mm including curing and
dewatering with necessary timber shuttering, scaffolding etc. where necessary,
complete as directed. (Shuttering, scaffolding cost will be paid separately).


(i) CC work in proportion 1:4:8 in foundation / abutment / piers / wing walls etc. CuM Rs. 5230.33
with hard river shingles of size 13 mm to 38 mm including curing with necessary
timber shuttering, scaffolding etc. where necessary, complete as directed.
(Shuttering, scaffolding cost will be paid separately).

(ii) CC work in proportion 1:4:8 in foundation / abutment / piers / wing walls etc. CuM Rs. 5407.55
with hard river shingles of size 13 mm to 38 mm including curing, bailing out of
water with necessary timber shuttering, scaffolding etc. where necessary,
complete as directed. (Shuttering, scaffolding cost will be paid separately).

(iii) CC work in proportion 1:4:8 in foundation/ abutment/ piers/ wing walls etc. CuM Rs. 5490.43
with hard river shingles of size 13 mm to 38 mm including curing, dewatering
with necessary timber shuttering, scaffolding etc. where necessary, complete as
directed. (Shuttering, scaffolding cost will be paid separately).




(i) Plain CC work in 40% plum hard blasted boulder of 15 cm to 23 cm size and CuM Rs. 5052.44
filled interstices with 60% cement concrete in proportion 1:3:6 with 13 mm to
38 mm size stone aggregate including curing, shuttering etc, complete as
directed. (Shuttering cost will be paid separately).

(ii) Plain CC work in 40% plum hard blasted boulder of 15 cm to 23 cm size and CuM Rs. 5312.54
filled interstices with 60% cement concrete in proportion 1:3:6 with 13 mm to
38 mm size stone aggregate including curing, dewatering, shuttering etc,
complete as directed. (Shuttering cost will be paid separately).

(iii) Plain CC work in 40% plum hard blasted boulder of 15 cm to 23 cm size and CuM Rs. 4475.55
filled interstices with 60% cement concrete in proportion 1:3:6 with 13 mm to
38 mm size river shingles including curing, shuttering etc, complete as directed.
(Cost of shuttering will be paid separately).

Sl No Name of Item Unit Rate
(iv) Plain CC work in 40% plum hard blasted boulder of 15 cm to 23 cm size and CuM Rs. 4735.65
filled interstices with 60% cement concrete in proportion 1:3:6 with 13 mm to
38 mm size river shingles including curing, dewatering, shuttering etc, complete
as directed. (Shuttering cost will be paid separately).


(i) Plain CC work in 40% plum hard river boulder of 15 cm to 23 cm size and filled CuM Rs. 4360.14
interstices with 60% cement concrete in proportion 1:3:6 with 13 mm to 38 mm
size river shingles including curing, shuttering etc, complete as directed.
(Shuttering cost will be paid separately).

(ii) Plain CC work in 40% plum hard river boulder of 15 cm to 23 cm size and filled CuM Rs. 4620.25
interstices with 60% cement concrete in proportion 1:3:6 with 13 mm to 38 mm
size river shingles including curing, dewatering, shuttering etc, complete as
directed. (Shuttering cost will be paid separately).

(iii) Plain CC work in 40% plum hard river boulder of 15 cm to 23 cm size and filled CuM Rs. 4937.03
interstices with 60% cement concrete in proportion 1:3:6 with 13 mm to 38 mm
size stone aggregate including curing, shuttering etc. complete as directed.
(Shuttering cost will be paid separately).

(iv) Plain CC work in 40% plum hard river boulder of 15 cm to 23 cm size and filled CuM Rs. 5197.13
interstices with 60% cement concrete in proportion 1:3:6 with 13 mm to 38 mm
size stone aggregate including curing, dewatering, shuttering etc, complete as
directed. (Shuttering cost will be paid separately).


12.1 IN PROPORTION 1:1½:3 (M20)


(i) RCC work in slab, abutment cap and above abutment, pier cap, pedestal, dirt CuM Rs. 8558.23
wall etc. in proportion 1:1½:3 with hard broken stone aggregate of size 6 mm to
20 mm with proper reinforcement as per design including curing etc, complete
as directed with necessary timber shuttering, scaffolding etc. where necessary,
complete as directed. (Shuttering, scaffolding cost will be paid separately).

(ii) RCC work in slab, abutment cap and above abutment, pier cap, pedestals, dirt CuM Rs. 8818.33
wall etc. in proportion 1:1½:3 with hard broken stone aggregate of size 6 mm to
20 mm with proper reinforcement as per design including necessary curing,
dewatering etc. complete as directed with necessary timber shuttering,
scaffolding etc. where necessary, complete as directed. (Shuttering, scaffolding
cost will be paid separately).


(i) RCC work in slab, abutment cap and above abutment, pier cap, pedestal, dirt CuM Rs. 7508.22
wall etc. in proportion 1:1½:3 with hard river shingles of size 6 mm to 20 mm
with proper reinforcement as per design including necessary curing etc.
complete as directed with necessary timber shuttering, scaffolding etc. where
necessary, complete as directed. (Shuttering, scaffolding cost will be paid

Sl No Name of Item Unit Rate
(ii) RCC work in slab, abutment cap and above abutment, pier cap, pedestal, dirt CuM Rs. 7768.32
wall etc. in proportion 1:1½:3 with hard river shingles of size 6 mm to 20 mm
with proper reinforcement as per design including necessary curing, dewatering
etc. complete as directed with necessary timber shuttering, scaffolding etc.
where necessary, complete as directed. (Shuttering, scaffolding cost will be paid

12.2 IN PROPORTION 1:2:4 (M15)


(i) RCC work in slab, abutment cap and above abutment, pier cap, pedestal, dirt CuM Rs. 8146.21
wall etc. in proportion 1:2:4 with hard broken stone aggregate of size 6 mm to
20 mm with proper reinforcement as per design including curing etc. with
necessary timber shuttering, scaffolding etc. where necessary, complete as
directed. (Shuttering, scaffolding cost will be paid separately).

