5-Jksabc 52 3
5-Jksabc 52 3
5-Jksabc 52 3
Department of Food Science and Technology, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 702-701, Republic of Korea
Received March 26, 2009; Accepted April 8, 2009
Functional components from Campbell Early grape peel were extracted by ultrasound-assisted
extraction technology. The experiments were carried out according to a five level, three variable
central composite rotatable design. The best possible combinations of extraction variables were
obtained for the maximum phenolic compounds and antioxidant activities of grape peel extracts
using response surface methodology. The optimal conditions include 53.14% ethanol, 46.03 C o
temperature and 24.03 min time for the maximum total phenolic compounds (6.70 mg GAE/
100 mL) and 53.06% ethanol, 50.65 C temperature and 25.58 min time for the maximum
antioxidant activity (555.90 mg/L). Under these conditions, the experimental total phenolics were
6.67 mg GAE/100 mL and antioxidant activity was 554.84 mg/L of the grape peel extract, which is
well matched with the predicted values.
Key words: antioxidant activity, grape peel, response surface methodology, total phenols, ultrasound
assisted extraction
Grapes (Vitis vinifera) are among the most widely al., 1997].
consumed fruits and the demand for grapes and grape Extraction is a very important stage in the isolation,
products is increasing because of the associated health identification and use of phenolic compounds [Lapornik
benefits [Ghafoor et al., 2008]. Grapes are rich in et al., 2005]. The recovery of these components is
phenolic compounds [Sanchez-Alonso et al., 2008] with commonly performed through a solvent-extraction
approximately 75% of grape polyphenols existing in the procedure and the concentration of solvent, time and
skin and seeds. Grape skin phenols may be classified as temperature are important parameters to be optimized for
cell-wall phenols, which are bound to polysaccharides by maximum recovery of the targeted compounds [Spigno et
hydrophobic interactions and hydrogen bonds, non-cell- al., 2007]. Response surface methodology (RSM) has
wall phenols, encompassing phenols confined in the been applied in the industrial processes for optimization
vacuoles of plant cells, and phenols associated with the of response of interest [Wang et al., 2008]. Ultrasound-
cell nucleus [Pinelo et al., 2006]. The positive physiological assisted extraction is an inexpensive, simple and efficient
effects associated with the consumption of grape and alternative to conventional extraction techniques. The
grape derivatives are currently believed to be mainly due enhancement in extraction obtained by using ultrasound
to the antiradical and antioxidant properties of the is mainly attributed to the effect of acoustic cavitations
occurring phenolic species [Lurton, 2003]. Phenolic produced in the solvent by the passage of an ultrasound
compounds can be used in different therapeutic wave [Wang et al., 2008]. Ultrasound also offers a
procedures with the purpose of free radical neutralization mechanical effect allowing greater penetration of solvent
in biological systems [Yilmaz and Toledo, 2004] and into the sample matrix, increasing the contact surface area
oxidation of human low-density lipoproteins [Meyer et between the solid and liquid phase, as a result the solute
quickly diffuses from the solid phase to the solvent
*Corresponding author [Rostagno et al., 2003]. It has been reported that application
Phone: +82-53-950-5777; Fax: +82-53-950-6772 of ultrasound-assisted extraction in grape peel can
E-mail: yhechoi@knu.ac.kr enhance the recovery of functional compounds up to 30%
as compared to conventional solvent extraction [Cho et
Abbreviations: GAE, gallic acid equivalent; RSM, response sur- al., 2006]. In addition the use of ultrasound-assisted
face methodology; SD, standard deviation
extraction also prevents the possible chemical degradation
doi:10.3839/jksabc.2009.052 of targeted compounds [Wang and Weller, 2006].
296 Kashif Ghafoor and Yong Hee Choi
In this study, ultrasound-assisted extraction parameters data of response variables such as total phenols ( ) and Y1
such as the solvent concentration, extraction temperature antioxidant activity ( ) obtained by triplicate observations
and extraction time were optimized using RSM, by as effected by the extraction conditions and was fitted into
employing a five level, three variable central composite an empiric second order polynomial model as shown in
rotatable design, in order to obtain the optimal conditions the following equation:
for the extraction of functional components from the peel 2 2 2
identified as ‘Campbell Early’. All the chemicals used Analysis for total phenolic compounds. The total
were of analytical grade and they were purchased either phenolic compounds were analyzed using the Folin
from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO) or Duksan Ciocalteu method with some modification [Singleton and
Pure Chemical Co. (Ansan, Korea). Rossi, 1965]. A 200 µL properly diluted sample or a
Ultrasonic-assisted extraction from grape peel. standard solution of varying concentrations were mixed
Grapes were excised from the stems and washed. Grapes with 400 µL Folin Ciocalteu reagent. The deionized
were manually cut into halves and the grape peels were water was used for dilution and control. The solution was
separated with a knife. Grape peel was oven dried at 50 Co
diluted to a total volume of 4.6 mL using deionized water
until the moisture level was constant. Dried grape peel then thoroughly mixed. After incubation for 10 min at
was ground to a powdered form using an electrical room temperature, 1 mL of 20% Na CO solution was
2 3
grinder. A sample of 2 g powdered grape peel was kept in added then immediately mixed and incubated for 2 h. The
a glass flask and the volume was made up to100 mL with absorbance was read at 765 nm on a spectrophotometer
the extraction solvent. Contents were dissolved by using a (TU-1800; Human Corporation, Seoul, Korea).
