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Union of India v. Mohit Minerals Pvt. LTD.-GST Validity Analysis

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Journal of Taxation and Regulatory Framework

Volume 1, Issue 2

Union of India v. Mohit Minerals Pvt. Ltd.—GST

Validity Analysis
Dr. Monika Jain*
Senior Advocate, High Court of Delhi, New Delhi, India

The constitution 101 amendments Act, 2016 introduced the Goods and Services Tax regime in
India which came into force from 8th September 2016. Various laws were also passed
subsequently for implementing the GST, which became effective from 1st July 2017. The
amendment act and corresponding legislation empower both Parliament and the States to levy
GST on supplies of goods and services.

Keywords: Constitution, Amendments Act, Goods and Service Tax, GST, Laws.

*Author for Correspondence E-mail: advmonikajain@gmail.com

HISTORICAL BACKGROUND law for compensating the States on account of

Various States raised concerns on the subject of loss in the revenue arising due to the
extensive loss of income as a consequence of implementation of GST. It is pertinent to note
introducing the GST, which had accrued to that although Section 18 forms a part of GST
them earlier on account of levying numerous amendment act, it has not been reflected in the
indirect taxes. The GST Compensation to States amended text of Constitution.
Act, 2017 was enacted in order to compensate
the States for this loss of revenue. Section 8 of This article aims to argue firstly, that Section
this act provides for levy of a Cess on intra- 18 of the amendment act is not an ordinary
State and inter-State supply of goods or piece of legislation and in fact has a
services, or both, as a means of compensation constitutional basis and secondly, although
for a period of five years, or for such period set Section 18 does not specifically amend the text
as per the proposal of the GST Council. The of Constitution, it can still be considered as a
constitutional validity of the Goods And source of power to frame a law providing for
Services Tax Compensation To States Act, compensation to the States. In addition to this,
2017, and the Goods and Services Tax the possibility of conflict of such a power with
Compensation Cess Rules, 2017, came up the residuary provisions under Schedule VII,
before consideration before the Hon’ble and the manner of resolving such a conflict,
Supreme Court Union of India v. Mohit has also been discussed.
Minerals Pvt. Ltd. AIR 2018, SC 5318 [1]
Among the contentions raised, one was that the SECTION 18 OF THE 101ST
act was beyond the legislative competence of AMENDMENT ACT
the Parliament. The court, however, upheld the Section 18, which forms a part of the
legislative competence of Parliament to enact Amendment Act, has not been reflected in the
the law, pointing out that Article 270, after the Constitution. In reality, the present case falls
Constitution 101 (Amendment) Act, 2016, under a peculiar scenario, where a section that
specifically empowers Parliament to levy any forms part of the Constitutional amendment
cess by law. Section 18 of the Amendment Act act has not made any change to the bare
expressly empowers the Parliament to language of Constitution. Hence, can one say
compensate the States for loss of revenue that above clause will have the same legal
arising on account of implementation of the status as other sections of the amendment act
GST, ‘by law’; this factor did not form the basis reflected in the Constitution? Further, can the
of court’s decision. It is apposite at this stage to law-making power granted be exercised to
refer the language employed by Section 18. frame a law for compensating the States? Two
This clause authorizes the Parliament to frame of these can be traced back to the First and

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GST Validity Analysis Monika Jain

Forty-Second Amendment Acts to the Indian  Article 248 deals with residuary powers of
Constitution. Section 3 of the Constitution Parliament to legislate with respect to any
(First Amendment Act), 1951 made certain matter not enumerated in the Concurrent
changes to Article 19. It had two sub-sections, List or State List. This includes the power
of which the first modified clause 2 of Article to enact any law imposing a tax not
19 and substituted new words in the text for mentioned in either of List II or III [6].
old, with retrospective effect. The second sub-  Article 246A empowers the Parliament
section, however, did not alter any existing and States to impose goods and services
words but mentioned that no law in force at tax subject, to conditions stipulated therein
the commencement of the Constitution would [7].
be deemed to be void on the ground that its  Article 246, which demarcates the subject
operation was not saved by Clause 2 of Article matter over which Parliament and States
19, as originally enacted [2]. can legislate, [8]
 Article 254, which is the repugnancy
Bombay HC was about the enforceability of provision; have been made inapplicable to
Section 58 of the Constitution (Forty-Second Article 246A [9].
Amendment) Act, 1976. The Section  Article 248 has also been explicitly
contained some special provisions regarding excluded. In addition, several heads of
pending petitions under unamended Article legislation which were earlier provided
226 and 227. It also did not form a part of the under Seventh Schedule were also omitted
text of Constitution. The court in these cases through the Amendment [10]. Thus, by
held the clause to be enforceable. It is exclusive of the applicability of
established that as soon as the procedure aforementioned provisions, the powers
enjoined for amendment under Article 368 is residuary and others which were earlier
fulfilled, the Constitution stands amended [3]. available under VII Schedule have been
If an amendment or a certain provision of the sourced outside exclusively to Article
amendment gets repealed by the legislature or 246A in so far as imposition of goods and
is struck down by the court, the Constitution services tax is concerned [1]. The purpose
gets restored as if no change had ever taken for this is clearly to avoid any conflict in
place. Therefore, to say that only those parts of terms of the source of power and subjects
the amendment act which explicitly bring of legislation.
about changes to the text of Constitution can  Section 18 has no such exclusion clause
be said to have added something to the present. Section 18 includes the power to
existing provisions would be to render other levy cess, it can be argued that law making
provisions superfluous [4]. This would also power provided in this section is also
amount to saying that those other provisions available under Article 245 r/w Entry 97
were not included in the Bill for the purpose of and Article 248 which brings it in conflict
amending the Constitution. This makes it with the residuary provisions. (Since there
difficult to comprehend the intention behind is no other entry which deals with power
the insertion of such a provision. Hence, in to make a law for compensating States,
order to avoid superfluity, the terms addition Entry 97 is the only possibility) [12].
or change to the Constitution would not only  Section 18, like Article 246A, also forms
include clauses that are reflected in the text, a part of the GST regime and is an
but also others that form a part of the important source of power as it allows law
amendment. Thus, the Constitution has to be making for purpose of compensating the
read along with the amendments, which, to the States [13]. If the Section is interpreted in
extent of their validity, are a part of the manner stated earlier, this will result in
Constitution in entirety. overlap with respect to legislative
competence of Parliament and States to
VARIANCE WITH RESIDUARY enact laws which the legislature clearly
PROVISIONS did not intended.
 Article 245 read with Entry 97 in List I of  Section 18 has also to be read as if it has
VII Schedule [5] also been sourced outside the Seventh

