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Specification 50-19


Standard Numbering for

Small Wiring

(For switchgear and

transformers together with
their associated relay

Document originally produced by the Electricity Association

© 2004 Energy Networks Association

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be

reproduced, stored in a retrieval or transmitted in any form or by
any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without the prior written consent of Energy Networks
Association. Specific enquiries concerning this document
should be addressed to:
Engineering Directorate
Energy Networks Association
18 Stanhope Place
Marble Arch
W2 2HH
This document has been prepared for use by members of the
Energy Networks Association to take account of the conditions
which apply to them. Advice should be taken from an
appropriately qualified engineer on the suitability of this
document for any other purpose.
Technical Specification 50-19
Page 1 Issue 1


FOREWORD .............................................................................................................................3

SCOPE .......................................................................................................................................3

1 RULES FOR APPLICATION ...............................................................................4

1.1 General ............................................................................................................................................ 4

1.2 Prefix letters .................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2.1 Current transformers for protection................................................................................................. 5
1.2.2 Interposing and auxiliary transformers............................................................................................ 5
1.2.3 Current transformer connections for line drop compensation or compounding .............................. 5
1.2.4 Voltage transformer connections for automatic voltage control...................................................... 5
1.3 Wire numbers .................................................................................................................................. 6
1.4 Suffix letters .................................................................................................................................... 6
Table 1. Small wiring identification for circuit function ............................................................................... 7
Technical Specification 50-19
Page 2 Issue 1

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Technical Specification 50-19
Page 3 Issue 1




This Technical Specification has been prepared by the Electricity Association. It is primarily
a reissue of British Electricity Boards Specification (B.E.B.S.) S12 (1964) together with
Amendment Sheet No.1 January 1969.

This specification defines a uniform system for identifying small wiring (conductors) for
transformers, switchgear, control and protection equipment.

For safety reasons the specification may be applied to equipment, which is :

(a) installed and operated at existing sites or
(b) maintained and operated by staff familiar with the uniform system for
identification of small wiring to this specification.

The specification may be applied to the small wiring of protection and control panels from
the point of interface with primary parts or their mechanisms and ancilliary circuits.

To enable compatibility with existing installations the technical content of the original
specification has not therefore been altered.

The document has endeavoured to follow the format of the major International Standards.


This technical specification provides general rules for identification of individual wires
(“ferruling”) to denote its function in transformers, switchgear, control and protection
equipment using an alphanumeric notation.

This technical specification applies identification marks to small wiring of protection and
controlgear in LV compartments at the point of interface with transformers and/or
switchgear. Interface small wiring includes external auxiliary supplies, protection and
SCADA control circuits. This is for the purpose of electrical identification of individual
wires and provides the ability to trace through equipment for function checking and
faultfinding. Manufacturers may apply identification marks to small wiring complying with
other standards or to their own convention, at terminals which are not located at the point of

This technical specification provides manufacturers with a standardised method of recording

‘as wired’ panels on schematic diagrams and wiring drawings.
Technical Specification 50-19
Page 4 Issue 1


1.1 General

Each wire shall have a letter to denote its function, e.g. control of circuit breaker, current
transformer for primary protection, voltage for instruments metering and protection. A
number identifying the individual wire shall follow the function letter. Every branch of any
connection shall bear the same identification mark. Where it is necessary to identify
branches, which are commoned (e.g. current transformer leads), different identification marks
for the branches may be employed only if they are commoned through links, or are connected
to separate terminals, which are then commoned by removable connections. Suffix letters
shall be used as indicated in Section 1.4.

Numbering shall read from the terminals outwards on all wires.

The complete list of reserved letters and numbers for small wire identification to designate
specific circuit functions are shown in Table 1.

1.2 Prefix letters

Where part of a circuit is common to more than one function, the first in alphabetical order of
the appropriate function letters in the table shall be used for the common part. Where the
circuits split at a separable contact (e.g. fuse, link, switch or relay contact) the function letter
shall change if necessary from the splitting point onwards.

Circuits having functions not included in the function letter table shall not have prefix letters.
For example, circuits of devices, which provide a continuous indication, such as remote
winding temperature or resistance thermometers, shall not have a prefix letter unless the
circuit of the particular indication already has a function letter. Where, however, an
indication or alarm is initiated by opening or closing of an auxiliary contact prefix ‘L’ or ‘X’
should be used as appropriate.

Where the manufacturer has been unable to ascertain from the purchaser the function letters
and numbering assigned to equipment wiring at the time that wiring is required, the
manufacturer shall himself provide wire numbers preceded by the letter ‘O’. Where the
appropriate function letter only can be determined, it shall be preceded by an ‘O’ and
followed by the manufacturer’s own number. The same procedure may be applied to
equipment or parts of equipment not assigned to specific contracts at the time of manufacture,
subject to the purchaser’s approval and to use of ferruling in accordance with approved
standard diagrams as far as these are applicable.

Where relays are employed, the coil and the contact circuits do not necessarily bear the same
function letter; this should be determined by the function of the individual circuit, e.g. the coil
circuit of a series flag relay may be ‘K’ but the contact circuits may bear the letters such as
‘X’, ‘L’ or ‘N’ as appropriate.
Technical Specification 50-19
Page 5 Issue 1

The following rules shall apply to current and voltage transformer function letters.