(ii) RCC work in slab, abutment cap and above abutment, pier cap, pedestals, dirt CuM Rs. 8327.66
wall etc. in proportion 1:2:4 with hard broken stone aggregate of size 6 mm to
20 mm with proper reinforcement as per design including necessary curing,
dewatering etc. with necessary timber shuttering, scaffolding etc. where
necessary, complete as directed. (Shuttering, scaffolding cost will be paid


(i) RCC work in slab, abutment cap and above abutment, pier cap, pedestal, dirt CuM Rs. 6960.04
wall etc. in proportion 1:2:4 with hard river shingles of size 6 mm to 20 mm
with proper reinforcement as per design including necessary curing etc. with
necessary timber shuttering, scaffolding etc. where necessary, complete as
directed. (Shuttering, scaffolding cost will be paid separately).

(ii) RCC work in slab, abutment cap and above abutment, pier cap, pedestal, dirt CuM Rs. 7220.15
wall etc. in proportion 1:2:4 with hard river shingles of size 6 mm to 20 mm with
proper reinforcement as per design including necessary curing, dewatering etc.
with necessary timber shuttering, scaffolding etc. where necessary, complete as
directed. (Shuttering, scaffolding cost will be paid separately).


12.3 Supplying fitting fixing and laying reinforcement (TATA) in position in RCC work Qntl Rs. 8112.82
including cutting, bending, cranking with two piles 0.91 M (20 BWG) annealed
wire hooking tying, complete as directed.


13.1 1st class brick work in cement mortar in abutment and wing wall, parapet wall
etc, including racking out joints and curing etc, complete as directed.

(i) in proportion 1:4 CuM Rs. 8708.45

(ii) in proportion 1:3 CuM Rs. 8877.97

14.1 6 mm cement plastering including clearing surface and curing, complete as
(i) In proportion 1:2 SqM Rs. 160.22

(ii) In proportion 1:3 SqM Rs. 149.42

Sl No Name of Item Unit Rate
14.2 12 mm cement plastering including clearing surface and curing, complete as
(i) In proportion 1:3 SqM Rs. 204.34
(ii) In proportion 1:4 SqM Rs. 189.36
(iii) In proportion 1:5 SqM Rs. 181.87

15.1 Construction of 1.20 M wide bamboo foot bridge with 100 mm dia bhaluka / RM Rs. 1047.49
barak bamboo posts driven 120 cm to 180 cm under ground 3 nos. of each row
being at 3 M apart tied with cane or wire bhaluka / barak bamboo dham placed
over the posts and tied with the cane or wire bhaluka / barak bamboo strut in
each row both upstream and downstream jati bamboo long girth closely placed
and tied with dham single layers of mat placed over 75 mm thick brush wood
and tied with bhaluka / barak bamboo rail stand fixed in one side of the bridge,
complete as directed.


15.2 Supplying and driving Sal piles 25 cm to 30 cm dia dressed to hard wood
including marking length in every 30 cm interval and coaltaring 2 coats with best
tar applied hot. (Rate is inclusive of required quantity of the tar).


(i) Portion of pile actually driven under ground. RM Rs. 5301.87
(ii) Portion of pile to remain above ground. RM Rs. 4574.03


(i) Portion of pile actually driven under ground. RM Rs. 4602.13
(ii) Portion of pile to remain above ground. RM Rs. 4247.68
15.3 Supplying and driving Azar / Nahar / Nageswar / Zamil piles 25 cm to 30 cm dia
dressed to hard wood including marking length in every 30 cm interval and
coaltaring 2 coats with best tar applied hot. (Rate is inclusive of required
quantity of the tar).
(i) Portion of pile actually driven under ground. RM Rs. 4056.01
(ii) Portion of pile to remain above ground. RM Rs. 3328.17
(i) Portion of pile actually driven under ground. RM Rs. 3376.29
(ii) Portion of pile to remain above ground. RM Rs. 3021.84

15.4 Sal wood work including supplying fitting and fixing complete with necessary MS CuM Rs. 121123.93
nuts bolts, screws etc. and coaltaring 2 coats with best tar applied hot (rate is
inclusive of required quantity of the tar).
Undressed in floor planks collars, bracing standard wheel guard struts and
railing, tracking planks (alternate railing to be done with checking in stage and
wing), runner belts, rail post.
15.5 Supplying fitting and fixing sal timber beam and bearing beam rectangular in CuM Rs. 89332.17
size fitted with MS cleats straps including supplying spikes etc. as necessary and
coaltaring 2 coats with best tar applied hot. (Rate is inclusive of required
quantity of the tar).

Sl No Name of Item Unit Rate
15.6 Supplying fitting 25 cm to 30 cm dia Sal wood long beam dressed to hardwood RM Rs. 3603.31
including supplying & fixing with 20 mm dia MS bolts and nuts including
coaltaring 2 coats with best tar, applied hot as directed. (Rate is inclusive of
cost of coaltar).
15.7 Azar / Nahar / Nageswar / Zarul / Cham / Sundi / Gumi woodwork including CuM Rs. 56361.38
supplying, fitting and fixing complete with necessary nut-bolts, nails, screws etc.
and coaltaring 2 coats with coal tar applied hot as directed. (Rate is inclusive of
required quantity of the tar).

