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The original Khawarij were the descendents of a man named Dhul-Khuwaysarah, as

prophesied by the Messenger of Allah (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace).
They are the sect that were responsible for the killing of many of his companions. They
differ from the followers of the Salaf (the Prophet and his companions) in that they do
not restrict themselves to the understanding which the Salaf had when applying texts
related to takfir (excommunication). Hence, they use textual evidences, but fall short in
understanding them. This is why the likes of Osama Bin Laden make unrestricted takfir.

Regarding the Khawarij, Shaykh Salih al-Fawzan, one of the great Salafi scholars of this
time, said: "So having enthusiasm and an over-protective love for the religion is not
sufficient. They must be founded upon knowledge and understanding of Allah's religion."
[Shaykh Salih al-Fawzan, Lamha 'an-il-Firaqid-Daallah]

The very first sect to split away from the main body of the Muslims. They will remain in
the Ummah till they fight alongside Dajjal against this Ummah.

The Khawaarij are a sect which came out to kill 'Alee ibn Abee Taalib (radhi-yallaahu
'anhu) concerning the issue of Ruling/ leadership.

The Khawarij believed that Mu`awiyah (may Allah be pleased with him) had committed
kufr by fighting against the Caliph, and that `Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) had
also committed kufr by agreeing to an arbitration. They were a strictly religious group
who believed that any sin was kufr. They eventually fragmented into around twenty
sects, each accusing the others of kufr. The Ibadiyyah is one of these sects, and
remnants of them can be found to this day in Oman and North Africa.

Their chosen path was one of distancing themselves from 'Uthmaan ibn 'Affaan and 'Alee
ibn Abee Taalib (radhi-yallaahu 'anhumaa), and condoning walking out against the
Imaam (leader) and seeking to overthrow him if he opposes the Sunnah. Likewise, they
would make takfeer (render someone a kaafir) of anyone who commits a major sin and
claim that he will forever abide in the Fire of Hell.

Ash-Shahrastaanee defines them as: ((Anyone who walks out against (seeking to
overthrow) the true appointed Imaam (leader) upon whose leadership the Jamaa'ah is in
agreement is called a Khaarijee. This is the case, despite whether the walking out
(against the Imaam) occurred in the days of the Rightly- Guided Khulafaa. or other than
them from the Taabi'een)).

And some of the pious predecessors used to call all those who practiced Islaam based
upon their desires as Khawaarij.

The Khawaarij were the first sect to appear in the history of Islaam, splitting up into
more than 20 different sub-sects. However, it is said that the major sub-sects of the
Khawaarij are seven:

1) al-Mahkamah al-Oolaa;
2) al-Azaariqah;
3) an-Najdaat;
4) ath-Thu'aalabah;
5) al-'Ajaaridah;
6) al-Abaadhiyyah;
7) as-Safriyyah.
Some of the other sub-sects include:

1) al-Ibaathiyyah;
2) ash-Shamraakhiyyah;
3) as-Salaydiyyah;
4) as-Sirriyyah;
5) al-'Azriyyah;
6) al-'Ajradiyyah;
7) ash-Shakkiyyah;
8) al-Fadhaliyyah;
9) al-Bayhasiyyah;
10) al-'Atwiyyah;
11) al-Fadeekiyyah;
12) al-Ja'diyyah;
13) ash-Shaybiyyah;
14) al-Hurooriyyah;
15) al-Khamariyyah;
16) ash-Sharaah.



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