JTRF (2018) 33-36 © Law Journals 2018. All Rights Reserved Page 34
Journal of Taxation and Regulatory Framework
Volume 1, Issue 2

Schedule and Article 248 in similar rollout. It is aimed at compensating the states
manner as Article 246A. This is the only that may suffer loss of revenue due to
possible manner of resolving the conflict switching to new indirect tax regime.
[14]. Delivering its judgment, a division bench of
Justices AK Sikri and Ashok Bhushan directed
The SC upheld the constitutional validity of a firm, the Mohit Minerals to pay cess. The
Goods and Services Tax Compensation to Delhi High Court had earlier ruled in the favor
States Act saying it was not beyond the of the Mohit Minerals, which had argued that
legislative competence of the Parliament. The it had already paid a Clean Energy Cess as per
top court said the Compensation to States Act, Finance Act, 2010 and hence, it was not liable
enacted by the Parliament in 2017, is not a to pay any further tax. The Centre had moved
colorable legislation. Justices said the Act does against the Delhi High Court ruling in the
not violate the Constitution (One hundred and Supreme Court with a Special leave Petition
first amendments) Act, 2016 nor is against the (SLP) challenging the high court order of 25
objective of Constitution (One Hundred and August 2017. The high court held that the
First Amendment) Act, 2016. It held that the Compensation to States Act, 2017 was beyond
levy of 'Compensation to States' Cess is an the legal competence of Parliament. The
increment to goods and services tax which is Centre and states had agreed to levy a
permissible under the law. The bench while compensation cess to make up for the revenue
dealing with constitutional validity of the shortfall incurred by states following the GST
(Compensation to States) Act said that the rollout on July 1 last year. The cess was to be
expression 'cess' means a tax levied for some collected for a period of five years - till states'
special purpose, which may be levied as an revenue is equal or more than the tax collected
increment to an existing tax. The bench said under VAT and all other levies which were
that Article 248 read with Articles 246 and subsumed in GST. The Supreme Court has
246A clearly indicate that residuary power of now ruled that "the Compensation to States
legislation is with the Parliament. It said that Act, 2017 is not beyond the legislative
in the present case, no contention has been competence of Parliament."
raised that the subject matter of legislation was
within the competence of State Legislature, LEGAL QUESTIONS IN SUPREME
and that the Parliament had no competence to COURT
legislate. Constitution provision empowers the The challenge in the Supreme Court was on
Parliament to provide for Compensation to the five grounds:
States for loss of revenue by law; the 1. Whether the Compensation to States Act,
expression law used therein is of wide import 2017 is beyond the legislative competence
which includes levy of any cess for the above of Parliament?
purpose. The court said it does not agree with 2. Whether the Act violates the Constitution
the submission that Compensation to States (One Hundred and First Amendment) Act,
Act, 2017 is a colorable legislation. whether 2016 and is against the objective of the
levy of Compensation to States Cess and GST Constitution (One Hundred and First
on the same taxing event is permissible in law, Amendment) Act, 2016?
the bench said that GST imposed under the 3. Whether the Compensation to States Act,
2017 Acts and levy of cess on intra-State 2017 is a colorable legislation?
supply of goods and services or both as 4. Whether levy of the Compensation to
provided the Central Goods Service Tax Act States Cess and GST on the same taxing
and supply of goods and services or both as event is permissible in law?
part of Intra Goods Service Tax Act are two 5. Whether on the basis of Clean Energy
separate imposts in law and are not prohibited Cess paid by the petitioner till June 30,
by any law so as to declare it invalid. The 2017, the petitioner is entitled for a set-off
Supreme Court has put its stamp on the in cess payment?
constitutional validity of the GST (goods and
services) law permitting collection of a cess to REFERENCES
compensate the states. The compensation cess 1. Union of India v. Mohit Minerals Pvt. Ltd.
was introduced last year in the wake of GST AIR 2018, SC 5318

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GST Validity Analysis Monika Jain

2. Purshottam Lal Sayal v. Prem Shanker, 12. Constitution of India Article 245 &248
AIR 1966 ALL 377 13. Constitution of India Article 246A
3. Shantilal Ambalal Mehta v. M.A. 14. Constitution of India Article 248A
Rangaswamy, 1977 BOMLR 633
4. Shripatrao Dajisaheb Ghatge v. The state
of Mahaarashtra, 1977 BOMLR 259 Cite this Article
5. Constitution of India Article 245 Dr. Monika Jain. Union of India v. Mohit
6. Constitution of India Article 248 Minerals Pvt. Ltd.—GST Validity
7. Constitution of India Article 246A Analysis. Journal of Taxation and
8. Constitution of India Article 246 Regulatory Framework. 2018; 1(2): 33–
9. Constitution of India Article 254 36p.
10. Constitution of India Article 248
11. Constitution of India Article 246A

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