Undressed in floor planks collars, bracing standard wheel guard struts and
railing, runner belts, rail post, tracking planks.
15.8 Supplying fitting and fixing Azar / Nahar / Nageswar / Zarul sawn timber beam CuM Rs. 58519.85
and bearing beam rectangular in size fitted with MS cleats, straps including
spikes etc. as necessary and coaltaring 2 coats with best tar applied hot as
directed. (Rate is inclusive of required quantity of the tar).

15.9 Supplying fitting 25 cm to 30 cm dia Azar / Nahar / Nageswar / Zarul wood long RM Rs. 4216.84
beam dressed to hard wood including supplying & fixing with 20 mm dia MS
bolts and nuts including coaltaring 2 coats with best tar, applied hot as
15.10 Supplying fitting and fixing RCC guard post of size 15 cm x 15 cm and 150 cm Post Rs. 1416.76
long of which 75 cm below ground including square base of size 45 cm x 45 cm x
15 cm with 4 nos. of 12 mm dia TS as main reinforcement and 6 mm dia stirrups
at 30 cm c/c apart tying in position with black wire with cement concrete in
proportion 1:2:4 with broken stone aggregate of size 6 mm to 20 mm including
centering, shuttering and curing with 6 mm thick cement plastering in
proportion 1:3 painted black & white alternatively in 23 cm stripe upto 75 cm
from top keeping necessary goods etc. as per design and direction, complete as

15.11 Supplying fitting and fixing 20 cm to 25 cm dia jungle wood dressed guard post Post Rs. 1266.09
150 cm long 75 cm above ground and 72 cm to be driven under ground fitted
with a horizontal struts size 0.05 M x 0.05 M x 0.55 M long at bottom with
necessary nails including coaltaring 1 (one) coat the portion below ground and
painting black & white 1 (one) coat alternately the portion above ground.

15.12 Screwing & joining of piles 25 cm to 30 cm dia dressed to hard wood 90 cm in Joint Rs. 1942.55
length including supplying fitting and fixing with 2 nos. of 50 mm x 10 mm MS /
FI clamps and 16 mm dia MS bolts and nuts etc, complete as directed.

15.13 Labour for taking out old piles of the bridge and stacking them at suitable places Pile Rs. 2116.31
as directed.
15.14 Labour for driven piles 25 cm to 30 cm dia dressed to hard wood making length
in every 30 cm including coaltaring with 2 coats with best tar applied hot
including providing necessary scaffolding or staging as necessary. (Rate is
inclusive of required quantity of tar).
(A) With Pile Engine
(i) Portion of pile actually driven under ground. RM Rs. 1605.87
(ii) Portion of pile to remain above ground. RM Rs. 878.03
(B) With Hand Shaking
(i) Portion of pile actually driven under ground. RM Rs. 906.13
(ii) Portion of pile to remain above ground. RM Rs. 551.68

Sl No Name of Item Unit Rate
15.15 Labour for fitting & fixing RS joist, beam, CI saddle in position including RM Rs. 921.82
necessary scaffolding, cutting them to required size drilling holes and supply and
fixing with necessary bolt, nuts, painting 2 coats, complete as directed. (Rate
inclusive. of cost of tar and steel paint).
15.16 Labour for fitting & fixing old RS joist, beam & old CI saddle in position including RM Rs. 805.70
necessary scaffolding and fixing with necessary cutting them to required size
drilling holes and supplying and fixing with necessary bolts, nuts, painting 2
coats, complete as directed. (Rate inclusive of cost of tar and steel paint).

15.17 Labour for end fitting MS / FI straps of cleats etc. in position including drilling Qntl. Rs. 3172.32
holes and carrying the same to site.
15.18 Labour charge for making 0.5 M x 0.50 M x 0.30 M size "U" shape MS flat iron No. Rs. 622.24
strap from 150 mm x 12 mm size MS flat including providing 10 nos of holes and
fitted with 0.35 M long 20 mm dia MS bolts including fitting lightly with bearing
beam pits and RS beam etc, complete as directed. (Rate inclusive of the cost of
MS bolts and nuts required).
15.19 Labour for fitting and fixing wood work including supplying and fixing with new RM Rs. 3308.26
bolts, nuts and spikes and coaltaring the coats applied hot. (Rate inclusive the
cost of coaltar).
15.20 Labour for refitting wood work including sizing supplying and fixing necessary RM Rs. 3020.16
MS bolts, nuts and spikes and coaltaring 1 (one) coat applied hot as directed.
(Rate inclusive the cost of coaltar).
15.21 Labour for fitting & fixing 25 cm to 30 cm dia long beam including supplying and RM Rs. 518.38
fixing necessary MS bolts, nuts etc. and coaltaring the 2 coats, complete as
directed. (Rate inclusive the cost of coaltar).
15.22 Labour for refitting & refixing 25 cm to 30 cm dia long beam including supplying RM Rs. 568.87
and fixing necessary MS bolts, nuts etc. and coaltaring 1(one) coat applied as
directed. (Rate inclusive the cost of coaltar).
15.23 Labour for taking out work of the bridge and refitting the same including SqM Rs. 3670.17
supplying and fixing with necessary new MS bolts, nuts and spikes and nails etc.
and coaltaring the 1 (one) coat applied hot as directed. (Rate inclusive. the cost
of coaltar).