magnetic stirrer (KMC 130SH; Vision Scientific Co., Measurements were recorded in triplicates. Gallic acid of
Ltd., Daegu, Korea) for 5 min. Ultrasonic assisted 1 mg/mL was used as the standard and the total phenolic
extraction was performed in a sonication water bath (JAC compounds of the samples were expressed in milligram
Ultrasonic 2010P; Jinwoo Engineering Co., Ltd., gallic acid equivalent (GAE) per 100 mL (mg GAE/100
Hwasung, Korea) with a useful volume of 10 L. The mL).
working frequency was fixed at 40 KHz and the Determination of antioxidant activity. The antioxidant
temperature and time of extraction was controlled from activity of the grape peel extracts was evaluated by the
the panel. After extraction the flask was cooled to room phosphomolybdenum complex method [Prieto ., et al
temperature using cool water. The extract was filtered 1999]. In brief, 0.4 mL of sample solution (100 mL of
through filter paper No 5A under vacuum and the grape seed extract dissolved in 1 mL of methanol) was
solution was collected in a volumetric flask. It was then combined with 4 mL of reagent solution containing 0.6
used for the determination of total phenolics compounds, M sulphuric aicd, 2 mM sodium phosphate and 4 mM
antioxidants and anthocyanin contents. All the measurements ammonium molybdate. The blank solution contained 4
were carried out in triplicates and the data reported were mL of reagent solution and the 1 mL of methanol. Test
means±SD. tubes were caped and placed in hot water for 90 min at
Experimental design. A five level, three variable 95 C. After samples were cooled to room temperature
central composite rotatable design [Cochran and Cox, absorbance was measured at 695 nm against a blank.
1992] was applied to determine the best combination of Antioxidant activity was expressed relative to that of
extraction variables for the extraction of total phenolic ascorbic acid.
compounds and antioxidants from grape peel. Three Statistical analysis. All the analysis was carried out in
independent variables selected for this study were the triplicates and the experimental results obtained were
concentration of solvent, the extraction temperature and expressed as means±SD. The responses obtained from
the extraction time. The factorial design consisted of eight the experimental design set were subjected to multiple
factorial points, six axial points (two axial points on the nonlinear regression analysis to obtain the coefficients of
axis of each design variable at a distance of 1.68 from the the second polynomial model. The quality of the fit of
design center) and four center points leading to 18 sets of polynomial model was expressed by the coefficient of
experiments. Regression analysis was performed on the determination , and its statistical significance was
Ultrasonic Assisted Extraction from Grape Peel 297
checked using an F-test. The optimal extraction Table 2. Regression coefficients and analysis of the
conditions were estimated through three dimensional model for three response variables
response surface analyses of the three independent Coefficients estimated
variables and each dependent variable. Statistical analysis Coefficient
Total phenols Antioxidants
was performed by using the Statistical Analysis System
(SAS, version 9.1). Data was analyzed by analysis of b0 -3.143 -309.130
variance and the mean values were considered significantly b1 0.144b 14.447b
different at p<0.05. b2 0.113b 7.774c
b3 0.278b 22.225b
b11 -0.001b -0.120b
Results and Discussion
b22 -0.001b -0.098b
Modeling of the extraction process from grape peel. b33 -0.006a -0.538a
In order to optimize the extraction process with reference b12 -0.000 -0.022
to the extraction of phenolic and antioxidant components b13 -0.001 -0.023
b23 0.001 0.129
from grape peel under sonication a central composite Probability of F
design was developed as represented in Table 1. Table 1 value <0.001 <0.001
also presents the experimental values of total phenols and Probability of lack
antioxidant activities of grape peel extracts at various of fit 0.06 0.09
experimental conditions. The results of analysis of ‘a’ means p<0.001, ‘b’ means p<0.01, ‘c’ means p<0.05
variance, goodness of fit and the adequacy of the models
are summarized in Table 2. The data showed a good fit
with the Eq. (1) which were statistically acceptable at Effect of process variables on the total phenolics
p <0.05 and adequate with satisfactory R2 values. The full compounds. Solid-liquid extraction is a mass transport
model filled Eq. (1) was used for three dimensional plots phenomenon in which solids contained in a matrix
to predict the relationships between independent variables migrate into solvent brought into contact with the matrix.