1.2.1 Current transformers for protection

Prefix ‘C’ shall be used for all types of over-current protection (whether used as
primary or back-up protection), standby earth fault, generator negative phase
sequence, transformer winding temperature protection, and instruments fed from
separate current transformers. Where duplicate primary protection is applied prefix
‘A’ shall be used for both, the second line being distinguished by adding 300 to the

1.2.2 Interposing and auxiliary transformers

The function letters shall follow through any interposing an auxiliary current and
voltage transformers, including such transformers when used for light current circuits,
provided these are not used for isolating transformers to couple circuits, which have
differing functions.

Where an a.c. supply, reflecting the primary quantities and derived from a current or
voltage transformer, is rectified for the operation of instruments or relays, the d.c.
circuit shall carry the same function letter as the a.c. circuit.

1.2.3 Current transformer connections for line drop compensation or


Prefix ‘D’ shall be used for these circuits, including the current side of the isolating
transformers. The connections to the voltage circuit from this transformer shall have
prefix ‘F’.

1.2.4 Voltage transformer connections for automatic voltage control

Prefix ‘F’ shall be used for these circuits.

Light current equipment may require numbering schemes different from the above for
complete identification. In such cases, where connections from such equipment are
associated with power equipment wired in accordance with this specification, the numbering
of such connections shall include the appropriate prefix letter (J, W, X or Y) to distinguish
them. The letter ‘W’ is generally used for the light current side of interposing relays for
control purposes.
Technical Specification 50-19
Page 6 Issue 1

1.3 Wire numbers

The wire numbers may consist of one or more digits as required. For functions A-G, H, J and
M, the numbers shall be as given in the column under “Wire Numbers”. D.C. supplies from a
positive source shall bear odd numbers and d.c. supplies from a negative source shall bear
even numbers. Where coils or resistors are connected in series the change from odd to even
shall be made at the coil or resistor lead nearest to the negative supply.

1.4 Suffix letters

Where similarly numbered leads from separate primary equipments are taken to a common
panel (e.g. bus zone protection, summation metering, banked transformers, etc.), suffixes A,
B and C, etc. should be used to distinguish them. Where similarly numbered leads from
different parts of a unit of primary equipment are taken to a common panel (e.g. generator
and unit transformers, HV and LV sides of a transformer, etc.), the leads of the subsidiary or
lower voltage equipment shall be distinguished by adding 500 to the wire numbers. When
more than two sets of leads require to be distinguished, specific wire numbering schemes
appropriate to the case shall be issued by means of a standard diagram showing the scheme to
be adopted. The method of distinguishing between sets of leads shall be shown on individual
schematic (circuit) and wiring diagrams.

The distinguishing suffixes or numbers apply only in the common panel or junction box, and
at each end of the interconnecting cores. When specified, however, suffixes may be omitted
from ends of the interconnecting cores remote from the common panel or junction box.
Technical Specification 50-19
Page 7 Issue 1

Table 1. Small wiring identification for circuit function


(See rule 1.3)

A Current transformers for primary protection excluding 10-29 L1 (Red) phase

overcurrent 30-49 L2 (Yell.) phase
50-69 L3 (Blue) phase
B Current transformers for busbar protection 70-89 Residual
circuits and neutral
C Current transformers for overcurrent protection current transformers
(including combined earth-fault protection) and 90 Earth wires directly
instruments connected to the earth
D Current transformers for metering and voltage control 91-99 Test windings,
normally inoperative
E Reference voltage for instruments, metering and

F Reference voltage for voltage control

G Reference voltage for synchronising

H a.c. and a.c./d.c. supplies 1-69 Switchgear and

J d.c. supplies 70-99 Transformers

K Closing and tripping control circuits Any number from 1

L Alarms and indication initiated by auxiliary switches
and relay contacts, excluding those for remote selective
control and for general indication equipment

M Auxiliary and control motor devices, e.g. governor 1-19 Switchgear

motor, rheostat motor, generator AVR control, spring 20-69 Generators
charging motors, transformer cooler motor control, 70-99 Transformers
motors for isolator operation

N Tap change control, including AVC, tap position and Any number from 1
progress indications upwards

O An indication that the ferruling is not in accordance with

the general scheme and that if it is not altered double
ferruling will be required for co-ordination with the
remaining equipment in the station (See Rule 1.3)
Technical Specification 50-19
Page 8 Issue 1

P D.C tripping circuits used solely for busbar protection

R Interlock circuits not covered above

S D.C instruments and relays, exciter and field circuits for


T Pilot conductors (including directly associated

connections) between panels, independent of the
distance between them, for pilot-wire protection, for
intertripping or for both

U Spare cores; connections to spare contacts Spare cores shall be

numbered from 1
upwards in each cable,
and shall be so
arranged that they can
be readily identified
on site with the cable
containing them. This
shall be achieved by
suitable grouping, and
unless the location of
each group is clear
from the diagram, the
groups shall be
labelled. Alternatively
the cable number shall
precede the core

V Automatic switching circuits not integral with circuit Any number from 1
breaker control schemes, i.e. separately supplied or upwards
isolatable from, the circuit breaker control scheme

W Light current control connections (See rule 1.2)

X Alarms and indications to and from general indication

and remote selective control equipments

Y Telephones

* If, for functions A-G and for functions H, J and M, more numbers are required, add
multiples of one hundred (e.g. 10-29 may be extended to 110-129, 210-229, etc.)

Note: The term “remote selective control” denotes “control at a point distant from the
switchgear by the transmission of electrical signals through common communication
channels using selective means to operate one or a number of switching devices”.

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