(A) Clearing and painting work with the white paint SqM Rs. 58.25
: 1 (one) coat.
(B) Clearing and coaltaring wood works SqM Rs. 32.01
: 1 (one) coat.
( C) Clearing and painting iron works with aluminium paint - 1 (one) coat. SqM Rs. 74.88

16.1 Cement pointing including racking out joints and curing etc, complete as
(i) In proportion 1:3 SqM Rs. 138.46
(ii) In proportion 1:2 SqM Rs. 148.30


16.2 Labour for fitting and fixing hume pipe in position with collars including joining
the cement mortar in proportion 1:3 and curing, including carrying the same
from godown to site and complete as directed.

(i) For 30 cm to 60 cm dia RM Rs. 238.26

(ii) For 60 cm to 90 cm dia RM Rs. 356.27

(iii) For 90 cm to 120 cm dia RM Rs. 574.02

Sl No Name of Item Unit Rate
17.1 Construction and manufacturing of CC lined precast "U" shaped section in
proportion 1:2:4 with hard broken stone aggregate of size 6 mm to 20 mm
including supplying expanded 18 gauge metal, horizontal reinforcement and
vibrating, carrying to stack yard, curing, etc, complete as directed.

(i) For 1 cusec RM Rs. 1717.70

(ii) For 1.5 cusec RM Rs. 2137.99
(iii) For 2 cusec RM Rs. 2381.41
17.2 Labour charge for laying and fixing RCC "U" shaped section in proper position RM Rs. 343.08
and grade as per design drawing and specification including fitting and joints
voids as of main concrete on top inside to wall finished with 12 mm thick
cement mortar in proportion 1:3 including curing and local carriage, etc,
complete as directed.


18.1 Providing 50 mm wide expansion joints with bituminous compound mixed with RM Rs. 389.96
coarse sand for canal work at an interval of 10 M apart including laying, fitting
the compound in proper position, etc, complete as directed.

18.2 Soling in foundation at all levels including filling intersides, ramming etc SqM Rs. 497.08
complete as directed and of specified thickness with 9 cm brick on flat including
sand packing.
18.3 Labour for preparation of subgrade of lined canal section as per design drawing
and grade by ramming and rolled to level and according to the required cross
section of the typical lined canal including cutting, filling the existing canal
section where necessary compacting the earth in layers in not more than 15 cm
thick to form a firm compacted bed & side for lining including watering to obtain
required moisture content where necessary etc, complete as directed.

(i) For ordinary soil SqM Rs. 41.91

(ii) For sandy soil SqM Rs. 58.80
18.4 CC Work in lined canal in prop 1:2:4 with river shingles of size 6 mm to 20 mm CuM Rs. 6729.86
free from dust, dirt and other foreign materials conforming to IS 2116-1965 and
542-1962 as specified by the department, water used for mixing the mortar
should be free from all impurities including laying the concrete over the
subgrade, moistened thoroughly by hand placing / mechanical placing in canal of
not more than 3 M sides with suitable joints in between including providing bed
sleepers (cast-in-situ or pre cast) under joints in between including providing all
sealing materials as per design and drawing before laying concrete including
finishing the surface smooth, clean of all impurities with curing the bed by
manual labours and side by sprinkling for at least 28 days etc, complete as
directed. (Proper arrangement for obtaining clean water should be made at


19.1 Supplying, fitting, fixing PVC pipes (IS 12818, 6 kg/cm2), joining pipes with
relevant cement, levelling, testing leakages etc, complete as directed. (Cost of
E/W foundation trenches will be paid separately).

(i) For 110 mm dia RM Rs. 524.34

(ii) For 160 mm dia RM Rs. 1071.28
(iii) For 200 mm dia RM Rs. 1794.51

Sl No Name of Item Unit Rate
19.2 Supplying, fitting, fixing PVC equal tee joining with pipes with solvent cement
testing leakages etc, complete as directed.

(i) Size : 110 mm x 110 mm x 110 mm No. Rs. 724.78

(ii) Size : 160 mm x 160 mm x 160 mm No. Rs. 1654.94
(iii) Size : 200 mm x 200 mm x 200 mm No. Rs. 3955.08

19.3 Supplying, fitting, fixing PVC unequal tee joining with pipes with solvent cement,
testing leakages etc, complete as directed.
(i) Size : 200 mm x 200 mm x 110 mm No. Rs. 4801.46
(ii) Size : 200 mm x 200 mm x 160 mm No. Rs. 3456.12
(iii) Size : 160 mm x 160 mm x 110 mm No. Rs. 1066.04

19.4 Supplying, fitting, fixing PVC reducer joining with pipes with solvent cement,
testing leakages etc, complete as directed.

(i) Size : 160 mm x 110 mm No. Rs. 503.28

(ii) Size : 200 mm x 110 mm No. Rs. 965.28
(iii) Size : 200 mm x 160 mm No. Rs. 989.92

19.5 Supplying, fitting, fixing PVC bend pipe size joining with pipes with solvent
cement, testing leakages etc, complete as directed.
(i) For 110 mm / 900 No. Rs. 642.12
(ii) For 160 mm / 900 No. Rs. 1559.96
(iii) For 200 mm / 900 No. Rs. 2432.22

19.6 Supplying, fitting, fixing 110 mm dia NTP valve at the top of PVC rising pipe of No. Rs. 3080.06
spout chamber as per specification including local carriage, complete as

19.7 Supplying, fitting, fixing 110 mm dia PVC rising pipe from the toe of main line No. Rs. 743.54
including local carriage, testing leakage etc, complete as directed.