and the dependent variables. This mass transport phenomenon can be enhanced with
Table 1. Experimental design of five-level, three-variable central composite design and total phenols and antioxidant
activities of ultrasonic assisted grape peel extracts
Extraction conditions and Analytical resultsa
Test set X1, Ethanol X2, Extraction X3, Extraction time Total phenols Antioxidant activity
concentration (%) temperature (C) (Min) (mg GAE/100 mL) (mg/L)
1 40 (-1) 30 (-1) 15 (-1) 5.74 455.23
2 40 (-1) 30 (-1) 25 (+1) 6.12 493.80
3 40 (-1) 50 (+1) 15 (-1) 5.98 476.49
4 40 (-1) 50 (+1) 25 (+1) 6.47 526.99
5 60 (+1) 30 (-1) 15 (-1) 6.10 484.47
6 60 (+1) 30 (-1) 25 (+1) 6.29 504.56
7 60 (+1) 50 (+1) 15 (-1) 6.09 483.03
8 60 (+1) 50 (+1) 25 (+1) 6.55 542.86
9 33 (-1.68) 40 (0) 20 (0) 5.95 475.23
10 67 (+1.68) 40 (0) 20 (0) 6.49 527.71
11 50 (0) 23 (-1.68) 20 (0) 5.88 476.49
12 50 (0) 57 (-1.68) 20 (0) 6.46 539.37
13 50 (0) 40 (0) 11 (-1.68) 5.51 444.28
14 50 (0) 40 (0) 29 (-1.68) 6.56 540.26
15 50 (0) 40 (0) 20 (0) 6.51 531.83
16 50 (0) 40 (0) 20 (0) 6.53 527.71
17 50 (0) 40 (0) 20 (0) 6.58 533.98
18 50 (0) 40 (0) 20 (0) 6.52 539.55
Analytical results are means±SD (n=3).
298 Kashif Ghafoor and Yong Hee Choi
−0.001 2 -0.006 3
X (2)
To determine the optimal levels of variables for the
ultrasound-assisted extraction of total phenols from grape
peel, three-dimensional surface plots (Fig. 1) were
constructed according to the Eq. (2). Extraction process
variables significantly effected ( <0.05) the extraction of
contents. A similar linear increase in total phenolic extraction time. The lowest yield of antioxidants (444.28
contents with the increase of extraction temperature at a mg/L) was observed in experimental run 13. Statistical
fixed extraction time, while an obvious quadratic effect of analysis revealed that most relevant variable with
extraction time were both observed (Fig. 1C). p<0.001 was extraction time. The extraction time has this
Effect of process variables on the antioxidant kind of effect on the antioxidant activity because
activity. The mean experimental data showing the increasing the contact time of the solvent with solids may
Ultrasonic Assisted Extraction from Grape Peel 299
−0.098 2 −0.538 3
2 2
Table 3. Estimated optimum conditions, predicted and experimental values of responses under these conditions
Optimum extraction conditions Maximum value
Response variables R2 R2-adjust F-value p-value
Ethanol (%) Temp ( C) Time (min) Estimated Experimentala
Total phenols
(mg GAE/100 mL) 0.959 0.936 20.85 0.0001 53.14 46.03 24.03 6.70 006.67±0.03
Antioxidant activities 0.948 0.920 20.94 0.0001 53.06 50.65 25.58 555.90 554.84±0.56
Means±standard deviation (n=3).
fragmentation process while facilitating mass transfer of Prieto P, Pineda M, and Aguilar M (1999) Spectrophotomet-
solutes to the extraction solvent (Toma ., 2001).
at al ric quantitation of antioxidant capacity through the for-
mation of a phosphomolybdenum complex: specific
Acknowledgments. This study was supported through application to the determination of vitamin E. Anal Bio-
Grape Research Projects’ Group by Agriculture R&D chem 269, 337-341.
Promotion Center, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Revilla E, Ryan JM, and Martin OG (1998) Comparison of
South Korea. several procedures used for the extraction of anthocya-
nins from red grapes. J Agric Food Chem 46, 4592-
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