19.8(A) Supplying, fitting, fixing of PVC threaded coupler (FTA) of size 110 mm dia fitting No. Rs. 432.36
with solvent cement as per specification including local carriage, testing
leakage etc, complete as directed.

19.8 Supplying, fitting, fixing of PVC threaded coupler fitted with flange (MTA) of size No. Rs. 567.08
(B) 110 mm dia fitting with solvent cement as per specification including local
carriage, testing leakage etc, complete as directed.

19.9 Supplying, fitting, fixing, joining of PVC end cap fitting with solvent cement as
per specification including local carriage, testing leakage etc, complete as

(i) For 110 mm dia No. Rs. 242.83

(ii) For 160 mm dia No. Rs. 364.26
(iii) For 200 mm dia No. Rs. 674.89

19.10 Removing of old PVC pipes and relaying, fitting, fixing, pipes in position after RM Rs. 310.69
repairing and clearing debris, testing leakage including fitting with solvent
cement etc, complete as directed. (Cost of any additional pipes and accessories
will be paid separately).

Sl No Name of Item Unit Rate
20.1 Supply of Z-type Sheet Pile of effective width 0.69 M, thickness 8 mm and MT Rs. 124360.00
average weight 68.30 Kg/M including loading and unloading.

20.2 Providing and driving 'Z' type steel sheet pile of 0.69 M effective width, 8 mm SqM Rs. 18289.77
thick and average weight 68.30 kg/M to specified level and lines including
cutting to proper size, making holes including painting sheet piles with two coats
of anticorrosive bitumen paint and dewatering including necessary tools and
plants and all other accessories, complete as directed. (Portion of sheet pile are
to be embedded in concrete shall not be painted).

MT Rs. 184952.70

20.3 Driving 'Z' type steel sheet pile of 0.69 M effective width, 8 mm thick and SqM Rs. 6313.37
average weight 68.30 kg/M to specified level and lines including cutting to
proper size, making holes including painting sheet piles with two coats of
anticorrosive bitumen paint and dewatering including necessary tools and plants
and all other accessories, complete as directed. (Portion of sheet pile are to be
embedded in concrete shall not be painted).
MT Rs. 63843.08


(A) Labour charge for pitching with one man size boulder including dressing and CuM Rs. 491.29
ramming the seat to proper size and slope, pitching etc. with local carriage of
boulders from a distance of 60 M with lift upto 3 M, complete as directed.

(B) Labour charge for spreading of hard river gravel or broken stone of size 13 mm CuM Rs. 284.31
to 38 mm to the required thickness including dressing and ramming the seat
before laying the materials as directed with a lead upto 30 M and lift upto 1.5
M, complete as directed.


(A) Construction of 1.00 M dia boulder sausage including supplying of materials with
25 cm to 30 cm size boulders collecting from a lead of 25 KM encased in 15 cm
mesh of 8G hexagonal wire netting and filling the voids between the boulders
with stone not exceeding 18 cm in size tied with 8G galvanized tying wire at 30
cm apart, laid in position as directed including necessary local carriage of
materials, paying necessary forest royalty including providing 1 (one) no. of jati
bamboo horizontal runner along the top of the sausage with vertical bhaluka
bamboo post 1.20 M apart driven at least 0.60 M below ground and tying with
sausage etc, all complete as directed.

(i) With blasted boulder RM Rs. 3103.19

(ii) With river boulder RM Rs. 2933.95
(iii) Labour charge for making 1.00 M dia boulder sausage RM Rs. 437.38

Sl No Name of Item Unit Rate
(B) Construction of 1.00 M square boulder sausage including supplying of materials
with 25 cm to 30 cm size boulders collecting from a lead of 25 KM encased in 15
cm mesh of 8G hexagonal wire netting and filling the voids between the
boulders with stone not exceeding 18 cm in size tied with 8G galvanized tying
wire at 30 cm apart, laid in position as directed including necessary local
carriage of materials, paying necessary forest royalty including providing 1 (one)
no. of jati bamboo horizontal runner along the top of the sausage with vertical
bhaluka bamboo post 1.20 M apart driven at least 0.60 M below ground and
tying with sausage etc, all complete as directed.

(i) With blasted boulder RM Rs. 3896.11

(ii) With river boulder RM Rs. 3680.58

( C) Construction of 1.00 M x 1.00 M rectangular boulder sausage including

supplying of materials with 25 cm to 30 cm size boulders collecting from a lead
of 25 KM encased in 15 cm mesh of 8G hexagonal wire netting and filling the
voids between the boulders with stone not exceeding 18 cm in size tied with 8G
galvanized tying wire at 30 cm apart, laid in position as directed including
necessary local carriage of materials, paying necessary forest royalty including
providing 1 (one) no. of jati bamboo horizontal runner along the top of the
sausage with vertical bhaluka bamboo post 1.20 M apart driven at least 0.60 M
below ground and tying with sausage etc, all complete as directed.

(i) With blasted boulder RM Rs. 5477.03

(ii) With river boulder RM Rs. 5153.74

(D) Construction of 1.50 M x 1.00 M rectangular boulder sausage including

supplying of materials with 25 cm to 30 cm size boulders collecting from a lead
of 25 KM encased in 15 cm mesh of 8G hexagonal wire netting and filling the
voids between the boulders with stone not exceeding 18 cm in size tied with 8G
galvanized tying wire at 30 cm apart, laid in position as directed including
necessary local carriage of materials, paying necessary forest royalty including
providing 1 (one) no. of jati bamboo horizontal runner along the top of the
sausage with vertical bhaluka bamboo post 1.20 M apart driven at least 0.60 M
below ground and tying with sausage etc, all complete as directed.

(i) With blasted boulder RM Rs. 7057.95

(ii) With river boulder RM Rs. 6626.89


(A) A' type bamboo spur with 75 mm dia whole jati bamboo placed at 23 cm c/c RM Rs. 753.70
driven 90 cm below ground and 120 cm to 150 cm above ground tied with jati
bamboo kamies on either sides at 45 cm apart horizontally with galvanized wire
etc, complete as directed.

(B) A' type bamboo spur with 75 mm to 100 mm dia whole bhaluka bamboo placed RM Rs. 779.64
at 23 cm c/c driven 90 cm below ground and 120 cm to 150 cm above ground
tied with jati bamboo kamies on either sides at 45 cm apart horizontally with
galvanized wire etc, complete as directed.

Sl No Name of Item Unit Rate

Construction and launching of bamboo porcupine made of 12 nos. of 2 M long Each Rs. 2800.76
whole matured Bhaluka bamboo of size 7.5 cm dia making 0.50 M x 0.50 M x
0.50 M size cube in middle and filling, fixing cross bhaluka bamboo 2 M long, 8
nos. of four sides of the cube as directed and nailing with patent nails of 30 cm
long total 30 nos. at each points and joints as directed including bending the
edges of the patents nails, tying each end of the joints as directed with 12 G
galvanized wire closing the sides of the cubes with half bhaluka bamboo at 15
cm apart placed from the inside of main members on all sides including nailing
with nails and bending the protruding edge, tying with 18 G wire making holes in
each bamboo members with chisel filling the cubes with boulder including local
carriage to the site and launching properly in river slope etc, complete as


(A) Construction of whole bamboo single pallasiding with matured bhaluka bamboo RM Rs. 833.35
post 7.5 cm to 10 cm dia 5 cm apart 1.5 M to 1.8 M above ground and 1 M to
1.2 M below ground with jati bamboo struts placed 1.2 M to 1.5 M apart tied
with galvanized wire with 16 G to 18 G complete with 3 rows of horizontal half
jati bamboo kamies, complete as directed.

(B) Construction of whole bamboo single pallasiding with matured jati bamboo post RM Rs. 913.56
of 6 cm to 7.5 cm dia fixed 15 cm clear apart 1.2 M to 1.5 M above ground and
1 M to 1.20 M below ground with jati bamboo struts placed 1.2 M to 1.5 M
apart tied with galvanized wire with 16 G to 18 G with three rows of horizontal
half jati bamboo double kamies fixed with 16 G to 18 G, complete as directed.


(A)(i) Supply and laying of cement bags filled with sand/ earth (as locally available) Bag Rs. 39.28
including stitching the mouth, laying, fixing in position as directed complete with
supply of bags, sutlies etc, all complete as directed.

(ii) Labour charge for filling the cement bags with sand / earth (as locally available) Bag Rs. 20.80
including stitching the mouth, laying the filled bags in position etc, all complete
as directed.

(B) Supplying and launching of trees branches of 50 to 75 mm dia and 2.5 M to 3.0 Rs. 325.10

M long with green foliage tied in bundles (4 nos in a bundle) with coir string
securely anchored to a strut of matured jati bamboo peg driven down atleast 10
cm and keeping 1.00 M above at a minimum safe distance of 7.50 M from the
river bank with 8 G galvanized tying wire, tying the bundle with 2 nos earth /
sand (as locally available) filled cement bags tied with coir string including
payment of materials.


22.1 For Bridge

Labour for dismantling all member of the bridge (except piles) and stacking RM Rs. 769.91
them at suitable place as directed. (All members will be under custody of the
Contractors till taken over by the Department).

Sl No Name of Item Unit Rate

22.2 For Culvert

(A) Dismantling the existing culvert including clearing and removing the dismantled
materials to a safe place and stacking the serviceable material at a suitable place
as directed.

(i) In Brick arch culvert CuM Rs. 960.54

(ii) In RCC slab culvert. CuM Rs. 1385.49
(iii) In ARMCO earthen pipe culvert. RM Rs. 484.28

(B) Dismantling the CC abutment wall and wing wall of upper portion of ground RM Rs. 390.71
level including removing the debris from the site of works as directed.

22.3 For Hume Pipe

Labour charge for dismantling / replacing the old damaged hume pipe of 1200 No. Rs. 1619.65
mm dia of canal structure and carriage of the same upto a lead of 30 M and lift
of 2.5 M and depositing the same in a safe distance as directed.

22.4 For Boulder Sausage

Dismantling of old serviciable hexagonal wire netting encased boulder sausage CuM Rs. 499.92
including hammering digging carrying, unlifting the boulders including carriage
upto 60 M lead and upto 3.60 M lift including stacking in suitable and
measurable stacks etc, complete as directed.

22.5 For Canal

(A) Labour charge for dismantling of old CC works of canal structures and carriage CuM Rs. 1920.07
the spoils and depositing the same in a safe distance as directed.
: Carriage up to lead of 30 M and lift upto 1.50 M

(B) Labour cost for dismantling of old CC canal lining and carriage of the materials SqM Rs. 234.84
and depositing the same in a safe distance as directed complete.
: Carriage up to lead of 30 M and lift upto 1.50 M

23.1 Making and maintaining sub-way 3 M wide including providing barrier and sign RM Rs. 476.32
board and lamp etc.

23.2 Providing weep holes with 50 mm dia GI pipes of required length and depth No. Rs. 3208.49
fitted with vertical non return valve (50 mm) of brass inside including cost of
making filter of size 0.6 M x 0.6 M x 0.6 M fitted with graded filter media at back
side and covering the back side with MS wire netting in the abutment, face wall
wall of Head Work including shuttering for providing space at the time of casting
cement concrete including supplying fitting bend, nipple, etc, complete as
23.3 Providing 75 mm dia. Weep Holes including supplying and fixing 75 mm dia PVC No. Rs. 259.66
pipe in weep holes, complete as directed.
23.4 Preparing / making level the ground surface for layout of Headwork / structures SqM Rs. 82.83
for fixing the required axis line by cutting the high land and filling and levelling
the low land where necessary etc, complete as directed.

Sl No Name of Item Unit Rate
23.5 Labour charge for spreading of hard river gravel or broken stone of size 13 mm CuM Rs. 385.25
to 38 mm to the required thickness including dressing and ramming the seat
before laying the materials as directed with a lead upto 30 M and lift upto 1.5
M, complete as directed.
23.6 Construction of temporary shed with 0.30 M high earth plinth and floor with SqM Rs. 2566.86
bhaluka bamboo post of size 100 mm to 120 mm dia driven at least 0.75 M
below GL and 2.75 M above plinth split jati bamboo walling tied with 3 lines of
half bamboo (jati) kamies with 0.63 mm thick GCI sheet roofing over jati
bamboo framing with whole bamboo struts fitted with post plate of bamboo
purlins tied with galvanized wire, coir string including providing single dharamat
jhap doors and windows, complete as directed.

23.7 Supplying of quick setting concrete admixture of specified brand including Litre Rs. 244.32
loading and unloading, carriage to the work site, complete as directed.

23.8 Neat cement finishing 3 mm thick with cement slurry prepared by mixing 27.50 SqM Rs. 154.34
Kg of fresh cement in appropriate quantity of clean water to cover 10 (ten) SqM
of work area and to give a smooth and hard finishing including rounding corners,
brooming, curing etc, complete as directed.

23.9 Supplying 1 1/2" dia GI pipe for hand railing including fitting & fixing the same in RM Rs. 502.03
position etc, complete as directed.


24.1 Earthwork in filling in canal embankment, approach road, afflux bund, guide CuM Rs. 291.25
bund etc. to the designed section and grade by obtaining earth from outside
borrow pits and filling in uniform layers not exceeding 15 cm thick including
clearing light jungles, removing trees upto 15 cm dia. and uprooting roots and
stumps from the seat of embankment and borrow pits area, including breaking
clods to not more then 10 mm cube ramming, dressing, watering and
roughening the seat of embankment, profiling etc. paying compensation of
earth borrowed from private land if any, lead upto 30 M and lift upto 1.5 M
complete as directed. (By head lead in sandy, clayey or loamy soil).

(i) Extra lead for every 30 M or part thereof beyond the initial lead of 30 M. CuM Rs. 14.92

(ii) Extra lift for every 1.5 M or part thereof beyond the initial lift of 1.5 M. CuM Rs. 14.92

24.2 Earthwork in excavation for removal of sediment from bed of irrigation canal / CuM Rs. 181.54
river by head load to a safe distance including bailing out water, dressing the
bed as directed for normal lead of 30 M and lift of 1.5 M. (Ordinary soil).

24.3 Carriage of excavated materials obtained out of earthwork in excavation of CuM Rs. 247.06
foundation trenches of canal structures by truck and depositing the same in the
near by low lying areas within a distance of 4 KM from the worksite including
loading unloading at both ends complete as directed.

24.4 Earthwork in excavation of deposited silt mixed with sand, pebbles, debrises, CuM Rs. 698.35
morums, slushy earth, gravel from irrigation canal including resectioning,
reshaping and grading the canal bed and removing the excavated spoils by head
load to the canal bank for lead upto 60 M and all lift for further removal by truck
carriage including bamboo staircases complete as directed.

Sl No Name of Item Unit Rate
24.5 Earthwork in excavation in foudation of canal structures to proper depth and CuM Rs. 780.52
grade as designed in hard strata of silt and clay deposits sandwiched therein
gravals and all sizes of boulders constituting very hard mass and removing the
excavated materials by head lead to a safe distance from the working place and
refilling the side trenches of structure with ramming, compacting, dressing with
all lead and lift as directed.

24.6 Cost of dewatering involved during earthwork in excavation of foundation CuM Rs. 206.41
trenches of canal structures (by pump) in soil mixed with silt and sand etc.
Dewatering by using 1 no. 10 HP and 1 no. 5 HP water pump.

24.7 Cost of dewatering involved during earthwork in excavation of foundation CuM Rs. 236.46
trenches of canal structures (by pump) in soil mixed with silt and sand etc.
Dewatering by using 1 no. 10 HP and 2 nos. 5 HP water pump.

24.8 Earthwork for removing the cofferdam including depositing the earth near the CuM Rs. 341.65
canal embankment and slopes where necessary including removing the pitched
boulders and stacking at safe distance in measurable stacks including ramming,
dressing the earth etc. complete as directed.

24.9 Compaction of earthwork by hand roller in canal embankment, bed, approach CuM Rs. 93.54
road etc complete as directed.

24.10 Earthwork in excavation of deposited silt mixed with slushy earth, sand, gravel CuM Rs. 304.36
etc. from the canal bed including resectioning, grading the canal bed, bailing out
water where necessary and carrying and depositing the suitable earth on the
top of both marginal embankment / side slopes in layers of 15 cm thick and
breaking clods upto 15 mm cube by wooden rammer properly as directed lead
upto 30 M and lift 1.5 M.

24.11 Earthwork in excavation of deposited silt mixed with slushy earth, sand, gravel CuM Rs. 369.97
(A) etc. from the canal bed including resectioning, grading the canal bed, bailing out
water where necessary and carrying and depositing the suitable earth on the
top of both marginal embankment / side slopes in layers of 15 cm thick and
breaking clods upto 15 mm cube by wooden rammer properly as directed
inclusive of constructing bamboo staircases with lead upto 60 M and lift of 1.5
M to 4 M.
(B) Extra lift upto 9.0 M beyond the initial lift of 4.0 M CuM Rs. 179.69
24.12 Earthwork in excavation of deposited silt mixed with muddy earth, sand, etc. CuM Rs. 215.13
from the canal bed including resectioning, grading the canal bed, bailing out
water where necessary and carrying and depositing the suitable spoil on the top
of both marginal embankment / side slopes in layers of 15 cm thick and breaking
clods upto 15 mm cube by wooden rammer properly as directed lead upto 30 M
and lift 1.5 M.
24.13 Earthwork in excavation of foundation trenches for CC beams as per design, CuM Rs. 168.12
drawing in bed and side of irrigation canal including ramming, dressing etc.
24.14 Earthwork in excavation in foundation trenches in all soils including gravel and
boulders of various size etc. depressing the sub soil water table upto a depth of
4 M including providing earth filled empty cement bags and pallasiding as
required to prevent sliding of slopes and filling the sides of the structures after
completion of works with ramming, compacting, dressing complete as directed
and removing the surplus spoils to a safe place as directed including all lead and
(i) Without dewatering CuM Rs. 515.82

Sl No Name of Item Unit Rate
(ii) With dewatering CuM Rs. 706.34
24.15 Earthwork in excavation for diversion with channelisation in soil mixed with CuM Rs. 744.42
sand, gravel and different sizes of boulders upto mansize by JCB / front loader
excavator and manual labour, removing the same to a safe distance upto 1 KM
by means of vehicle and depositing the spoil in the form of spoils embankment /
bank as required at site including dressing grading and cutting the sides slopes
etc. complete as directed by the department.

24.16 Supplying and laying of filter materials consisting of sand and river shingles free CuM Rs. 1608.48
from dust dirt and other foreign materials and laying in three layers in position
as per drawing and specification as directed by the department.

24.17 Machine mixing charge of cement concrete / reinforced cement concrete with CuM Rs. 209.50
different types of concrete mixture machine of 10 / 7 CuFt capacity.

24.18 Vibrating in CC / RCC work with vibrator including local carriage of vibrator etc. CuM Rs. 179.33
complete as directed.

24.19 RCC work in slab, abutment cap and above abutment, pier cap, pedestal, dirt
wall etc. in proportion 1:1:2 (M25) with hard broken stone aggregate of size 6
mm to 20 mm with proper reinforcement as per design including curing etc.
complete as directed with necessary timber shuttering, scaffolding etc. where
necessary complete as directed. (Reinforcement, shuttering, scaffolding cost will
be paid separately).

(i) Without shuttering CuM Rs. 9235.60

(ii) With shuttering CuM Rs. 10905.70

24.20 Collection of sand gravel (40% sand and 60% gravel of size 25 mm to 60 mm) CuM Rs. 785.46
free from dust and dirt including stacking in measurable stacks at quarry site
and making payment of forest royalty etc. as directed complete.

24.21 Supplying, fitting and fixing GI manhole cover of size 700 mm x 700 mm at No. Rs. 1494.40
centre of barrel of each span complete as directed.

24.22 Providing rubber seal in the construction joints as per required size and shape RM Rs. 4618.29
and as per design and drawing, 16 mm minimum thickness including supplying,
fitting and fixing complete as directed.

24.23 Supplying and mixing rapidite in concrete works below ground water level Litre Rs. 157.30
where necessary etc. complete as directed.

24.24 Supplying, fitting and fixing elastomeric bearing on the top of the pier caps and No. Rs. 18063.36
abutments and under side of girder with epoxy resin, mortar etc. as directed

24.25 Suuplying, fitting and fixing ISMB 450 (2 x 1350.70 cm) including carrying to RM Rs. 6846.33
worksite by crane / truck and making plain grooving in RCC works as per design
and drawing as directed by the department complete.

24.26 Labour charges for spreading hard river shingles / sand gravels to required CuM Rs. 278.15
thickness over approach subway etc. including ramming, dressing the seat
before laying the materials lead upto 30 M and lift 1.50 M, complete as

Sl No Name of Item Unit Rate
24.27 Providing bitumen of appropriate grade in the construction joint of CC lining as RM Rs. 116.99
per drawing complete as directed.

24.28 Labour for dismantling of old CC work and stacking the spoils at suitable place CuM Rs 3427.01
including local carriage, complete as directed.

24.29 Labour charge for dismantling of old CC works of canal structures and carriage CuM Rs. 2989.57
the spoils and depositing the same in a safe distance as directed.
: Carriage up to lead of 60 M and lift upto 9 M.

24.30 Labour cost for dismantling of old CC canal lining and carriage of the materials SqM Rs. 446.90
and depositing the same in a safe distance as directed complete.
: Carriage up to lead of 60 M and lift upto 9 M.

Sd/- Sd/-


Chief Engineer (MI) Chief Engineer
Irrigation, Assam, Ghy-3 Irrigation, Assam, Ghy-3



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